Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 348 Entering the abyss

Chapter 348 Entering the abyss
Five people and five spirit cards took Wang Qi nearly seven days.

For the past seven days, Wang Qi stayed inside the gourd, while the others moved freely outside.The gourd was carried by Xu Wen with him.

During the seven days, two days were used to deduce and perfect the Qishui Wenxian Sword.To be honest, this name is really not very good, but Wang Qi can't help it. After all, it is the crystallization of everyone's common wisdom.

And after making the first spirit card, the following ones are much simpler, practice makes perfect.

If it is said that Wang Qi created the sword formula himself, Xinghe Wanhua Sword Jue represents the ultimate "complexity". Condition.

And this set of Qishuiwenxianjianjue represents the ultimate "simplification".

The whole set of sword formulas only has twelve sword styles, which is half less than Wang Qi's 24 solar term sword techniques.

But these twelve sword moves are not simple, each move is the crystallization of the swordsmanship of four people.You know, among these four people, two are famous sword celestial beings, one is senior disciple of Li Changkong, and the rest Wang Qi is an asshole.

Therefore, these twelve ways of swordsmanship are all back-to-basics masterpieces, simple but not crude, and each sword strike has earth-shattering power.

After making the twelve-way swordsmanship into a spirit card, Wang Qi resisted the urge to fuse all five spirit cards together, and then chose to exit.

It wasn't that he didn't want to make more, but that he found that the key materials were not enough.

The card base material used to make this spirit card, searched all over his collection, and it was only enough to make five cards, if it was a little bit worse, Shi Xiaozhu would be useless.Vivienne made it clear that she didn't need it, so it happened that she didn't have it.

As soon as he came out of the gourd, Wang Qi saw that Xu Wen was sitting in a teahouse, sipping tea leisurely.None of the others were there, apparently everyone had split up.

"You came out. It looks like it turned out to be a success?"

Xu Wen was not surprised when he saw Wang Qi appearing suddenly, but just refilled him with a cup of tea.

He took the teacup and took a sip. Although the tea is very ordinary, everyone is used to drinking the tea made by Wang Qi with spiritual water. The taste can be said to be very good, but now sitting in this teahouse, listening to The masked singer in the middle of the teahouse played and sang on the piano, which was quite different.

"Well, pretty successful, here."

Wang Qi casually threw a spirit card over.

Xu Wen took it, flipped through it twice, and then summoned the Book of Spirit Cards into it.

"This kind of spiritual card is indeed interesting. The attributes are not clearly stated, and you need to explore and use it yourself. But fortunately, it is created by us together, so you don't have to worry about it. And practicing it yourself can stimulate its true attributes even more. It's an advantage."

Xu Wen quietly experienced the clear and transparent feeling after the spirit card was equipped, and then slowly commented.

"Not bad. It's a pity that there are not enough materials. Otherwise, I can make more. Even if I take it back, it will be a good gift for relatives and friends."

After the two people communicated, they stopped talking and quietly sipped tea and listened to music, a rare leisure.

After such a leisurely afternoon, Xu Wen's voice transmission bell rang. It turned out to be Shi Xiaozhu calling, and he called Xu Wen to eat.

So the two got up and left the teahouse together, and went to join the crowd.

After everyone met, they were quite pleasantly surprised by Wang Qi's appearance.After all, when Wang Qi came out, it meant that each of them would have an extra mythical spirit card.Everyone firmly believed in the level of this set of sword tactics.

"Haha, I wanted to joke that I didn't succeed. I really want to see your disappointed expressions."

When Wang Qi saw that everyone was looking at him expectantly, he made a joke.

"Stop making trouble, quickly take it out!"

Several people urged up one after another.

"All right, here we go."

After throwing the spirit card to a few people, they immediately looked at it excitedly, and even Shi Xiaozhu couldn't help but study this Reya-style spirit card over and over again.

Next, everyone briefly talked about the situation in the past few days. Each of them has the storage bell and the cave bell given by Wang Qi, and they can also store a lot of supplies, so taking advantage of these few days, they bought and stored a lot of things as a next-generation Reserve for the down journey.

Because places like the abyss are not suitable for human survival. There must be no food and water sources, and it will definitely not work if you are not prepared.

Wang Qi didn't comment. He certainly wouldn't say that his avatar could transport a large amount of supplies from the real world at any time, so he didn't have to worry about food and drink.

By the way, the avatar has been traveling with all its strength during the past few days, and has already returned to Huabang territory, and returned to Wang Qi's home in Shui'an City.

I secretly went to see a few partners in the company. I haven't contacted them for a long time. They are still living a normal life.Because Wang Qi said before that he might be away for a very long time this time, everyone didn't have anything to worry about, and even... no one mentioned him at all.

Wang Qi secretly switched back, called his parents to report his safety, and then left a message for Xiaobai.Xiaobai and his master still don't know which secret realm they are in, and the two are still in a half-lost state of communicating through messages.

Alas, this love talk is almost as if there is no talk at all.

Other friends, such as the female snitch Yan Zhiyun, and the buddies from the association in the imperial capital, have all come to greet Wang Qi.Wang Qi wrote them down one by one, and planned to wait until he officially returned to the real world.

After making full preparations, the next day everyone went to the Wuhuang Palace together to say goodbye to the Wuhuang, and then officially set off.

Wang Qi had left a coordinate point outside the kingdom of giants before, and he could jump out directly by void jumping.Putting everyone else into the gourd, Wang Qi jumped out of the huge city wall and bid farewell to this country where giants and ordinary people coexist.

Maybe there are still many interesting things in this country waiting for him to discover, and the previous brain holes are also waiting for his verification.But life is like this, it is impossible to stay in one place all the time, and there is no place where there will be some regrets.Wang Qi deeply understood this point, so he left as soon as he said it, and just came back when he had the opportunity.

Let everyone out, this time everyone is going to fly together.

Because five people have the same sword formula, the speed of flying with this sword formula will be about the same, so there is no need to worry about anyone falling behind.And Vivian is even more convenient. She used a witchcraft to turn herself into a pocket version of a little person, who hid directly in Shi Xiaozhu's chest and skirt, revealing only a small head, and let Shi Xiaozhu take it with him. It is very convenient for her to fly.

"This witchcraft is called 'my husband took me to heaven', you can't learn it."

Seeing everyone looking at Shi Xiaozhu enviously, Wang Qi promptly said the name of the witchcraft to make up for it.

Speaking of which, how did Vivienne learn all the witchcraft in the "husband" series? Wang Qi, who knew very well what kind of witchcraft was in this series, couldn't help but shiver.I feel... Shi Xiaozhu's married life is very worrying...

The five people all used the Qishui Asking Immortal Sword Art, and drove side by side in the air. While flying, they tried out sword skills and exchanged experience with each other, so that this sword art was quickly mastered by everyone.Even Shi Xiaozhu, a parallel importer, can now bluff people with this set of sword formulas.This is the advantage of the heat sub-type spirit card, because the attribute is simple, so there is no need to invest a lot of spiritual power to activate it, but it can be used immediately by everyone who equips it.

From this point of view, maybe the high-end spiritual cards of the Reya series will have a great market prospect in the real world in the future?

The five tried their swords together, but the monster below suffered a disaster.No one explicitly proposed to compare who has the better comprehension of swordsmanship, but judging from the simplicity to the extreme every time and the efficiency of sealing the throat with one sword, several people are a little tighter in secret.

Quickly see through the monster's weakness, and use the sword tactics to exert the most appropriate strength, not too much, not too little, to cut a fatal wound that can just kill the monster. This is what several people are currently doing.

Occasionally, some rough-skinned and thick-skinned guys appear, and this is the moment to compete.Of course, Wang Qi felt embarrassed that the Master of Data cheated, so he took the initiative to quietly stop and let the other players have a good time.

Stopping and flying all the way, when you want to rest, you stop and find a place to have a picnic in the open air, which has become the most leisurely and happy period since a few people went to sea.

After many days, everyone finally saw the dangerous place in front of them, the abyss of hopelessness, which the Witch Emperor said required extreme caution.

Even an ordinary person, seeing the distorted scene above the abyss in the distance, the huge cliffs emitting an ominous atmosphere all the time, and the strong smell of sulfur in the air, can conclude that it must not be a good place .

And, as the Wu Huang said, the more you go to the cliff, the more you feel that flying in the air is already a very difficult thing.Until everyone came to the edge of the cliff together, everyone fell to the ground because they couldn't fly anymore.

Although there are no space-type ability users among the few people, they can also feel that this space has become a real no-flying place.At least their strength can no longer allow them to fly into the sky.

Of course, the flying sword weapon can still be used, but the range of the envoy is much smaller, and the sword body is also very heavy when used, which is equivalent to adding a DEBUFF out of thin air.

"Xiaozhu, you two should go inside the gourd first."

Fifth Wangxian turned to Shi Xiaozhu and said.

"Okay, then you must be careful."

Shi Xiaozhu was not hypocritical, and Wang Qi took Vivian into the gourd with him.

"Okay, let's go."

Seeing that everyone was ready, Fifth Wangxian took the initiative to be the one giving orders.

The Witch Emperor said that if you can't fly, you can only climb down the cliff.He drew Wang Qi a map of the best route he had traveled before. This route needs to go down the cliff to enter the territory of the tenth floor, and then find a landmark to pass through. , reach the cliff on the other side of the abyss crack, and then just climb up when the time comes.

Wang Qi has already memorized the road map very well, and now he only needs to go down to the tenth floor, and he will be responsible for guiding everyone to find the road sign.

The four of them were not wordy people, so they directly adopted the simplest method, jumped down together, and then started running down the rock wall.

Treating the rock wall as if it were a flat ground, the four of them walked like flying, slightly adjusted their bodies and tilted downwards, and their running speed was not slow at all, and they even accelerated deliberately.

The Witch Emperor said that the only thing in the abyss that penetrates from top to bottom is the rock walls on both sides.So as long as you don't break away from the rock wall, even if each floor is a different space, blocked by invisible barriers, you can still pass through easily.

Of course, it's not so convenient when going up, because this layer of barrier naturally has the ability to suppress the demons on the lower layers to go up.

The reason why the Witch Emperor recommended the tenth floor for this route is because when he crossed the abyss many years ago, there was no lord on the tenth floor.

Perhaps the lord of this floor had just been defeated and was swallowed or killed by the enemy, so there was such a gap to exploit.

You must know that demons are also one of the famous long-lived species in myths and legends. It is not very easy to upgrade and evolve from ordinary demons to lord level.

Since an unknown existence has killed this lord, it is bound to clean up the tenth floor as well, which means that there will be no new lords on the tenth floor for a long time.

Unless there is an upper-level lord who wants to occupy this floor, he will take the initiative to leave the original floor and come to the tenth floor.But demons are just as smart, or cunning, as humans.They will not take risks easily, they must be alone at that time, and only when they have accumulated enough strength and subordinates, the demons at the upper level will consider migrating downward.

Of course, the Witch Emperor suspects that after so many years, whether the upper-level demon lords have received any news is a problem.

Having said so much, what he meant was that as long as luck is not too bad, there won't be too many problems on the tenth floor. As long as you proceed step by step, you can pass it easily.

The four walked like flying, stepping on the rock wall and descending rapidly like a meteor falling to the ground.However, the abyss, the abyss, and the bottomless depth are the basic characteristics.The four of them ran for nearly a full day before they felt that they had passed through a barrier that I don't know how to describe.

Not to mention, the faster it falls, the faster it falls.It seems that the laws of physics are not universal here. After their speed is increased to a certain level, they will never change.

As soon as they entered the first floor, the four of them immediately felt a scorching, strong breath blowing towards their faces.

Looking down, it was a river of magma burning with different colors, most of which was black.In these rivers, countless small demons of various types are constantly being born.As soon as they were born, they began to compete with their own kind, killing each other until they were full, and then began to evolve for the first time.

Outside the river, in some places, you can see scattered patches of weird plants with unknown fruits on them, which seem to have no desire to eat.But those little devils who have evolved a little bit will occasionally come to pick these fruits and eat them with big mouthfuls. It seems that this is their rations except for their own kind.

 Ah, June is finally over.

  Work is extraordinarily busy, and there are other things.I also encountered some difficulties in writing. I didn't know what I wrote in the things I sent out for several days, just look at the title.

  Reluctantly, I finally finished this month.After using two leave slips, I managed to keep my full attendance. What a humble writer.

  Next month... don't know how work will be, but I guess it will still be very busy.I hope I can adjust my writing status better, and try my best to write the next plot well.

  By the way, I originally wanted to finish this book this month because of my poor grades.But... After writing with an empty head for several days, I found that I still wanted to finish writing the plot in my heart.

  So, don't worry, this book will take a while to write. Even if it is water, I will write a lot of words to push the plot to the end reasonably.

  Here, I would like to say sorry to the dozen or so friends who have subscribed to my book. It’s still the same sentence. Sometimes I feel that my chapters are not worth subscribing, so please don’t subscribe. It’s okay to watch the pirated version, as long as I am willing to watch it, I will be very happy.Who hasn't come from watching pirated copies?

  thank you all.

(End of this chapter)

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