Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 349 Who Has Spared Who?

Chapter 349 Who Has Spared Who?

"How much longer do we have to go down?"

Duan Shuiliu yelled at Wang Qi, and cut a demon with two wings and one horn in half with his sword, and fell down.

The burst of blue blood attracted its kind flying nearby, and rushed towards the wreckage of its corpse, sharing and eating them.

A group of demons are like the most primitive beasts, gnawing on the corpses of their own kind, without feeling any strangeness at all.

"This is only the third floor, keep running, it's early."

Wang Qi replied.Although it's not the first time to answer, but if you don't talk, it will be a bit boring, and everyone will find something to talk about to relieve each other's boredom.

"Damn it, how deep is this layer!"

Duan Shuiliu yelled, while cutting down an approaching demon again with the long sword in his hand boredly, causing a new round of chaos.

From the second floor down, there are a lot of flying demons in the air.And in the process of their downward rush, there will always be a single flying in the air, or a group of different demons, coming towards them again.

The ferocious face, sharp fangs, strange appearance, the smell of sulfur on the body, and occasionally several kinds of flames with strange colors all prove that these are indeed different from the ordinary beasts and monsters on the ground. Same, they are the legendary demons.

Each layer of space in the abyss is different from the outside world, and it becomes very strange.Although looking down, you can clearly see that not too far away is the ground that is not much different from the first floor. There are barren red soil everywhere, as well as rivers of lava, and weird plants with teeth and claws.However, an invisible rule spread here, no matter how fast they ran, it would take a long time to really touch the ground.

If this rule is put in layman's terms, it is probably...Wangshan runs to death?

Everyone's goal was the tenth layer of abyss. Before that, they had always firmly remembered the Witch Emperor's advice, that is, not to leave the rock wall.

So the four of them carefully kept their feet running on the rock wall, and kept sprinting downward.

The third layer is probably rich in this kind of double-winged demons, so there are especially many groups of demons flying in the air.They attack and fight each other, their energy seems to be endless, and they vividly express the chaos of the abyss world and the law of the jungle.

Everyone held their swords in their hands, except Wang Qi.

Wang Qi's methods have always been very diverse. At this moment, the flying sword cannot be used, because the space rules here are a bit chaotic, and the flying sword is easy to come back if it is too far away, so other people have changed from long-range to melee.But Wang Qi still has the bow of the starry sky and the land of elemental tyranny.

Speaking of which, among his Spirit Cards, there are several types that are specific to the abyss, and the land of elemental tyranny is one of them.

A long spear with a light attribute was deliberately randomized, because this attribute has a natural and great restraint effect on demons.

Pull the trigger, and the magic bullet draws a dazzling beam of light in the dark abyss environment, hitting a demon with its teeth and claws hard, blasting him into two pieces.

And even if it hits a particularly powerful existence among the demons, the starry sky arrow effect attached to the bullet will tenaciously remain in its body, and the star power is raging in the body, while supplementing Wang Qi's spiritual power from the air, In the end, it will be killed by Wang Qi on its way.

"Wang Qi, where did you get this gun! It's so handsome!"

Duan Shuiliu asked enviously.

He was brought to the spirit world by Li Changkong since he was a child, and except for the extreme machine empire, the rest of the spirit world is respected by various fantasy abilities. The development of firearms here is not good, and even most of them They can only be used as weapons for fighting between ordinary people, and it is useless for a spirit card master to hold them.

Unlike the shot in Wang Qi's hands, the cool special effects, cool glare, and bullets that explode when shot out are simply the best choice for pretending to be aggressive.

"I got it by chance. If I have a chance in the future, I'll get one for you too!"

Wang Qi replied casually, while blasting a demon's head again.

The fifth Wangxian also came up with other means, besides the flying sword, he also has talismans, and all kinds of talismans are constantly emerging around him, flying into those demons and exploding, the dazzling special effects are not inferior to Wang Qi .

Only Xu Wen was relatively low-key. He didn't know when he took out a book, and he was distracted, running non-stop while reading it with gusto.And the demons who approached him would be shrouded in a cloud of mist, and then they would kill each other on their own, endlessly.

"I really envy you! I really want to go to the real world to play! There are too few tricks for spirit cards here!"

Duan Shuiliu made a sound of envy.

The four of them were like four shooting stars, all the way down the rock wall of the abyss, shining brightly.

"It seems to be intruders. Sir, do you want to catch and eat them?"

In the middle of the far third floor, on a hill piled up with countless boulders, sat a huge demon that was the same as the one Wang Qi and the others kept killing, but hundreds of times bigger. demon.

Around it, there were more than a dozen demons of the same kind that were only as tall as its legs, but they were only more than ten meters long, and they were obviously its subordinates.

"It's the taste of humans. I haven't tasted it for a long time. Go, catch them for me! Don't steal them by yourself, or you won't want to live anymore!"

The roar of the huge demon lord rolled like thunder and spread far away.

When the subordinates around him heard his order, they flew out in a half-swoosh, trying to grab the top spot for this work.

In their view, human beings are a kind of delicious food.Although every human who can come to the abyss seems to be not easy to mess with, but these demons have never seen human beings since they were born, and only in the distant memory of the lord, they know the horrors of some human beings who have passed by .

So it sits as firmly as Mount Tai by itself, and only allows its subordinates to test it out.

If these humans are all weak, then his subordinates will naturally bring them here, and he can have a good meal.But if they are not easy to mess with, it doesn't matter if the subordinates go down to die. Anyway, there are so many subordinates, and it won't take many years for new subordinates to come in.

This wishful thinking had just sounded, and those demon subordinates probably would not have thought that they had become cannon fodder for the lord to test.

Flying is the privilege of demons in the abyss.Unlike outsiders who are disturbed by rules, demons naturally ignore this chaotic space, and even blend into it.

So Wang Qi and the others were still running on the rock wall, but these huge demons had already flew in front of the four of them like sharp arrows.

"Sure enough, they are delicious humans! Offer up your flesh and blood!"

The demons were screaming and screaming, but they uttered these words clearly.

"Hey, it seems to be a rare guest, a demon of the intelligent species?"

Fifth Wangxian glanced at these demons with great interest.

"It seems that it is the elite of the devil. Maybe it is the subordinate of this level of master? Did it find us?"

Wang Qi looked in the direction where these demons were flying, but his sight was blocked by the dim environment and the smoky atmosphere.

"No matter what, the comers are not good. One person, two? The remaining one will be done by whoever kills first."

There were a total of nine giant demons that flew over, and Duan Shuiliu allocated them in the blink of an eye, and the others had no objections.

If you can't leave the rock wall under your feet, you can only attack passively.However, Wang Qi didn't panic when facing these two demons assigned to him.

This time, he repeatedly pulled the trigger of the spear in his hand, and the magic bullets poured out as if they didn't need money. The two demons facing him were bigger and easier to hit. They almost didn't need to aim, and they were hit head-on by the bullets.

Only, this time the bullet didn't work.

Facing the helpless little devil with four people, after evolving to this level, it seems that he has some very powerful racial innate abilities.

Wang Qi only saw that when the bullets hit in front of them, those bullets seemed to lose all their kinetic energy in an instant, and their speed became extremely slow.And the spiritual power structure contained in it is also rapidly dissipating, turning into the spiritual power in the world in a blink of an eye, and disappearing.

There was no movement at all, the talents of these demons neutralized Wang Qi's attack invisible.

"...slowness, or aging?"

Frowning slightly, Wang Qi tried to use in-game terms to analyze the ability of this demon, but his subordinates didn't stop, and the bullets were still pouring out.

The two demons giggled and flew towards Wang Qi with countless bullets.Then, what greeted them was a huge sword light.

The Galaxy Wanhua Sword Art - Yanhuang.

There is no need to care about the fact that the flying sword flies too far and cannot be retrieved. Since when is the spirit card master afraid of losing something, Wang Qi summoned the flying sword without hesitation. The sword energy of red light and scorching red flame slashed towards the two demons in an instant.

At the same time, several special effects of Xinghe Wanhua Sword Art were activated together. Wanshui summoned a beam of Zhouguang True Water, Xingchen transformed into a meteor with great power like a meteorite, and Xingle made these two people who would never be together for a lifetime. A guy who knows what music is, heard a really weird and weird music.

This time their abilities still worked.It's just that this dazzling sword light is reconstructed from at least thousands of exquisite sword-style runes, and the spiritual power contained in it, as well as the three accompanying effects, cannot be eliminated instantly by their natural abilities.

So the two demons seemed to be stopped by a rope, and the huge kinetic energy brought them to fly backwards, as fast as they came, as fast as they left.The scouring of Zhouguang's real water made their invisible defense wall violently consumed, and the meteors turned into stardust exploded and rolled up huge air waves, and the music that no one heard except the two demons themselves... seemed It was a random effect... It actually caused the bodies of the two demons to shake violently.

Their bodies began to tremble meaninglessly, their eyes turned white, and their already ferocious faces became even more distorted, even distorted to the point where they wanted to change their faces into a different shape.

Of course, Wang Qi didn't forget to replenish the machine sword. Swish, swish, and dozens of the same sword qi flew out from the air. The body of the flying sword was hidden in it. One of the demons pierced his heart.

The other one was also twitching, and it didn't even have time to react. Its companion had just been pierced by the flying sword, and it didn't hold on for a second, and followed suit.

The whole process lasted about two to three seconds, and Wang Qi easily dealt with the two demons.

"I don't know what happened to the Xingle effect this time... It's really weird that it directly made the two demons lose their minds."

In any case, in short, he has already dealt with his opponent.Wang Qi looked at his companions and found that everyone's progress was about the same. In less than five seconds, all the giant demons that attacked had been dealt with one after another. The last extra one was directly surrounded by Xu Wen. The demons stalked together.


In the far central area of ​​the third floor, he has been watching the demon lord here through his eyes that can see the entire third floor, and is silent.

"Sure enough, they are human beings who are not easy to mess with. Forget it, judging by their appearance, they seem to be going down. The guy on the fifth floor just happens to be a little irritable recently, so let him go."

The demon lord talked to himself and found a step for himself, then closed his eyes and stopped talking.Only those demons who also saw the battle process and were terrified looked at each other, and no one dared to mention the meaning of capturing these few humans to taste.

Manipulating the water flow to roll the corpses of nine huge demons in front of him, Wang Qi put them away with a gourd.

Demons of this level can already be used as good crafting materials.Whether it's their tusks, horns, or claws, there's something to craft.The skins on their bodies and the hearts of demons in their bodies can be used as excellent materials for making elixir and spirit cards.

"However, probably these materials can only be used to make dark-type spirit cards?"

With this kind of material, it would be hell to make something with light attributes.

Taking a deep glance into the distance, although he still couldn't see the demon lord, Wang Qi believed that it would definitely be able to see his eyes.

This look was full of provocation, because Wang Qi felt that since his subordinates were so weak, the lord probably wasn't that strong either.

It seems to be a very good thing to have one more demon lord as a material.After all, this is only the third floor, and the lower the lower, the stronger the lord.If it weren't for the fact that it was difficult to walk to the opposite side after entering the third floor, Wang Qi would have thought that he could just start from here.

But if the Witch Emperor were here, he would definitely say that Wang Qi was a little ignorant.

Even the demon lords on the third floor are... equivalent to the existence of spirit card masters above level 600 in the real world.

Demon lords and ordinary demons are completely two species, and the changes in their life levels have made them the most powerful beings capable of occupying every level of abyss.

Moreover, when obtaining the title of lord, this demon will gain the ability to fight with the help of the entire abyss.

Therefore, the demon lord was unwilling to make a move, but he was too lazy to do so and was very cautious.

From the day it gained wisdom, it was very cautious in everything, which allowed it to survive until it became the strongest in this layer.

This time all is well, it is not clear who spared whom.

(End of this chapter)

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