Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 356 The Upside Down Castle

Chapter 356 The Upside Down Castle
But this is just the result that Wang Qi didn't take action himself, and only let the Shui Lings act.

He stretched out his hand and grasped it in vain, and the effect of the Ten Thousand Waters Control appeared, and those devil fish that had broken free from their shackles re-posed in various poses, appearing in all directions around them.

Just like the slow-motion special effects in the movie, all the enemies rushed over ferociously, and the camera began to rotate at this point, a piece of appropriate BGM appeared, and the protagonist even had time to blink and yawn.

"How can I only let you show off alone."

The fifth Wangxian laughed, and 36 long swords appeared in the void, all of which turned into stars that filled the sky.In these few days, he has re-integrated the Qishui Wenxian sword formula with his own original sword formula, and his sword skills have obviously improved a little.

You must know that at their level, every improvement is precious.

The 36 sword lights only appeared for a second, and they turned into [-] sword lights, and then continued to skyrocket until they turned into a dazzling light curtain, covering everything and almost blinding everyone's eyes.

Of course, the effect of this gorgeous move is equally gorgeous.All the devil fish in the 360-degree surrounding area disappeared completely, as if they had never appeared before.

"Okay, this move is handsome enough, but it's a bit eye-catching."

Duan Shuiliu praised him, he is stronger than Fifth Wangxian, so it is natural to see that Fifth Wangxian's swordsmanship has improved.

"Okay, stop posing, here we go again."

The number of demons is countless, and after killing a wave, there will be a steady stream of new additions, so everyone starts to shoot.

This situation became normal in the next two days.The five of them were killing these devil fishes while moving, almost wanting to kill them to the point of weakness.

"Don't you find it strange?"

Wang Qi asked.

"I have spread the summoned beasts around this layer, basically covering most of the center. However, I really thought that until now, I have not found the lord demon."

"Is it the same as the tenth floor, the old lord died?"

Xu Wen asked.

"No, probably not. The tenth floor does not have the status of a lord, have you all forgotten?"

Fifth Wangxian shook his head and denied Xu Wen's guess.

"That is, the lord of this layer is very special. Maybe it is hidden very deeply. Could it be invisible? We haven't found it yet."

Section water flow analysis.

"The feeling of always being hung up like this seems to be quite uncomfortable."

Shi Xiaozhu is a bit depressed now, the feeling of the road sign is not clear again, and he doesn't know which way to go.

"Then go ahead. If you keep searching like this, you will always find some clues."

Let's not talk too much, and continue to advance together while killing the devil fish.

As mentioned earlier, the underwater world is not dark, and the magma river below flows quietly without any influence at the bottom of the water, forming a wonderful coexistence relationship with the water.

Just half a day later, everyone came to the waters of a heart.

Wang Qi never forgot to use the condor with his right eye to observe nearby.At this moment, he suddenly saw that something was wrong at the bottom of a piece of water in front of him.

There... seems to be missing the most common thing here - the magma river.

Lacking the darkness of the magma river, it is impossible to see clearly what is hidden in the darkness.

"I found a special place ahead, do you want to see it?"

Wang Qi said to several people.

"Come on, stop talking."

Everyone held Jianguang together and followed Wang Qi to move there.

The closer they got, the darker the surrounding waters became, reminding Wang Qi of the feeling of wandering in the depths of the East China Sea.

In the pitch-black waters, invisible demons would pounce on them at any time. The psychological pressure was many times greater than in the air or on the ground.Perhaps, this is the true face of the abyss.

For safety's sake, Shi Xiaozhu entered the gourd again, and only the remaining four moved forward together.Wang Qi has summoned more water spirits to surround everyone in the past few days. Unexpectedly, some powerful guy will make a sneak attack.

When everyone was completely submerged in the darkness, their eyes had lost their function, and they could only move forward by the induction of spiritual power, Wang Qi discovered through the surrounding water spirits that there seemed to be several places at the bottom of the water that were different from the surrounding ground.

"There's something weird down there, let's go and have a look."

Through the sound transmission bell, Wang Qi transmitted the sound to everyone, and the empty voice contained a full horror element in this dark world.

But these people are already very resolute guys, and the fantasy caused by this darkness can't shake their spirits in the slightest.After hearing Wang Qi's words, several people followed Wang Qi's spiritual sense and dived downwards, and soon touched the bottom of the water.

Using the way of "walking", Wang Qi found a different place that Shui Ling found.It was a rectangular deep pit with right angles. According to Shui Ling's feedback, Wang Qi had a complete outline of the size of this rectangular pit in his mind, which happened to be a long strip, similar to the size of a sink.

The condor with the right eye flew down first.It is not affected in any way in the water, and it can go anywhere just by making a flying posture.

Then, Wang Qi saw a wonderful place——

Below this rectangular deep pit, there is actually a waterless space.

It can be determined from the above that this must be an unnatural product, which has been verified below.Because the figure in that space saw stone steps and candles hanging on the wall.Even, those candles are burning, and there is a little howling soul in the candle flame, as if it is the fuel of the candle flame.

However, none of this is surprising.What surprised Wang Qi was that all of this was upside down, completely reversed from their current direction.

"That's the case, shall we go down?"

Wang Qi gave a brief description and asked the other three to make a decision.

"Go on, it's all here, who will retreat? We are on an adventure, and it is impossible to give up halfway."

Fifth Wangxian gave an answer, and no one said to retreat.

"Then go."

After finishing speaking, Wang Qi took the lead and jumped down, and used the ability of Wanshui Zhiyu to guide the direction of the other three people.

Four people jumped into the deep pit one by one, and then met below.

"Huh, as expected, a world of pure darkness is not suitable for me."

Duan Shuiliu took a deep breath, then looked around curiously.

"What kind of magical place is this? Why... those stone steps are upside down?"

Xu Wen looked at the stone steps above his head, the downward burning candlesticks and flames hanging on the wall, and the beautiful colors of the water waves above his head rippling with the candlelight, and was a little surprised.

After the few of them came in, they were not affected by the rules here, and their sense of direction was still the same as that of the outside world.But anyone can see that they are out of place with this space at this moment.

"Wait a minute, I'll bring all the summons in."

As Wang Qi said, he controlled the huge number of water spirits in the water in his mind, and all of them fell from the water one by one, crowding the surrounding space to the brim in a blink of an eye.

This startled the others, they couldn't see them in the water, they didn't expect that Wang Qi had already prepared such a large army.

"There seems to be a passage down there, let's go and see."

The fifth Wangxian had already scanned the underwater space a little, and found the place where the stone steps in front lead to at a glance.

"Okay, let's go."

Wang Qi thought for a while, and put more than half of the water spirits into the gourd, leaving only a small part around.

Everyone walked to the passage together and jumped down.

This time it was a completely dry room.

Unlike the traces that were chiseled out of the stone just now, the room below has walls made of carved stones.And above the head where they jumped down, it should be the ground for this room. There are many wooden wine barrels neatly stacked, and some tools are placed by the wall.Of course, the candlestick hanging on the wall is still indispensable.

"Looks like a cellar?"

On both sides of the house, there is a huge door made of metal and wood, which are all closed at the moment.However, there is no door lock on it, I believe it can be easily pushed open with just a push.

"Well... Although I only walked through such a room, this feeling reminded me of a game I played before... It seems that in that game, there is a classic setting, that is, there is a castle that is connected to the ground. An upside-down castle completely upside down."

Fifth Wangxian usually loves to play games. He and Wang Qi have a lot in common. Facing this situation now, he immediately thinks of the classic games of that generation.

"That's right, I remembered it too!"

Wang Qi nodded, and then sent out Flying Eagle, which directly penetrated the wooden door on one side.Sure enough, he clearly saw that on the other side of the wooden door was still a cellar-like room.It's just that there is another ladder that continues downward, or it is a ladder that continues to "up" for this place.As for the back of the other door, it is a dead end.Wang Qi, who doesn't believe in evil, let the eagle go through the wall, and indeed there is only a rock wall.

"Castlevania? It seems to fit the theme of the abyss."

Fifth Wangxian laughed, and directly called the name of the game.

"Go on, I don't know if it's a castle yet. If it's a castle, it would be interesting."

The next words seem to have an amazing overlap with the two of them's guesses.

If you look at it upside down, this is indeed a huge, magnificent, and elegant castle.

All the way up from the cellar, everyone came to the "first floor" where the style suddenly changed.There is a gorgeous carpet made of unknown furs, and all kinds of strange oil paintings are hung on both sides. There is no scene outside the window, only a dark hall on the first floor, and the bright crystal chandelier is fixed on the ceiling. Long tables with clean white tablecloths are located on both sides.

If everything hadn't been turned upside down, everyone would think that this was the favorite aristocratic contracting dress of those ancient families in the Western Federation.

"The decoration style is very close to that of the Western Federation in the real world."

Xu Wen commented.He is a descendant of an aristocratic family, and has done some research on these things.

"Interesting. There is still a door ahead, let's keep going."

Pointing to the gorgeous gate ahead, we all moved on together.

The hall, porch, indoor fountain landscape garden, lounge, living room, dining room, dance hall, library, treasure room, overpass, city wall, arrow tower, bell tower, all the way down, passing through these rooms, everything is so spacious, Bright, and gorgeous.

It's just that they didn't meet a living creature, except for the wailing souls in the candlesticks, there was no trace of movement.In this completely inverted castle, the atmosphere is so weird.

At the top of the castle, no, it should be said that at the tip of the bottom where they came, was a towering stone tower.

Wang Qi has already sketched out a complete map in his mind of what he has just passed along the way, and what Shenying has detected.If it is placed in the game, at this moment, his progress in lighting up the map has reached 99%, which is only a little short of the top of the tower below.

Everyone came together, and they were already used to the surrounding scene. When they saw the door of the room on the top of the tower, Wang Qi manipulated Shui Ling to go up and push it open, and everyone filed in together.

Then, they saw, a huge, white cocoon.

This white cocoon is completely composed of translucent filaments, and the ends of the filaments are all connected to various places in this room.

And in the center of the cocoon, the four of them could clearly see a vaguely human-shaped shadow among them. His curled up posture was like a fetus conceived in a mother's womb. The heart of the extremely strong red light is thumping, thumping.

After thinking for a while, Wang Qi called Shi Xiaozhu out.

Everyone didn't move after seeing it, waiting for Shi Xiaozhu's response.

"Hey, where is this place?"

The memory was still in the dark waters just now, but when I came out again, it was already a very strange room and a weird looking cocoon.

However, the ability of the Lord of History immediately told Shi Xiaozhu that inside this cocoon was the beacon he was looking for.

"Xiao Zhu, how's it going? Is there a sense now?"

"Yes... this is the beacon..." Shi Xiaozhu tried to sense more information.

"The central...sea, the lord of the four seas...?"

From his mouth, murmured out a few words.Others listened, but there was no reaction.But Wang Qi immediately thought of something.

The ancient map of the spiritual world, the front and back of the gold plate, the huge disappearing ocean in the center.

If you have to give the two disappeared oceans a name, the central sea, these four words are perfect.

Thinking of this, Wang Qi's heart skipped a beat again.

The Void Lord last time, it seemed that the conditions for his appearance at that time happened to be on him.

And this time, if there is anything that can be related to what Shi Xiaozhu said, it is only that, which is obtained from the depths of the Moon Spring, and has always been regarded by Wang Qi as the gold plate of the world map.

But that Jin Pan Wang Qi has not researched it yet.Because that gold plate is really amazing.As long as you use the ability of the master of data to zoom in and observe, the details on the gold plate can be zoomed in infinitely. It is completely a three-dimensional 3D modeling of the entire world, and everything is clearly visible on it.

But... It seems that the matter of Dao Biao is more important.

Shi Xiaozhu said that the road sign is the key point to ensure that history will not be subverted according to the established track.

And his words were also fulfilled one by one, as expected, as long as he proceeded according to his own will, the road sign would appear in front of him.

Thinking of this, Wang Qi shook his head, and finally decided to take out the gold plate.

Anyway, you have to try it.

Then, the moment he took out the gold plate, the gold plate suddenly burst into golden light, completely reflecting the entire room into gold.

(End of this chapter)

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