Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 357 The Lord of the Four Seas

Chapter 357 Lord of the World
The translucent silk threads that were attached to the walls around the room began to slowly melt.That huge cocoon is also getting smaller and smaller.

When all the cocoons were melted away, the human figure that had been curled up inside and gradually stretched out as the cocoons disappeared was revealed.

It was a girl with a very beautiful appearance. Her long blond hair from head to toe fluttered slightly in the air, and the light flashed against the light of the gold plate, which was very gorgeous.

Wang Qi can assure you that among all the girls he has seen, even one of the ten spirits of the East China Sea, the mermaid Sylvia who is most beloved by the Lord of the East Sea, is not as beautiful as this girl.

This is a suffocating beauty, so beautiful that you almost dare not look at her, look directly at the body that is not covered up, and appreciate the perfect figure that is just right.

It was so beautiful that Wang Qi could hear the sound of Wu Wangxian and Duan Shuiliu's swallowing saliva, Xu Wen's and Shi Xiaozhu's accelerated heartbeat, and the burst from his chest that he had to turn on the data master to cover up. The throbbing feeling that came out.

And on her chest, the crimson glowing heart did gradually begin to disappear, and eventually no light could be seen, and no heartbeat could be heard.

But Wang Qi could feel through the master of data that as the heartbeat disappeared, the girl with her eyes closed began to breathe.

Suddenly, the gold plate in his hand flew out uncontrollably. Wang Qi grabbed it but missed it at all, so he gave up.

After the gold plate flew out, it stopped at the girl's side and began to melt in the blink of an eye.

In just a few seconds, the gold plate completely melted and fell, turning into a long golden dress.There are gorgeous patterns embroidered on it, and if Wang Qi looked carefully, he would be able to recognize them. Those patterns were just like the maps on both sides of the original gold plate.

When the gold plate completely turned into a golden dress and put it on the girl's body, something hidden inside appeared.

It was a spirit card.The moment Wang Qi saw it, he recognized it as a Chaos-level spirit card.

Seeing this spirit card disappearing into the girl's body in a blink of an eye, he was dumbfounded, and it was a lie to say that he didn't regret it.

It turns out that I always had the chance to get another Chaos Spirit Card, but I didn't cherish it.If God could give me another chance, I would definitely not take it out!

But if something has happened, it has already happened, and there is no way to undo it.

Just when the spirit card merged into the girl's body, her eyes opened.

What a pair of eyes!If the universe and stars are used to describe the depth and mystery of a person's eyes, then this young girl's eyes can only see a rich, beautiful, broad and mysterious sea.

Even, the five people who saw her eyes seemed to hear the sound of waves.

" it's..."

The girl glanced at the five people, focused on Shi Xiaozhu and Wang Qi, and then began to murmur.

"Understood, that's what happened."

She nodded suddenly, she didn't know what she understood, but it made people feel the joy in her heart.

Then, she quietly fell in front of several people, and all the light around her returned to normal, only her body was still covered with a faint halo, which was very beautiful.The golden long dress was not vulgar at all, it only looked extremely luxurious and beautiful.

"Thank you. It seems that this time, we will succeed."

The girl looked at Wang Qina's equally deep, infinite data reflection, and Shi Xiaozhu's eyes showing a long river of time, and nodded solemnly to the two.

"Ah, you're welcome, you're welcome."

Seemingly afraid to look at the girl directly, Shi Xiaozhu shook his head again and again, even a little shy.

"Excuse me?"

Wang Qi's data lord's ability has been fully activated, and he who maintains a data-oriented mind is the most rational person in the world at this moment.The young girl was no longer her original appearance, but a brilliant brilliance, in the middle of which was a crystal-clear spirit card entwined with countless threads of spiritual power.

"Understood, you still don't know."

When the girl heard the different answers and reactions of the two people, she instantly understood and nodded.

"I used to have many names handed down in the world, but they have long since been abandoned. If you insist on calling me, you can call me Lord of the World."


Wang Qi and Shi Xiaozhu felt astonished in their hearts, and they were once again shocked by these four words that Shi Xiaozhu himself had said before.

Unexpectedly, that spirit card was really the Lord of the World, this sentence kept echoing in Wang Qi's mind.

The three Wu Wangxians who were ignored by the girl, felt even more speechless at this moment.

Although it's not the first time I've seen the "Lord of XX", but they really don't know that he has such a high profile, such a gorgeous appearance, and such a figure... cough cough, such a good-looking Lord of the World How did you evaluate it.

However, the scene where the girl ignored the three of them and focused on Wang Qi and Shi Xiaozhu was clearly seen by everyone.

Sure enough, Wang Qi is also a "lord". Although he didn't say it, he can already deduce it from various signs.Of course, it's just more solid now.

"Okay, we've got to know each other, it's time to say goodbye. You still have your own journey, and I..."

As she spoke, the girl suddenly floated into the air again, her long golden hair fluttering like waves, and the five of them once again saw the vast sea in her eyes.

"When I return! It is the time when the central sea reappears! The central sea is now alive! The lord of the four great oceans, I am back!"

As her words fell, in a place invisible to the five people, in the middle of the real world and the spirit world, a sea that had been hidden for an unknown number of years suddenly unraveled the fog that covered it, and everything happened to happen. People on the edge have witnessed with their own eyes that there was nothing in the first place, or dense forests, or ice peaks and snow cliffs, or sandy seas and deserts. A step that can be crossed at will is instantly replaced by the newly emerged sea. I don't know how far apart it is, and I can't touch it anymore.

This piece of sea has been hidden like this all the time, until no one can find it, and everyone has forgotten it. Only when the Lord of the World returns, does it reappear in the world.

And in the four seas of the two worlds, the four masters of the four oceans, who either slept forever, or practiced, or turned into human figures to play in the world, or were drifting with the current, were all awakened in an instant.Their expressions showed surprise, astonishment, gritted teeth, and smiles respectively, and then disappeared together in place.

Appearing again, they all turned into human forms, and they have come to the very center of the central sea that just reappeared. It belongs to the Lord of the Four Seas and was built in front of the huge palace that shines brightly on the sea.No one said a word quietly, they all looked at the luxurious throne above and the trident standing beside the throne.

"I haven't seen you for a long time. I didn't expect to meet again. It turned out to be when the adults returned."

It was the Lord of the Eastern Sea who turned into a gentle and gentle young man with a smile on his face.He greeted the other three like old friends reunited after a long absence.

"Yeah, long time no see, are you all doing well?"

The face is full of surprises to see an acquaintance, this time it is a very sassy black long straight beauty.Holding a double-headed fork upside down, she greeted the Lord of the East China Sea, who was the Lord of the South China Sea.

"Heh, are you so happy that someone is pressing on our heads?"

Grinding his teeth was a man with a very sinister appearance. He also had shoulder-length hair, but it was very messy, and he seemed to exude a dangerous aura.This is the Lord of the West Sea.

"Otherwise? Can you resist? Do you dare to resist?"

The last one, with a surprised expression first, and then a fat boy with a pot head on his face helplessly, shook his head and sighed.He is the last Lord of the North Sea.

"Okay, no matter what you think, we must be here now to welcome the return of our king, our lord of the world."

The Lord of the East Sea stopped the Lord of the West Sea who was still about to speak, then knelt down on one knee and lowered his head.

The lord of the South China Sea happily made the same gesture, and the lord of the North Sea thought about it, and knelt down in the same way.Only the Lord of the West Sea hesitated for a long time, changed his expression several times, and finally knelt down unwillingly.

"My subjects are already welcoming my return. I'm sorry, it seems that I have to chat with you next time, and now I have to go."

The Lord of the Four Seas sensed the state of the Lord of the Four Seas, so he didn't take it seriously, but spoke to Wang Qi and Shi Xiaozhu.

"If you have a chance, you can come to the Central Sea to find me. I will always welcome you."

As he said that, the Lord of the World waved his hand lightly again, but Wang Qi and the others did not feel any changes in their bodies.

"I have lifted the curse of the East China Sea for you, and then I have given my blessing. From now on, as long as the few of you walk in the sea area of ​​this world, you will be the most honored guests of all sea creatures."

"Hey, this is good."

The Fifth Wangxian immediately exclaimed in admiration.

"By the way, even though I'm taking back something that belongs to me, it's in your hands to keep it after all. In order to thank you for your kindness in keeping it... well, I'll just give this to you."

She looked at Wang Qi, then waved her hand lightly.

When several people were astonished, they felt that the surrounding space began to change.Then the eyes of the five people dazzled, and they were immediately taken to the surface of the No. 18 layer of the abyss by the lord of the world.

Wang Qi's Book of Spirit Card popped out at some point, and there was a reflection-like castle in the hands of the Lord of the World.She just tossed it casually, and the reflection floated onto the cover of Wang Qi's Book of Spirit Cards.Immediately, the cover changed from the original Tai Chi Yang fish to a reflection of the castle.

"Okay, I've given you the gift too, I should go."

"Hey, wait, can I ask you to send us to the top of the abyss? To the side near the central sea."


The spatial rules of the abyss seem to be nothing to the Lord of the World.This ability to break through the space blockade seems to be at the same level as Wang Qi's avatar.

Everyone moved again in a blink of an eye, this time directly above the abyss.

Before waiting for others to say anything, she stopped talking this time, nodded to Wang Qi and Shi Xiaozhu, and glanced at the other three, remembering their appearance in her heart, the master of the East China Sea did not show any fireworks. For a ball of foam, it just disappeared into the air without leaving a trace.

"It seems... We just created another awesome character? The same as the Void Lord last time?"

Only then did Fifth Wangxian take care of talking to Wang Qi and the others.

"It looks like it is. I didn't expect that the beacons you mentioned, Xiaozhu, are all such powerful guys."

Xu Wen nodded in agreement.

"This, I don't know..."

Shi Xiaozhu helplessly spread his hands.

"Okay, let's save trouble now, and come here without climbing the wall."

Wang Qi reminded them, and everyone reacted with joy.

Yeah, it's nice to not have to climb the wall again!

Wang Qi ignored them at this moment, and buried his head in his Spirit Card Book, the page in the attribute column.

Sure enough, there are more things on the cover, and one more attribute is naturally added.

[Void Castle Reflection: A reflection castle can be summoned under any water surface. The castle has its own space, and all creatures can survive, and the book of spirit cards can be recovered accordingly.Because the castle was once the resting place of the Lord of the World, all water-related things in the castle will be increased to 500%.When the castle is damaged, it can be summoned again. 】

As expected of a gift from the Lord of the World, Wang Qi likes a small castle that can be summoned only by the surface of the water without any spiritual power.

This castle can also be used as a place to keep his subordinates, not only that, but also as a home field for battles.

Because the last attribute is entirely to increase Wang Qi's combat effectiveness.Whether it is the water attribute cultivation method for cultivation, the water attribute ability for battle, or the summoned water attribute summoned creature, they can all get a huge bonus that is 5 times stronger.In this way, as long as Wang Qi can find a way to lure some unbeatable enemies to the castle, he will be able to gain enough countermeasures in an instant.

Even if it is simply to practice in it, the water attribute skills will be increased by five times, and the progress of cultivation will be much faster.

Moreover, the biggest advantage is that this ability is the attribute column ability in the Book of Spirit Cards, not to mention that it does not occupy a card slot, and it can be activated without spiritual power, which is not too convenient.

Thinking of this, Wang Qi nodded in satisfaction, and temporarily put away the Book of Spirit Cards.

It will be good to study these later, all you need to do now is...

"Let's have a picnic here first! I'm quite tired after running for so many days."

Duan Shuiliu suggested.

"That's right, although there are occasional rests along the way, but after running and fighting for so long, it is indeed time to rest."

Xu Wen also agreed.

"Okay, then let's have a barbecue meeting!"

Wang Qi also called Vivienne out from the gourd, and then took out a lot of ingredients and tools, and the six of them began to hold a unique abyss scenery BBQ.

No one would have imagined that on the edge of the abyss, which is dubbed as hopeless, there are actually a group of bold guys. After coming out of it, they would like to have a barbecue here to relax.

(End of this chapter)

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