Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 371 Accidentally Passed on a Teaching

Chapter 371 Accidentally Passed on a Teaching

After the alchemists learned how to make spirit cards and saw Wang Qi's strength, they went back to their respective floors to share the contents with others.

The rest of the [-] internal energy cards refined by Wang Qi were directly distributed by the Grand Commander, and different people brought them to some elites who did not come.

And the several super alchemists who had already been convinced stayed behind, because Wang Qi specifically asked them to participate in one thing together.

When everyone came to the commander's laboratory together, Wang Qi signaled to close the door, and then invited everyone to find a place to sit down.

"Everyone, there is actually nothing to say about the Spirit Card. This is the main goal of your own development. I will stay with you temporarily to protect your tower until you reach a sufficient level."

Wang Qi opened his mouth and announced the news first.

"Thank you Mr. Wang Qi for your generous help!"

The general took the lead in bowing, and everyone saluted Wang Qi again.

"It's okay, it doesn't matter to me. Okay, now I have two important things to say."

He motioned everyone not to be so polite, and then took out a few spirit cards he made earlier.

"Since I came to you, I have actually been alone for a while, and I have also studied your alchemy principles. As I said before, you are too dependent on this pillar, and you are nothing without this pillar. However, this situation can be completely changed if the technology of making spirit cards is used."

"I didn't tell you before that I took some fragments of the Pillar of Truth from the top of the tower. These fragments have been refined by me and have all become spirit cards. With this spirit card equipped, you Then you can re-cultivate the power of truth by yourself. Moreover, the power of truth cultivated this time is completely unaffected by this tower."

"This means that from now on, you can safely move outside the tower and expand your territory beyond the tower."

As he said that, he took out all the spiritual cards that he had made that could cultivate the power of truth.

Everyone was very surprised when they heard what Wang Qi said.Shuiyou asked in a hurry.

"Sir, it turns out that the Pillar of Truth grew for no reason before, and it was you who did it! You can actually make this kind of thing, this is too amazing!"

Wang Qi blushed, stealing is always bad, he coughed twice, and then asked Shuiyou to quickly distribute the spirit card in his hand to a few people.It happened that there were only seven people present, and one card would be enough for one person.

"It's amazing. I feel that there is a new power of truth in my body, and this power is rapidly transforming the original power! This power is like a part of my own body, which is comparable to the original power. Bi, I don’t know how much more than that!”

Blood Curse said excitedly, her body couldn't help shaking, causing the eyes of the people around her to drift a little bit with that graceful figure.

Certainly, the original power of truth is said to be cultivated, but in fact it is all borrowed, and the super alchemist is just someone who borrows a lot.And now, it's their own money, so naturally they feel better.

Seeing that everyone was excitedly trying out the new card, Wang Qi couldn't help but poured cold water on it.

"I have to tell you one thing. That is this spirit card. I spent countless precious materials to make it. I don't have many of those materials, so there is no other than one for each of you. I will give you eight more at most, and I have to keep a few more for use.”

When Wang Qi made this card, the materials he put in were not only the free Seven Great True Water and Stardust, but he also put in a lot of inventory that he had looted before.Some materials are unique in a certain place. Before finding a suitable substitute, there is really no way to make the same spirit card.

When the commander heard this, his face was filled with regret.But he knew that he couldn't ask Wang Qi for more. After all, they were all things for nothing. Wang Qi had no obligation to give them these things. Now that he can take them out, it is a great kindness.

What's more, fifteen cards seem to be few, but they are already enough to organize a team of strong people, and this spirit card can also be tested to see if everyone can use it differently. If it is possible, it is not impossible to let more people benefit.

Such kindness, the commander-in-chief really doesn't know how to repay Wang Qi.After much deliberation, he decided to suppress this idea for the time being, and wait for an internal meeting between them to study and decide.

"Okay, let's talk about the second thing."

Wang Qi didn't talk too much, and turned to the second thought.

"From the places I've been to, you can see that the refining of alchemy items here is at the forefront. This is your advantage. But I have to say that each of the previous places has its own characteristics. .And I just happened to integrate the characteristic content of these places."

"After thinking about the fighting style of the alchemists here, I found that you are nothing more than manipulating alchemy props for attack and defense. This style of play, in our place, is called equipment flow."

"Since you have already adopted the equipment flow style of play, I think you can continue to develop to the extreme in this style of play. Among them, I would like to provide you with a few directions for development."

"The first one is to vigorously develop your alchemy creatures, create enough strong and enough alchemy soldiers, and use the crowd tactics."

"The second is to vigorously develop long-range weapons based on some of your alchemy props. I will provide you with some models from other regions for your reference."

"The third is to develop an exoskeleton armor device. I think you have developed some prototypes here, and you can continue to strengthen research."

"These three suggestions, you can focus on a certain direction, or you can combine them together. Of course, this depends on your own wisdom and investment. I can only provide you with some suggestions, and then I will leave .”

After Wang Qi finished speaking, without waiting for them to ask questions, he began to demonstrate to several people the extreme development of the three directions with the water screen.

In the picture, first a group of various alchemy creatures, facing the overwhelming demons, turned into rays of light invisible to the naked eye, tearing these demons into pieces with one encounter.

Then the camera turned, and another group of demons rushed over, and the alchemists dropped countless self-propelled turrets, each of which had huge rivets, thick armor, and more than one thick muzzle.These turrets emitted beams of laser-like beams, and the demons had no time to dodge before being pierced by the beams and turning into fly ash.

However, there are still a large group of demons flying towards the alchemist in the picture.And these alchemists did not rush, and summoned a table of at least two people high, at most five or six people high, humanoid, animal-shaped mechanical armor of various colors.These alchemists entered their armors one after another, and every armor immediately moved, and then collided fiercely with the demons.

Each armor has its own unique ability, which makes it very easy to deal with demons.And that powerful defensive ability also makes the alchemist inside extremely safe, and can easily kill the enemy with only consciousness control.

"This, this is really, really great!"

Seeing this scene, the seven people felt excited instantly, as if they were one of these lights and shadows, killing demons so wantonly and happily, and defending the high tower homeland.

"Mr. Wang Qi, in which direction do you think we should develop?"

The commander-in-chief asked directly.

"I... I haven't read all of your research results, so it's hard to make a judgment. However, based on what I've seen so far, I think you are suitable for a combination of one and two. Three, okay slowly developing."

Alchemy creatures have penetrated into the daily life of ordinary people in the tower. This aspect is the direction that the alchemists of the tower are best at, so there is definitely nothing wrong with developing in this direction.

As for the long-range attack method, every alchemist is very good at it.Because most of the demons that can enter the tower can fly, and the advantage of close combat is too small, so everyone will work hard to research in this direction.Creating that kind of self-propelled multi-turret device to spread the truth of the universe to the spirit world is also a bad taste of Wang Qi.

As for the third's completely Wang Qi's little selfish desire to satisfy his two-dimensional animation heart.

——How can a real man not drive a Gundam!

Of course, this direction was also deduced by his master of data based on the existing information, and it is completely suitable for alchemists to fight. It is definitely not true to give them a wrong choice for selfish desires.

"In this case, Shuiyou! Quickly pass on my order to send all the research materials of all the alchemy branches to the fourth branch! Also, let each branch select the team with the strongest research ability and rush to the fourth branch together. Quarters will come!"

"From now on, we will form our National Research Institute! The research direction is the three directions that Mr. said!"


Shuiyou stood up as ordered, and after another salute to Wang Qi, she turned around and left the laboratory in a hurry.

"Okay, I've finished my words, and then it's up to you."

After giving the agreed remaining eight Power of Truth Spirit Cards to the Grand Commander, Wang Qi put away the water curtain.

"By the way, there is one more thing I want to tell you. Although I am very embarrassed, I still want to go to the top of the tower again. Things like the Pillar of Truth are very interesting. I want to continue to study and get more raw materials. .”

"That's no problem. But Mr. Wang Qi, the more the pillar of truth destroys the top, the faster it will grow. Maybe there will be a new wave of demons attacking at that time. I need to trouble you to pay more attention."

"Don't worry, I'm prepared this time, and I won't let the demons easily invade the tower again."

Afterwards, several top alchemists bid farewell and left one after another, and the commander also asked them to bring the six truth cards to the other six top alchemists who did not come. Two people he wants to visit.

After Wang Qi said hello, he left with his flying sword and went straight to the top of the tower.There is no other way for the commander to be envious of this ability, so he has no choice but to let Wang Qi leave by himself.

Wang Qi controlled the flying sword and easily reached the top of the tower.Sure enough, the pillar has grown much taller than the last time.

I have already told the commander in advance that he personally wrote a letter to the guards at the top of the tower.After the two guards saw the letter, they had no doubts at all.Because the two of them on the top of the tower were the ones who watched Wang Qi's battle most intuitively last night. No one had more admiration for Wang Qi than them.

So not only did they cooperate very well, but they also wanted to help Wang Qi knock down a few more pieces of the Pillar of Truth from Gao Fenyong. After Wang Qi thanked him dumbfounded, he flew up by himself.

The width of the Pillar of Truth is actually very wide. After all, it is the core of a tower with a diameter of hundreds of kilometers. After visual inspection, Wang Qi confirmed that the diameter of this pillar is about 42 meters.

Although Wang Qi was very curious about the number 42 again, this is not a secret that can be easily found out now.So he didn't think too much, after landing on the surface, he began to manipulate the flying sword, cutting some pieces off.

This time he wasn't going to be polite.Not to mention other functions, this thing should be regarded as a rare material in terms of its own value, and it might be used somewhere in the future.Although he has set a void jump mark in Gundam, he can come back at any time.But no matter what, it’s better to bring more with you, otherwise you have to say hello every time you come to get it, and it’s not good to take it without telling and let the pillar grow a lot.

Moreover, once this thing is formed into a complete pillar, it will be extremely hard, and there is no way to get it off together, and only the top is relatively brittle and can be removed.In the future, if the pillar grows to the end, stops growing, and the top becomes hard, then there will be nothing to do.

Speaking of which, the demons don't know why, but they just want to give up the position on the top of the tower. He discovered it during the battle last night. Surprisingly, there are no demons at the top of the tower. They will only rush towards the pillars inside the tower. .

Perhaps once formed behind the pillar, the pillar of truth will have some special attraction and effect on demons.

Don't think about it, Wang Qi concentrated on harvesting the pieces this time, and quickly made as many as a room.I'm afraid that once the harvest is over this time, the pillar will have to grow a lot faster, and it will be closer to the formation of this layer.

After collecting the materials, Wang Qi went to say hello to the two guards, and then sat directly on top of the Pillar of Truth, ready to start researching what the Pillar of Truth was.

Of course, before this, he did not forget to consume spiritual power to create a water spirit.The difference is that this time each water spirit has sufficient spiritual power. He now has more than 230 million spiritual power at level 1500. When equipped with the Xinghe Wanhua Sword Art, the amount of spiritual power he has is 1500 million* (1 +1.3), which is almost 3500 million.If all of it is used to invest in a water spirit, it will allow this water spirit to exist for a full forty days.

Of course he doesn't need the water spirit to exist for so long, so Wang Qi consumes all his spiritual power every time to directly create twenty Blood River Flying Knives that can last for two days.

And he has the power of the starry sky, even though it is daytime, he also has the buff of recovering 10 points of spiritual power per second.In other words, it only takes 3500 seconds, which is close to an hour, to fully restore the spiritual power in his whole body.But this is not counting the value of the automatic recovery of his exercises. In fact, it only takes less than 20 minutes for him to recover the spiritual power of his whole body.

In this case, twenty blood river flying knives and water spirits were created every 10 minutes.They all stayed neatly and quietly around Wang Qi, quietly waiting for Wang Qi's order.

(End of this chapter)

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