Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 372 The Truth Particle

Chapter 372 The Truth Particle
That night, the shadow monster did not appear again.

Unlike in the complete wilderness, the shadow monsters on the high tower do not fall every day. Wang Qi can see very far away through the condor in his right eye, where the shadow monsters fall normally.

Of course, it's better not to come.When the spiritual power recovery speed doubled at night, originally there were sixty blood river flying knives and water spirits per hour, but now it doubled directly.At this speed, there were more than [-] blood river flying knives around in one night.

But this is not Wang Qi's main achievement.

Data Lord's ability 2, data analysis: as long as you stare at any target for more than 3 seconds, you will get the detailed information of the target. The longer you stare at it, the more information you will get.

The biggest advantage of this ability is that as long as you look at it long enough, it can be used as a combination of a microscope and a perspective mirror.Wang Qi usually uses this ability to observe the energy content in other people's bodies, as well as the number of spirit cards in their bodies.But that's really only part of the ability.

When he stared at a piece of the Pillar of Truth in his hand this time, nearly a whole day had passed, and he had already seen everything about this piece to the extreme.

If we say that in the scientific concept of ordinary human cognition in the real world, the smallest particle is the quark.Then, at this moment, Wang Qi saw the smallest particle that constitutes the fragment of the pillar of truth on the side of the spirit world——

They were regular hexahedrons that shone with light, they were pure and flawless, and each side shone with a different rune.When his eyes fixed on the runes, although Wang Qi had never seen the appearance of these runes before, he instantly understood the basic meaning of these runes.

These six runes represent the basic elements that make up everything, earth, water, wind and fire, and time and space.

I wanted to try to continue to observe to see if there were any smaller particles that made up these regular hexahedrons and runes, but the data lord failed.It's not because of lack of ability, but because this is indeed the smallest particle that makes up the item in front of you.

These particles are combined by unknown forces in a strange interrelated relationship, and then gradually enlarged to become examples at the atomic level and molecular level. Each level will form a different structure and form a special energy system.In the end, zooming in to the front, it is a structure whose nature is completely unknown, only known to emit the power of truth.

"Interesting, it seems that something extraordinary has been discovered."

The moment Wang Qi observed this elementary particle, the illusory equation of truth in his body changed again.The fuzzy shadows on both sides that changed at will gradually became clearer.One side is the regular hexahedron he saw, while the other side turned into a starry sky.

When this equation was formally finalized, Wang Qi felt that his grasp of the power of truth seemed to have reached an indescribable level.

He felt that he and the power of truth were no longer part of each other, and even if he didn't need to equip the spirit card "Descent of Truth", he could generate the power of truth by himself, and use it to perform any alchemy.

This situation made Wang Qi very astonished.Unexpectedly, just relying on observing the fragments of the Pillar of Truth and the power of truth cultivated at will, he could reach this enigmatic state.

If we say that the Wang Qi just now, if he left the Book of Spirit Cards, he is just a human being with a strong physique who can only use a little witch power.

But after the emergence of the equation, Wang Qi, even if he lost the book of the spirit card or the magic power, Wang Qi can use the power of truth at will to perform all kinds of incredible operations.This ability has now completely become a part of himself, and it is impossible to separate it.

Fortunately, the power of truth has discovered before that it does not conflict with spiritual power and witchcraft at all.Spiritual power is like the true energy and internal force in the novel, which runs in the body.Wuli relies on the guidance of the Witch Emperor, and exists in the unknown void. Everyone is like a signal receiver and amplifier.And the power of truth exists completely in Wang Qi's sea of ​​consciousness. It is like a vague idea that it actually exists.But it is nothingness, and it can play a wonderful role. Under the guidance of Wang Qi's consciousness, it can be used in alchemy.

The three forces do not interfere with each other, or there is no place where they can interfere with each other at all, and they coexist harmoniously in Wang Qi as an individual.

"This is a good thing after all. I have gained another ability. But when the truth comes, it seems that only the three exchanges are left... It's a bit wasteful."

But it doesn't matter, Wang Qi's equipment slots are very tight, and the power of truth is just a backup thing. Now this situation is more of a good thing.

Wang Qi thought for a while, and named his situation of the truth equation "absolute truth".

He had shown the original form of the equation to the Grand Commander and others before, and the Grand Commander incorporated this state into the alchemist's cultivation system, becoming the next stage beyond the super alchemist, called truth control.As for Wang Qi, this day passed, and if he went further, he didn't know whether the commander-in-chief would know, whether he should cry or laugh.

In this state, Wang Qi already clearly felt that the fragment in his hand was no longer the ordinary one he saw with his eyes.He has a feeling that as long as he is willing, the regular hexahedrons in this piece of fragments will be completely reorganized according to his own wishes, and after passing through the power of the equation of absolute truth, then...become all the substances he can think of.

"Hey, if you think about it this way, isn't this the legendary Philosopher's Stone? Or, the microcosmic particles are the Philosopher's Stone?"

Although in mythology, the appearance of the Philosopher's Stone is a blood-red stone, but its function is mainly to assist the use of alchemy in myths and legends, and it has another name for the fifth element.But the current special particle seems to have exactly the same effect... and even surpasses it.

"It feels a bit unbelievable... Will it grow by itself, a super-giant Philosopher's Stone? Forget it, let's name it, the particle of truth."

Wang Qi looked at the huge pillar of truth under his buttocks.After a day, all the places he cut had regrown, and the Void Butterfly's vision told him that the pillar had grown tens of meters taller.

"Well, I always feel that I should get more. This is really a good thing in my hands now, a universal material!"

Thinking of this, Wang Qi finally stood up from the sitting state, stretched his muscles and bones, put all the Blood River Flying Knife and Water Spirits into the gourd, and then flew out directly.

The two guards have always followed his rules, and no matter how curious they were, they never came up to disturb him for a moment.At this moment, they suddenly saw Wang Qi flying out from the top, and the two of them were about to say hello, when they saw Wang Qi suddenly fly near the already solid Pillar of Truth, and made a strange movement.

He put one hand close to the pillar about five meters from the top, and then suddenly activated his ability to control the truth particle.

The pillar of truth that has become extremely hard is actually the fact that the truth particles have changed their own combination method, from the active state at the top to a dense and solid state.In this state, it has a super strong defense ability, so it is so strong that no one can destroy it.

I just don't know what needs those demons have for the particles of truth in this state, so they pounce on them crazily.

A mirror-like cut surface instantly appeared where Wang Qi's hand touched.But because the section is too thin, the two guards below couldn't see the difference at all, they just thought Wang Qi didn't do anything.

In the next second, their eyes almost popped out of their sockets.

Wang Qi collected all the pillars of truth above the section into his gourd.

"I don't know how much the pillar will grow faster this time after it has been destroyed so much?"

Wang Qi muttered to himself, then turned around and landed in front of the two of them.

"Okay, I've finished my work. Next, I will stay here by myself. Don't stay here anymore. I think it will be dangerous this time."

Said, Wang Qi looked up at the sky.Even though it's daytime, I can't see anything.But Wang Qi always felt that his actions just now would definitely make the demons come tonight very violently.

But he doesn't regret the approach.Maybe this is an opportunity to help Gaota solve this matter once and for all.

Because all his actions just now were due to the analysis ability of the master of data. In a flash of inspiration, he once again made predictions about the future, and then made subsequent actions.

After hearing Wang Qi's order, the two guards looked at each other and decided to obey his order.At this moment, they just want to take Wang Qi's words and what he has done, and quickly bring them down to let the commander know.

Wang Qi ignored the two people who left, turned around and flew back to the top of the tower again.

However, this time, he didn't plan to stay idle and just prepare the Blood River Flying Knife. Instead, he simply switched over to his avatar, and let the avatar prepare the new water spirit summoned beast, while his body was at his home, and he directly dialed the number five. Forget Xian's phone call.

"Hello? Wang Qi? Haven't seen you for a few days and missed me?"

The fifth Wangxian has been familiar with Wang Qi for a long time, so he doesn't speak properly, this is the way of speaking between true friends.

"Hey, I've arrived at a fun place in the spirit world. There may be a big battle tonight. Now come here to shake people. Are you with Duan Shuiliu? Are you interested in coming over?"

"Eh, really? That's great, I'm bored after a few days back. By the way, I'm in the Great Void Wonderland right now. Senior Yue Jingxian and his wife are here. Do you want me to invite them too?" ?”

"Huh? Can you also invite these two seniors? I don't care if I don't know if the association will let them go."

"It's okay, let me ask, it's just one night, and there's nothing serious about it recently."

As he spoke, Wang Qi heard voices coming from over there.

After Wu Wangxian came back, he had already told the association's senior management about Wang Qi's affairs. Chairman Wu's opinion was that when he had the opportunity to meet Wang Qi, he must win over Wang Qi as the association's senior management.And a kind of master is very interested in the spirit world. Thinking about Lin Zhongchen, as the vice president before, it was so difficult to find a way to go to the spirit world. How longing for the mystery of the spiritual world.

When he said there, Duan Shuiliu, who had been hanging out with him, naturally had no objection, and Yue Jingxian, the Ice Queen and his wife, who were drinking tea together, said they wanted to take a look.In addition, there was also a master that Wang Qi couldn't think of. It was the master of gluttony he had met once before, the king of big stomachs, and he also expressed that he wanted to meet the world together.

So the few of them directly dialed President Wu's phone number again, and after talking about the situation, even President Wu said that they would arrive immediately and wanted to go there together.

"That's the way it is. We're going to six people in total."

"Ha... You're really good, did you even bring the president here? Well, wait for me, I'll ask Xu Wen if he's going, if he goes, I'll pick him up first, and I'll go find you guys when it's over."

After finishing speaking, Wang Qi hung up the phone and called Xu Wen again.

Xu Wen over there happened to be idle. He had just finished clearing a field, and the timing was perfect.

"To kill monsters? High towers? Alchemy? President Wu and the group of masters go? Okay, I will definitely go. Where are you, I will go find you."

As soon as Xu Wen heard Wang Qi's brief introduction, he immediately decided to go play.After Wang Qi agreed, he made an appointment to meet up directly in the imperial capital, and hung up the phone.

Hmm... Who else should I call.

After thinking about it, it was still early, so Wang Qi simply decided to go back to the company.

Boss, Brother Heyu, Lingyi, Aqiu, Brother Tianbing, long time no see.Since there is such a powerful group activity today, why not simply invite them to have fun together, purely as a tour.

Therefore, Wang Qi didn't bother to drive, and directly carried the flying sword, transformed into an invisible demon, and flew to the company.

This time, because they didn't fully use the flying sword, none of the experts in the city noticed anything.

Even so, the flying speed was very fast, and he arrived in front of the company's building in 5 minutes.

Finding an empty corner and showing his figure, Wang Qi entered the building.

Looking at the long-lost familiar scene, Wang Qi sighed while taking the elevator and returned to the 27th floor of the company.

The door was never locked, so Wang Qi pushed the door and walked in. Sure enough, everyone was there at the moment.Because this point happened to be just past ten o'clock and almost eleven o'clock when the previous wave of domains had all been finished, a few people would definitely come back for dinner.

Wang Qi's arrival did not hide the sound of his footsteps, so everyone present turned their heads and saw him showing a bright smile.

"Hey, Boss, Brother Heyu, long time no see!"

"Hey, why are you back? Where's Zhang Yuxiang, why didn't you bring him back?"

Ye Tianbing jumped up directly, and asked Wang Qi in surprise.

"It's a long story. I came back temporarily today, just because I have a chance for a free tour. I came here to ask if you want to participate. There will be round-trip transportation!"

Wang Qi blinked his eyes, then sat down in an empty seat he was familiar with.

(End of this chapter)

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