Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 373 Transition, Another Transition

Chapter 373 Transition, Another Transition

Such and such, such and such.

It took Wang Qi about an hour to tell about his experience of going to the spirit world, and several people who listened to him exclaimed again and again.

"So, the spirit world is like this?"

Ling Yi asked curiously while playing with a light bell suit that Wang Qi gave her casually.She happily tied the sound transmission bell to her wrist, shook it, then took Gongxi and Yu's share, and tied the sound transmission bell to his waist for him.

"Yes, it's quite fun. But speaking of it, there are still many dangers, but I'm already very powerful now, and I'm good at escaping, so I dare to do this."

Wang Qi chuckled and boasted.

"Okay, your kid's level is not very high, and you dare to say that you are amazing."

Zhang Tiansheng blew out a smoke ring and gave Wang Qi a blank look.

"So, are you going to play? This trip will be accompanied by a group of experts from the Spirit Card Association, so there is no need to worry about safety."

"Just go, treat it as a trip. I'll tell Liu Shun to take care of our area."

Zhang Tiansheng nodded and made a decision.Gongxi and Yu didn't say anything, but Lingyi and Ye Tianbing cheered together.

Now that it has been decided, no one is too long-winded. Zhang Tiansheng made a phone call and said that our company is going out to build a tour group. You send someone to watch, and then everyone locks the door and leaves.

After seeing that the door was locked, Wang Qi patted the gourd and took everyone in together.He has already prepared a conference living room, and it is good for a few people to stay in and drink tea first.

How long does it take to fly to Teibu Kao Qi.When he arrived at the gate of the Huabang Spirit Card Association General Assembly, Wu Wangxian, who had just received the call, was already waiting for him at the gate.

"Hey, you're here pretty fast."

Fifth Wangxian laughed and said hello, which amazed some passers-by, who secretly guessed who this handsome young man was, and he was actually greeted by the current number one in person.

"I went back to Shui'an to pick up my boss and they went to play together."

"Huh? I heard you said, is there Gongxi and Yu, one of the Shui'an twin swords?"

They talked about it before, so Fifth Wangxian knows this.

"Well. Let's go in and talk about it first."

"Okay, come with me."

The two of them went directly into the Taixu Wonderland without stopping, and directly set up the flying sword and turned it into two sword lights, causing the people next to them to exclaim, who is this master.

A few seconds later, the two arrived at the door of Yue Jingxian's house. After Fifth Wangxian knocked on the door lightly, Yue Jingxian in an apron came and opened the door.

"This is Wang Qi, you two come in first, I'm washing the dishes."

It seemed that they had just finished their meal, and Yue Jingxian, the house cook, was naturally dealing with the follow-up.

Wang Qi bowed his head and said hello, Wu Wangxian swaggered and led him into the living room of the house, and then saw that President Wu and the others were already waiting here, drinking the ice queen's black tea.

"Look, everyone, who did I bring here?"

Fifth Wangxian gave way to Wang Qi, and several people looked over. Wang Qi felt an inexplicable pressure immediately.

There is no way, all of them are masters who have been famous for a long time. If you face ordinary people with that invisible aura, just one look can make them lie on the ground trembling and unable to get up.

Of course, although Wang Qi felt the pressure, he didn't take it seriously.This kind of thing has been seen a lot, he also has it now, and there is a master of data supporting him, so he is not afraid at all.

"Hello, president, hello seniors."

Wang Qi nodded to say hello, and everyone nodded in greeting.

"Sit down first, Jingxian has to finish washing the dishes, don't worry about it for a while."

President Wu spoke, he pointed to the empty seat opposite, and Wang Qi and Fifth Wangxian sat down.

Duan Shuiliu beckoned to Wang Qi, he was very happy in the Spirit Card Association now, Wu Wangxian took him everywhere to have fun, the two really had a similar taste.And Xu Wen nodded slightly, without saying a word.

"Wangxian has already told me about your experience of going to the spirit world. Just taking advantage of this opportunity, your ability is strong enough, I want to ask you, would you like to work at the headquarters of the association?"

President Wu asked straight to the point.

"Well, thank you for the kindness of the president, but I don't think much about it yet. I still have things to do, and I may need to stay in the spirit world for a long time. Today is mainly because I have a rare free time, so I came back to see you. "

Wang Qi hesitated for a moment, but still declined Chairman Wu.

"Hehe, you don't have to worry. In fact, I just ask you to come here to receive benefits. Of course, if you want to stay here like Jingxian and Bingxue, then I welcome it, but if you have something to do, you don't need to do casual activities at ordinary times. Notification, you only need to contribute when the association recruits you. Well, I can give you the position of inspector, which is high-level and easy to handle, which just meets this requirement."

To put it bluntly, it is the same position as the honorary elder and honorary guest that are very common in novels.

Hearing this, Wang Qi thought it was acceptable.With the status of a high-ranking member of the Spirit Card Association, it would be a lot more convenient to come back to the real world in the future.

"Then thank you, President, I can accept this."

"Okay, tell me your association's internal number."

Chairman Wu did not hesitate at all, took out his mobile phone and started to operate.

Now the smart office is very convenient, the president has great power, the appointment and dismissal of personnel can be done on the mobile phone in just one minute, he directly uses the privilege of the president, skipped the lengthy approval and discussion process, Let Wang Qi's identity suddenly become a senior inspector of the Huabang Lingka Association headquarters, second only to the vice-chairman status, and he can exercise the power of the vice-chairman level outside the imperial capital.

Of course, there is a superficial cover for this position. In the real world, Wang Qi can now be said to have transformed into a senior official of the national government.

Wang Qi saw his identity change from the association's app. He already had a new job certification, and the app unlocked a lot of permissions accordingly, so he didn't list them one by one.

President Wu would do this because he actually considered that although Wang Qi was not a top-notch person in the association, he was not far behind, and he also had the ability to appear and disappear, and he could travel between reality and the spiritual world at any time. I have learned a lot of special skills in the spirit world, such as card making, which is simply a strategic technique.

After attracting Wang Qi to the chariot of the headquarters first, Wang Qi's abilities can be slowly displayed under his command in the future, and the overall level of the Huabang Lingka Association can be improved by then, which is definitely a complete benefit good thing.The job of an inspector is nothing compared to it.

Wang Qi operated the app, and soon received some benefits that his inspector should have, such as uniforms, badges, ten legendary spirit cards per month, and even a set of real estate in the imperial capital. Everything was done within a few minutes, Wang Qi chose to send it to Taixu Wonderland, and the above said that it would be delivered in 1 minutes.

Seeing that he was having fun, before anyone else could speak, the Snow Queen spoke.

"Wang Qi, I heard from Wangxian that you have the ability to control water, you can control special water. I want to ask you, can you condense the seven true waters?"

Ordinary people would not easily inquire about other people's abilities, but this Wang Qi has used it countless times in front of Fifth Wangxian, so naturally there is nothing to hide.

"That's right, does Her Lady Queen need anything?"

Wang Qi nodded in recognition.

"Well. If you can really do it, I would like to order ten tons of Tianyi Zhenshui with you first, and place an order for a long time. If this water is used to make tea, the taste of black tea will become very good."


All the people present were silent for a moment.

Using one of the legendary seven true waters to make tea with Tianyi Zhenshui, which is rare in the world, is only possible thanks to the Ice Queen.

"no problem."

Seeing that Wang Qi agreed, the Ice Queen didn't hesitate, and directly summoned the Book of Spirit Cards, and then took out a Spirit Card and threw it over.

"This is money for buying water. I know how precious Tianyi's real water is. This spirit card should be enough."

Wang Qi took the spirit card and didn't look at it, but shook his head and respectfully sent it back.

"Senior Queen is serious. In fact, the seven true waters are really nothing special to me. I can make them endlessly. If it is an outsider, I will sell them as treasures. Let us forget it. "

The Ice Queen glanced at Wang Qi in surprise, and after receiving the spirit card, she thought about it and put it away.

"Alright, so be it. Since you don't want to buy water money, you can change it to something else. In the future, if you have any troublesome personal matters, feel free to come to me and Lao Yue, either of us will help you for free Take one shot."

Fifth Wangxian immediately gave Wang Qi a thumbs up, shrewd, the favor of a master is much more valuable than a spirit card.

Wang Qi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Senior, I really didn't mean that. I can give you as much water as you want at any time. By the way, I also have a kind of spiritual water from Yuanqiao Island that is also very good." Well, I made tea myself, and it was very good."

"Okay, okay, let's do it. Get out all the water you said. Since you said it so well, give me ten tons each."

The Snow Queen shook her hand, and then directly summoned a glass vial.This vial is crystal clear, and less than half of the water can be seen sloshing inside.

Wang Qi guessed that this was probably a tool for her to collect water, so a large cloud of Tianyi Zhenshui began to condense directly above everyone's heads.

The Ice Queen shook the vial lightly, and a suction force was generated at the mouth of the vial, sucking the water mass in the air directly into it.As much as Wang Qi condenses, it absorbs as much, but the water dangling inside is still the same, and it doesn't increase at all.

This is obviously a treasure comparable to Wang Qi Qiankun's gourd, as you can tell by the envious eyes of the Fifth Wangxian and others next to him.

More than ten tons of Tianyi Zhenshui came out. Wang Qi waited for a while, then made a water line from the gourd, and filled the small bottle with dozens of tons of Yuanqiao Island Spiritual Water. Waving their hands, the two of them received their abilities respectively.

"Thank you this time, remember to find us if you need anything."

Before anyone else could say anything, at this moment, Yue Jingxian came over after washing the dishes.He casually threw the apron on the dining table beside him, and then walked into the living room.

"I've packed it up, so let's go?"

He didn't hesitate to ask the people directly.

"Well, let's go then."

President Wu nodded, and then everyone looked at Wang Qi.

"Okay, please go ahead to my gourd first, my boss and the others are also inside, please drink tea for a while."

After Wang Qi finished speaking, he clapped the gourd. Everyone did not resist and entered the prepared place inside.After the two groups of people saw it, they were not surprised. Wang Qi had already said it beforehand.

President Wu looked at Zhang Tiansheng, frowned and thought for a while, then asked tentatively.

"Are you... that kid from the Zhang family?"

When Zhang Tiansheng saw the president of the association, he naturally couldn't put on a flirtatious look. He sat upright and nodded in recognition.

"Oh, I know about you too. It's just that I'm suffering from that kid, Qiao."

"President, this matter is over, don't mention it again"

Zhang Tiansheng shook his head, indicating that he didn't want to say more.

"Well, this is the daughter of you and Xiao Qiao, she has grown up so much."

President Wu looked at Zhang Lingyi, and immediately showed a loving expression.

But Fifth Wangxian found Gongxi and Yu at a glance.He and Duan Shuiliu sat down in front of Gongxi and Yu, introduced each other, and said that there was an opportunity for them to discuss each other.

All the people present sat down, and were talking happily, Wang Qi got into the gourd and came in front of everyone.

"Alright, we've arrived in the spirit world. Do you want to go out and meet the commander of this tower now, or stay in my gourd first?"

"Of course I'm going for a stroll, what's the point of this?"

Immediately, everyone stopped chatting and asked to go out quickly.

So Wang Qi didn't bother, and took everyone outside directly.

At this time, he was at the top of the Pillar of Truth on the tower. As soon as everyone came out, Wang Qi briefly explained what was under their feet. Everyone curiously knocked on two pieces and studied them, which made Wang Qi dumbfounded.

But that doesn't matter anymore.Wang Qi led the way, and everyone showed their skills. They followed him and descended rapidly. They went to the fourth branch on the [-]th floor below the tower to chat with the commander.

All the people present were masters, even Ling Yi, who was not a master, hugged Gongxi and Yu tightly, without worrying about anything.The altitude of 570 kilometers is really nothing.Ye Tianbing and Qiu Mingshan roared with excitement, feeling that this kind of rapid descent is very enjoyable.

Wang Qi could see that Ye Tianbing and Qiu Mingshan had concealed a lot of levels from him at the beginning. They were not as weak as they used to be. They probably wanted to bring him a newcomer at that time, deliberately hiding their strength. Allow yourself to grow fast.

Everyone was very fast, and they reached the [-]th floor in a blink of an eye, then turned and flew towards the commander's mansion.

The guard saw Wang Qi in front of him from a long distance away. He knew that Wang Qi's status was stronger than the commander-in-chief's now, so he didn't dare to neglect those who followed Wang Qi. into the living room.

Soon, the commander-in-chief who heard the news hurried over with Shuiyou.

(End of this chapter)

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