Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 374 Tower Battle

Chapter 374 Tower Battle
After the two sides met, the commander-in-chief entertained everyone with great hospitality.Chairman Wu was the happiest chatting with the Grand Commander. During the chat, he discovered that this high-tower country is actually good at alchemy, a technology that can make various props, and he was moved.

After Wang Qi saw it, he took the initiative to remind President Wu that the power of truth needs a spirit card to cultivate.However, he said that he could provide a batch, and President Wu immediately generously said that he could exchange them with points.

Although the points were too much to be used up for the time being, Wang Qi did not dislike it. After agreeing to this, everyone finished the lunch and left the manor.

Yue Jingxian and the Snow Queen decided to go outside casually by themselves and would come back at night.The fifth Wangxian and Duan Shuiliu also hooked their shoulders together and prepared to meet the customs that Wang Qi secretly told them, and it was clear from the silver expressions of the two of them.

Big Stomach King didn't know Wang Qi well, so he decided to go out by himself, like Yue Jingxian and the other two, to have a look in the wild and come back at night. ,

Wang Qi's own boss, on the other hand, was much calmer. Qiu Mingshan and Ye Tianbing were also going to go down for a walk, while Gongxi and Yu were going to the nearest shopping district with Lingyi's help to buy some special souvenirs here.Only Xu Wen, Zhang Tiansheng, and President Wu were not planning to move, so they stayed at the Grand Commander's place.

Wang Qi was not going to go out either, he just took advantage of this time to complete President Wu's commission, anyway, he already had enough fragments of the Pillar of Truth in his ring.

Borrowing the Grand Commander's laboratory, Wang Qi made thirty Spirit Cards of the Power of Truth in one afternoon.

"That should be enough to make a difference."

It was already evening when he came out.

The others still didn't come back. Wang Qi was more worried that the evil spirits would come at any time, so he took the initiative to go ahead and went to the top of the tower to wait for the evil spirits to arrive.

In addition to the [-] Blood River Flying Knives on his main body, when the avatar came over, [-] of them came out even if he had nothing to do.So now he has a total of [-] Blood River Flying to Shui Ling standing around.Although it can't be regarded as being able to shoot ten thousand swords at once, it can also achieve the effect of covering the clouds and the sun.

Quietly restore the spiritual power to full value, and the star power in the body has already accumulated excess, and it has also reached three times the total star power under the effect of the power of the starry sky. The excess is now his shield, safe Incomparable.And in fact, if he used the Xinghe Wanhua Sword Art, he had Xinghe's body protection, in fact, he is now close to the state of being almost invincible.

When Wang Qi was recuperating here, gradually the people who went out to play came back by themselves.When it was completely dark, everyone had already gathered at the top of the tower.

"Hey, you don't have to be so strict, Wang Qi?"

Fifth Wangxian saw Wang Qi's array of summoning objects, the Blood River Flying Knives looked very difficult to mess with, but there are thousands of them here, and he looks a bit fluffy.

Seeing Wang Qi's battle, the others felt that Wang Qi's strength had improved greatly.Even Gongxi and Yu are thinking about what will happen if they fight Wang Qi now.

"I have a hunch that today's battle is very difficult, and I called everyone here to seek insurance."

Wang Qi shook his head. He would still fully believe the feeling brought by the Lord of Data. He already had a premonition that the demon that descended today would not be a good one.

At this moment, the night sky had become dark due to time, and when the stars began to twinkle one after another, everyone's expressions were terrified.


Fifth Wangxian and Xu Wen had seen such scenes of demons descending from the sky during their journey in the spirit world, and they immediately cheered up and prepared to draw their swords.

In the endless galaxy of stars in the night sky, countless squirming shadows suddenly appeared. These shadows quickly condensed into various monster shapes visible to the naked eye, and then fell straight to the sky with the momentum of the Milky Way, and appeared in a blink of an eye. on top of the crowd.

Except for a few people who have been to the spirit world, no one else has seen this kind of monster appear. Although Wang Qi has already explained it in detail, they are still a little surprised.

However, the Big Stomach King, who didn't wait for everyone to make a move and was not very familiar with Wang Qi, went out and walked around on his own, and made the first move.

"I suck!"

A strong suction came out from his big mouth that reached its limit, and the falling demons in the air didn't even get close, but they were pulled faster by his suction, and flew directly into his mouth.

The big stomach king couldn't agree with each other, as many shadow monsters came, and after 10 minutes, no monster came down, and the big stomach king closed his mouth in satisfaction.

"That's it? That's it?"

Several young people immediately shouted at Wang Qi, and several older seniors also looked at Wang Qi curiously.

"Don't worry, this is the appetizer."

Wang Qi pointed to the top of the head, and everyone turned their heads to look over again. Sure enough, there were far more shadow monsters descending rapidly again than before.

The difference is that this time the monster's strength, in Wang Qi's eyes, has been significantly improved, reaching an astonishing 10% increase.

Since the King of Big Stomach has already shown himself once, Yue Jingxian will do his part this time. He also wants to show his face in front of the juniors, so that these young people who are getting more and more fierce will admire him more.

With a soft shout, Yue Jingxian's flying sword shot out towards the top of his head, and in the middle of the way, one turned into two, and two turned into four. At the same pace, he greeted the monster above his head.

This is not Wang Qi's imitation Wanjianjue. This is the real Wanjianjue where the sword light is differentiated and the ten thousand swords come out together.

The power of the original version is naturally much greater than that of the pirated version. The shadow monsters in the sky didn't even last a round, and they were wiped out again.

Just when Wu Wangxian was about to take the lead in applauding Yue Jingxian, he found that everyone was looking at the sky above their heads together.

He hurriedly looked up, and sure enough, the third batch reappeared without any surprise.

"This is not right, how can the frequency of demons appear so frequently?"

The two masters killed so fast that the commander-in-chief was still sleepwalking, but he was still keenly aware of the problem, that is, the frequency of only coming out ten times a night yesterday, how come today it has become a few seconds? Wave?Is this still a game that people can play?
Fortunately, Yue Jingxian and Big Stomach King were strong enough. The two of them took turns and easily wiped out twenty waves of monsters.

But at this moment, everyone can see that something is wrong.

The monster's strength has been improved by different degrees every time. Sometimes it simply increases the amount of energy contained, and sometimes it increases some different abilities.

So when twenty waves passed, no one could get up easily.

"Commander, please take Ling Yi and retreat first, and leave it to us."

Zhang Tiansheng spoke a word instead.Although he has never made a move, he is actually ready to fight at any time.Didn't you see the cigarette in his mouth lit a new one?

The commander-in-chief saw that it was a fight between gods and gods, so he really couldn't help.But he didn't want to leave either, so he turned around and told Shuiyou.

"Forget it, boss, let Lingyi enter my gourd."

Wang Qi directly opened his mouth to stop it, which relieved Shuiyou, so he didn't have to miss the battle.

After the end of the twenty waves of monsters, the brewing above did not end.It's just that this time it looks like a big guy is coming. Everyone can see the wriggling body shape. It is estimated that the mouth is wider than this pillar of truth.

One minute later, the monster took shape completely, and it turned out to be a black dragon that Wang Qi had seen in the domain.It's just that there are seven sharp horns on the top of its head, a huge mouth full of fangs spewing out clusters of flames, upside-down spikes all over its body, and raging blue flames burning on its four feet, two pairs of huge There was a blue light on the dragon wings.

"Everyone be careful! This monster has a strength of around 460!"

Wang Qi only dared to observe roughly with the Master of Data, and he was also worried that if he looked too carefully, he would be attacked by this monster again.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, Xu Wen said something.

"Not one!"

Wang Qi quickly let the eagle in the right eye fly to another perspective, and sure enough, there were three more above the black dragon.

This formation of candied gourds almost blinded everyone's eyes. Fortunately, Xu Wen saw that he had already arranged his own mirage sea, turning the top of the tower into a foggy environment.


The four giant dragons let out a loud dragon roar together, and then began to dive downward.

It's just that these four black dragons are not as stupid as ordinary monsters. They are divided into four directions on the way of typing, obviously planning to bypass this group of troublesome little people and go directly to eat the truth below. column.

"One person, one direction!"

Wang Qi yelled, but he kept his eyes on one of them and jumped out.

The advantage of having many masters is that everyone has a tacit understanding, and in many cases, a simple communication can understand each other's minds.Therefore, no one talked much, President Wu and Yue Jingxian, the four veteran masters of the Spirit Card Association, each took charge of one direction.Zhang Tiansheng followed President Wu, Gongxi and Yu chose Wang Qi's direction, Fifth Wangxian, Duan Shuiliu, and Xu Wen each chose another direction, and then Ye Tianbing and Qiu Mingshan also came to help Wang Qi .

All of a sudden, the black dragons in all directions were watched closely by a group of people, and they bumped into each other into a ball.

The level of 460 was just estimated by Wang Qi according to his energy level.But in fact, the strength of the shadow demon does not depend entirely on things like energy.And the black dragon in front of him, one of his main abilities, is known to everyone when they touch each other.

Damage rebound, 80%.

This is the conclusion that Wang Qi came to in an instant, because he only felt his body shake violently, and the shield condensed by star power lost a portion in an instant.

At this time, you can see the gap in experience and the degree of sophistication.

Although the four senior members of the association, veteran experts, hit the black dragon directly like Wang Qi, each of them just swayed their bodies lightly, and the rebound damage was immediately removed.This kind of rebound monster has been seen many times in the countless spiritual card domains they have experienced.

The rest of them used their unique abilities one after another, and everyone had protective means, even if they bounced back, it would only weaken the defense a little.

But obviously, the black dragon does not only have this ability.

Seeing the enemy slashing himself (the remaining 20% ​​damage), the four black dragons roared again, and then they were covered with blue flames, and each of them had the same appearance as their main body, but the size was reduced by half , was summoned out.

Each black dragon summoned seven flame clones, and in an instant the entire sky was filled with the color of blue flames.

Everyone avoided it quickly. Although the black dragon is strong, no one can't avoid its attack.

After a little trial, someone knew that these flame clones had the same ability as the main body, but the rebound damage was reduced to 50%.

But even that is hard to do.

Wang Qi's master of data quickly analyzed it. With just a slight turn of his mind, he came up with a method and tried it directly.

He keenly discovered that his direct attack would indeed be bounced back, but when the Xinghe Wanhua Sword Art triggers its own special effects, such as "Stardust, when attacking, randomly summon a stardust to trigger a star attribute strike" this attribute brings The meteor-like stardust hit by the black dragon will not be rebounded at all, and the black dragon will take all the damage from the front.

"Try it out! Use the trigger effect to hit him!"

And everyone was using different methods to test it out. When Wang Qi made a sound, everyone quickly understood and switched to different attack methods.

Wang Qi himself turned his sword, and the Xinghe Wanhua Sword Art became flowing water among the seven swordsmanship he summed up.

"Flowing water" masters all transformations without shape, he can turn the sword light into any attack with the sword style of flowing water.At this time, the best attack method is a continuous, fine-grained, water-like method with very small damage.

This attack method greatly increases the number of attacks countless times, and the damage itself is negligible, but the probability of triggering special effects is infinitely increased.

Although the "Xingle" special effect in the Xinghe Wanhua Sword Art is completely ineffective against this kind of shadow monster.But there are still three special effects that can have a considerable effect, whether it is the random seven true water attacks summoned by "Wan Shui", or the random attribute stardust strike summoned by "Stardust", or "Xi Sheng" The resulting loss of hearing caused the target black dragon to suffer a lot.

Although its defense is very strong, Wang Qi's level is more than twice that of Wang Qi so that he will not lose too much blood against these attacks.But who made these attacks enough and dense enough?

And don't forget, there is always a special spirit card in Wang Qi's equipment slot, "split".This spirit card allows all attacks to be engraved on the two flame clones beside the black dragon.In this case, every attack by Wang Qi is equivalent to attacking three monsters at the same time, which is simply refreshing.

Wang Qi is so powerful, and the others are not bad.

(End of this chapter)

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