Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 375 Mixed World 4 Monkeys

Chapter 375
There are not too many spirit cards with special attack effects on the group of masters in front of them.Gongxi and Yu also imitated Wang Qi, turning their saber momentum into an imperceptible flow pattern. Countless fine knife marks appeared on the black dragon's body, and the rebound damage was completely ignored by Gongxi and Yu, probably He didn't break through his own defense.

Each of his attacks will cause an additional aurora judgment on the target. If the judgment value exceeds 50%, there will be a beam of light falling from the sky, causing 10% of the remaining life of the target to be reduced. If it is less than 50%, nothing will happen.

This kind of [-]-[-] chance, in a large number of blows, is basically no different from the infinite trigger.Therefore, the blood volume of the black dragon has dropped rapidly under the continuous attack of Wang Qi, Gongxi and Yu.

Then, the big stomach king who made the final decision came.

The usual fighting method of the big stomach king is to eat the enemy, no matter what, it will become delicious food in his mouth.But this does not mean that he will not use other attacks.

He spat lightly on the black dragon, the saliva was not affected by the blue flames all over the black dragon, it landed directly on the black dragon, and then started to smoke, apparently starting to corrode the black dragon's body.

This kind of saliva attack, don't look a little disgusting, but it's actually very strong.Because when the saliva starts to corrode the enemy, a food judgment will be made every second.The probability of judgment is relatively low, only 1%.But as long as the judgment is passed, the target will be directly marked as food in front of the big eater, and then ignore all the abilities of food, and the big eater can directly start to devour it.

He can't easily use this ability. Most of the enemy monsters will be swallowed directly with one inhalation. How can it be so troublesome.But in the face of this difficult situation, spitting is very useful.

When more than 30 seconds passed, the big stomach king secretly sighed that his luck was a bit out of luck, and the judgment was passed suddenly.

Immediately, the king of big stomach was refreshed, and then in front of his companions, he sucked again with his big mouth, and the black dragon in front of him was directly sucked into his stomach, and it became a delicious meal.

As soon as the black dragon died, the flame avatars also disappeared one after another. Immediately, one of the four black dragons was missing, and everyone turned around directly to support them.

But when they looked back, they found that each group of people had almost dealt with the black dragon. None of the four black dragons and flame clones remained, and they all disappeared together.

"It's good to have more people. It's really not easy to deal with monsters of this level alone. It will take at least several times more time."

President Wu shook his head and sighed. Others didn't think it was a big deal, but the leaders below were a little dazed.

What?This kind of monster that trembles and loses the ability to resist at a glance, is it just something that can be done by one person with a few times more time?Are people in the real world so strong?
But no matter what the commander was thinking, everyone still raised their heads together and looked into the sky.

Sure enough, another wriggling black shadow appeared.

While everyone was fighting the black dragon, these shadows didn't stop wriggling.After a while, another seven-winged black snake rushed straight down.Wang Qi judged that their levels were around 450.

This time the black snake is still not easy to deal with.They were actually made entirely of venom. When the flying sword attacked, it would be covered with a layer of black toxin. The naked eye could see that the flying sword was eroded rapidly, and rust spots appeared on it.

But that's all, everyone's weapons, even Duan Shuiliu, have item cards given by Fifth Wangxian. Even if they are broken, they can be re-summoned at any time.

Damage to weapons is only Black Snake's passive skill, and its other passive skill is that it can't be killed at all.No matter how it attacks, the venom on its body will be the same as that of ordinary people cutting water with a kitchen knife, and there will be no result.

Even the attack special effects that have just made a contribution are no longer useful.Big Stomach King spit out several mouthfuls of saliva, directly penetrated the black snake and fell to the bottom, and the black snake was also unscathed.

"Let me try."

It was the Snow Queen who spoke.

The Snow Queen's ability is the ultimate ice.Everything in front of her is a target that can be frozen.There is nothing that cannot be resolved after freezing.If it can't freeze, just lower the temperature a little bit.

Everyone made room to lure the seven winged black snakes to the center. The Ice Queen stood in the air, and with a slight wave of her hand, a blizzard came from nowhere, whistling and blowing past the seven black snakes.Then, everyone saw that the black snake began to have some icy flakes, and in the blink of an eye, it turned white.


As soon as the Ice Queen's words fell, the seven big popsicles immediately turned into powder, and the dead could not die again, without leaving any traces.This time it was much easier than dealing with the black dragon just now.

But before everyone could breathe a sigh of relief, a new monster appeared above.

The four monsters looked like humans from a distance, but monkey faces when viewed up close. They were all dressed in golden armor fairy clothes and holding giant metal sticks. They rushed straight down with their bodies attached.

"This is! The Four Monkeys of the Confused World! How did these monsters get randomized to something of this bug level!"

This time even President Wu couldn't be sure. His voice echoed in everyone's ears, which surprised everyone.

The four monkeys of the mixed world have a very special status in Huabang's mythology system.Although they are not the most powerful gods, after the Lingming stone monkey became known to everyone because of a book "Journey to the West", the four monkeys of the mixed world also have many independent stories and legends, and many people have drawn them. Their image, their biggest feature is the demon king of the world, with unparalleled combat power.

For example, in the field that Wang Qi and Zhang Yuxiang had fought together before, the final natural spirit card was a "Picture of Four Monkeys in a Confused World". Zhang Yuxiang happily said that he could become a monkey to play in the future.

There is no doubt that these four monkeys are absolutely super strong. No matter how successful these shadow monsters are after the re-enactment of the four of them, it is still difficult to fight.

Wang Qi took a look, and the level of the four monkey monsters surprised him.The highest energy level of Lingming stone monkey is determined to be 590, and the weakest Chijiri horse monkey has a full strength of 550.

"The enemy level is super high! Everyone should pay attention!"

Wang Qi quickly called out the levels of the four monkeys, and everyone was shocked, but no one flinched, and they all went forward together.

In this scene, there is always a feeling of pushing the boss in the game.

Qiu Mingshan and Ye Tianbing went to support the two sides with fewer people this time, and Wang Qi was left with only him, Gongxi Heyu, and Big Weiwang.The three of them faced the nearest gibbon monkey head-on.

The description of the arm-armed ape in mythology is "taking the sun and the moon, shrinking thousands of mountains, distinguishing between faults and grievances, and messing with heaven and earth."

If this sentence were to be put on a monster, it would be amazing.He can hold the sun and the moon to play with, grasp mountains and rivers at will, and distinguish good from bad, the heaven and the earth are as if in his palm.

In other words, the most powerful thing about this monkey is the two supernatural powers of "world in the palm" and "seeking good fortune and avoiding evil".

Therefore, when Wang Qi recalled the descriptions in these myths, he saw the golden armor covering his whole body in front of him, and a monkey whose face was covered with monkey hair but was extremely handsome. It is a mountain and river that has been thrown over.

The giant stick turned into a boundless giant shadow and overwhelmed the three of them, and the mountains and rivers also grew in the wind, and it felt overwhelming in a blink of an eye.Although Wang Qi's master of data could see everything clearly and knew that this was just a scene he imagined psychologically when he was affected by the aura, he still couldn't help but tremble with fear and wanted to run away.

At this moment, it was really seen how strong Gongxi, Yu and Da Weiwang, who had fought countless enemies for many years, were.

The moment Wang Qi didn't do anything, the company and Yu Huadao met the giant stick, and Big Stomach Wang met the mountain with a punch.Suddenly, there was a loud noise, and the giant stick was thrown back by Gongxi Heyu's knife, while the mountains and rivers were directly crushed by the big stomach king's punch.

The remaining energy of the two of them even sent the arm-armed ape flying back. At this time, Wang Qi had realized that he shouldn't be in a daze just now, so he directly followed up with the cosmic light sword style of the Xinghe Wanhua sword art, with unmatched speed After leading Wang Qi to attack first, he stabbed the arm-armed ape in the chest with a heavy sword.

However, Wang Qi was horrified to find that his sword didn't pierce even a single bit.The arm-armed ape not only didn't lose any of its golden armor, but retreated a lot with Wang Qi's sword, and then charged back with an unrivaled momentum that surpassed before.This time it held the stick in both hands, and the three of them immediately felt that they began to shrink endlessly, and the huge stick grew endlessly, and when the stick fell, all three of them would die on the spot.

The big stomach king gave a big drink first, and opened his big mouth to create infinite suction.The Lord of Gluttony is not a false name, he is the real owner of the Lord of Gluttony, so when he is serious, everything in this world can be his food, no matter it is tangible, intangible, real, illusory, As long as the big stomach king opens his mouth, there is nothing in the world that cannot be eaten.

This stick, which seemed to be the biggest stick in the world, was sucked by the mouth of the big stomach king and lost its direction. Became the original spiritual power.

As soon as the giant stick disappeared, all senses of the three returned to normal.Wang Qi was shocked, the ability to make people shrink at will is probably the supreme supernatural power of the universe in his palm.

"How much strength does this monster have in the original version? It feels almost unmatched right now!"

Thinking this way, Wang Qi, this time he no longer recklessly advanced, but simply retreated tens of meters, and directly withdrew from the battlefield.

Since I can only cause trouble for the two of them inside, it's better to help remotely.

The Bow of the Starry Sky appeared in Wang Qi's hand in a flash, and he made a gesture of pulling the bowstring casually, and an arrow of the Starry Sky appeared automatically. The moment he let go, the star alignment ability was activated, and it instantly hit within a radius of [-] meters regardless of the distance. This arrow was stuck between the eyebrows of the arm-armed ape.

It is still expected that it cannot be harmed in the slightest, but Wang Qi's goal has been achieved.Even if it was just a slight touch, the attributes of the star pendant had already taken effect, and the gibbon monkey was immobilized in place by the invisible star power. Even if it could not last as long as three seconds, it would still be immobilized for a moment.

Starfall's three meteor attacks pierced the sky and landed, but they were nothing more than scratching the armpit's itch.But Wang Qi didn't expect these attacks to work, all he wanted was the chance to immobilize the gibbon monkey.

Big Stomach King and Gongxi Heyu had a tacit understanding. The moment Wang Qi created this opportunity, the two of them bullied each other.

Gongxi Heyu's Aurora Saber Technique finally reappeared in an instant, like a flower blooming in an instant, with 3 seven knives, all of which were cut at the same position on the neck of the arm-armed ape, without any mistakes.

And the big stomach king used the new ability again.He actually completely changed his style, and in an instant, he changed from a greasy middle-aged man who seemed to be in a mid-life crisis to a sharp and unsheathed peerless sword.

His left and right hands seemed to have turned into knives and forks on the dining table, and he attacked the same position with the company and Yu. When Gongxi and Yu put away the knives in an instant, the phantom of the knife and fork was inserted into the wound. Then, as if with a little force, the head and body of the brachial ape were completely separated.

"Gourmet Flow Mystery: You can only eat it if you remove your head!"

Of course, he couldn't eat it.

The characteristic of the shadow monster, it will be wiped out at the moment of death, just like in the field on the other side of the real world, leaving no trace.

The arm-armed ape didn't show much skill. The two sides only fought each other for less than five seconds before being beheaded by the tacit cooperation of the three as if they had practiced many times.

"Oh, it's a shame, there's nothing left of this monster."

The aura of the big stomach king instantly changed back to a lazy look, and he complained there with a mournful face.

Wang Qi didn't have the time to chat and joke with him at all.The moment he was sure that the arm-armed ape must die, he turned his head and drew his bow again, shooting three arrows in a row, aiming at the opponents of the other three war groups, the remaining three monkeys.

But only two of the three arrows worked. The Chijiri Horse Monkey and the Six-Eared Macaque were shot directly by Wang Qi's arrows because they didn't notice.Although it didn't do any damage like the gibbon monkey, Wang Qi's damage was seriously insufficient for monsters of this level, but it also created unprecedented opportunities for the two groups of people, and they immediately formed a counterattack.

The other two rounds are okay, the strongest Lingming stone monkey faced Wang Qi's direct hit, there was no ballistic trajectory at all, and the arrow that hit the target could be like a prophet, but the head was tilted back, and the golden rod in the hand With a light swipe, the arrow was sent flying to nowhere, completely useless.

With such a powerful Lingming stone monkey, the pressure is all on President Wu, Zhang Tiansheng, and Duan Shuiliu.They struggled to hold on, and were always oppressed by this Lingming stone monkey, so they could only barely protect themselves from defeat.

"This spirit stone monkey is so terrifying!"

Wang Qi said in surprise.

"That is, the Lord of the Heavenly Palace in the myth, the idol worshiped by so many people in Huabang since childhood!"

Big Stomach King stopped complaining, took over the conversation and said something, and then rushed forward with Gongxi and Yu to help.

"Then I will continue to support."

As Wang Qi said, he kept bending his bow and nodding his arrows, shooting out starry sky arrows one after another. Even if they missed the Lingming Stone Monkey, they could distract him and push the arrows away.

(End of this chapter)

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