Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 377 Fighting the Nine-Headed Snake

Chapter 377 Fighting the Hydra
When the shape of the monster gradually became clear, everyone could see clearly that it was a huge Hydra.

The huge body is over a thousand meters high, and at the ends connected together, there are nine high-rising snake heads surrounded by different brilliance. Even people who are not familiar with Western mythology can call its name in one go.

"The random transformation of the shadow monster is really a bug... The four monkeys of the world have come out, so even big guys like Hydra have come out."

Ye Tianbing yelled.

"Aren't the Four Monkeys in Confusion better than this little snake?"

Duan Shuiliu asked curiously.

"That must be. But who made the wave just now randomized to the Four Monkeys of the Hunshi first?"

Fifth Wangxian shook his head.

"It should be said that it was fortunate that the wave came out just now. According to the law of this time, it will become stronger as it goes on. If there is a Lingming stone monkey in this wave, then we should go home early to wash and sleep. It's over."

Xu asked the interface.You are right when you think about it, if you really increase the strength of that stone monkey, then you really don't want to fight.

"Okay, stop talking, it's coming down."

As soon as Yue Jingxian opened his mouth, everyone immediately became silent, and they stopped joking.

Saying that it is a small snake is purely a comfort in my heart. In fact, it would be a huge headache for anyone who replaced it with such a huge monster.

"What I'm worried about now is, after beating this guy, will there be more in the future? When will it be the end?"

Chairman Wu said what everyone is most worried about.

"Hmm...Actually, I just saw a little bit of the future again. It seems that this guy is the last one."

Wang Qi's Master of Data flashed some fragments of the future just right. As his strength improved and he frequently used the deduction ability of the Master of Data, such fragments of the future seemed to appear more and more frequently.Otherwise, he could have specially pulled a group of people here to wait for the dungeon today.

"Hey, Wang Qi, do you still have this kind of ability now? Your ability is really increasing."

Everyone looked at Wang Qi in amazement, which made Wang Qi feel a little embarrassed.

"Okay, as long as what you said is true, then it's fine. If we really want to continue fighting, we really don't know if we can keep the tower under our feet."

President Wu nodded, believing Wang Qi's words.

At this moment, the hydra completely completed the process of setting the shape.It seems that because its strength is too strong, it is so slow to completely shape the body.But this also made everyone secretly alert a lot.

At the moment when its form was fully completed, a huge sound resounded through the sky.

"Bugs! Hand over the cornerstone of the world! I will give you the most painful death!"

It was a sound mixed with multiple voices, and there was a strange sense of discord when mixed together.

"The cornerstone of the world? So this is the name of the Pillar of Truth." Everyone thought together, "You are going to make us die the most painful death, why should we listen to you? But the shadow monster can speak, really never I've seen it, is this a special breed?"

No one answered its words at all, everyone looked into the sky together, and their eyes met the eyes on the nine huge snake heads.

Seeing that no one paid attention to him, and he didn't know what the monster was thinking, it suddenly became very irritable, and the nine snake heads immediately turned downwards and swooped down towards the high tower.


With a loud shout, everyone rushed upward together.

In the few seconds just now, Wang Qi had already seen his level clearly, which was a full level of 650, which was 60 levels higher than the spirit stone monkey just now.

It's just that Wang Qi didn't dare to take a closer look at it, because he simply looked at the energy of the hydra and estimated its level. He used to see endless garbled characters, which made his spiritual power unstoppable. The feeling of controlling the agitation suddenly came to my heart, and I almost spurted out another mouthful of blood.

He hurriedly withdrew the data lord's gaze, which made him feel better.

After telling everyone the level of the hydra, everyone's brains twitched again, feeling a little pained. The 590-level Lingming stone monkey is so difficult to fight, and the 650-level boss is not easy to fight at all.

But if you don't fight, you have to fight. You are already here, so you can't back down.

Therefore, when the hydra swooped down, the big stomach king with the strongest defense rushed up first and stood in the front.

Based on its weight alone, the Hydra probably weighed more than [-] tons. When it swooped down in a swooping posture, it was forced into the air by the Big Stomach King alone. The power that the Big Stomach King burst out at that moment, One can imagine.

And at the moment when the first impact passed, the subsequent attacks all arrived.

No one kept their hands, and all of them were greeted by the strongest big moves.Wang Qi also used the most majestic Yan Huang in the Xinghe Wanhua Sword Art, and bombarded it heavily.

But... it didn't work.

All attacks are blocked by the hexagonal transparent energy shield connected layer by layer, just in front of Hydra.Its nine huge snake heads showed a hint of disdain, and then used attacks of different attributes to fly directly towards the people below.

Hydra, nine heads have nine attributes, namely fire, ice, water, wind, thunder, poison, darkness, earth, and dragon.Nine different colors of energy set off the majestic and majestic appearance of the nine snake heads, which looks like a standard ultimate boss.

Everyone dodged to the surroundings one after another, trying to lead the hydra to a place farther away from the tower, so as to avoid spreading to the bottom.

But Wang Qi suddenly thought that he still has a skill that he has rarely used, so he can go up and try it in this situation.

This is the Anduin defense kit sleeping on the back cover of his spirit card book.

To be honest, he has almost never used this defense kit since he got it.Because with Wang Qi's character, he is not sure about the battles that require defense. He never fights. He either gives way to the body or avoids it directly.And if he is confident in fighting, he doesn't need to defend, and offense is the best defense.

So Anduin's defense kit has always been used as a special effect on the back cover of his spirit card book, and it has no effect.

But today, seeing the hydra attacking with so many attributes, he suddenly thought of this.

Anyway, the Undead attribute of Yu Wanshui was at the bottom, Wang Qi was not afraid of any danger, so when everyone was avoiding him, he rushed forward without hesitation.While rushing, he began to summon Anduin's defensive ability.

First came Anduin's forgiveness.An Anduin mark of forgiveness appeared in front of Wang Qi. It was in the shape of a triangular prism, firmly protecting him in the middle. The three different faces represent the three attributes of ice, thunder, and wind, which can completely resist Corresponding attribute attacks ten times.Every time it is resisted, the corresponding attack power of the enemy will be reduced by 10%. After 10 times, the triangular prism will disappear. At that time, the power of the corresponding attribute of the enemy will become zero and last for 24 hours.

Although there are only three attributes, there is no doubt that if it succeeds, at least three heads of the hydra can be sealed. Wang Qi did not hesitate. The ability of the master of data was fully activated, and a complicated air line appeared in his eyes. In an instant, he controlled the flying sword and began to fly up and down along this route.

Then everyone saw a miraculous scene, Wang Qi interspersed among the countless attacks spewed out by the nine snake heads, specifically looking for the attacks of the three attributes of ice, thunder and wind, and the translucent phantom of the triangular prism firmly held the Wang Qi protects in the middle.After he flew for a while, the triangular prism disappeared completely.But at this time, Wang Qi didn't care about the attacks of the three attributes. He tried it himself, even if he was hit by an attack of the three attributes, he didn't feel anything.


Originally thought that because of level suppression, Anduin's forgiveness would be weakened, but it was successful without any surprises, and it fully reached the expected level.

"Then come again!"

Wang Qi turned around again, and this time summoned a phantom of a regular tetrahedron, which was Anduin's immunity.

Anduin's immunity: Four surfaces painted with magic patterns, as long as they are attacked once, they can summon a shield that is completely immune to the same attribute within an hour.So Wang Qi just spun the flying sword in the air, and actively found four kinds of attacks, namely poison, dragon, dark, and ground. When the phantom triggered the effect, there were four shields around his body that could be freely controlled.

"Seven attributes! I can rely on the water attribute to fight against it, that is to say, there is only one attribute left, the fire attribute! And in front of the water attribute, the fire attribute is the most feared!"

In the blink of an eye, Wang Qi was able to come and go as freely as a butterfly fluttering up and down among the attacks of the nine attributes all over the sky.

"This kid, is this a hormone injection! Why is it so fierce all of a sudden!"

The Fifth Wangxian and the others were a little surprised. They knew that Wang Qi had a lot of skills, but they didn't expect to play new tricks.They really admired that Wang Qi was able to block most of the attacks, but they could only dodge by relying on their flexible dodging ability, and they could retaliate when they had time.

Of course, because Anduin's forgiveness took effect, the attack power of the three attributes of Ice Thunder Wind has been completely sealed, and the attacks are like special effects of light and shadow, which saves everyone a lot of trouble.

"It turned out to be that damn guy Anduin! I underestimated you, bugs!"

Unexpectedly, that huge voice suddenly appeared again, explaining the origin of Wang Qi's ability.It sounds like there seems to be some special story behind this.

With Wang Qi's contribution, everyone relaxed a lot, and began to get together one after another, looking for the snakeheads they were good at dealing with to attack.All of a sudden, in front of the nine snake heads, there were one or two people fighting each other.

The huge size of the hydra has an advantage, he will not move at high speed like the Lingming stone monkey.But the bad thing is that even if it is sealed by Wang Qi with three attribute attacks, after the three snake heads find it, they can still use physical attacks to assist it.Moreover, this guy is really rough-skinned and thick-skinned, almost all attacks will be blocked by the phantom of the hexahedron from its body, and will have no effect.

"What to do, this defense can't be beaten!"

Someone is shouting.

"Try more! Use different attributes to attack!"

President Wu, the oldest and most experienced, shouted.He has once again set up a star shifting array, which can wrap the hydra inside.

However, because of the size of the large formation, although it wraps the hydra, it is like a tightly stuffed balloon. The attack could not be moved by relying on the large formation at all, President Wu was very struggling to maintain it, and the scene was a bit stalemate for a while.

"Who knows what Hydra's weakness in myth is?"

"Ghost knows!"

In mythology all over the world, there are different stories about Hydra.But there is no doubt that the legendary hydra is synonymous with powerful and evil, and it is difficult to be killed.Even if he is really killed, it can only be done by a more powerful legendary hero. At least among the people at the moment, no one dares to say that he is as powerful as the mythical hero.

"Then use the old method! Wang Qi! Find a way to erode its connection!"

"it is good!"

Fifth Wangxian shouted loudly, and Wang Qi quickly responded.

After being immune to seven types of attribute attacks, he has been helping his teammates block damage as a firefighter everywhere. Although the attack is not strong, he is doing his duty as a human shield.

After being reminded by the Fifth Wangxian, Wang Qi once again used the old method of dealing with the Lingming Stone Monkey, condensing countless invisible true water, covering the connecting part of the Hydra.

Hydra didn't care about Wang Qi's actions, because the attacks of those people present were too diverse. It was confident in its strong defense ability, and ignored all attacks at all.

Everyone helped Wang Qi restrain the nine huge heads, and Wang Qi continuously condensed a large amount of invisible true water to cover its body.

As soon as the invisible real water came into contact with the hexagonal energy shield, the energy shield firmly blocked the real water out.But the Intangible True Water is one of the seven true waters known as the strongest in the world, and its ability to erode is at the strongest level in the world. After being blocked by this energy shield for a few minutes, Wang Qi finally moved. The invisible true water invaded successfully.

As long as there is a beginning, the following things will be easy to handle.The intangible real water has the ability to erode the grain, and the small eye the size of a needle tip is gradually enlarged to a hole the thickness of a chopstick.

"Senior Yue!"

Wang Qi shouted loudly, and he clearly marked the hole in everyone's eyes with a trace of spiritual power.

Immediately, Yue Jingxian, who heard Wang Qi's shout, and the other people who reacted rushed towards Wang Qi.

Condensing one's attack into a thin thread, among the people present, there are six people who can do it, Yue Jingxian, Ice Queen, Duan Shuiliu, Fifth Wangxian, Xu Wen and Zhang Tiansheng.

Don't look at the boss's usual lazy appearance, but Wang Qi has actually opened his eyes tonight.His ability to control the smoke with one hand is simply superb, attacking and defending together, extremely sharp.

The six people had already arrived in front of Wang Qi in an instant, aiming at the thin hole as thick as chopsticks on the energy shield, and the six earth-shattering attacks were condensed into filaments and sent into the shield together, with heavy bangs In the connecting part of Hydra's body.

Immediately, the hydra suffered the only serious injury since its appearance. The burst of damage from the six attacks cut a huge crack in its connecting part, and black blood gushed out immediately, and the energy shield was like Like a candle in the wind, it flickered twice and then disappeared by itself.

Under one blow, it turned out to be an unimaginable result!
(End of this chapter)

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