Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 378 Is it Strange that a Nine-Headed Snake Has a Head?

Chapter 378 Is it Strange that Hydra Has Ten Heads?
Feeling the pain, Hydra let out nine terrifying roars, and its arrogance soared, and it immediately pushed everyone back a lot.

But this can't change, the huge damage caused by the scar at the connection, and the consequence of the complete disappearance of the shield.

"Taking advantage of his illness!"

Needless to say the next game, everyone rushed forward together.

The attack finally worked. Everyone played 120 points. Several of them continued to expand their results at the joints, and the others concentrated on attacking a snake head, trying to cut them off one by one.

However, an unexpected scene appeared.

The hydra seemed to be extremely angry because of the connection injury, and it did something that surprised everyone.

It itself, the nine snake heads, were torn apart abruptly from the connection, turning into nine independent giant snakes.

However, at the end of each giant snake, there is a black blood coagulated snake tail. The snake tail exudes an ominous atmosphere, which makes people can't help but stay away.

"The boss has entered the second form, everyone be careful!"

Nine independent giant snakes made the scene even more chaotic, but it also made it easier to fight.

Wang Qi alone held the giant snakes with three attributes of Bingleifeng, and the remaining eleven people concentrated on attacking the remaining six giant snakes.

Because the hydra can only be considered level 650 when they are together, after they separated, Wang Qi took a look and found that their respective levels had dropped to level 550, which was on par with the lowest among the four monkeys in the world.

This made these giant snakes much easier to deal with.What's more, in addition to the attributes of each snake head, they only have the ability of rough skin and thick flesh, which makes the battle much easier.

It didn't take too long, the six giant snakes were cut down one by one by everyone, and it seemed that only the three behind Wang Qi were still being taken for a walk.

But Wang Qi felt that things were not that simple.Although he didn't dare to take a closer look at the hydra with his data master's ability, he still keenly discovered that whenever a single giant snake died, a large amount of energy would be transferred to all the other giant snakes out of thin air.

After the partners killed the six giant snakes, Wang Qi clearly felt that the three giant snakes behind had become stronger, and the energy level in their bodies had been pushed to level 630 again, which was only one step away from their original nine-headed form. The difference is 20 levels.

"Attention everyone! The more these snakes are killed, the stronger the remaining ones will be! Therefore, we must ensure that the last blow kills three snakes at the same time!"

Wang Qi shouted loudly, and when the surrounding partners heard it, they were shocked again.

But right now there are only these three snakes left, and it is impossible not to kill them, so they must be killed at the same time as Wang Qi said, so that there is a chance that the three snakes will not have the opportunity to transfer energy to their companions.

Everyone launched an attack again, and this time they fought more carefully.Moreover, the strength of the three giant snakes has risen sharply because of their level up again. Wang Qi had no choice but to act as a firefighter again, constantly rushing to his partners to block the fatal attribute damage.

The twelve people present were all guys with rich combat experience. President Wu was in the middle to coordinate, and soon the injuries on the three giant snakes accumulated more and more, and the accumulation was relatively average.

Finally, an excellent opportunity appeared. The three giant snakes exposed their fatal wounds in one direction at the same time during their flight.

"It's now!"*12
Everyone launched the strongest blow*3 together, and rushed towards the three giant snakes respectively.

The attack worked.The three giant snakes were immediately attacked by a strong force, and they were chopped into several sections, and they died in the blink of an eye.

"Huh, is it over..."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and was about to relax.

At this moment, Wang Qi's heart rang alarm bells, and he reacted extremely quickly. With a wave of his hand, a large amount of one-yuan heavy water was scattered around, and an infinite water area was formed immediately, enveloping everyone in it.

Everyone was wondering why Wang Qi did this, and while taking protective measures one after another, they saw that in the water, where the three giant snakes died just now, there was actually a phantom of a giant snake.If it wasn't for the water area, no one would have noticed this phantom at all.

It was a giant snake that was completely transparent and invisible.

At this moment, the phantom assumed a standard snake-like posture, but remained motionless.Wang Qi could see clearly that it was because the energy of the other nine giant snakes after death was all concentrated in its body at this moment, making his energy rise steadily, even surpassing that of the initial hydra form. grade.

"This is the tenth head of Hydra! We've all been fooled by it!"

Well, Hydra has ten heads, which is indeed in line with common sense.

This invisible snake head has always been hidden around everyone.It seemed to know that the other nine giant snakes would be killed by everyone, so it deliberately didn't show its flaws at all, just waiting for itself to devour all the energy and become the strongest in one fell swoop.

If it wasn't because it needs to absorb energy, Wang Qi felt the clue at that moment, otherwise he is still invisible at this moment and will not be discovered by everyone at all.At that time, if it is allowed to carry out a sneak attack, if the people present do not have the ability to save their lives, they will really die.

Thinking of this, everyone broke out in a cold sweat, and looked at Wang Qi happily.

Speaking slowly, in fact, this is less than a second.Everyone reacted, and then aimed at the invisible giant snake in unison, and started attacking again.

But it's too late to say it, and it only takes a second for the invisible giant snake to absorb all the energy.After it absorbed the energy, its level soared directly to level 670, surpassing the original level by a full 20 levels, which was another big step forward on the road to becoming stronger.

"Very well, I have to thank you all. It was you who made me get rid of that cumbersome form and finally evolved to where I am today. This avatar has already reached 1% of my body's strength. I hope you don't die too fast. Let me Just have a good time playing."

The invisible giant snake evaded all the attacks with a slight slide, and then a faint, pure, gender-indistinguishable voice echoed in everyone's minds.

"Don't be too arrogant!"

President Wu's formation has been still open. Although it was on the verge of falling just now, it has survived in the end.With Wang Qi's infinite water filling, this place has become a completely enclosed water polo at this moment.

With just a thought in his heart, the function of the formation was immediately enhanced, and the figure of the invisible big snake was marked by the formation in the way of drawing an outline.

Although Wang Qi's waters will not cause trouble to everyone, seeing that President Wu has already managed to mark the enemy, Wang Qi immediately began to gather all the water to the palm of his hand.The powerful ability of Wanshuizhiyu was manifested at this moment, and all the water flow finally gathered in Wang Qi's hands, turning into a flying knife again.And everyone else fit together again and rushed towards the invisible giant snake.

If the pressure of this water knife is released, the impact force that erupts in an instant will be no less than a nuclear bomb, or even stronger than a nuclear bomb.

"Water spirit attunement!"

In an instant, he drained half of the spiritual energy in his whole body, and put the spiritual energy into the water knife in his hand. Wang Qi's heart skipped a beat, knowing that the water spirit had been born, he didn't bother to control it anymore.

After becoming a water spirit, that strong pressure has become its normal state, and no one needs to control it.

Over there, President Wu fully manipulated the large formation to suppress the giant snake, and the remaining ten people fought fiercely against the invisible giant snake.

Today, there are several vicious fights in a row, which really made everyone show their magical powers. Basically, Wang Qi has been dazzled by everyone's abilities, and he has to admire them in his heart. He can indeed be called a master, and everyone has a unique skill. .

Not to mention the three masters of the association, the Fifth Wangxian who is familiar with Wang Qi, just Zhang Tiansheng, Gongxi Heyu, Ye Tianbing, and Qiu Mingshan, who really surprised Wang Qi again and again.Especially the boss and Brother Heyu, whose strengths were far beyond expectations.

But now is not the time to think about these things. After Wang Qi condensed this water spirit, he summoned the Blood River Flying Knife Water Spirit that he had prepared for a day to deal with mobs but didn't use much. Suspended by the side, together with the newly condensed flying knife, under Wang Qi's assisted operation, it flew towards the huge invisible snake's mouth.

Wang Qi's idea was simple, since your giant snake's skin is rough and fleshy, water and fire are invulnerable, then just attack it from the inside.This is still the inspiration drawn from the story of the Lingming Stone Monkey.

Of course, Wang Qi was not the only one who thought of this, but others didn't have so many things to throw, and the attack would be defeated by the nine-attribute energy spit out from the mouth of this invisible giant snake, but nothing could really go into its stomach.

But Wang Qi's flying knife and water spirit are different.After all, these water spirits have passed through electric sparks, and they have some spiritual wisdom of their own. Seeking good luck and avoiding bad luck is the basic quality.With the help of Wang Qi's Master of Data, these flying around, pretending to help attack, waiting for an opportunity for the crowd to besiege, the invisible giant snake opened its mouth, and the flying knife got into a large group.

The flying knife that had just condensed countless water essences and was infused with spiritual power by Wang Qi didn't have any other abilities like the Blood River flying knife. Its only ability was self-explosion.Therefore, when it got deep enough into the giant snake's body, it suddenly induced all the spiritual power in the body, and an infinite torrent of water erupted from the tiny flying knife, immediately smashing the giant snake's body to pieces.

Although this giant snake is now invisible and attacks with nine attributes, its body is still extremely tough, but it has no ability to hold the universe in its belly, so after the flying knife exploded, it really propped up a huge bulge in its body, The water flowed so quickly that the giant snake couldn't spit out much, the bulge burst open, and countless cracks appeared on the giant snake's body.

The water exploded, but it didn't have to be inferior to the fire at all.

The Blood River Flying Knife with the same root and the same origin is like a duck to water in the giant snake at this time. The evil and filthy attributes of the Blood River itself are immediately integrated into the surrounding water flows, and it cuts towards the body of the giant snake. While rotting and eroding, cutting everywhere, making a giant snake miserable.

Originally, Wang Qi's attack actually had no effect on the giant snake's direct attack. His level difference was too great, so he was naturally suppressed there, just like he was fighting the Lingming Stone Monkey, he could only play as a support.But who made him think of a good way now, found the weakness of the giant snake, and became the one who contributed the most, almost beheading the giant snake under the knife.

Seeing that Wang Qi's method worked, everyone rushed forward together and beat the falling water snake.Although this giant snake is desperately repairing its body, its regenerative ability can be seen to be very powerful at the moment, but it is not as fast as the attack from outside, so a dignified 670-level giant snake, just like this Qu's was cut under the knife by everyone working together.

At the moment when the giant snake died, everyone could clearly see that a black shadow emerged from the giant snake's body.

"Very good, you little bugs, I remember you! The cornerstone of the world will be given to you for now, but keep it for me, and I will come again!"

The black shadow just uttered a harsh word, and disappeared between the sky and the earth in a blink of an eye, leaving no trace.

President Wu waved his hand to shut down the big array, and the surrounding became clear again.Everyone looked towards the top of their heads together, and sure enough, there were no new shadow monsters appearing above.

"Well, it seems that there are still many secrets in it."

Wang Qi was a little curious.

That black shadow obviously came from above the starry sky, it can manipulate and possess shadow monsters descending below, and can condense such a strong shadow monster, it can only be said that it must have super strength itself, but due to unknown reasons , the main body can't get in, and can only manipulate some puppets to get in, just to get this pillar of truth, which is the cornerstone of the world in his mouth.

Well, it seems that in the battle just now, killing the giant snake in the end seems to have caused it a lot of damage, otherwise it wouldn't just leave after uttering harsh words.

In any case, this matter seems to be over for the time being.

As for the future, let’s talk about the future. Anyway, the high tower is safe for a short time, which gives the commanders a lot of buffer room. As long as they develop rapidly, even if they leave the high tower to find a safer place No no.

Everyone looked at each other, and then landed on the top of the tower together.The commander hurried up to greet him, and Wang Qi also let Ling Yi come out of the gourd to breathe.

"Mr. Wang Qi, I wonder what your results are?"

The Grand Commander asked anxiously.

"Well, it's okay. The strongest demon has been repelled, but there are still hidden dangers. The black hands behind it haven't been figured out yet. Now it's just giving you some buffer time."

Wang Qi didn't hide anything, he just told the truth.

"This... well, it seems that we must work hard next."

The commander shook his head, but there was nothing he could do.He didn't even have the qualifications to watch the battle above. It was quite frustrating to think about it, but it was more yearning.When he has such strength, even if the monster comes again, they can solve the problem by themselves.

"Then since it's all right, please move to my mansion, I have prepared a dinner for everyone."

The commander-in-chief began to invite warmly, but everyone couldn't retreat, so they flew back to his mansion on the [-]th floor.

(End of this chapter)

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