Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 379 Zhang Tiansheng Zhang Family

Chapter 379 Zhang Tiansheng Goes Home

This time, everyone will not be polite when they come to the Grand Commander's mansion, and the Grand Commander is also very happy, knowing that these are all masters, and they will try their best to satisfy any request.

During the meal, President Wu quietly found Wang Qi, and grabbed him to ask questions.

"Wang Qi, how long are you going to stay here?"

Wang Qi looked at President Wu curiously, "Prepare to stay for a few more days, I haven't read all the books here, and I will leave when I finish reading them all. But don't worry, I will definitely send you off before I leave. Go back, just have fun here for the past few days."

"That's it."

President Wu thought about it for a while, and then told his story.

"I was thinking, can you help bring more people here, I want people from the association to learn the alchemy here."

"Uh, President, I have to make it clear to you that the alchemy here can only be used outside the tower unless you have special abilities, such as me, or you need to equip it with the power of truth card I made. Take it slowly. You can also use a little bit of the power of truth. You can send people here, but I don’t plan to stay here for too long. I can also help with the spirit card, but after I leave, it is impossible to send them back for you. "

Wang Qi was a little embarrassed.

In fact, he can use void jump to set a coordinate here, and he can still come back later.But that ability can tie six coordinates in total, and the Witch Emperor left one. Wang Qi hasn't decided whether to keep it here or not.

"This... so there is such a saying. Well, let me think about it again."

Chairman Wu was a little disappointed.

"Actually, if you just want to learn the technique of making spiritual props in the spirit world, I can provide it for you. However, I can only provide information, and I don't have time to teach it for the time being. You have to learn by yourself."

Seeing President Wu disappointed, Wang Qi made another proposal.

There is nothing to hide about this. It is estimated that Wu Wangxian has already said that he will make these things. President Wu deliberately put the topic here, isn't he just waiting for him here.

"That's good, that's good, then I will trouble you, I will organize some people to study the materials, and when you go back to reality, you can come and teach them when you have time."

After receiving Wang Qi's promise, President Wu quickly agreed.In the future, the Huabang Spirit Card Association will have one more background, and in the long run, this will have a huge impact.

After the agreement here, the boss Zhang Tiansheng called Wang Qi over again.

"Wang Qi, how long are you going to stay in the spirit world?"

"Well, I'm going to keep finding the octopus until I can bring him back."

"Is it still far away?"

"Probably... I have walked less than one-tenth of the way now."

Yes, even though Wang Qi has already traveled to so many places, in fact, on the map in his mind, the road he has traveled now is not even one-twentieth of it, to say the least.One-tenth is just what he said so as not to sound too exaggerated.

"oh, I see."

Zhang Tiansheng exhaled a smoke ring.

"Forget it, President Wu also told me that you are already an inspector of the general association, and the contract between us is officially terminated, and you don't have to think about handing over the members anymore, just concentrate on being you." It’s fine. Anyway, you are in the spirit world now, and you can’t brush the domain.”

"Uh, boss, in fact, I've already prepared mine for the past few months... Since you don't want it, then forget it..."

Wang Qi chuckled, every time he took the time to go back, he would scan the domain, and the avatar was always there, so it really doesn't matter if you have a few spirit cards.

"Take it, you don't have to pay it."

Zhang Tiansheng waved his hand, and went to drink with Yue Jingxian and the others.

For the next few days, Wang Qi still stared at the top of the tower every night, but as expected, no new demons descended from the sky, and he didn't know why.

He still specially accompanied President Wu back to reality. President Wu vigorously organized a group of scientific researchers with high confidentiality in the association to come with them. The commander received them grandly, and the two sides exchanged a lot less technical.

As for the other people, after wandering around in the tower became boring, they all ran out to wander in the wilderness and jungle by themselves. Wang Qi thought about it and decided to give everyone a week to stay here enough. I don't care anymore.

In the past few days, Wang Qi has read all the books and research materials in the entire tower.The Grand Commander has opened up all authority to him, and his current status in the tower is even higher than that of the Grand Commander.All the members of the Alchemy Association respectfully called him a teacher when they saw him. That was because the only students Wang Qi taught in class had already spread his knowledge and reputation throughout the entire tower.

"I didn't expect that in the real world, it's so normal, but here it's like a dog."

Another group of alchemists passed by, and they all bowed their heads to say hello to Wang Qi. After Wang Qi returned the salute, he said to Xu Wen who didn't go out with others, but stayed here to learn knowledge.

"That's because you are low-key enough in the real world. Believe me, if you show all your abilities in reality, you can also get your current status. President Wu's courtesy to you can be seen."

"You have to know that the position of inspector does not sound like a lot of power, but in fact, in the history of the establishment of the Lingka Association, there are no more than 100 people who can hold this position. And those people are all rare. A master at first sight. You can get this position at this age, and when you go back, how many people will fawn on you."

Xu Wen's tone was indifferent, and he answered what Wang Qi said just now while walking.

"Forget it, I'm actually not very interested in things like power. There are so many interesting things in this world, and I haven't read them all, so I won't care about those insignificant things."

Wang Qi shook his head and said.

The two were in the second branch of the tower at this time.Among the research materials here, there are some interesting things, Wang Qi is going to look at them again.As for Xu Wen, it was easy. He had already specially prepared a super-capacity mobile phone, and took pictures of all the materials he had read and brought them back. This was a huge gain.

Of course Wang Qi knew what research the Xu family was doing.But to be honest, Wang Qi felt that it was doing a good deed, at least giving some people hope of survival.It would be a good thing if these data could further their research.

Chairman Wu is naturally aware of this matter. Because of the relationship between Xu Wen and Wang Qi, he knew that he could not stop him, so he acquiesced to Xu Wen's behavior.Even President Wu planned to call the head of the Xu family over to have a good chat after returning home.

Seven days passed in a flash, and everyone knew that Wang Qi was not going to stay here any longer, so they rushed back from outside the tower.

Everyone brought a lot of trophies. The storage bell and cave bell that Wang Qi sent out seemed not enough. Big Stomach King even came back with a three-story-high beast carcass. He said the smell of this Very good, go back and prepare to make it delicious.

"You guys are really... okay."

Wang Qi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he didn't say anything, and put the spoils that everyone brought back into the gourd one by one.

Then there is the Grand Commander.He has been super generous these days, entertaining the few people who stayed in the tower very satisfied, and these people also privately gave him some spirit cards from the real world, making him feel that he has made a lot of money.Both parties were satisfied, so the commander-in-chief prepared a generous gift for each of them before they left.

"Okay, there is always a feast in the world, and everyone has almost gained a lot. It's time for Wang Qi to go and continue his own business. Let's go."

President Wu saw that everyone was a little too lively, so he coughed lightly twice, and then spoke to everyone.

Everyone heard the same thing, so all the people gathered together, and after saying goodbye to the general, they asked Wang Qi to put them into the gourd one by one.

What's interesting is that there were two special guests who followed everyone back.There were two female alchemists who were teaching alchemy to the researchers brought by President Wu. Somehow, they developed feelings for each other in this short period of time, and finally decided to go there together.There was nothing for everyone to stop this kind of thing, so the two female alchemists happily packed up their belongings and left together.

After the last farewell, President Wu and others shook hands with the commander, Wang Qi put everyone into the gourd, waved goodbye to everyone, turned around and flew away from the tower.

He finally decided to leave a coordinate here first, and come back to check from time to time in the future. If there is any trouble, he can still help out.Moreover, he was very interested in the four words "World Cornerstone" that the Hydra that was finally beheaded said, and he might really come here again in the future.

Turning around and flying away from the high tower for a certain distance, Wang Qi directly cut back to his avatar when he could no longer see the high tower, and returned to the Taixu Wonderland in the real world, the home of Yue Jingxian and the Ice Queen.

As soon as he came back here, he thought that there were too many people, so Wang Qi came to the yard outside the door and released everyone from the gourd.

Everyone was used to being brought by Wang Qi, and they were not surprised. Seeing that they had already returned, they began to share things lively.

Wang Qi looked at the boss Zhang Tiansheng and the others.

"Boss, look, will I send you back home, or will you play here in the imperial capital for a while and then go back by yourself?"

Hearing Wang Qi's words, Zhang Tiansheng's expression was a bit complicated.He took two puffs of his cigarette, Gongxi and Yu all looked at him without saying a word, waiting for his decision.

"Forget it, you don't have to worry about it. Now that you've already come, let people know that I didn't go home to take a look when I arrived in the imperial capital. I really thought I was afraid of someone. It just so happened that I took Ling Yi home. By the way Take something her mother left here."

"Huh? Gossip?"

Wang Qi looked at Gongxi and Yu curiously.

He helped Brother Heyu get the knife from Bian Mochang before, so he knew that Brother Heyu and the boss must have had something to do with Di before.Now it seems that the story behind this may be quite complicated.

By the way, President Wu knew the boss when he met him before. It seems that the boss really didn't listen to him easily.

"Then boss, why don't I go with you? Anyway, I'm not in a hurry, so I can support you and help you."

"Shit, I don't need your support."

"Boss, I'm an inspector now! A very powerful identity!"

Wang Qi learned from Xu Wen and put it into practice now.

A few people looked at Wang Qi with strange eyes, let alone... This identity is indeed enough to support anyone.

"That doesn't need you either! Hurry up and continue on your way!"

Zhang Tiansheng patted Wang Qi on the head, and Wang Qi smiled, and said nothing more.

However, he still made up his mind. After switching back to the clone in a while, he let the clone follow a few people quietly, not because he wanted to pry into any privacy, but just because he was curious, ahem.

After confirming that all the things brought back by everyone were released, Wang Qi waved his hand to say goodbye to everyone, and then disappeared in public, which made everyone amazed and guessed again, what kind of magical ability this is.

I don't know, Wang Qi's avatar is covering his mouth and laughing here, but no one can see him at all.

Yue Jingxian and the others went home, and the others walked towards the gate of Taixu Wonderland together.Soon, everyone left the gate of the association, and Zhang Tiansheng and the others bid farewell to President Wu and the others.

Ye Tianbing drove the car borrowed from President Wu, Zhang Tiansheng and the others sat in the car without saying a word.

Ye Tianbing and Qiu Mingshan are not familiar with the emperor, but this is the place where Gongxi and Yu grew up.So he kept opening his mouth to give directions, and gradually, the car drove in front of a group of buildings.

This generation is all aristocratic families living in the imperial capital, which is completely different from the area where ordinary people live.Just like the mansions and courtyards in ancient times, there are high-walled courtyards everywhere, shaded by trees, and no pedestrians can be seen on the road.

Gongxi and Yu pointed the way very precisely, and soon Ye Tianbing drove the car to a gate.

There were actually two uniformed guards standing guard with guns in front of the door. It was obvious that the people living here were of extraordinary status.

Seeing five people park their car on the side of the road and get out of the car and were about to go in, two guards immediately stopped them.

"Stop coming! May I ask who are you looking for? If there is anything, please contact the other party first and let him come out to pick you up."

Because they did not receive instructions in advance, the two guards dutifully spoke to them according to the procedure.

"Hehe, I didn't expect that one day, I would not even be able to enter my own home."

Zhang Tiansheng took off the cigarette from his mouth casually, threw it on the ground and stomped on it, then looked at the two young guards.

"No one invited us here. Just give us an announcement and say that I, Zhang Tiansheng, are back."

When the two guards heard the name, they were shocked. They didn't dare to delay, so they quickly picked up the phone on the side and reported to the inside.

Before waiting for 3 minutes, several people saw an old man with gray hair rushing out with seven or eight servants.

"Young master! You, you are finally back!"

(End of this chapter)

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