Chapter 381
Zhang Tiansheng's return home did not cause any disturbance in the imperial capital, Wang Qi's avatar saw this scene, and left with peace of mind.

He originally made up the plot of pretending to be slapped in the face, and was ready to act righteously at any time to settle everything secretly for the boss, but seeing that the situation was completely different from what he thought, he shook his head with a little regret.

That's right, there are so many novel plots in life.

Don't worry about this side, Wang Qi's avatar has not left the imperial capital, and there are a lot of domains here, so just stay here for the time being.

Leaving aside the avatar, his main body has already flown an unknown distance.

When flying alone, you can fly as much as you want without any restraint, no matter what posture or movement you use, no one will care about you.

Just when Wang Qi thought so...

"Hey, boy, why are you flying so flirtatiously?"

An old man's voice suddenly came from Wang Qi's ear.


This startled Wang Qi, he is flying on the flying sword at a speed of more than 1 kilometers per hour, and ordinary people may not be able to see his shadow clearly if they want to see it.

Thinking of this, he slammed on the brakes, and then the eagle with the right eye flew out, and suddenly a God's perspective appeared next to his body, and he saw that not far from him, there was a bird following him with a happy face fly together.

Of course, when he braked, the bird also came to a sudden brake, the movement was as easy as flowing clouds and flowing water, and it was completely unaffected by the sudden deceleration.

Seeing Wang Qi stop suddenly, the bird showed a dissatisfied expression on its face.God knows why Wang Qi thought he could see the dissatisfied expression on a bird's face.

"Why did you stop suddenly?"

This bird was the first to catch people's voice, and Wang Qilai was the one who spouted a lot of words, his voice was very crisp, but his tone was a bit old-fashioned.

"This... who are you?"

Wang Qi swore that he hadn't noticed at all when there was such a bird next to him.

With his high speed, ordinary monsters can't catch up with him at all, and he didn't specifically open his vision. Who knew there could be such a monster that looked as big as a sparrow in appearance, covered in snow, with a stick flying backwards on the top of its head? Its blue feathers and two black peas eyes look very cute.

If you keep this bird as a pet, it will definitely attract the attention of a large number of girls, and you can't help but catch this bird in your hand and play with it carefully.

"Joke, you haven't heard of my bird master's reputation, have you?"

The little white bird flapped its wings and flew in front of Wang Qi with a very dissatisfied face.

"I just passed by, where can I hear your reputation?"

"That's true...but your direction is obviously going to our Little Bird Country, or else I can use your wind to fly together?"

Surprisingly, Master Niao was quite easy to talk to, once Wang Qi explained it, he stopped worrying about his reputation.

"Little Bird Country...uh..."

Along the way in the spirit world, except for the machine emperor's kingdom which was too mysterious and flew past without stopping at all, what Wang Qi saw again were all human kingdoms.Oh, and it doesn't count in the abyss either.

Suddenly, a little bird kingdom appeared in front of him. It was a bit unexpected, but it was expected.

After all, the spirit world is not dominated by a single family of humans, so why is it so strange for a bird to establish a country?

But thinking of this, Wang Qi felt that it would be better not to go there.After all, it is not a human country, and it may be inconvenient to go there.Moreover, you can't get in at all.

"Master Bird, you said that your little bird kingdom is ahead? How far is it?"

Wang Qi asked the little white bird.

"Not too much, not too much, according to your speed just now, it will take another two days to arrive."

As the white bird said, it landed directly on Wang Qi's flying sword, forcing Wang Qi to squat down to look at him.

"Then, I'll take a detour."

The half-day journey is not far, nor is it close, but Wang Qi thinks it's better to avoid it early.

"Don't, I still want to take your ride. If you don't want to go, how tiring it is for me to fly back by myself!"

The little white bird immediately quit, and jumped up, flopping around in front of Wang Qi.

"But you are a country of little birds, why should I go there alone as a human?"

Wang Qi really felt that this little white bird was a bit cute in contrast. He spoke in an old-fashioned tone, but when he closed his mouth, he was just a cute little white bird.

"Why can't we go? There are a lot of humans in our little bird country, and several nearby countries have come to do business with us, and there is also a special human city."

"Huh? There is such a thing? It's interesting. Do you know the tower country where I came from?"

When Wang Qi heard that there was actually a special human city, he immediately asked curiously.

"A tall tower? What kind of tower? There is no such country that has established diplomatic relations with Little Bird Country?...Could it be that you are talking about a new country?"

Upon hearing this, the little white bird was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly became very happy.

"Hahaha! I knew my trip was not in vain! Master Bird is about to get promoted and get rich! Master Bird, I have discovered a new country!"

It croaked and laughed for a long time, and then flew to Wang Qi's face.

"Hey, boy, tell me quickly, where is the tower? What's the situation?"

Its expression was a little anxious, obviously already occupied by the idea of ​​getting promoted and getting rich.

Wang Qi wiped off his sweat. It is normal to put this kind of thing on anyone, but on a bird... Wang Qi really felt that the sense of disobedience was too great.

But it didn't affect him, he bargained with the bird master.

"Then tell me, what good will I do if I tell you the news?"

He just took the opportunity to look at it with the data master's vision. This bird is so small, but it has a lot of spiritual power in its body. It is also at the level of more than 300, which is completely at the level of a master.If this bird were to go to the tower, it would really be able to crush everyone in the tower.


Unexpectedly, Wang Qi wanted to benefit from it. Master Bird was stunned for a moment, calmed down, then stared at Doudou and thought for a long time, and finally asked tentatively.

"What benefits do you want?"

It even knows how to kick the ball and kicked the problem back!

Wang Qi stroked his chin, and simply had a showdown with him.

"Why don't you talk about your little bird country first, otherwise how do I know what benefits you can give me?"

"That's it? Then there's nothing to say. Our king is Feng Hehuang, and there are nine bird clans under his seat. He has dominated the surrounding area for thousands of miles, and they come to court from all directions. Whether it's birds, beasts, or those flowers and plants, or It’s the human race, and we in Little Bird Country treat them equally, so Little Bird Country is also the center of this area. But we also have enemies, and those metal heads are annoying, they keep fighting with us, and we don’t know what they’re trying to do.”

A few simple words outlined a vast country for Wang Qi, and Wang Qi was fascinated by it.

And judging from the description, this Little Bird Country, despite its small characters, is actually much bigger than the Celestial Alliance. After all, it can bring all races together, which is not comparable to the Celestial Alliance.

Of course, it may just happen that there are more humans in the area of ​​the Celestial Alliance.

In short, Wang Qi was really interested when he heard this.

"If you really want any benefits, that's easy. After Master Bird goes back and reports the information, and after you get promoted and get rich, whatever you want, Master Bird will reward you!"

This white bird was probably penniless, so he just opened his mouth to write a bad check to Wang Qi.

Wang Qi thought, why not follow what it said first, go and have a look before talking.So he nodded, agreeing.

"That's fine, but if that's the case, you have to make a written statement for me. I don't know you. What if you get promoted and get rich and run away? Where can I go to collect debts from you?"

"Bastard, is my Master Niao such a dishonest bird? You go to Little Bird Country to find out, who doesn't know my reputation as an honest and trustworthy little white bird?"

The little white bird was suddenly a little angry, and flew up and down a few times, as if it was angry that Wang Qi questioned his words.

Wang Qi saw that it was almost ready, so he agreed to its request and decided to go to Little Bird Country with it.

As for the legendary really need to see it.

After one person and one bird agreed, Wang Qi promised to tell it the location of the tower kingdom on the road, and the bird began to urge Wang Qi to hurry up so that he could go back quickly.

This bird master is also very unique in its ability. It is best at flying with the help of its own strength. It can easily follow anyone who flies fast, and it can maintain the same speed without any effort on its own.This ability is quite good, but Wang Qi feels too passive.

So one person and one bird continued on the way, the little white bird easily flew beside Wang Qi, chattering all the way, telling Wang Qi all kinds of things they had seen and heard about the little bird kingdom.

Wang Qi didn't hide anything, he briefly talked about the situation of the tower, and the little white bird was a little disappointed when he heard it.

"What, it turned out to be a small country, and it couldn't even get out of its own territory. No wonder it wasn't discovered by our little bird country before."

After the little white bird made some comments, he sighed.

"Well, it seems that this promotion is hopeless, we can only see how much bonus we can get."

"By the way, Master Bird, what are you doing running so far?"

Wang Qi asked his most curious question.

"Hey, it's not that my brood of sons wanted to eat jasper worms, so I went out to catch some for them. For some reason, they flew farther and farther, and ran here. I just saw you passing by in the air, and the direction was still there. By the way, I'll give you a ride."


Birds eat bugs, of course.

The two of them chatted all the way, and finally, one day later, Wang Qi came to the little bird country that the little white bird said.

It's just that they were still far away, and Wang Qi had already seen a tall tree towering over the horizon.The size and height are almost the same as the world tree that often appears in game novels.

After flying for a while, the birds on the road gradually increased, but they all flew separately, and no one paid attention to each other.

The huge tree was getting closer and closer, and the leaves on the canopy and the colors and textures of the trees clearly appeared in front of Wang Qi's eyes.Wang Qi recognized it at a glance, this tree is so clever, it also exists in the real world, it is the parasol tree.However, in the real world, I have never seen such a big phoenix tree.

It is said that Fengqi Wutong is really right.With the guidance of the little white bird, Wang Qi was extremely fast, and soon came under the canopy that covered the sky and the sun, in front of a city that obviously did not match the style of the birds.

"This is where you humans gather, you stay here first, and I'll come back to you after I'm done."

When it was not far outside the city, the little white bird broke away from Wang Qi, flew up by itself, gave him a few instructions, and then flew away by itself without looking back.

Wang Qi didn't really take this matter seriously, after waving goodbye to the little white bird, he swaggered into the city.He also wouldn't really expect the bird to do him any good.

As soon as he entered, Wang Qi was surprised to find that the popularity here was very strong, and there were people coming and going everywhere. Everyone seemed to be introverted, with a lot of spiritual power in their bodies, obviously they were not mediocre.

They each wear different styles of service, and occasionally they can see some non-human races walking on the street, and people here are not surprised.Obviously, the little white bird really didn't lie to Wang Qi. This little bird country is indeed a place where multi-ethnic civilizations blend together.

Having gotten used to it, every time he went to a place, he would check the currency here first, and then find a way to get some for follow-up actions. Wang Qi began to stroll on this street named "Blue Bird City".

The Void Butterflies dispersed silently, and the eagle with the right eye also flew out. Soon, Wang Qi figured out that the currency here is called "feather coins".

There are seven kinds of denominations of feather coins, arranged according to the color, the last of the variegated color is a kind of refined feather with no fixed color, the finger is wide, three centimeters long, and the denomination is the smallest. It is equivalent to the purchasing power of a dime in the real world, even if it is taken back to the real world as an ornament, it will look pretty.

The second is yellow, red, white, cyan, gold, and multicolored feathers in order from low to high.It is estimated that this arrangement method is due to the production of these feathers.

On the way here, Wang Qi has already observed that there are many birds in the Little Bird Country, and the most are all kinds of variegated birds. Then on the Internet one by one, the little white bird Bird Master who is all white can be ranked fourth. It seems that It is indeed not a particularly simple bird.

As for the higher cyan, gold, and multicolored colors, they are probably only available on high-end and rare birds. Feather coins of these denominations may not be seen or used at all in normal times.

All transactions here use this kind of currency, and Wang Qi can easily find material buyers everywhere. As for things like writing Chinese characters in Chinese, it's not worth complaining about at all.

After roughly inquiring about how the material dealers buy the materials, Wang Qi didn't waste any time, he left the Jade Bird City directly, turned around and returned to the wilderness with his flying sword.

After killing a bunch of prey, Wang Qi brought the prey back and drove back.

This kind of costless business is what Wang Qi likes to do the most.

(End of this chapter)

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