Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 382 The plot caused by the second generation of birds

Chapter 382 The plot caused by the second generation of birds
After selling most of the materials, Wang Qi reserved some fangs and teeth.Because he was just on the way, and found a place to buy weapons.As for the refined psychic props, the recycling price is naturally much higher.

With the first harvest, Wang Qi found a hotel and opened a room, then got into the gourd, ready to refine some weapons and equipment to sell.

He has already been to the weapon shop to observe, and he has a general understanding of the production level of spiritual items here.Anyway, with his strength, it is easy to make the most expensive things here.

So Wang Qi just spent more than two hours to use the bone of a huge beast to make a total of seven animal bone war knives, each of which has the ability to emit flame blades after inputting spiritual power. Can slightly increase the user's strength.

If Wang Qi used this weapon himself, he would definitely not like it, but if he sold it for money, he could already sell it for a lot of money.

So he put away these weapons, and then came to the largest equipment store in the city.

Under the surprised eyes of the boss, Wang Qi sold all the swords that the boss thought had reached the level of a middle-level craftsman, and exchanged them for a large sum of feather coins.Then, regardless of the boss's persuasion, he just said goodbye and left.

However, through the vision of the Void Butterfly, Wang Qi knew that he was still being targeted by someone with a heart.

Although the works of the seven-handed intermediate refiner level are not considered top-notch and precious, they are still a considerable fortune.Many customers in the store saw the scene of Wang Qi taking it out once, and some of them were suddenly moved a little bit.

Wang Qicai didn't care so much, the seven sabers plus the previous materials earned a total of more than 200 white feather coins.Green feather coins are not common, and the boss is not prepared.

This is more than 2 yuan in the real world, not to mention being particularly rich, but walking on the street must not worry about food and clothing for the time being.

He put the money bag on his waist on purpose, then turned around and started to wander in the street.Sure enough, Void Butterfly could clearly see that there were three or four people following behind, all of them poking around not far away, sneaking around.

Anyway, it's a bit boring at the moment, Wang Qi decided to just play with these guys, just need a few tool people to inquire about the news of the city, and if they come to the door by themselves, why not do it.

So after Wang Qi purposely turned into an empty alley, these tool men finally appeared in front of him.

"That kid! Stop! Rob!"

Wang Qi thought that he would hear such words. He was already ready to make a move, and he just waited for these people to clarify their intentions.

But who knows, things are completely different from what he imagined.

"Sir, could you stop for a moment? We have something to discuss with you."

Uh... Are the robbers so polite now?

Because of the principle of not hitting the smiling person with his hand, Wang Qi had no choice but to hold down his hand that was about to move, and then looked at the three men blocking him.

The three of them were all dressed in very ordinary clothes, which were very common special clothes here, and they didn't look like rich people.

"What's the matter with you?"

"This... If it's convenient for you, I wonder if I can spare a little time. Our master would like to invite you to go over and talk about it."

"Here, who is your master?"

Wang Qi felt even more strange.

"Our master is the chairman of the Dongshan Chamber of Commerce. Go out and find out. There is no one who doesn't know him!"

"What does he want from me? I'm busy."

Wang Qi waved his hand, not wanting to see their master.

"This..." Several people glanced at each other, and then the leader looked at Wang Qi again, "Actually, I want to ask you about the origin of the seven swords you took out."

Oh, so it's here.

Wang Qi passed the key information in an instant and made up the whole plot in his brain.No way, I read a lot of novels, that's all.

If you think about it this way, is it really possible to consider meeting the president of the Dongshan Chamber of Commerce?It just so happens that I have nothing to do right now, so it's just an excuse to say I'm busy.It is not known whether the little white bird will come back, and it is impossible for Wang Qi to really count on a bird.

He pretended to be hesitant, but he let the person in charge see hope, and immediately the person took a few steps forward.

"Sir, our master will definitely not let you make this trip in vain. As long as you go to see him, there will definitely be a lot of benefits."

"Then... okay, then I'll go and meet your master with you."

Wang Qi pretended to think about it again, and finally nodded in agreement.

So the three happily welcomed Wang Qi in the middle, and they went out of the alley together and returned to the main road.

Immediately, several other people who also followed behind, holding the same purpose as them, secretly shouted in their hearts to be a step late.

Although Wang Qigang made up a lot of brains, but now lacks further information, he really can't understand why they are so polite to him.But anyway, you'll find out after a while.

Soon, they hired a taxi similar to the one that the Celestial Alliance had seen, and after the three invited Wang Qi to take a seat, the four of them, carried by the taxi, soon arrived at the entrance of a very imposing building.

Above the main entrance of the building, there is a plaque with the four characters "Dongshan Chamber of Commerce" written on it. It can be seen that the person who wrote it has a bit of skill, and the handwriting is good.

After the price, Wang Qi came down and took Wang Qi with him. The three of them didn't inform, and led him directly inside. After skipping some busy people, they arrived at a living room.

"Master, we have invited people!"

As soon as the leader entered the room, he saw an old man sitting on the main seat, saluted, and then quickly let Wang Qi out.

The old man was sipping tea, but when he saw someone coming, he saw Wang Qi's figure, and immediately got up and stepped forward.

"Sir, I'm very sorry for letting you go this far, someone from Zhao will apologize to you first."

He cupped his hands, and after saluting, he invited Wang Qi to sit down at the guest table.

"Where, I'm very curious. I don't know what President Zhao wants me to do?"

Wang Qi said a few words of politeness, and imitated the same arched hands, and then sat down on the wooden stool.

After ordering his servants to watch tea, the old man Zhao sat down and spoke with a smile.

"This is not busy, I don't know what to call my little friend?"

"Oh, my surname is Wang."

"Wang Xiaoyou, it's a pleasure to meet you. In fact, I invited you here mainly to inquire about one thing. Judging by the way you look, it should be the first time you have come to Jade Bird City, right?"

President Zhao chuckled and asked.

"That's right, it's my first time here, just passing by."

"Sure enough. In fact, I have a few servants. I happened to see that Xiaoyou sold seven identical long knives, and each of them was refined to be called a high-quality product. So I invite you to come over. I just want to ask, you Is it the craftsman who refined the seven long knives?"

Sure enough, this is his purpose, Wang Qi thought.

But, there is nothing to hide, and Wang Qi is not afraid of anything.So he nodded in acknowledgment.

"That's right, it's all my casual work, and it's not worth mentioning."

Seeing Wang Qi's confession, President Zhao's face was overjoyed at first, and then he couldn't believe it.

He originally thought that Wang Qi was actually just a disciple, and there was someone else behind this craftsman, either his master or someone who hired him.But now seeing Wang Qi admitting it himself, he was a little hesitant.

"Why, do you have anything? What do you need my help refining? Just ask, if there is a suitable price, I can help you."

Wang Qi took a sip of tea, and then said carelessly.

"This, to be honest, there is indeed something that I want to ask Wang Xiaoyou for help."

After hesitating for a while, Chairman Zhao finally decided to tell his purpose.

As a result, after he finished speaking, Wang Qi was a little dazed.

The thing is like this, although the Blue Bird City is a gathering place for human beings in the Little Bird Country, in fact, there is still a bird city owner.This city lord is one of the nine great bird clans under the phoenix seat, an outstanding bird in the famous thundering blue bird clan, named Lei Zhuantian.

This blue bird can be the city lord of one of the main commercial cities near the capital of Little Bird Country, a human city, and that power is quite great.Of course, its strength is also very strong.

Human beings are still treated very well in the Little Bird Country, because human beings have something special that other races do not have, that is, making various items.

Whether it's spirit cards, elixir, or props, human beings have their own unique methods of refining, which is a big advantage in the transactions of other races, but no one can do anything with the kingdom of human beings.Who makes human beings really strong enough?

Then, there was such a thing recently, the lord of the Blue Bird City, the Blue Bird, needed the help of a human craftsman.

Asking for help is simple and easy, but difficult is also quite difficult.

As this blue bird is a powerful bird, there are countless bird concubines.But unfortunately, because it is too talented, the bird concubines have not been able to conceive a nest of eggs all these years.Up to now, there is only one black chasing bird who was later promoted to be the main concubine, and gave birth to its only offspring.

This offspring was named Lei Feng'er, with the bloodlines of two top bird clans, and was born with extraordinary talents, with the inscription "Feng" on the left wing, and the inscription "Thunder" on the right wing. When the wings moved, the wind and thunder surged violently. , infinite profit.In just a few years, it has become one of the best birds in the second generation of birds, and has even been received by the Phoenix family.

Then, it's time to get down to business.For some reason, Lei Feng'er fell in love with a little princess of the Wuying White Bird clan. It happened that the little princess would have her birthday in five days, so he begged his bird father to take advantage of the convenience of managing the Blue Bird City. A bounty was issued to all humans in the city.

Whoever can make a gift that can please the little princess of the White Bird family will be able to become Lei Feng'er's good friend and the guest of the Blue Bird City Lord, and enjoy all the convenience in the future.

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the city was moved.Because this is a city with business routes extending in all directions, everyone is here to do business. If this can be done and become the guest of City Lord Jade Bird, won't it be infinitely more convenient to do various things in the future?Among other things, the tax commission alone can be reduced a lot.

As a result, people in the whole city became commotion, looking for skilled craftsmen and craftsmen everywhere, and began to wonder what to give to the little white bird princess.

The Dongshan Chamber of Commerce was not considered a top-ranked chamber of commerce in the city, so Chairman Zhao never snatched anyone else, not even a skilled craftsman.And if you search for it from China and send it here, then the time will pass and you won't be able to catch up.

Originally, they all gave up, but they didn't expect that their subordinates happened to see the scene of Wang Qi selling things.His subordinates were quick-witted and he was his right-hand man. He immediately thought of a possibility, and immediately notified him, then went to invite Wang Qi back.

There were several chambers of commerce who had the same idea as them, but they were a little slower to start, so Wang Qi was allowed to join their Dongshan chamber of commerce.

"Oh, so I want me to help you, to help you please the little white bird princess, and then let your Dongshan Chamber of Commerce win the favor of the blue bird city lord."

Wang Qi took a sip of tea with a smile and summarized the core content.

"Yes, that is indeed the case."

As soon as Chairman Zhao saw Wang Qi smiling, he knew that this young man probably already understood his own importance.

"However, if I help you do this, what good can I do?"

Wang Qi asked back.

"Well, I don't know what benefits Wang Xiaoyou wants? Money, beauty, reputation, power, these Dongshan Chamber of Commerce dare not say too much, but we can guarantee your satisfaction."

"What's the use of me wanting those, I'm passing by, passing by!"

Wang Qi shook his head immediately and put down his teacup.

"Then... you can ask for anything you want."


Wang Qi pondered for a moment, but couldn't think of what he wanted for a while.Suddenly, his eyes lit up again.

"Books, I want a lot of books. They cannot be repeated. They must be books that record the methods of refining weapons."

Compared with all things, knowledge is undoubtedly the most valuable.Along the way, Wang Qi has collected most of all kinds of knowledge.

"This is not difficult, but it will take a certain amount of time. Because there are not many books in the city you said, we need to transfer them from China, and it will take at least fifteen days."

"Yes, I can accept it. But you must provide enough rich content and don't repeat too much."

Wang Qi reminded him, he didn't want to see Yu Yu just pretending to be a fool.

"Don't worry, our Dongshan Commercial Bank is in our country, but it is one of the best publishers. That school uses books that are not printed by us as teaching materials. I dare not say anything else. You really need this kind of thing. I will give you all the books in stock. It’s not too difficult to print a set on the bottom plate now!”

President Zhao's chest suddenly slapped.As he said, this is really not a difficult task, except that it takes time to transport, it really doesn't cost much.He was still secretly glad that Wang Qi didn't have a lion to open his mouth. As long as he only wanted books, he gave this young man a high look.

"Okay, then it's settled, I will help you out, and you will provide me with enough books."

As soon as Wang Qi put down the cup, he came to a conclusion.

Chairman Zhao was about to say yes, when a man approached the living room.

"Wait a minute!"

The two looked up, and it was a very young man who looked somewhat similar to President Zhao.

"Father, your promise is too hasty. Is this person capable? How can you decide to trade with him before you try it? What if he is a counterfeit? It's okay if nothing happens at that time. If you offend Lei Feng'er, that bird's second generation, don't we all suffer!"

He spoke plausibly, and stared at Wang Qi, as if Wang Qi was a liar.

"Well, I thought this kind of plot would never happen, but it still happened. All right, how do you want me to prove it?"

Wang Qi was not annoyed, and looked at the young man.

"It's very simple. When we meet, just refine a treasure with your own hands."

"Hey, here it is."

The equation of the power of truth was activated in Wang Qi's body, and a large amount of power of truth poured into the teacup that he had been holding in his hand, almost running out of water.Immediately, the teacup quickly changed its shape in front of the two of them, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a small white jade-like axe.


The Zhao family father and son looked at each other in disbelief.

(End of this chapter)

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