Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 388 Unexpected harvest, gourmet thief

Chapter 388 Unexpected harvest, gourmet thief

After the two birds took Wang Qi's real water, they temporarily placed Wang Qi in the garden and let him do his own thing. The two birds went back to the house by themselves and began to discuss how to deal with the matter.

"Ma'am, which birds can you contact? I'm also looking for my friend."

Bai Shengsheng paced back and forth, thinking that it would be more appropriate to find those birds with better relationships.

After thinking about it for a while, Jinniao spoke up.

"Husband, I think maybe we don't need to look for buyers everywhere."

She made up her mind.

"You actually overlooked that there is a biggest buyer."

"Who? Who are you talking about? Who has enough phoenix feathers?"

"Of course it's Lord Feng and Lord Huang!"

The golden bird spoke amazingly, and it literally stunned the white bird.

"Here, how can you go to the two adults for a direct transaction?"

"why not?"

The golden bird asked back, and then settled down.

"We all need Zhouguang True Water, but the two adults don't need it theoretically. But don't forget, the two adults don't reject bathing with this kind of real water!"

That's right, the golden bird is talking about bathing.

The Zhouguang True Water, which is regarded as a treasure by the nine bird families, has to do everything possible to get a few drops of the rare product. In fact, for the two birds of Fenghuang, it is bath water.

Because they are born with the seven true fires, it is impossible for ordinary water to get close to the body of the phoenix. This makes it very rare for the two birds to come into contact with water from birth.

Therefore, an ordinary desire to take a bath, for Fenghuang, is a wish that is very difficult to realize in this life.

It's not that they didn't have the opportunity to save enough of the seven true waters in their long lives, but because these real waters are really rare and precious, and sometimes what their descendants need most, so the two birds never thought about it. , accumulated all the real water, and used it luxuriously for bathing.

It's just that this wish was occasionally heard by the Jinniao family who served the Phoenix, so Bai Shengsheng's wife could know this secret about the two birds that was circulated within the Jinniao family.

"So that's the case... Do the two adults still have such a wish? It's us, the birds, who don't understand the sadness of the adults."

Bai Shengsheng nodded, believing what Madam said to him.

"So, what we two need to do now is to enter the Hall of Thousand Birds, meet the two adults, and then report this matter secretly, and ask the two adults to make a decision."

"Ma'am, I listen to you!"

So after the two birds discussed again, they found Wang Qi and asked him to wait here with peace of mind, and they went out to find a suitable buyer.

Wang Qi had no choice but to wait for the good news, and then watched the two birds soar towards the giant sycamore tree.

In the Hall of Thousand Birds, two huge birds, Feng and Huang, were lying on their own thrones, lazily, not knowing what they were thinking.

This Temple of Thousand Birds is different from all other palaces and houses of the bird clan.It's just that no one knows about the miraculous effects of this treasure, because two birds placed this palace here long ago.

The golden bird clan that they serve are always guessing in private. In fact, the two adults have been cultivating all the time, because their strength is too terrifying. No matter how many geniuses appear in the nine big bird clans, there will not be any bird I can see a little corner of the adults.

At this moment, one of the golden birds flew over suddenly, and flew to the gate of this magnificent and resplendent palace, and saw the patriarch of the golden bird clan, who was also the chief steward of the Temple of Thousand Birds, and was responsible for taking care of the two birds. everything.

"The patriarch, the seventeenth princess and the son-in-law are asking for an interview. They said that they have something very important to meet with the two adults."

A golden bird wearing gorgeous armor came to the chief executive and reported to him.

"Huh? Little Seventeen and Boy Bai want to see two adults?"

The patriarch of the golden bird thought for a while before agreeing to this matter.So it turned around and approached the main hall, and reported the incident to the two Phoenix and Huang lying on the throne.

"Well, I've been fine for a long time anyway, since I want to see you, let's see you."

It was Feng who spoke. Its tone was lazy, and it didn't want to talk much.

"As ordered."

The patriarch of the golden bird turned around and left, and then let the bird below come up with the two birds who were begging to see him.

It was not the first time for Bai Shengsheng and his wife to come to the Hall of Thousand Birds, but they were still terrified when they entered here, and felt afraid to make any noise.Bai Shengsheng's blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

"When you see your lord, report anything, don't make your lord angry."

Seeing his seventeen daughters, the patriarch of Jinniao was very happy, he gave a few special instructions, and then led them into the hall.

The two birds said yes in fear, and walked in step by step, and then saw the two bird kings, Feng and Huang.The patriarch of the golden bird didn't dare to stay, Feng and Huang didn't like too many idle birds in the hall.

"Lord Feng, Bai Shengsheng has something to ask to see."

"Go ahead."

Seeing that Feng was not at all verbose, Bai Shengsheng swallowed his saliva, and then began to explain everything he had discussed with his wife.

"Hey, is this really the case?"

Not only Feng was surprised, even Huang opened his glasses in surprise, looking at the two birds below with burning eyes.

"Really! We can guarantee that he has paid the deposit and is here!"

Jinniao hurriedly handed over the whole basin of real water given by Wang Qi.

"Well, it's pure Zhouguang real water. It doesn't look like it's been left for a long time. It seems that this human being has the ability to condense this kind of real water!"

Fenglue thought about it, and in his eyes, Zhouguang Zhenshui could see a lot of information.

"Invite this person here, we are willing to trade. Of course, I will not treat you two badly. I will definitely reward you for bringing such important good news."

Without waiting for the two birds to say anything, Feng directly stated the conclusion.So Bai Shengsheng and his wife looked at each other, secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then left excitedly.

Soon, the two of them returned home, where Wang Qi was still drinking tea leisurely.

Wang Qi just took some time off and took the opportunity to take out what he got from Lei Zhuantian to appreciate it.

The two spirit cards that were pasted face to face, after being tested by him for a long time, finally cut open directly from the middle with a flying sword. Anyway, even if it is broken, it is not a loss.

However, in the end he still got two intact spirit cards, and he was given a huge surprise.

This turned out to be two more Mythical Spirit Cards.

"White Crystal: Ability Card, mythical level. The first activation requires 100000 points of spiritual power. After activation, a blue crystal suspended outside the body can be summoned. Whenever an ability that consumes spiritual power is used, the white crystal can accumulate corresponding values Every 1 points of crystal power can be superimposed into a layer of white crystal power. There is no upper limit to the number of superimposed layers. Skill: Rejuvenation, consumes 300 layer of white crystal power, can accelerate the recovery speed of spiritual power by 300%, and lasts Time 1 seconds, cooling time 3 hour; cure, consume 1 layers of white crystal power, can instantly heal any injury and negative status, cool down time 5 hour; crystal shield, consume 10 layers of white crystal power, create a shield of absolute defense , lasts for 1 seconds, cooldown time is 7 hour; crystal change, consumes 30 layers of white crystal power, can convert all non-biological materials in a spherical volume within a radius of one kilometer into white crystal, lasts for 1 seconds, cooldown time is [-] hour."

"Black Crystal: Ability Card, mythical level. The first activation requires 100000 points of spiritual power. After activation, a black crystal suspended outside the body can be summoned. Whenever an ability that consumes spiritual power is used, the black crystal can accumulate the corresponding value Crystal power. Every 1 points of crystal power can be superimposed into a layer of black crystal power. There is no upper limit to the number of superimposed layers. Skill: Devouring, consumes 300 layer of black crystal power, consumes 300% of spiritual power, all attacks Increase by 300%, duration 1 seconds, cooldown time 3 hour; Curse, consumes 1 layers of black crystal power, can apply curse state to the target, reduces 300% remaining spiritual power per second, when the spiritual power is insufficient, the life value will be deducted , the duration is 1 seconds, and the cooling time is 5 hour; the crystal grass consumes 7 layers of black crystal power to create a black crystal grass that automatically attacks the enemy, regardless of the defense; the crystal smash consumes [-] layers of black crystal power and can Directly shatter all crystal objects in a spherical volume within a radius of one kilometer."

Although judging from the content of the effect, the two spirit cards are not particularly strong, and it seems that they are not even as effective as Wang Qi's legendary spirit cards.But after all, the level of the mythical spirit card is placed here, and the two spirit cards are a set, which is still very valuable.

Besides, this thing is equivalent to being picked up for nothing. If it is put in the real world, I don't know how it will break people's heads. Wang Qi is already very satisfied.

After the two spirit cards were put away by him, he checked the very delicate fishing rod again.

Under the power of the data lord, nothing can be hidden.Except for the shadow monsters of course.Therefore, even though it looked like an ordinary fishing rod was placed in the front, in fact, in his eyes, this fishing rod had already become countless decomposed structures and patterns of spiritual power runes.

After comparing the rune structure and texture with what I have mastered, some of them have been deciphered, but the other part has no template and can only rely on guesswork.But because of the data master's deduction ability, these structures don't need to be too troublesome. After Wang Qi directly deduced them in his mind, he basically mastered them all, and successfully obtained the specific functions and usage of this fishing rod.

Then, he casually grabbed the end of the fishing rod, and the fishing line and hook made of unknown materials were quietly activated at the key points by his spiritual power, and he flicked it lightly, as if he regarded the air in front of him as a fish. Tang, actually directly passed through the void and disappeared.

"It's interesting, fishing the void."

Putting on a fishing pose, Wang Qi looked at the end of the fishing rod with great interest. The fishing line disappeared from halfway, and it was obvious that the real fishing place was no longer here.

Because there was no float, Wang Qi didn't know when he caught something.So he could only assume a comfortable posture and wait quietly.

Fortunately, soon the end of the fishing rod drooped slightly, which obviously meant that something had been hooked.

Wang Qi is also very interested in things that can be caught without bait. He lifted the fishing rod slightly, and the fishing rod pulled the silk thread back from the void, and suddenly the lump on the hook appeared. In front of Wang Qi.

This is a dish that couldn't be more obvious, delicious.


Wang Qi took a sip of tea and sprayed it out.

He thought about everything he could think of, except that this fishing rod was actually used to catch dishes!
"Is this an item similar to that fatty Gu Yu's spirit card?"

The dish was wrapped in a translucent substance, and it would not spill out due to the movement, so it could be placed on the table very conveniently.

With a slight shake of the hand, the hook fell off the edge of the dish, and the translucent substance covering the dish disappeared instantly, and a scent of the dish wafted out instantly, as if it had just come out of the pot, and it smelled very delicious. delicious.

"Uh, who do you want to try... Forget it, let Jack come."

As Cauldron Spirit, Jack is used to solve the master's worries and problems, stepping on the thunder and lying on the gun to test the dishes. These things should be comprehensive and proficient in everything.

It's just because he hasn't used Zhenling Sacrificial to Heaven Cauldron recently, and Wang Qi almost forgot that he still has such a few subordinates.

Because when there is no call from Wang Qi, the cauldron spirit is silently cultivating in the space where Zhenling offers sacrifices to the heavenly cauldron.So when Wang Qi released him, he was surprised to find that Jack had become much stronger.

"Yes, the cultivation speed is faster than mine."

As the Cauldron Spirit and an aborigine in the spirit world, Jack's spiritual power does not need to be limited like the real world spirit card masters. Above level 200, he needs to earn monster merit points to upgrade.So his level has increased very fast. Last time he came out, he was only around level 230, and now he is almost level 260.

Jack didn't speak, and silently waited for Wang Qi's order.

After becoming Cauldron Spirits, although all the memories and abilities of their lifetime are preserved, in fact, they are no longer alive.The idea of ​​being absolutely loyal to Wang Qi is their only direction. They will do whatever Wang Qi asks them to do without any hesitation.

Therefore, when Wang Qi asked him to try this dish, Jack stepped forward without hesitation, and then carefully used the special experimental method that he used to be a killer.

For killers, judging whether food is poisonous is a basic skill.Wang Qi didn't ask him to eat it directly, so Jack carefully tested it with various means first, and after confirming that there was no toxin he knew, he used energy to condense out two chopsticks, and then boldly ate it after taking a bite.

Seeing Jack chewing blankly, Wang Qi was looking forward to his feedback.After waiting for a while, Jack finally finished chewing.

“Very tasty, top notch food.”

"Well, so to speak, this and the fishing rod are really used by foodies to catch food? It's quite a weird thing, but I like it."

Wang Qi stroked the fishing rod lightly, then thought about it.

"In that case, let's give you a name. From now on, you'll be called Gourmet Thief."

(End of this chapter)

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