Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 389 The Entrustment of Phoenix and Phoenix

Chapter 389 The Entrustment of Phoenix and Phoenix
Bai Shengsheng told Wang Qi that Feng and Huang wanted to see him, and Wang Qi agreed without hesitation.

Wang Qi was a little surprised that the two birds could find the top buyers directly, but it was also expected.

So without wasting time, one person and two birds flew towards the Temple of Thousand Birds together.

Soon, at the gate of the palace, the patriarch of the Jinniao clan was already waiting.

"Human beings, although you are invited here, if you do something disrespectful in front of the two adults, then you don't even think about getting out of this hall alive!"

It warned Wang Qi with a serious expression, but Wang Qi shrugged and said nothing.

In the eyes of the data lord, this bird has already reached the limit of level 300, and it looks like it is about to break through level 400. It is indeed strong enough.But so what, Wang Qi didn't come here to fight.

After entering the palace, Wang Qi finally met the two bosses of Little Bird Kingdom, Feng and Huang.

In the eyes of the master of data, these two birds are like two groups of burning flames, and the condensed spiritual power can no longer be measured by the concept of level.

With such a strong impact, Wang Qi was shocked and stopped immediately, unable to move a step further.That feeling was more intense than when everyone faced Lingming Stone Monkey and Hydra together a few days ago.

"Hey, you little guy is not bad, you can see through our concealment."

A voice suddenly appeared in Wang Qi's mind, it was the phantom of Feng in his eyes, speaking to him.

"Okay, don't scare him, we still need to make a deal with him. Let's talk outside."

Another bird, Huang, spoke.

Feng nodded. Immediately, in Wang Qi's eyes, their two monstrous flame-like spiritual power forms began to restrain themselves, and eventually they all shrank back into the body. In Wang Qi's serious condition, they became two ordinary birds.

After losing this pressure, Wang Qi breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at the two elegant birds on the throne in front of him with his eyes.

All this happened in an instant, and the two birds, Bai Shengsheng and his wife, didn't notice anything wrong. They didn't know that Wang Qi had communicated with the two birds above.

"My lord, this is what I call a human being."

Bai Shengsheng saluted respectfully, and then spoke to Feng and Huang.

"Well. Human, what's your name."

"My lords, my name is Wang Qi."

Wang Qi also saluted.Facing the divine bird in mythology like the phoenix, and seeing their abyss-like power just now, he couldn't help being disrespectful.

"Okay, Wang Qi, we want to know, how many kinds of seven true waters do you have, and how many true waters do you have?"

"This...whether you want to hear a lie or the truth."

Wang Qi smiled helplessly, this made Bai Shengsheng and his wife's eyes twitch.How dare you tell lies to the two adults and seek death?
"Understood. Looks like we're in luck."

Feng nodded, and then looked at Huang.

"Bai Shengsheng, you two go down, let's talk to him alone. Well, go tell Xiao Jin that you can be promoted again. Also, the two of you keep ten cups of the real water just now."

Huang Huang didn't look at Wang Qi first, but looked at Bai Shengsheng.

"Yes! Master Xie Huang, Ron!"

When Bai Shengsheng heard this, he couldn't help but be overjoyed.Wang Qi found out that this guy is an official fan. He used to call for promotion and get rich, but now he has been promoted to a higher level.

As soon as the two birds went out, the door of the main hall was quietly closed, leaving only Wang Qi and Fenghuang.

"Well, let me guess, Master of Data?"

When Feng spoke suddenly, Wang Qi was startled.

What the hell, why don't you have to confess yourself this time!It was exposed directly!
"Don't be nervous, there are only a few of us in this world who can see our real bodies clearly like just now. Excluding the dead ones and those we knew, you are the only one who can."

Huang gave a word of comfort.Speaking of which, the attitude of these two big brothers is surprisingly good.

"Let's talk about the transaction first, and we'll talk about other things later. How do you want to exchange it? One feather for 30 cups of real water?"

"Yes. Of course, this number can be added up, as much as you two say."

Wang Qi answered cautiously, not hesitating to expose his bottom line.

"Don't worry, I won't let you suffer. That's it, thirty cups of real water for one feather. Give us ten tons of Zhouguang real water and ten tons of Wanhua thunder water first."

Wang Qi almost spat out again, why did this tone sound a little familiar.

"However, since we really haven't saved so many ordinary feathers, we will give you special treatment. Use the tail feathers to pay off the debt. One tail feather, um, it should be possible to exchange [-] ordinary feathers."

After finishing speaking, four long phoenix tail feathers floated over and stopped in front of Wang Qi.The colorful appearance and the abundant flame energy visible to the naked eye are many times better than the ordinary phoenix feathers that Wang Qi had seen at Lei Zhuantian before.Anyway, Wang Qi felt that exchanging [-] ordinary feathers for this would definitely not be a loss.

Wang Qi has measured before that a glass of water is about 500g, a ton is 2000 cups, and [-] tons is [-] cups.In this case, according to what Huang said, the four tail feathers are indeed just right.

"Will Master Huang give you a little too much? Then I'll give you another [-] tons!"

Wang Qi quickly agreed, and took the initiative to double the amount.

"Well, you are very refreshing, much better than some guys. Since this is the case, let me give you another benefit."

When Feng heard what Wang Qi said, she was very satisfied. After she nodded, another ball of pure flame floated over.

Wang Qi hesitated for a moment. He didn't know how to receive the flame, but the flame condensed into a pellet-sized bead in front of Wang Qi, and it fell into his hands. .

This is naturally formed by the phoenix's move to condense the flames. With this move, it can be seen that it has controlled the flames superbly, far surpassing Wang Qi's ability to control the water.

At least Wang Qi thinks that he has no ability to condense a ball of real water just by controlling the water, forming such a small and stable bead that can be held and played with by others at will.

"Thank you, Lord Feng, for your reward!"

Wang Qi hurriedly put away the beads and tail feathers first, and then bowed to express his gratitude.

He stopped talking too much, and two huge water clusters suddenly appeared in front of Feng and Huang out of nothing, from small to large. The quantity of twenty tons is more.

Huang was no longer polite, and a small jade bottle floated out from her side. With just a light inhalation, two huge balls of water were sucked into the bottle.

"Well, I can finally take a good bath."

She nodded in satisfaction, then looked down at Wang Qi.

"Okay, let's get down to business. Master of Data, how about doing us a favor?"

"Master Huang, please give me instructions."

Wang Qi thought for a while, but still cupped his hands, expressing his listening.

"It's rare to meet such a suitable guy as you. We have something here, which is not convenient for me to do. You can go for us."

"From here to the north 37 miles, there is a pit one day. The pit is surrounded by fire snakes all the year round, and no one can enter."

"After going [-] meters deep in the cave, there is a cold pool at the bottom, which is just the opposite of the extremely high temperature in the cave above."

"In this cold pool, there is a small island in the center, and there are many barren rocks on it, but there is a stone tablet in the middle, which is called the Wordless Heavenly Book. Once every 1000 years, on this Wordless Heavenly Book, there will be a different exercise. , it only shows a quarter of an hour. Any creature you see will be able to open its spiritual aperture after practicing cultivation, and its intelligence will be superior, and it will become one of the most intelligent people in the world. Within ten miles of a stone tablet."

"The two of us started our cultivation path after we saw this Wordless Heavenly Book with our own eyes, and reached the height we are today."

"Well, you don't need to think too much. It's still very early before the next opening of the book that day. It's not so coincidental that you came just in time. We just want your help to go to the wordless book. Take ten stones from the small island of Hantan."

"The stones there seem ordinary, but they are extremely cold things contained in extremely hot places. They are born with the property of reconciling yin and yang. For us, they have a special anti-pregnancy effect. The main thing is that the two of us conceived Thousands of years of descendants, now has come to a critical moment, neither of us can go far in these 1000 years, and there is no way to go by ourselves, close to that stone tablet."

"So it just so happens that you are here, and it would be best to leave this matter to you."

"Although it's not yet time for the Wordless Heavenly Book to manifest, but with your data lord's ability, you must be able to get some special benefits from it. I believe I don't need to say more."

"As long as you do us a favor and get back ten stones from the small island, then we'll have something to give you."


Huang finished explaining the reasons before and after, and then, together with Feng, looked at Wang Qi with burning eyes.

When Wang Qi heard it, he was also a little moved.After thinking for a while, he nodded.

"My lords, I can help with this matter."

"That's good. By the way, from the look of you, it doesn't look like you are from this side of the spirit world, but from the other side?"

Seeing that Wang Qi agreed, Huang became a little happier, and asked Wang Qi's purpose for coming to the spirit world.

"Yes, I came here from the real world, mainly to find a friend of mine who was accidentally lost here, and then pick him up. Of course, it's also for the purpose of walking around and gaining insights."

"I see. Where is your friend now?"

When Wang Qi saw Feng asking, he simply condensed a water curtain, which displayed a map of the spirit world, and marked their current location and Zhang Yuxiang's location on it.

Looking at it now, regardless of the difficulty of crossing the Central Sea, Wang Qi has already walked nearly one-seventh of the distance, which is a big improvement.

"It's actually over there, it's quite far away."

Feng looked at it and shook his head.

"Your map is very rare. It is rare to even mark the central sea. Speaking of which, not too long ago, the Lord of the Four Seas reappeared in the world."

"That... the Lord of the World was brought back with my help."

Wang Qi rubbed his head in embarrassment.

"I underestimated you."

After Feng and Huang glanced at each other, they seemed to exchange a lot of information in an instant.

"Well, let me give you a little help."

Feng suddenly spoke, and then condensed a speck of flame, marking it on the water curtain map, a position not too far from where they were at the moment.

"Remember this location. There is an ancient teleportation array here, which can teleport to all teleportation arrays in the spirit world."

"Of course, because too much time has passed, we don't know whether the teleportation array can still be used. After all, it was built by a great power, but that power has disappeared for a long time, so we can't guarantee it. What. But in the end, if it's still usable, it will save you a lot of time."

"So that's it! Thank you, Master Feng, for your guidance!"

Wang Qi was very pleasantly surprised when he heard this.It turns out that there is still such a good thing as the teleportation array, whether it can be used or not, it is always good news.If it can be used, then my journey must be shortened a lot, and Zhang Yuxiang will finally be able to go home soon!He couldn't help but tell this brother the good news.

(Zhang Yuxiang: Huh? Who is missing me? Never mind, wife, let’s continue in a different position.)
After talking with Feng and Huang for a while, Huang sent an order to the patriarch of Jinniao outside, Xiao Jin in her mouth, ordering to prepare a state banquet of the highest standard in Xiaoniao Kingdom, and they wanted to entertain Wang Qi.

Wang Qi even said he didn't dare, but Feng and Huang insisted.After all, in their view, although Wang Qi is weak in comparison, he is a real master of data, and he should have some respect.

Therefore, under Xiaojin's order, the entire Wanniao Temple guards were mobilized, and all the birds of the Jinniao family flew to the four wild cities of Xiaoniao Country to invite the most famous chefs to cook.

For this preparation, another few hours passed in a blink of an eye.Finally, after Wang Qi and Fenghuang two birds talked a lot about each other's experiences, finally the patriarch of Jinniao came in to ask for instructions, and started to serve food.The patriarchs of the other eight big bird clans who had been summoned early and had been waiting outside for a long time also came in together to participate in this state banquet.

The chiefs of the clan were very surprised by what Jinniao had conveyed that Lord Feng and Huang wanted to entertain a human being with a state banquet.As soon as they came in, they were speculating about Wang Qi's identity, that he could sit in front of Master Feng and Huang and talk casually.

After all the birds were seated, the meal started in earnest. Except for Wang Qi, the only human being, the dinner party was officially started for all the birds.

The peacock family and the white bird family each brought a group of very beautiful people to dance for the dinner.The other bird tribes each sent some subordinates to accompany the dancers.

The singing of birds is very pleasant, and these birds are not ordinary birds, they have already turned the melody into a kind of ability, and what naturally enters the ears are all incomparably beautiful music.

Except for Feng and Huang who stayed on the throne above and only participated in a formality, the chiefs of the nine big birds below began to exchange cups with Wang Qi and taste delicious food. The atmosphere was very enthusiastic.

(End of this chapter)

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