Travel from the collapse

Chapter 12 Ziyuan Special Chapter

Chapter 12 Ziyuan Special Chapter ([-])

Inside the destiny.

"Yu, why don't you go out for a walk with me and Otto~" Karen said coquettishly, shaking Ye Yu's arm.

"It's fine if you have Otto to accompany you? Why do you want me to accompany you out?" After Ye Yu finished speaking, he glanced at Otto who was beside him, and Otto looked at Ye Yu with a smile on his face, and In fact, Otto's fists were clenched tightly and he looked at Ye Yu. (Author: This is the so-called smile on the mouth, MMP in the heart. Otto: Believe it or not, I cut you. Author: Do not believe it, you have the ability, I still have Ye Yu, how do you fight? Ye Yu: Fuck you , I won’t help you. Author: No!!)
Ye Yu looked at Otto, then at Kallen with a pitiful face, and finally said helplessly, "Okay, okay, I'll just go with you, but I'll only walk behind you two. "

At this time, Karen, Otto, and Ye Yu were walking on the bustling street. Karen slowly walked to an alley. Suddenly, a little boy bumped into Karen with a basket of apples.


Kallen exclaimed, and the apples in the little boy's basket fell all over the ground.Karen picked up the apple on the ground and was about to return it to the little boy, saying, "Ah, I'm sorry! I was too careless..." Karen handed the apple in her hand to the little boy, "Are you not hurt? Here, you apple." The little boy looked up at Karen, and said, "I'm fine, thank you big sister... eh?" The little boy glanced at the badge of destiny under Karen's neck, and then ran away in horror, saying, "Yes, Sorry, don't catch me!!"

And Ye Yu grabbed the boy by the back collar in an instant, and said, "Okay, kid, I won't catch you, hurry up and pick up your apple on the ground and leave." Karen glanced at Ye Yu in a panic. , glanced at Otto behind him again, and finally glanced at the little boy again, "Little friend, I'll give you back that... the apple."

Seeing that he couldn't run away, the little boy glanced at Ye Yu again, feeling that the person in front of him looked familiar, and finally exclaimed, "Death in black!!" After hearing the little boy's words, Ye Yu couldn't help popping out his head. He made a big tic-tac-toe, and said to the little boy with a 'kind' face, "Little devil, who told you to call this name, don't you know that I hate this name?" In fact, before, Ye Yu's reputation could be It is said to be the best in the entire Destiny, even better than Kallen, usually go out for a stroll when there is nothing to do, and devour the Honkai beast as soon as it comes, even if it is a Honkai beast that is about to attack people, it will still be caught and swallowed, although This is not Ye Yu's intention to save people, but in the end Ye Yu became the strongest god of death against Honkai in the eyes of the common people, devouring Honkai beasts when he saw them.

"Oh oh oh, I'm sorry, I'll just pick up the apple and leave now." After finishing speaking, the little boy quickly picked up the apple and ran away immediately, looking at Ye Yu with a smile on his face.

But Ye Yu didn't pay much attention to it. When the crowd thought that Karen was going to attack the little boy, when they heard the boy's words, they instantly remembered that the person who caught the little boy was Ye Yu. She looked at Ye Yu with a smile on her face, and Ye Yu glanced at the civilians in the crowd, and finally turned her head coldly, and finally there was a girl under 30 who said to herself in a nympho, "Wow, the god of death is good Handsome, if only I could marry him."

"Yes, but the Grim Reaper seems to be an iceberg man, so it's not easy to get close."

"Well, it's really handsome to be so cold."


All kinds of words attacked Ye Yu, but Ye Yu still walked towards Kallen with a cold face, and Kallen said to Ye Yu sourly, "You see you are so popular, why don't you find someone? "

"Looking for it? Forget it, I still love her deeply. I basically can't tolerate other people in my heart." Ye Yu said to Karen coldly.And Otto looked at Ye Yu still with a smile on his face, MMP in his heart, thinking to himself, 'You have someone you like and come to provoke my Karen, I really want to beat you. '

Kallen chuckled, glanced at Ye Yu, but couldn't help thinking, "Hey, I really envy the person you like, why can't the person you like be me?" '

As for Ye Yu, she seemed to know what Otto was thinking, and thought to herself, 'It's none of my business, it's not that I like your wife, even if I never showed up, you still have to be green, you won't be in this life, and in the next life Think Kallen would fall in love with you, you bastard. '

Karen glanced at Ye Yu with a smile, and when she was about to take a step at last, she suddenly staggered and was about to fall. Seeing this, Otto rushed up to support Karen, "Karen, are you okay? Your If the injury is not healed, don't force it."

"Hey, Otto, do you think that if Ye Yu hadn't stopped that little boy just now, those people would have said some nasty things to us, do you think it's really right for Destiny to do that?" Karen pushed Otto slightly and said , I still think of the words when I fought against the immortal of the Ming Empire at that time, "Users of [keys], think about it carefully, what exactly do you want to protect?" '

"Karen, why don't we go eat something first, it's not good for thinking while hungry." Otto directly changed the subject.And Ye Yu seemed to know what was going to happen next, and then she didn't bother to care about it, she shrugged and said, "It doesn't matter, as long as you like it."

"Okay!" Caroline exclaimed excitedly.


The three of them came to a cafe. Ye Yu and Otto ordered a dessert and a cup of coffee respectively. As for Karen, Ye Yu looked helplessly at the strange girl in front of her. He said, "Eat it, I'll pay the bill."

Otto didn't speak, he picked up the coffee and tasted it elegantly, Ye Yukong took out a novel and read it slowly, while tasting the coffee, as for Karen, she was already looking at the food in front of her and started to eat it up.After a while, Karen swept away the dessert in front of her eyes, and finally, she looked at Ye Yu and Otto, looking at them pitifully.Seeing that Kallen was eating so happily, Otto handed his dessert to Kallen, and Kallen looked at Ye Yu again, but Ye Yu ignored Kallen's eyes and pushed the dessert to After leaving Karen, he began to read the book in his hand again.

After a while, Kallen clutched her belly with satisfaction and said, "I'm full, I'm full!" Otto looked at Kallen with a smile on his face, while Ye Yu still ignored Kallen and watched quietly. start with book in hand.At this moment, a discordant voice sounded.

"Please! Give me a few more days!!"

(End of this chapter)

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