Travel from the collapse

Chapter 13 Ziyuan Special Chapter

Chapter 13 Ziyuan Special Chapter ([-])
"I beg you! Give me a few more days!!" At this moment, a discordant voice sounded, and Karen stood up immediately after hearing it, while Otto looked back. As for Ye Yu, she had already ignored this sound.

Karen got up and came to the scene. Seeing a middle-aged priest bullying the mother and daughter, the priest looked at the mother and daughter and said, "Why don't you have an indulgence yet? Someone must pay for the crime your husband committed! "The woman begged and said to the priest, "Master priest, please allow a few more days... just a few days..." The little girl in the woman's arms looked at the priest with a look of horror, In the end, the priest even grabbed the little girl's hand and threatened, "Or... let Sasha come to work in my church for a while. Your husband's sins can also be redeemed."

"Do not!!"

The woman directly bit the priest, causing the priest to raise his right hand and prepare to slap the woman, "Damn crazy woman!!" At this moment, Karen directly grabbed her. The priest's hand squeezed a little harder, and said, "What are you doing?"

Karen glanced at the woman, then shifted her gaze to the priest, and said angrily, "As a priest of destiny, you rape innocent women and children in broad daylight, what do you want to do? !"

"Oh? You lost a battle outside, and you are very imposing towards your own people. This is actually an adult. What we are doing now..." When the priest was preaching disdainfully to Karen, Ye Yu directly nodded. Looking at the priest, he said, "Victor, you'd better think it over before you speak, know my temper." After speaking, Ye Yu still looked at the book in his hand gracefully, and sipped the coffee on the table .

"...!!" When Victor saw that the person speaking was Ye Yu, he fell silent for a moment, and asked Ye Yu respectfully, "Ye...Master Ye Yu, why are you in such a small place?"

"I like it, you don't care. Also, go back and tell your bishop, don't use these unfounded reasons to threaten civilians to buy [Indulgence Notes], or I will kill him." Ye Yu sipped his coffee and watched Book, his eyes still stayed on the book, he did not intend to glance at Victor at all, and Victor responded in horror, "Yes, yes, I don't care about the small ones, but this [Indulgence]..."

"I said, go back and tell him, don't force civilians to buy these useless things, or I will kill him. I didn't want to take care of these shitty things, but your behavior today has already annoyed me , you let me down, Victor."

"Yes, yes, let's get out of here, little one." Victor said in a low voice, thinking to himself, "Damn Ye Yu, usually he doesn't care about anything, he doesn't even fight, but he is so prestige to his own people." '

And Ye Yu seemed to know what Victor was thinking, and then pointed at Victor, one of Victor's arms was cut off, and then said domineeringly to the woman, "Miss Boss, wash this place, you can rest assured today." Whoever dares to touch you when opening a shop here, come to Tianming and tell me." Then Ye Yu closed the book, put the gold coin with the largest face value on the table, got up and walked to Karen's side.As for the mother and daughter who had never seen such a bloody scene, seeing Ye Yu cut off Victor's arm directly, and seeing the blood all over the ground, they couldn't help vomiting.And Victor ended up clutching his wound and fled back home.

Seeing that Ye Yu directly cut off Victor's arm, Otto stepped forward and grabbed Ye Yu's collar and said, "Hey, do you need to directly cut off Victor's arm?"

Ye Yu directly pinched Otto's hand, and said in a cold voice, "Hmph! What I hate the most is the garbage that bullies women, and this guy is even more garbage among garbage, making people really sick. His arm is considered cheap for him."

Otto was directly pinched by Ye Yu. Seeing this, Karen hurriedly stepped forward to stop her and said, "Hey, that's fine, Otto, don't say anything, and Ye Yu, please don't say a few words."

After Ye Yu let go of Otto's hand, she said to Karen, "Let's go, let's go to the square to have a look."


on the square.

Ye Yu, Karen, and Otto came to the square. A red-haired girl wearing a mask resembling a bird's beak stood on a stage and spoke these words, saying, "A person's appearance You can pretend to be an angel, but you may hide yourself deep in your heart! They run rampant like poisonous snakes and overeat like hungry rats." As she spoke, the girl took out her western sword and started waving it continuously, finally pointing at Karen and saying, " For the sake of self-interest, unrestrained indulgence, insatiable tyranny, disregarding the lives and deaths of the people! I, the righteous man with a sword, will cut the throat of your sect!!" Kallen looked at the people on the stage in a panic Girl, at this moment, the soldiers of destiny appeared, pointed at the girl on the stage and shouted loudly, "Grab her! She is slandering destiny!!" Afterwards, the soldiers of destiny slammed The girl was pushed down to the ground, and the mask fell to the ground involuntarily.The girl was pinned down on her head, and said to the soldiers with an uncomfortable expression, "The people will not be deceived by you like this again!!"

Karen looked around in a panic, thinking, "The priests are going to take her away... we have to find a way to save her!" Finally, Karen looked at the mask that fell on the ground, picked it up and prepared to disguise herself. Save people at once.At this moment, Ye Yu couldn't help admiring the drama, and yelled at the soldiers of Destiny, "Enough! Stop embarrassing yourself here!!"

The soldiers looked back at Ye Yu, one of the soldiers recognized Ye Yu, and said in horror, "Ye...Master Ye Yu!?"

Ye Yu looked at the crowd pressing down on the girl, and then angrily said, "It's still embarrassing here, why don't you let go soon?!"

"Yes yes yes!!" The soldiers let go of the girl in a panic, and then the girl got up and walked towards Ye Yu, saying, "Thank you, you are the god of death in black, right?"

"Okay, let's go if you have nothing to do. This is an extraordinary time. Although the drama is good, don't perform in public like this in the future. If you want to perform, you have to wait for a while before coming back." Ye Yu said to the girl coldly .

"Okay. name is Saskia." The girl said shyly.

"Well, it's fine, let's go if you have nothing to do." Ye Yu impatiently began to rush people.

After saying those words, Shariya slowly left the square, while Ye Yu and Karen returned home.As for Otto, watching Karen and Ye Yu go home with a smile on his face, he couldn't help feeling agitated in his heart, clenched his fists and watched Ye Yu and Karen leave.

(End of this chapter)

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