Travel from the collapse

Chapter 14 Ziyuan Special Chapter

Chapter 14 Ziyuan Special Chapter ([-])

After Karen held the beak mask and looked at it for a long time, Ye Yu came to Karen's side and said, "Girl, what are you looking at? Don't you plan to eat?"

"Alright!! Also, don't call me a girl, I'm older than you!!" Kallen pouted and looked at Ye Yu and said.

"Yes, yes, you have the final say on how big your breasts are." Ye Yu looked at Karen helplessly and said.

After Karen and Ye Yu came to the restaurant, Ye Yu put the brewed coffee aside, while Karen sat down and began to sweep the food on the table. After a while, Karen clutched her stomach with a satisfied face , "I'm so full!!" Ye Yu was holding a cup of coffee, and took out the book that he hadn't finished reading during the day and continued to read.After saying that, Karen seemed to remember something, stood up and said to Ye Yu, "Yu! I just thought of a good idea, let's go and steal the gold coins from that stinky old man!"

Ye Yu looked at Karen helplessly and said, "Smelly old man? You mean that old ghost Victor."

"That's right! That guy Victor must have embezzled a lot of gold coins from civilians with the indulgences, I'll steal them back and give them back to everyone!" Kallen said to Ye Yu with a righteous face, "I want him to know , There is still justice in this world! Yu, help me. Let me become an excellent monster thief." Kallen finally raised the mask and said excitedly to Ye Yu.

"You? Forget it. Your combat power is strong enough, but you are a beginner in stealing. You can't even compare to a real thief. Your stealing skills are still extremely poor. Moreover, you don't even have the most basic body skills. Not at all." Ye Yu said to Karen disdainfully.Ever since Francis died, Ye Yu has become Kallen's master, and Kallen has been taught by Ye Yu. Naturally, she knows Kallen's combat power, even skills, but Kallen has not even studied body skills seriously. , with her current body style, it is easy to be caught, or even expose her identity.

"Ah?! Don't hit people like this, why don't you teach me how to move, and I'll be a thief?" Karen said coquettishly, pulling Ye Yu's arm.

"Agility can teach you, but with your IQ...going to be a thief? I'm afraid you'll be sold and you're still counting money for others." Ye Yu looked at Karen helplessly and said, but Karen didn't Ye Yu couldn't bear the pitiful look in the end, and finally said helplessly to Karen, "Okay, okay, I'll teach you how to move, and you can be a thief by yourself, but I won't help you, you go by yourself Look for Otto. In addition, when you go to steal money, don't hesitate, run away as soon as you steal the money, don't talk nonsense with others, especially your hair, here you are a thief stealing things and your hair is the most likely to expose you identity of."

"Yeah!!" Kallen jumped up excitedly, and immediately, Ye Yu directly touched Kallen's forehead with a finger, a flash of light flashed, and then Ye Yu said to Kallen, "Hey, here is the movement method for you Yes, I also left a trace of energy in your body to protect your life in a critical moment."

"Yeah!!" Ye Yu finally agreed to Karen's request, but kept a little energy in her body, which could save her life in a critical moment.Karen, on the other hand, was digesting the agility information that Ye Yu passed into her mind.

Ghost shadow step, like a ghost when moving, extremely strange steps, if the strength does not exceed the user's three-star strength, otherwise it will not be able to grasp and use a hair.


next morning.

Karen came to Otto's house and explained everything to Otto, but Otto said helplessly, "Okay, okay, I will teach you to be a qualified monster thief. First, let's start with the costumes. .”

Then, Karen and Otto began to toss about how to choose a Phantom Thief suit. Until noon, Karen still chose the purple tights. (Author: emmm, this tight suit perfectly shows Kallen's figure, but her chest is a little smaller. Kallen: Believe it or not, I will give you a magic trick. Author: No, let's talk about it.)
In the end, Karen sat down on the floor even more tired, and said to Otto, "Otto, why do you have so many women's clothes, and they still fit well..."

Otto looked at Karen mysteriously and said, "This is a secret, Karen. Let's take a look at the props I prepared for you." After speaking, Otto took out a purple gemstone and a silver bracelet , proudly said to Kallen, "This is a smoke bomb that can confuse the enemy, and a bracelet that can shoot a sling."

"Wow..." Karen looked excitedly holding the gem, and Otto finally took out the pen and paper, and said to Karen, "Finally... it's the announcement letter."

"Is it necessary to do this?" Karen looked at Otto with a puzzled expression and asked.

"Of course. After sending out the notice letter, you can be called an excellent monster thief if you steal things accurately." Otto looked at Karen proudly and said, then, Otto looked at the letter in his hand with a sad expression. .


The next day.

Victor's mansion.

A guard grabbed the letter in his hand, hurried to Victor and said, "My lord!! Someone posted this at the door!!"

Victor looked at the guard weakly and said, "Open it and bring it here. Tsk, damn it, that bastard Ye Yu actually broke one of my arms directly." After reading the first half of the letter in his hand, Victor couldn't help but sneered, "Oh, what did I think it was? It turned out to be just a prank by a mouse..." Then, Victor continued to read, his face changed drastically when he knew the last sentence, and he yelled at the guard, "Quick!! Lock down the basement urgently! ! Go!!"


that night.

Karen found a secluded corner and shot a sling at Victor's mansion.Afterwards, Karen flew directly into the roof of Victor's mansion.

Karen began to look for the room where Victor kept the gold coins. In the end, Karen came to the living room of Victor's mansion. Looking at the gold coins on the table, she remembered Ye Yu's words, "Run away if you steal the money." Immediately, Kallen directly opened the bag in her hand, and put all the gold coins on the table into the bag.

"Who?!" A voice sounded.

"Hmph, it's not what I expected. The notice letter is written so rampantly, so you have fallen into my trap...Wait...Where's my gold coins?!" Victor looked weakly at the girl in front of him. With a surprised face.At this time, Kallen's hair color had been covered up by Ye Yu's energy into black, so Victor didn't recognize Kallen. After all, there is no such thing as hair dyeing in this era.

"Hey...bye." Kallen looked at Victor with a smile on her face, then dropped the gem on the ground, a lot of smoke rose up, blocking Victor's sight.And Kallen ran out of the window, using Ye Yujiao's ghost step directly, and disappeared into Victor's mansion with unskilled steps flickering on and off.

(End of this chapter)

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