Travel from the collapse

Chapter 35 The Warcraft Incident Ends

Chapter 35 The Warcraft Incident Ends

Warcraft Forest.

"Rem, how is it? Can it be cured?" After Kallen took Rem out of the mansion, she entered the super beast state. After entering the super beast state, Kallen transformed the tiger howling beast into the tiger howling god , holding Rem in his hand, came to a small hill and looked at Rem in his hand.

"This curse... I can't cure it, and I won't lift the curse, and there is only one quickest way to lift the curse." Rem looked at the children lying on the hill, feeling a little uncomfortable inside. Said to Kallen.

"What method?!" Karen couldn't help frowning after listening to Rem's words, and then hurriedly said to Rem.

"Kill the cursed monster in the monster forest, so that the curse can be lifted temporarily." Rem said with an ugly expression.

"What? It's so simple?" Karen said to Rem indifferently.

"Eh?! But it will take a long time!" Rem looked at Kallen and said in surprise.

"No way! But I want to ask, it should be okay if your monster forest is destroyed?" Karen looked at Rem in her hand and asked.

"Eh?! Yes, yes..." Before Rem could finish speaking, Kallen interrupted, "Since it can be destroyed, then it's fine. I'll see you later."

Kallen's indifferent words made Rem a little helpless, and her wish came true, "How strong is Sister Kallen?Why can you talk about destroying the World of Warcraft Forest indifferently? '

Karen put Rem on the ground, looked at Rem and said, "Rem, you should have a way to delay the curse, right?"

"Well, there are, but I must hang these children's lives." Rem looked at Karen and said.

"How long can it last?" Caroline asked.

"About an hour." Rem replied.

"One hour? Emmm, enough."

At this moment, a wolf-shaped monster suddenly ran out in front of Rem, and Karen grabbed the monster with a big hand when she saw it, and looked at the monster in her hand and said, "A mere head can only hurt people Beast, do you still want to turn the world upside down in front of me?" After saying that, Karen grabbed the monster and pinched it hard, and the monster was crushed into a ball of flesh.

Rem looked at Kallen directly crushing the monster to death with her big hands under Kallen. She couldn't help feeling that Kallen was very powerful. She crushed the beast with bare hands. It is estimated that no one in this world can do it except Ye Yu and Yae Sakura. , even the sword master Reinhardt needs a weapon if he wants to kill a monster.

Karen looked at the monsters hiding by the trees not far away, looked at the group of monsters and shouted, "Wonderman over there, won't you come out?"

Seeing that there was no response from the group of monsters, Karen said loudly to the group of monsters, "Since you don't come out, I'll beat you out!" A large amount of white light began to gather towards Kallen's right hand. After a while, when Kallen saw that the white light in his right hand was almost gathered, he put his right hand on his waist and pushed forward forcefully.

"Shining Trick!"

The shock wave formed by the white light blasted directly towards the group of monsters, and a large number of monsters were directly bombarded and killed by Kallen's one move of the Shining Spirit Art, while a small figure who had been hiding in the corner watched as Kallen directly killed a large number of them with one move. After the demon beast, he couldn't help being startled, and muttered to himself, "How could there be such a terrifying person? I remember that the employer only said that only Roswaal was the strongest in Roswaal's mansion? Why did it appear again? Such a powerful person? Did the employer give the wrong information?!"

Karen looked at the huge pit blasted out by her Shining Art, and frowned involuntarily. Looking at some broken limbs of monsters, she muttered to herself, "Could it be that he ran away? No. , there is still breath, but this breath is strong and weak? Could it be that he is dying?"

Immediately, Karen ran to the edge of the huge pit and began to check the surrounding situation.On the other hand, Rem saw that Karen directly blasted the monster forest into a huge pit with one move, and couldn't help being startled, "Sister Karen is so strong?"Should I also start practicing diligently? '

After Kallen came to the edge of the giant pit, she directly released the super beast status, and began to check the Warcraft Envoy, recalling what Ye Yu said at the beginning, "When the Warcraft event occurs, there must be a Warcraft Envoy, and it is impossible for the Warcraft Envoy to leave." The monsters I raise are too far away, otherwise it will be difficult to control the monsters I raise. '

"Could it be...?" Kallen immediately remembered what Ye Yu said, since the Warcraft Envoy can't be too far away from his own Warcraft, then...

Karen looked back, and a pair of scarlet eyes appeared not far behind Rem, and her body gradually emerged. Karen realized that it was actually a huge monster, and then used the Shining Art again. An attack was launched from behind Rem.

Rem continued to cast water magic for the children. Looking at Karen who was not far away, she found that Karen looked at her with a little horror, and then saw Karen once again used the previous move to bombard the monster. Allow yourself to attack.Rem thought Karen was going to kill her, and felt that something was wrong, then she looked back and found a huge monster standing behind her.Seeing that the monster was about to attack him, Rem shrank his whole body, and the magic in his hand was still uninterrupted, and Karen's Shining Art directly hit the monster's body, and the monster's body exploded instantly.

After Karen killed the monster, she quickly ran to Rem, and asked concerned, "Rem, are you okay?"

"Well, I'm fine, Sister Karen, the curse in the children's body should not activate now, let's take the children back." Rem looked at Karen, shook her head and replied.

"Well, good, but before I leave, I need to kill that monster envoy." Karen looked at Rem and said lightly.

Immediately, Kallen entered the oversold state again, and this time, Kallen directly entered the super beast state, looked at the small figure not far away, and activated the Shining Art.

"How could it be so strong? No, that woman is going to use that trick again!" The person with the small figure watched Karen launch the Shining Art again, and couldn't help being terrified in his heart, wanting to escape here immediately, but Could Karen let this Warcraft envoy go?Obviously not.

"Shining Trick!"

This time, Karen aimed at the figure and activated the Shining Art, and the little figure saw that he could not escape at all, and then shouted, "No!!"

The Shining Art directly landed on the small figure, causing a huge explosion, and the World of Warcraft Forest once again added a huge hole.

(End of this chapter)

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