Travel from the collapse

Chapter 36 Resurrecting Echidna

Chapter 36 Resurrecting Echidna
After Karen killed the Warcraft Envoy, she took Rem and the children back to Roswaal's mansion. Karen looked at Ye Yu and said, "Yu, the Warcraft has been solved, now, let Betty treat these things." Children, besides, lift the curse again."

Ye Yu looked at Karen who had returned, and after listening to what Karen said, she immediately said, "Okay, I understand." After saying that, Ye Yu waved and lifted the children up, controlling the children's bodies to move slowly. Moving in front of him, he looked at Betty and said, "Betty, treat these children."

Betty frowned, turned her little head aside arrogantly, and said unhappily, "Hmph! Betty won't treat these children, I want to treat you!"

Although Betty was a little arrogant, she still obediently healed the children in front of her with her hands. I don't know whether it was Ye Yu's shock or Betty's kind heart.

After a while, Betty's one-time treatment for the children was a bit exhausted, and her body was a little shaky. Seeing this, Ye Yu stepped forward to support Betty, took out a pill in the void and fed it to Betty, saying, "Hey, you girl! Why do you force yourself so much? If you cure well, treat it slowly, don’t cure it all at once, anyway, now that the Warcraft Forest has been destroyed by Karen, the curse will not be activated, is it really okay for you to force yourself so much?”

After hearing Ye Yu's words, Betty still stubbornly turned her head aside, and said arrogantly, "This is Betty's business, you don't need to worry about it."

"Okay, okay, since you worked so hard, I'll help you revive your mother." Ye Yu looked at Betty helplessly and said.

Hearing Ye Yu's last words, Betty couldn't help but feel refreshed. Looking at Ye Yu, she said with a slightly trembling voice, "You can really revive my mother?"

"Well, but it's not now. I'm still injured, and I'm not strong enough. The energy in my body is not enough to fully revive your mother." Ye Yu looked at Betty and said calmly.

At this time, Betty's eyes were filled with tears, and she thought to herself, 'Mother, I finally have a way to get you back to my side. Betty looked at Ye Yu and said, "Since you can resurrect my mother, I have nothing to repay you. I can only sign an elf contract with you as a reward."

Ye Yu looked at Betty and asked suspiciously, "But isn't the elf contract your most important agreement?"

"So I can only use the elf contract." Betty looked at Ye Yu pitifully and said.

Ye Yu looked at Betty helplessly, and finally, Ye Yu gave up and said, "Hey, forget it, I'll help you revive your mother right now."

"Eh?! But did you just say that you can't directly resurrect my mother now?" Betty looked at Ye Yu suspiciously and said.

"Who told you that I will use my own power to resurrect your mother?" Ye Yu looked at Betty with the eyes of an idiot.

"Um..." Betty was speechless. Just now Ye Yu said that she couldn't directly resurrect her mother, and now she said that she can directly resurrect her. These words really made Betty not know what to say.

"However... there is a very big disadvantage in directly reviving your mother now." Ye Yu looked at Betty with slightly embarrassed eyes.

"What's wrong?"

"That is, your mother will become an ordinary elf. She will never be able to practice any magic in this life. Moreover, she will lose most of her memories, and only keep a small part of the most important memories in her heart." Ye Yu said truthfully. road.

"Ah? Then can you wait for a while before resurrecting?" Betty said with some embarrassment.

"No way, we will leave after Emilia's election meeting is over. Besides, for me..." Ye Yu looked at Betty and said awkwardly, but he hesitated to say the next sentence. Betty was very anxious.

"Forget it, I'll resurrect your mother first." Ye Yu said lightly, and then led the girls outside the house.

After coming outside the house, Ye Yu took out seven incomparably bright golden crystal balls, and the crystal balls kept shining when they were put together. Ye Yu put the crystal balls on the ground, and when he was about to say something, Yae Sakura suddenly said , "Yu? Why did you use this method to revive Betty's mother?"

"Actually, this method of resurrection will consume a lot of time and space energy in my chaotic orb, and those time and space energy are just the energy I absorbed when dealing with the turbulent flow of time and space. Moreover, these seven crystal balls are actually from a high-level plane. It can be used to fulfill any wish, but it is helpless that the Chaos Orb can only be made into an imitation, not the original crystal ball. And these things are called Dragon Balls, and there are seven of them, each of which is There are a certain number of stars, the imitation I made can only be used once, and it will be scrapped after use, the original dragon ball will turn into stone after use, and the dragon ball will return to its original shape when the energy is absorbed to full." Ye Yu looked at Yae Sakura, and explained in every detail.

"Then..." Before Yae Sakura finished speaking, Ye Yu interrupted, "Okay, let's revive Echidna first, and we'll talk after the resurrection is complete."

After the words fell, Ye Yu looked at the seven dragon balls, and then shouted, "Come out, Shenlong, and make my wish come true." After the words fell, the sky began to darken, and the light shining from the seven dragon balls became stronger and stronger, and finally , A very long golden light flew out, gradually, the golden light began to fade, and a green dragon emerged from the golden light with red eyes.Shenlong looked at Ye Yu and said lightly, "Tell me your wish, and I can fulfill any wish of yours."

Ye Yu looked at Shenlong, and said calmly, "Please revive [Witch of Lust] Echidna in this world."

"This wish can come true." Shenlong said lightly. Immediately, Shenlong's scarlet eyes flashed for a moment. Immediately afterwards, a figure appeared in front of Ye Yu and the others, while Betty who was at the side jumped up instantly. , shouted loudly, "My lord mother!"

The woman looked at Betty in her arms, her eyes dimmed, and finally, she looked at Betty and smiled, "Betty!"

"Mother, do you still remember me?" Betty said excitedly.

"Well, how could Mom forget Betty? Mom likes Betty the most." Echidna looked at Betty in her arms and said with a smile.

"Your wish has been fulfilled, so I will take a step first." Shenlong looked at Ye Yu and said lightly.

As soon as the words fell, Shenlong disappeared from everyone's sight, the sky began to brighten, and the seven dragon balls instantly shattered and turned into dust.

Echidna looked at Betty in her arms, and kept comforting Betty, while the people at the side made room for the mother and daughter to have a good time loving each other.


(End of this chapter)

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