Travel from the collapse

Chapter 493 The Golden Giant Finger

Chapter 493 The Golden Giant Finger

Cang Xu, who was restrained, showed a ferocious expression, and after hearing Tian Lao's words, he felt that something was wrong.

A finger of the supreme emperor?What does this mean?Is an emperor killing a world lord like killing a dog?That night Qingyu sacrificed that finger, wouldn't she be [-]% dead?

Tianlao's words made Cang Xu extremely panic. Although he didn't know what realm Zundi was, he was definitely a super boss who was countless times stronger than an invincible world lord. He didn't hesitate to sacrifice a finger. Obviously Zundi's strength was terrifying I can't imagine it at all.

After so many years of intuition in the face of danger, Cang Xu felt that he must escape, otherwise he would die in an ugly way.

"Using the essence and blood of my natal life, I call the Supreme Emperor a finger, and please get rid of the young man in front of me!" As he said, Ye Qingyu cut off the index finger of his right hand, and after a drop of blood flew out, it solidified and transformed into A crystal was formed.

At this time, Ye Qingyu's figure, which was originally a man, began to change. Slowly, Ye Qingyu's body transformed into a peerless beauty with uneven and exquisite jade body, as beautiful as a goddess Du Ye Qingyu also restored her original appearance at this moment.


"Huh? This is..." In the gorgeous modern house, the young man lying on the bed and flirting with his wife seemed to sense something calling him. After checking it quickly, he found that it was Ye Qingyu who was calling Own.

"What's the matter, Huang Xuan? Did something happen?" the girl lying next to the young man asked concerned.

"My baby girl is calling me with her natal essence. It's strange, under normal circumstances, that girl Qingyu wouldn't use her natal essence to call me..." After explaining to his wife, the young man said curiously Talking to himself, he was very puzzled by Ye Qingyu's actions.

"Forget it, let's take a look first."

Afterwards, the young man closed his eyes, and the image of where Ye Qingyu was at the moment immediately appeared in his mind.

After a while, the young man opened his eyes, touched his chin, and then pointed to the void.


world of chaos.

At this time, Ye Qingyu had finished the sacrifice, and looked at Cang Xu with a pale face, showing a crazy look.

"Hmph...hahaha...go to hell!"

As the words fell, a big golden hand inexplicably appeared in the void, pointing at Cang Xu.

Cang Xu looked at the big hand in the void whose index finger alone was too big to see the edge, and felt the terrifying psionic energy in that big hand, which was so terrifying that it could hardly feel the apex, and he couldn't help feeling desperate.

When Cang Xu was in despair, a magnetic voice came from the void and said angrily, "Boy, you should pay the price for your actions, and provoke the emperor's daughter. This finger is yours." The price of disappearing forever."

After the words fell, a huge finger hit Cang Xu's body, and Cang Xu let out a voice of incomparable despair.



A terrifying explosion erupted from the terrifying giant finger, but it seemed that the scope of the explosion was compressed. Within a radius of 500 million kilometers, Cang Xu was beaten until there was not even a speck of dust left, and he completely disappeared in this world .

"Hehe... Zundi's finger is not only the destruction of body and soul, the power of Zundi's finger is enough to eliminate everything about you, obliterate your past, present, future, including every trace of your existence, even if it is The power of cause and effect is absolutely impossible to let you do it all over again!"

Ye Qingyu looked at Cang Xu who had completely disappeared, showing an extremely crazy look, and the meaning in his words revealed the terrifying level of the emperor.

After killing Cang Xu, Ye Qingyu dragged her extremely weak body, and came to Xiaoxiao, hugging her in her arms, with an extremely gentle look in her eyes.

"Son, I'm sorry, I didn't protect you well in the next life, so I will take good care of you. In the future, I will treat you as my own daughter and will never let you suffer any grievances."

After finishing speaking, Ye Qingyu's eye sockets gradually became moist, and the tears dripped down Xiaoxiao's face like a dam that couldn't be lifted.

"Tian Lao, I want to restart the Four Realms. This time, I will completely hide the Four Realms so that no one will find them again." Ye Qingyu looked at Tian Lao and said in a sad tone.

"Wait, Miss, do you really want to do this?! Restarting the Four Realms means that you want to reshape the Four Realms yourself, and at the same time you will also..." Tianlao said anxiously to Ye Qingyu, restarting the Four Realms With Ye Qingyu's current situation, Ye Qingyu's current situation is simply impossible. If it is forced to restart, the price will be very terrifying.

"No need to say any more. God, I understand what you mean. After restarting the Four Realms, I will lose everything I have, and all living beings will be annihilated and start again. In the future, I will be an ordinary person. I will keep it, after all, I am the daughter of the emperor, my blood power will protect me, but even so, I will do it, I don't want anyone to set foot in this world again."

There was a hint of helplessness in Ye Qingyu's eyes, she was really tired, since the great war in the era of the origin of the Four Realms, she has been calculating, until today, she has finished what she has to do, she should kill If the person in question is also killed, then it is time for him to leave.

"Okay..." Tianlao responded helplessly again, the wayward young lady of his family has not changed a bit so far, and she does things in her own way.

Just as Tian Lao was about to help Ye Qingyu restart the Four Realms, an accident happened again.

A huge sword energy suddenly struck, and Tian Lao was caught off guard. In an instant, Tian Lao was killed. Ye Qingyu looked at Tian Lao who was instantly beheaded, his eyes were dull, and he was completely stunned.

After a while, Ye Qingyu turned her gaze to the direction where the sword energy was flying, and found a mature woman with long fiery red hair and tights, panting and looking at her.

"You don't want to restart the Four Realms! I will never let you restart this world!" The person who arrived was Wuliangta Jizi. At this time, she was holding the annihilation left by Ye Yu, and looked at Ye Qingyu angrily road.

"Why? Why? Why why why...?! Why can't you start over properly!!" Ye Qingyu, whose rationality had almost collapsed, looked at Jizi and questioned Jizi loudly.

"Because... this is the pure land that bastard wants to protect! You restart the world inexplicably now, do you think he will be happy?!" Ji Zi also questioned Ye Qingyu in the same way.

"No... This is the world I created. Whether to restart or not... is up to me!" After saying that, Ye Qingyu raised a hand and waved at Ji Zi, countless stars rushed towards Ji Zi Come, it seems that Ji Zi is going to be crushed to death.

(End of this chapter)

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