Travel from the collapse

Chapter 494 The Final Battle of the Gods

Chapter 494 The Final Battle of the Gods
Looking at the countless stars falling on him, Jizi's body gradually emerged with bright red flame tattoos, he clenched the annihilation in his hand, and his eyes widened.

A fiery red phoenix slowly appeared in front of Jizi's forehead, pointing at Baihui, lifelike.

At this time, Ji Zi moved, clenched the annihilation in his hand and swung it from the right to the left, a sword qi flew across, and all the stars exploded.

Looking at the exploding stars in front of her eyes, Ji Zi gritted her teeth. The inexplicable open wound on her body caused her unbearable pain, and she couldn't help but recall what Xiao Ke, who was in annihilation, had said to her before.


"Little girl of the Wuliang Tower, have you really thought about it?" Annihilation turned into Xiao Ke, looking at the battlefield where Ye Yu was, and asked.

Ji Zi turned around, glanced at Xiao Ke, seemed to think of Ye Yu, and showed a charming smile to Xiao Ke, and said with an evil smile, "My old lady is a woman who will go to the end after Yue Dui, but she is just saving that old man. It’s just a guy, I can still pay this price.”

Xiao Ke looked at Ji Zi with an evil smile on his face, and couldn't help being stunned, and found that Ji Zi, who had become a power of the Holy Emperor, became more and more beautiful, and even he had almost fallen into her charm just now .

Xiao Ke smiled helplessly. Although he is an emperor soldier, he is only a weapon after all. Even if his strength is strong enough, there is no room for growth. If he wants to improve, he must forge a sword body, which is not like a human being at all. Can grow all the time.

Now that Ye Yu is in trouble, since she is powerless to save her, it is better to pin her hope on human beings, their room for growth will be higher.

"Jizi, if you want to save Yu, your price will be..."


Facing the stars flying one after another, Ji Zi's eyes showed no hesitation, let alone a slight pause, only rushing forward.


A sound of bone cracking sounded, and the bone in Jizi's left elbow shattered, but he ignored it and continued to wave Annihilation, splitting the stars apart.

A star hit Ji Zi's body, and he couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood, but Ji Zi still gritted his teeth, waved the annihilation in his hand, and cut it open with a sword.

The fire phoenix on his forehead flickered slightly, and Ji Zi's left elbow was on fire, but he didn't suffer any damage. Instead, the shattered bones were healing rapidly.

The stars continued to hit Jizi, facing the almost countless stars, Jizi felt powerless, but still gritted his teeth and waved Annihilation.

When the last star was reached, Ji Zi felt very powerless. In the battle in the reincarnation world and facing the weak but still strong Ye Qingyu, Ji Zi had already surpassed her physical limit, bursting out step by step, constantly fighting, fight, fight...


At this time, all the bones in her body were shattered, and her whole body was hit by the stars powerlessly. For this reason, Ye Qingyu didn't feel the slightest pity. She had a complete mental breakdown and she no longer planned to let anyone live anymore. To restart the four realms.

"Girl!" Xiao Ke's eager voice came from Annihilation, his words were full of worry.

Ji Zi struggled to get up, the broken bones could not support her body, and she fell to the ground several times when she tried to get up.

"Puff——" Ji Zi couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood, and the flames burning all over her body were constantly healing her injuries, and at the same time burned away the world master's breath left on Ji Zi.


The collapsed Ye Qingyu saw that Jizi was no longer able to stand up again, so she raised her right hand and planned to strike again.

"Drink—" There was a low voice, and Ye Qingyu turned her head, only to see Karen and Qiyana hitting her with their sandbag-sized fists.

At the same time, the remaining Yae Sakura and the others also picked up their weapons and came to Ye Qingyu, preparing to break her up and pull her out of Ye Qingyu's body.

However, as the former leader of the Four Realms, even if he is in a weak state now, he has integrated Ye Yu's power, and he basically does not have too much pressure to deal with Yae Sakura and others.

Seeing the nine people who attacked her, Ye Qingyu let go of Xiaoxiao's left hand and waved her hands, causing a terrible storm.

In an instant, Yae Sakura and the others were stopped, and in the next second, Ye Qingyu raised her right hand and covered her face with her left hand, covering her crazy expression.

"Cutting fingers—"

A big gray hand emerged and pointed its index finger at Yae Sakura and the others. The terrifying storm easily involved Xiaoxiao and Fu Hua beside Ye Qingyu.

Seeing that Xiaoxiao was involved, Yae Sakura rushed over, hugged her in her arms, turned her back to Tianzhi, and prepared to resist the blow with her own body.

Seeing this, Karen and the others rushed to the back of Yae Sakura, unable to make the strongest killing move in time, so they could only resist with their bodies.



Yae Sakura and Kallen vomited blood one after another, resisting the cut-off finger and directly seriously injured, while Kiyana and others...

Seeing that Xiaoxiao in her arms was safe, Yae Sakura turned her head and found that only she and Karen were left alive, while Kiyana and the others... fell directly.

"Qiana...Kuan San...Four Elements..." Looking at Kiyana and the others who were directly beaten into ashes and wiped out, Yae Sakura was completely stunned, and finally survived desperately in this war, but in the end only She and Kallen are left...


Above the stars, Ji Zi, who had witnessed the whole process, widened her eyes. She couldn't believe that Yae Sakura, who had been as strong as Ye Yu until now, could be seriously injured so easily, and Kiyana and the others fell directly.

Tears of blood ran down Jizi's cheeks, and hatred filled her heart. It was obvious that Teresa had died in battle without her presence. Now even her student Qiyana was killed in battle, and no one could accept it.

Kiyana: "Aunt Himeko"

Mei: "Himeko"


Ye Yu: "Hi!Ji Zi, that's my wine!Don't swallow it all for me!
Jizi, would you like to have a drink with me?
Hey, Himeko, we can be regarded as good drinking buddies. 』

The flame burning Jizi's whole body became more and more fierce, Jizi trembled all over, picked up Annihilation and looked at Ye Qingyu.

"Old guy, I never regarded you as a drinking buddy... but a good friend..."

Annihilation in Jizi's hand looked at Jizi who stood up again, and was extremely shocked. Immediately, he no longer estimated his own situation, but supported Jizi with all his strength.

"Girl! I give you all my strength, and you must rescue that bastard for me!" Xiao Ke's voice came from Annihilation, his tone sobbing.

At this time, Yae Sakura in the distance also saw Jizi standing on the star, raised her right hand, and shot a ball of energy and sent it all to Jizi.

After receiving all the power of Annihilation and Yae Sakura, Himeko fully recovered from all injuries on her body. At the same time, huge wings of fire ignited on her back instantly, as well as a feather robe made of flames on her body.

(End of this chapter)

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