Travel from the collapse

Chapter 90 Happy Teresa

Chapter 90 Happy Teresa

Kiyana watched Ye Yu stretch her hand into the bottom of De Lisa's skirt, and felt that her head had froze. She never thought that De Lisa would do such a thing with Ye Yu.

However, in fact, Qiyana misunderstood. The current Teresa can be said to be very miserable. A person in her forties was spanked by her mother in her twenties. This kind of embarrassing thing is thrown at home Even if she was killed, she would not speak out, so she could only let Qiyana make up her mind now.

Ye Yu looked at Qiyana who had just barged in with black lines all over her face, she was speechless, the current Qiyana is really unruly, messing around with everything, making Ye Yu herself terrified Yes, looked at Qiyana helplessly and said, "Why did you barge in without knocking?"

However, Qiyana didn't answer Ye Yu's words, but looked at Ye Yu with horror on her face, but then angrily said to Ye Yu, "How could you do this to Teresa, she is still a child what!"

Qiyana's words made the two of them completely speechless. Immediately, Ye Yu stopped hiding her identity, looked at Qiyana and said helplessly, "I said, Paramecium, did you misunderstand something? Teresa is now on her ass. There is an injury, can you stop talking nonsense, I am treating her, what do you think I will do to my daughter?!" Ye Yu became more and more excited as she spoke, Qiyana's misunderstanding made Ye Yu very irritable, First, Karen's question upset Ye Yu, but now Kiyana barged in directly, indiscriminately misunderstood and scolded Ye Yu, Ye Yu wanted to rub her on the ground directly.

"Ah?! Daughter?!" Kiyana was completely stunned. She never thought that Ye Yu was actually Teresa's father, which made Qiyana feel that her head was not enough. Aunt, isn't Ye Yu his grandfather?

Thinking of this, Qiyana felt that she was terrified. If she wanted to call a boy who was about the same age as her grandfather, if she let outsiders know about it, she didn't know what she would think.

"Otherwise? What do you think it's related to?" Ye Yu gave Qiyana a supercilious look, said lightly, and then began to concentrate on treating Teresa. (Author: Guiquan Zhenchao, Ye Yu: Longinus Crusher! Author: Ya Lingdie!! Author died)

Qiyana looked at Ye Yu who was concentrating on treating Teresa, and felt that she was very embarrassed now, so she quickly left here, looking at Ye Yu when she left, and said with a smile, "Go ahead, I won't bother you. That's it." Afterwards, Kiyana closed the offices.

And Teresa looked at Kiana who was smiling just now, and felt that she was going crazy. With her temperament, she would definitely talk about Ye Yu as her father everywhere.

Thinking of this, Teresa felt that her life would be worse than death. To be honest, she really couldn't call Ye Yu dad at first, but with Otto's example, she quickly adapted to Ye Yu's relationship with her. relationship between feathers.

Soon, after Ye Yu finished treating Theresa, she smiled at Theresa and said, "Okay, girl, you can sit up and sit, it shouldn't hurt anymore."

When Teresa heard about it, she changed from lying on the sofa to sitting on the sofa. Teresa felt that her butt no longer felt the pain just now, and there were tears in her eyes. After all, O Toke has never cared about himself so much, but gave himself a lot of rights and let himself indulge freely.

From birth to now, this is the only time Teresa has felt the love of her family. Ye Yu's care made her original concept of family clear.

Ye Yu looked at Teresa at this time, then looked at the huge cross in the office, looked at Teresa and asked doubtfully, "What? Are you using that Judas?"

"Yes? Is there any question?" Teresa replied suspiciously.

Ye Yu thought back to the time when he left a power lock for the clone, which was exactly the same as Fengyao, and Otto didn't give it to Theresa, which made Ye Yu a little angry, labor and management kept so much A power lock is just for this daughter of mine, you dare to hide it privately, you are really courting death.

Ye Yu looked at Teresa and asked suspiciously, "What about the power lock? Didn't Otto give you the power lock?"

"Power lock? What kind of power lock?" Teresa looked at Ye Yu blankly, not knowing what Ye Yu was talking about?What ability lock?Never heard of it.

"It looks like that idiot Otto took it for research, hmph—! Study it slowly, even if you study it for thousands of years, you will not be able to find anything famous. The ability to lock this thing, but at least over 10 years It's just a daydream, wishful thinking." Ye Yu murmured to himself, looking at the sky outside the window.


At this time, in the Tianming headquarters, a man with long blond hair held a flip phone in the shape of a white tiger in his hand, kept observing, and muttered to himself, "How is this thing made? How did Kallen get such a powerful force?"

And the blond man holding this flip phone in the shape of a white tiger is Otto, and Otto keeps observing the power lock in his hand, trying to find out how his childhood sweetheart 500 years ago gained powerful power through this power lock of.

However, after 500 years of research, Otto has found nothing. The white tiger power lock in front of him has no gaps to remove at all, which makes Otto a headache.Even if you use the Honkai weapon to destroy it now, you can't hurt this ability lock.


"So that's it, then I can also use the power lock?" Teresa knew what the power lock was after listening to Ye Yu's description, but she was a little surprised that Karen's powerful strength actually It is opened by this kind of thing.

"Well, but, as my daughter, I have one more gift for you!" Ye Yu said happily while looking at Theresa with a smile on her face.

After hearing that Ye Yu said that she would give her a power lock, she would also give her something, which made Teresa happy. It turned out that her father is so generous, and she can give her such powerful things casually.

However, Teresa was wrong in fact. For Ye Yu, such things as power locks are completely toys. Kepotian, even without Susano, he still has Chiryuutei's cage hand, which can perform Tyrannosaurus posture, and his huge body allows him to exert very powerful strength.

(End of this chapter)

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