Travel from the collapse

Chapter 91 Teresa's Affection and Newborn Ability Lock

Chapter 91 Teresa's Affection and Newborn Ability Lock

"What is it?" Teresa said excitedly, although Ye Yu promised to give herself a power lock, but now Teresa is quite looking forward to Ye Yu's gift.

Immediately, Ye Yu took out the white tiger power lock, stuck the power lock on Judas, stretched out his fingers and flicked Judas, and Judas was completely turned into pieces.

"Ah——! What are you going to do, you bastard father——!" Teresa screamed.

Seeing Judas broken into pieces, Teresa was very distressed. She thought that Ye Yu wanted to give herself something good, but unexpectedly, Ye Yu actually shattered Judas, which made Teresa very distressed.

But the pain is heartbroken. Teresa was very shocked when she saw that Judas Ye Yu was smashed with just her fingers. She never thought that Ye Yu could easily smash Judas. It was made of soul steel, and it was smashed by Ye Yu so easily.Seeing that Teresa's strength against Ye Yu has been refreshed again here, Judas is completely crispy in front of Ye Yu.

[The strength of my own father... How strong is it?What belief did he rely on to become so powerful? 】

Looking at Ye Yu's back, Teresa seems to have seen all the pain Ye Yu has experienced. When Ye Yu lost her parents, the picture seemed to emerge in Teresa's eyes.

"This is?" Teresa looked at Ye Yu's back, and a very distressing picture appeared in Teresa's eyes.

Ten years ago, when he was seven or eight years old, his parents died in a car accident.Ten years later, he became the victim of a car accident. The pain in ten years was the pain in his heart for a lifetime.

"It turns out that Dad is in such pain..." The picture in De Lisa's eyes made her feel very distressed. After ten years of life, he lived like a robot. Ten years later, he was lost in the original world. Life, however, after he was reborn, he once again had a family. Although in this family, his father was cold-blooded, but...

Teresa stepped forward and put her arms around Ye Yu's waist, and said softly, "You still have us, we are your new family, Dad, you won't be alone anymore."

At this time, Ye Yu was about to smelt Judas into the power lock, but the hands on his waist made him stunned for an instant, and the tears in his eyes slowly flowed out.

Ye Yu's voice trembled, "You...can you see it?"

"Well, we won't let you be alone anymore, alone, very lonely, right?" Teresa said softly.

Ye Yu stopped the movements in his hands, not planning to continue smelting Judas, his eyes were a little dull, and he kept crying.A man doesn't flick his tears easily, but he doesn't reach the sad point.

After the two were silent for a while, Ye Yu opened Teresa's arms around her waist, and said lightly, "Wait a while, a brand new Judas will appear in front of you .”

After Teresa nodded obediently, she stood aside, while Ye Yu sucked the fragment of Judas that stayed in the void into her palm.

Ye Yu took out a handful of golden crosses from the void. Although it was slightly smaller than Judas, this cross was much stronger than Judas. In terms of its hardness, it could be said that it was hundreds of blocks away from Judas.

And the cross that Ye Yu took out was from the epic artifact in DNF [God's Blessing].Originally, according to the hardness of this weapon, it was only a few blocks away from Judas at most, but under Ye Yu's use of the power of chaos, it was upgraded by several levels.

The current [God's Blessing], in terms of its hardness alone, can directly kill a half-step god powerhouse. Of course, this requires sufficient strength. If it is not strong enough, it can only be used as a shield at most.

Ye Yu also directly shattered the [God's Blessing], suspended the three items in mid-air, and condensed a gray-black flame in his hand. After throwing the flame into these three items, the battle began. forging.

Ye Yu finely controlled the flames, not daring to relax at all, because the temperature of the flames was terrifying.

This gray-black flame was refined by Ye Yu, and he named it Chaos Chaoyan.Don't just look at the flimsy appearance of this flame, in fact, anything can become its fuel, and, if this flame is unowned, any thing that ignites a world at will may cause a The world is destroyed.

Ye Yu tried her best to control the flame, and kept pressing the power lock, Judah's oath and [God's Blessing] into the flame.

At this time, Ye Yu was already sweating profusely. Controlling Chaos Yan could be said to be very strenuous. In just a few minutes, the energy in Ye Yu's body had been swallowed by no less than [-]%. Now the energy in Ye Yu's body can be said to be Nearly exhausted, but he still persisted.

After a while, a power lock slowly floated above Chaos Yan.However, at this time, the color of the ability lock has changed partly.

The blue-and-black shell felt that this ability lock was very frightening, and the terrifying coercion released by the ability lock was very huge, almost covering the entire Eastern branch of Destiny.


The sense of coercion in the air made Yae Sakura and the others feel very puzzled. Although they knew that this was done by Ye Yu, what made them curious was what did Ye Yu do to release such a powerful force? coercion.Just judging from the intensity of the aura, it must be at least half a step of the level of a god.


It can be said that Teresa, who is closest to the power lock, is very uncomfortable. The powerful pressure in the air makes Teresa feel difficult to breathe, and the powerful storm emanating from the power lock makes Teresa feel blown. The skin feels sore all at once.

However, the coercion emanating from the power lock can be said to be suppressed by Ye Yu, otherwise, if Ye Yu hadn't suppressed it, it is estimated that the entire earth could feel this huge coercion.

Ye Yu tried his best to suppress the coercion emanating from the power lock, and shouted at Teresa beside him, "Theresa! Quick! Get the power lock into your hands!"

Facing Ye Yu's words, Teresa was very helpless. The huge coercion emanating from the power lock made it difficult for her to move an inch. She felt that her feet were as if they were filled with lead, and they were extremely heavy.

Teresa stretched out her right hand with difficulty, and slowly approached the power lock bit by bit. However, the closer she got to the power lock, the stronger the coercion emanating from the power lock. Almost smashed Teresa's fingers into pieces.

(End of this chapter)

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