Almighty legend life

Chapter 298 Anna's Happy Time

Chapter 298 Anna's Happy Time

When Liu Han returned to his small shop, Millers had already left, but Anna was sitting in front of the counter and drinking a bottle of beer. I have been drinking alcohol since I was a child, and the severe cold in winter prevents people from most high-latitude countries in Eastern Europe from viewing alcohol as a vice.

Liu Han was shirtless when he came in, he had just gone to the beach to "calm down".

Looking at the beautiful body like an ancient Greek sculpture, Anna's face is not only a little hot, although he is only 15 years old, but in Europe, every family with conditions will provide sex education to children from an early age, so although Anna is still underage , But many things are already known, and Liu Han's body is really "attractive".Years of training in the field has turned Liu Han's skin into a sexy bronze color, and the muscles that have undergone extreme physical training also present an explosive beauty.

However, Liu Han's next actions made Anna angry, because Liu Han directly took away the beer in front of Anna.

"You're underage, it's best not to drink." Although Liu Han's words were still a bit cold, he really cared about Anna.

"Give it back to me, who do you think you are? Why does everyone keep preaching to me, can I just do what I like? I don't hinder others, and I don't even have the most basic freedom Is it?" I don't know if it was because Anna drank, but she completely vented the grievances she had received from her father, and her beautiful face was full of grievances.

Not only did Anna's words prevent Liu Han from returning the beer to her, but Liu Han directly threw the beer into the trash can.

"Who do you think you are? Why do you care about me? Don't think you can bully me like this because I look like your fiancée. I just want to be free." Han yelled.

Liu Han withdrew his steps to go to the stairs. He didn't intend to quarrel with this clever little girl, but Anna's words completely stimulated Liu Han's nerves that were already about to fall into madness.

Anna saw Liu Han approaching her like a beast with red eyes, and then grabbed Anna's collar and lifted Anna up.

"What did you say? Who told you this?" The question was like eternal ice.

However, to Liu Han's surprise, Anna was not frightened. She tilted her head and stared at Liu Han like a stubborn little donkey.

"You are a coward, you only dare to bully the weak here like a wounded beast, you dare not look up to see the road in front of you, so many people still love you, so many fans still care looking at you, but you are like a loser who only cares about your feelings, I really regret knowing you. If you are still a man, stand up again, and then live like a normal person, and if you see a girl, go straight up and fuck her, Don't talk about your poor ex-girlfriend anymore, no girl likes to be a substitute." Anna's speech was like a machine gun, and she once again showed her power, and her words pierced into Liu Han's heart like a thunderbolt.

Liu Han slowly let go of his hand, the delicate face of the little girl in front of him resembled Safina very much when she was angry, his vision gradually blurred, Safina seemed to reappear in front of his eyes.

"Honey, I miss you so much, I'm dying of pain, you know?" Liu Han held Anna tightly in his arms, and the familiar fragrance seemed to linger around him again.

Anna was still a little dazed at first, but gradually, the heat from Liu Han's body melted Anna. The little girl who had never had any contact with the opposite sex felt the stimulation like an electric shock. She slowly let go of the tension, and her body also It gradually softened, and at the same time, her arms slowly hugged Liu Han, and she kept patting Liu Han's back lightly. She knew that although the man in front of her only regarded her as her fiancée, Anna still Some feel sorry for this seemingly mighty man.

"You should have a better life, even if I'm not here, you should have a better life, I hope to see your happy smile and the heroic appearance when you won the championship, not like this, let me see what you are now It's very uncomfortable." Anna didn't know where she thought of these words, but she still said it, as if she was Safina now.

Anna felt that her back was getting wet gradually, Xia Tian's thin clothes were wet with unknown liquid, she hugged Liu Han even tighter, as if she had completely turned into Safina, and the man in front of her was herself Anna also fell into an unknown confusion...

On the white sandy beach, although the Mediterranean summer sun is very strong, Anna wearing a sun hat is still very happy walking around. The face of Liu Han beside her is no longer indifferent from the past, but the facial changes caused by the scars are still the same In this way, the entire eyebrows are still erect, but Anna knows that the man beside her now has undergone tremendous changes.

Anna bounced to Liu Han's side, and then gently grabbed the big rough hand. Although the hand was a little nervous to dodge, Anna still grabbed it stubbornly.

"Hee hee——" Anna smiled happily like a child who had succeeded in plotting.

"It's so quiet and beautiful here."

"Normally there aren't too many tourists here, and most of them go to Bastia." Liu Han silently explained to Anna what happened in Corsica.

"Well, it's not good if there are too many people. Just like when I was training, there were so many people around me. Sometimes I felt noisy and gave me a headache. I don't like training."

Anna also told Liu Han a lot about herself.

Liu Han's heart is no longer full of depression. Since the shooting incident, he has basically never had in-depth communication with others, which makes him fall into an endless loop, but the appearance of Anna makes him enter an infinite loop. Liu Han found his way out.

Although Liu Han now knows that the little girl in front of him is not Safina, but he can't refuse her gentle hand, because holding these hands, Liu Han feels calm again, just like holding Safina and grandma , these two women tolerated Liu Han with feminine tenderness, and now, a third woman who can involve and tolerate Liu Han appeared.

Accompanied by Liu Han, Anna happily visited the scenic spots near Ajaccio, and of course she did not miss the scenic spot near Bastia. Liu Han has no way to refuse this girl's request now, so he can only accompany her The energetic little girl played together, and Anna, who had received rigorous training since she was a child, also felt a sense of relaxation that she had never felt before. The sense of security that this strong man around her gave her even made her forget her parents and younger brother who were still in Marseille.

(End of this chapter)

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