Almighty legend life

Chapter 299 The Police Who Came Suddenly

Chapter 299 The Police Who Came Suddenly

When Millers saw Liu Han again, what he saw was Anna with a sweet smile and Liu Han with a slight smile, which made Millers very relieved, because he felt that he would see the return of his idol again .

One day passed, and Millers, who was a little worried about Liu Han, came to Liu Han's shop early in the morning again. As soon as he entered the door, he saw Liu Han having breakfast with Anna. Anna, who kept talking, didn't know what he said , I smiled happily, and Liu Han also showed a smile.

"Good morning, stupid... um..." Liu Han blocked Anna's words with a spoonful of pancakes. This little girl who was talkative was a little heartless.

"Good morning, Millers." Liu Han's greeting made Millers even have the urge to cry, because he saw that the indifference on Liu Han's face had disappeared.

"Good morning, Liu, it's really, really nice to meet you."

"Would you like some breakfast? But that's all I have here, you know."

"That's right, he can only do those two things here. Really, I have to eat these early in the morning. Alas, I want to be a dancer. If I eat like this, I will gain weight quickly." Anna is still very happy Although she has only been in contact with Liu Han for less than two or three days, Anna has already developed some affection for Liu Han. This man who has experienced a lot has given her unprecedented love. The sense of security is higher than that of her father and mother who forced her to be an athlete.

"Thank you, Liu, but I've already eaten." Millers walked to Liu Han and Anna and sat down.

"I have to say thank you, Millers." Liu Han said solemnly to Millers, this lame man gave Liu Han a lot of confidence to come back, because Millers let Liu Han know Many people are looking forward to his return.

"It's me who should say thank you. At least I can see you for real. I thought I could only watch you on TV in this life. But I have a very presumptuous question. I don't know if I can ask it." Millers looked concerned.

"Tell me, there's nothing you can't ask." Liu Han looked very calm now.

"You, can you still play now?" Millers looked at Liu Han with some concern.

"Haha, it turned out to be this. I don't think it should be a problem. I still have some confidence in basketball. But I have no plans to go back. I want to start again and start a new career. I will let everyone You all get to know me again." Liu Han, who had recovered somewhat, showed his original arrogance again.

"Oh, yes, you also know football and boxing. The influence of these two sports is no less than that of basketball. Haha, yes, this is Europe. You can use this place as your starting point, and the original one as your starting point." Memories, I believe you will become a new legend." Millers is not only a fan of Liu Han because of Liu Han's good basketball.

"Thank you for still trusting me. If I want to do it, I must be the unique one. I will let everyone know my ability again." After a year of training, Liu Han is not only challenging the limit, but also He has a new understanding of his body. Although he doesn't know the secrets of his body, he knows that his body is like a copier that can store capabilities. As long as he is willing to learn and train, there is nothing wrong with him. Ability is something he cannot learn, and what is even more amazing is that as long as he learns a certain skill or ability, he can always maintain this ability at its best.Liu Han, who has gradually come out of the gloom, feels that he cannot bury such an ability. His ability is almost built for becoming an athlete. Now Liu Han has a monstrous desire in his heart. He wants to be unique in this world. legend.

Liu Han's upside-down eyebrows made his expression full of domineering confidence. Millers' body began to tremble a little when he heard Liu Han's words, because he knew that the idol he admired was about to return, and Anna looked at Liu Han with a smile on her face. , because she is also conquered by Liu Han's aura now, this man always makes her feel very at ease.

"In addition to thanking him, don't you thank me? I have dedicated my body for you..." The funny Anna's words instantly broke the atmosphere, and Miles looked at Liu Han and Anna in surprise. He didn't expect this Two people are so fast.

"It's too fast, but Liu, you have to pay attention, Anna is not yet of age..." Millers said to Liu Han with some worry.

"Anna Benosova, can you make it clear when you speak, you will cause trouble like this, you know? Also, should you contact your family, I think if I was underage If I run away from home for more than three days, my family will definitely be worried to death.” Liu Han looked at Anna a little angrily, this clever ghost always made him helpless, although it was only three days, Anna gave Liu Han A feeling of great familiarity and dependence, and it's not just about Ana's resemblance to Safina.

"Ah, I forgot, my God, Comrade Vladimir will kill me, he will lock me up in the training center for a year." Speaking of her father, Anna finally remembered, she Now I am so worried that I am worried that my parents will be anxious because of me, and I am worried that I will be punished when I go back. My beautiful face is suddenly wrinkled, and tears are already brewing in my big eyes.

"Tell me the truth, when and where did you and your parents separate? Is there any contact information? If so, it's best to contact you now. Your parents must be very worried about you. Don't worry about punishment or anything. I believe you Your parents won't be too strict with you." Liu Han's words made Anna calm down immediately, and her magnetic male alto voice made Anna feel safe.

"Well, yes, haha, if they want to punish me then I will say that you abducted me, hee hee, they will never dare to bully you." Anna, who was relieved, regained her funny nature.

Just when Liu Han shook his head helplessly, the door of the shop was pushed open again, and two people in police uniforms walked in.

"Sorry, it's not open yet, who are you looking for?" Liu Han asked the two policemen with some doubts.

The two policemen who pushed the door in took a look at the portrait in their hands, then looked at each other, and then directly took out their pistols and aimed at Liu Han.

"Put your hands up, you bloody trafficker, stay away from that beautiful little girl."

"Esoto, what's going on? Liu is not a human trafficker, he is my friend." Millers recognized the local policeman holding a gun.

"Millers, come here quickly. We have received a report that someone is abducting a young girl here, and it is extremely dangerous. Leave that oriental man quickly." Essoto's words made Milles look dazed, and so did Liu Han and Anna. With innocent faces, they didn't even know what happened.

(End of this chapter)

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