Datang: Sign in from the imperial concubine's palace

Chapter 1 opening reward 1 pack of 7-degree space

Chapter 1 opening reward a pack of Seven Dimensions

【Ding! 】

[It is detected that the host has entered Huaqing Palace, do you want to sign in now? 】


[Congratulations to the host, you have obtained a package of seven-dimensional space! 】


Lin Jian is a time traveler.

After half a year of wretched development in Chang'an City, the sign-in system finally ushered in.

But I didn't expect that the place where I signed in for the first time was Huaqing Palace!
Yang Yuhuan's bedroom!

The ancients said: Wealth and wealth are sought in danger!
Lin Jian dressed up as an eunuch and took advantage of the moonlight to sneak into Huaqing Palace.

Everything went well.


What the hell is the seven-dimensional space?

I risked my life to sneak into the harem, just give me a pack of sanitary napkins?


Lin Jian cursed and prepared to leave.

But after thinking about it, now that I have finally come in, I might as well go back with my baby!

This is Yang Yuhuan's bedroom!
Set thousands of pets in one!
Taking two things at random is enough to squander half of your life!
Thinking of this, Lin Jian bent down and lowered his head, and walked towards the depths of the bedroom...

"The Palace of Eternal Life..."

This is a very luxurious house.

The door knocker is carved out of gold, and the window lattice is also pasted with gold paper, shining brightly under the moonlight.

"That's it!"

Lin Jian thought he had found the Treasure Pavilion, so he couldn't wait to push open the door.

A fragrant wind blows.

Lin Jian took a deep breath, his face full of intoxication.

In the northeast corner of the room, there is a big bed inlaid with gold and jade, and a layer of pink bed curtains is hung on the outside.

Here, it turned out to be a bedroom.

Soon, Lin Jian fixed his eyes on the dressing table, which was covered with pure gold jewelry, phoenix hairpins, step Yao, Ying Luo... everything, each piece was exquisitely carved and exquisitely crafted.

"Haha, got rich!"

Lin Jian walked quickly to the dressing table and picked up a hairpin.

"Come here, serve me to take a bath!"

Suddenly, a lazy and charming voice came from behind.



Lin Jian suddenly turned his head.

I saw that the previously closed bed curtain had been separated from the left and right.

A beautiful woman with a national beauty and a thousand charms is reclining on a soft and comfortable big bed.

Her face is extremely beautiful, no matter from which angle you look at it, you can't find any flaws.

The moving beautiful eyes seem to be covered with a layer of mist; the tender and smooth skin is rosy, not to mention how attractive it is!
Look further down...

The skirt is thin and indistinct, what a picture of a lying beauty!

"To die, to die!"

"There are still such superb beauties in the world!"

Lin Jian only felt his heart "pound", as if it was about to jump out.

But soon, he realized that something was wrong.

This beauty must be the famous Concubine Yang Gui!
Breaking into the imperial concubine's bedroom at night!

This is the big crime of beheading!

Neither the big head nor the small head can be kept!
Lin Jian was panicking.

But Yang Yuhuan stretched out her slender hand, and said coquettishly, "I want to take a bath, what are you doing, little eunuch!"



Lin Jian took a step forward, squeezed Yang Yuhuan's soft little hand, and said, "Mother, slow down!"

Observing closely, one can see that Yang Yuhuan has picturesque eyebrows, pretty features, and every frown and smile reveals the word "charm".

Her skirt was made of unknown material, the candlelight was flickering, and the delicate body inside was faintly visible, which made people want to go crazy.I believe that any man will be fascinated when he sees her, and he is willing to die of exhaustion under her pomegranate skirt!
With Lin Jian's support, Yang Yuhuan got off the big bed.

She stood barefoot on the carpet, gradually waking up, her beautiful eyes exuded a charming brilliance.

The social atmosphere in the Tang Dynasty was open.

Especially the court!

Because of loneliness, many concubines would find good-looking eunuchs to relieve their loneliness.

Taking a bath or something is commonplace.

Yang Yuhuan glanced at Lin Jian casually, and said, "Look up!"

Lin Jian bit the bullet and slowly raised his head, for fear that the other party would see through his identity as a fake eunuch.

Yang Yuhuan stretched out a jade finger, lightly picked Lin Jian's chin, and said, "New here?"

Lin Jian froze for a moment, then nodded fiercely: "Your Majesty is wise!"

Yang Yuhuan asked, "What's your name?"

Lin Jian said: "Go back to your mother, the slave is called Xiao Linzi!"

"Xiao Linzi..."

Yang Yuhuan said: "This name is cheap, but it suits you!"


"Why do you call me cheap!"

Lin Jian gritted his teeth with hatred!
Take a shower, right?

Today, I will let you feel the taste of my Thai massage!
Guaranteed to make you scream!

where is the bathroom
Just as I didn't know where to go, a hidden door in the north suddenly opened.

A sixteen or seventeen-year-old maid came out and said, "Your Majesty, the bath water is ready."

"It's here!"

Lin Jian supported Yang Yuhuan and walked into the secret door...

Go through one long corridor after another, and finally come to the bathroom.

In front of him was a large bathing pool, nearly [-] square meters in size.

A layer of bright petals floats on the surface of the water, and the air is filled with a strong fragrance of flowers.

Yang Yuhuan stopped and said, "Xiao Linzi, who did you serve before?"

Lin Jiandao: "Go back to your mother, the servant has just entered the palace."

"It's still a baby!"

Yang Yuhuan was pleasantly surprised.

I thought Lin Jian was clumsy before, but now I think he is cute.

Looking carefully, I saw this little guy with sword eyebrows and star eyes, and a tall and straight figure, the more he looked at it, the more he fell in love with him!

It's a eunuch!

Of course, then again, if you are not a eunuch, you cannot have the opportunity to serve yourself.



Lin Jian untied Yang Yuhuan's pink belt and took off her skirt.

In the Tang Dynasty, fat was regarded as beauty, but it was not fat fat, but fat where it should be fat.

The Yang Yuhuan in front of her is like this, round and round, plump and fertile.

The whole person is white, fragrant and tender, like a mermaid!

At this moment, Yang Yuhuan was covered with only two small clothes to hide her shame.

There is a pocket on the top, and a pair of narrow trousers on the bottom. The plump figure makes people's blood spurt.

Seeing Lin Jian staring at her body in a daze, Yang Yuhuan was secretly delighted.

Women, who doesn't want to be more charming!
Even the little eunuch can be attracted by him, this sense of accomplishment is unparalleled!
At this point, Lin Jian didn't know how to continue.

Is it...

Want to help her finish off?
While hesitating, Yang Yuhuan raised his eyebrows and said, "Why did you stop?"



With trembling hands, Lin Jian walked in front of Yang Yuhuan...

Seeing that Lin Jian is about to succeed!
Yang Yuhuan suddenly dodged back, "giggle" and said with a coquettish smile, "You little eunuch, you are not old, but you are not small in courage!"


Lin Jian was stunned.

Yang Yuhuan said: "I'm trying to test you on purpose, you really dare to do it!"

Ni Ma!

Lin Jian had a smile on his face, but his mother criticized it in his heart.

After laughing for a while, Yang Yuhuan raised her jade feet and entered the water.

Take off the last two small clothes on your body and throw them away!
Why is it dark?

Lin Jian was dumbfounded.

At this time, Yang Yuhuan just heard "giggle" and said with a coquettish smile: "Xiao Linzi, how does it taste?"

(End of this chapter)

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