Chapter 2 The Poet
Lin Jian took off the blindfolded trousers, and tried to squeeze out a smile: "The maiden's trousers are extremely fragrant. They are really delicious in the world, and the slaves are deeply trapped in them, unable to extricate themselves!"

Yang Yuhuan hooked her fingers and said with a seductive expression, "Come down."

Lin Jian took off his coat three times, five times and two times, and only wore a pair of flowery underpants.

Yang Yuhuan turned over and lay down on the pool platform, saying old-fashionedly: "Serve me!"

"As ordered!"

Lin Jian grabbed Yang Yuhuan's fragrant shoulders, rubbed or crushed them, trying his best to please her.

As a Cadillac owner, Lin Jian is well versed in massage.

In no time, Yang Yuhuan was so beautiful that she couldn't want it.

Finally, the whole body is pressed!
Lin Jian took a deep breath and said, "Your Majesty, how is the slave's technique?"

Yang Yuhuan bit her lips lightly, and said angrily, "You little eunuch, you dare to press everywhere! Aren't you afraid that His Majesty will cut off your head?"

Lin Jiandao: "To die under the peony flower is to be a ghost! It's a slave's blessing to die for a noble concubine!"

"Damn it!"

Yang Yuhuan said quietly: "It's a pity, you are an eunuch!"

After speaking, she suddenly felt something was wrong.

So I slowly looked down...

Seeing this, Lin Jian was frightened to death!

Because as long as you are not blind, you can see the tricks on yourself!


Yang Yuhuan naturally found out too.

For a moment, the two looked at each other, speechless!

"The Emperor is here!"

At this moment, the voice of the eunuch came from the corridor.

Yang Yuhuan thought, if the emperor saw this scene, not only the "little eunuch" would be beheaded, but he would also be implicated.

So she held down Lin Jian's dog's head, and shouted coquettishly: "Quick, squat down!"

Lin Jian took a sharp breath and dived down.

The surface of the water is covered with a layer of petals, which can play a good role in concealment.

It's just that the buoyancy of the water is too great!

Lin Jian had no choice but to grab Yang Yuhuan's ankles to avoid revealing himself.

Not a moment later, Tang Emperor Li Longji came in.

That is the famous Tang Xuanzong.

Of course, he is not called Xuanzong now.

Xuanzong is the name of the temple, a title only after death.

"Yuhuan sees Your Majesty!"

Yang Yuhuan tried her best to calm down.

"Concubine Ai is free!"

Li Longji walked to the pool, looked Yang Yuhuan up and down, and said, "Why is my concubine so blushing?"

Yang Yuhuan said: "I just came to Tiankui, so I can't serve His Majesty today!"

"It's okay, I'll come and see you!"

Li Longji said he was fine, but couldn't hide his disappointment.

Yang Yuhuan said: "Then...the concubine will not be sent to His Majesty!"

"Well, Concubine Ai, rest well! I still have some memorials to deal with, so go get busy first!"

Li Longji looked upright.

After leaving the bathroom, Li Longji's expression changed, and he said to the eunuch beside him, "Go to Concubine Dong's bedroom!"



"Suffocated me!"

As soon as Li Longji left, Lin Jian quickly surfaced.

Yang Yuhuan looked at Lin Jian, curious and afraid at the same time, and said weakly: "Who... are you?"

Lin Jiandao: "I'm just a nobody. Because I admire the peerless beauty of the imperial concubine, I risked my life to pretend to be a eunuch, just to see the beauty of the empress!"


Yang Yuhuan looked suspicious.


Lin Jian vowed: "Before I left, I wrote a poem for the empress, and there is a poem to prove it!"

Yang Yuhuan said: "Come on!"

Lin Jian brewed for a while, looked into Yang Yuhuan's eyes, and said affectionately, word by word: "Yun Xiang's clothes are beautiful, and the spring breeze is blowing on the threshold of Revlon. If we don't meet at the top of Qunyu Mountain, we will meet at Yaotai under the moon."

After reading a poem, Yang Yuhuan's delicate body trembled.

"Nice poem!"

"So beautiful!"

"This talent's knowledge is so high, I'm afraid he can compare with the immortals!"

The immortal is Li Bai, who has been a celebrity through the ages.

But at this time, Li Bai is still traveling around the mountains and rivers!

Yang Yuhuan recited it back and forth several times, and said shyly, "This it talking about me?"

"Of course!"

Lin Jiandao: "In the whole world, except for the imperial concubine, there is no one who can afford this poem!"

Yang Yuhuan was elated and said, "So you are a poet!"

After finishing speaking, he looked at Lin Jian with admiration on his face, and all the worries about him before were thrown into the sky.

"It's better to flatter!"

Lin Jian squeezed his sweat secretly, and then began to think about it.

If you can build a good relationship with Yang Yuhuan, you will be able to rise to the top in the future.

In history, anyone who has a relationship with Yang Yuhuan will not fail to achieve great success!
For example, of her two older sisters, one became Mrs. Korea and the other Mrs. Guo.

Another example is her cousin Yang Guozhong.

This person was originally a bum wandering around the market, but because of Yang Yuhuan's recommendation, he worked his way up to the position of prime minister!
Yang Yuhuan looked at Lin Jian affectionately, and said, "Now that you have seen him, what are your plans in the future?"

Lin Jiandao: "I can't wait to become a eunuch and serve by your side day and night!"

Yang Yuhuan said: "Then your wish will be fulfilled..."

"Cough cough..."

Lin Jian blushed, and quickly changed his words in fright: "But the empress must not bear it!"

Yang Yuhuan said: "It's true! You are so knowledgeable, it's a pity to be a eunuch!"

Lin Jiandao: "I have a merciless request!"

Yang Yuhuan said: "But it's okay to say!"

Lin Jiandao: "I want to recognize the imperial concubine as my god-sister, I don't know..."

Yang Yuhuan was taken aback for a moment, then grabbed Lin Jian's hands excitedly, and said, "Brother, what's your real name?"

Lin Jian quickly reported his name.

"Lin Jian..."

Yang Yuhuan made a note of it secretly, and said, "Brother, is this your only wish? Don't you want to be an official?"

Lin Jian didn't want to.

However, the time has not come!

If you act too eagerly, it may backfire.

So Lin Jian shook his head fiercely: "It is already a great blessing to recognize your mother as a sister, and I dare not have other unreasonable thoughts!"

Yang Yuhuan's expression froze.

Worthy of being a poet!
Character is noble!


After taking a shower, go back to the bedroom.

Yang Yuhuan lay reclined on the bed, covered only with a tulle.

The lights are dim, and the beauty is like night.

It was the fourth year of Datang Tianbao.

Yang Yuhuan has just turned 27 years old, and she can be called the pinnacle of a woman's appearance!

Lin Jian's eyes were burning.

As for Yang Yuhuan, her heart was also secretly moved.

Tang Xuanzong is already in his sixtieth year, and he has long been useless!

Although he married himself into the harem; but, he couldn't satisfy himself at all!

But now, there is suddenly a man beside him, a handsome guy who keeps calling himself "sister"!
Yang Yuhuan's lonely heart was like a pool of autumn water with ripples.

The two looked at each other.

The air is extremely tense!

In the end, Lin Jian couldn't bear it anymore.

He slowly moved his body and was next to Yang Yuhuan.

Seeing that Yang Yuhuan had no intention of dodging, he leaned over to Yang Yuhuan's face and called out emotionally, "Sister!"

Yang Yuhuan only felt her body tense, being crushed to death by Lin Jian.

This feeling of suffocation made me extremely excited!

So, Yang Yuhuan gave a soft "hmm" and closed her eyes shyly and expectantly...

(End of this chapter)

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