Chapter 3

Lin Jian was so excited to death!
Two kisses on Yang Yuhuan's eyes!

Every time he kissed, Yang Yuhuan trembled tenderly.

The storm is coming!
At this time, Yang Yuhuan suddenly opened his eyes with a "ah", followed by panic.

"What's the matter, sister?"

Lin Jian was stunned.


Yang Yuhuan hesitated to speak, her two slender legs were brought together, and her body was twisted slightly, as if in pain.

"What's the matter?"

Lin Jian asked.

"I seem to... really come to Tiankui!"

Yang Yuhuan frowned, and rummaged on the bed to find a new pair of wrapped trousers.

Tian Kui is the great aunt.

The ancients had limited sanitation conditions, and if one was not careful, it would cause infection!

So in ancient times, coming to Tiankui was a very troublesome thing!
Seeing Yang Yuhuan's terrified appearance, Lin Jian's heart skipped a beat and he said, "Sister, wait a minute!"

Yang Yuhuan stopped and looked puzzled.

Lin Jian reached into his bosom, took out the package of the seven-dimensional space obtained by signing in, and said, "Use this!"


Yang Yuhuan took over the seven-dimensional space, looked at it over and over for a long time, and said, "What is this? Why are the characters on it strangely shaped and specious?"

Lin Jiandao: "This is a sanitary napkin, it only treats Tiankui!"

"sanitary napkin?"

Yang Yuhuan was in a daze, unable to do anything.

Lin Jian unwrapped the package, took out a piece, stuck the sanitary napkin inside his trousers, and said, "Sister, I'll help you wear it!"

Yang Yuhuan shy for a while.

But he still raised his legs.

Lin Jian helped Yang Yuhuan put on the trousers and said, "Sister, stand up and try!"

Yang Yuhuan tried to get out of bed, took a few steps, and said with a surprised face: "Brother, sanitary napkins are really amazing!"


Leaving the palace, Lin Jian sighed with emotion.

I thought I could put Yang Yuhuan to sleep while it was hot, but I was delayed by Tiankui.

However, the future is long!
Now that she and Yang Yuhuan have become siblings, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future!

Call my sister first today, and let my sister call me later!
Lin Jian came to a small forest, took out the eunuch's uniform, and set it on fire.

This thing can't be kept private!

Otherwise, if someone finds out, something will happen!
Lin Jian was squatting beside the fire, dreaming about things, his mind was full of Yang Yuhuan's charming appearance...

"Help me..."

Suddenly there was a faint voice in front of him.


Lin Jian was taken aback!
Taking a closer look, there turned out to be a man beside the fire, his body was bloody and bloody, and he had been hacked seven or eight times!

What's even weirder is that the other party actually looks a lot like me!
No, not very much!

It is simply carved out of a mold!


Lin Jiandao: "Who are you?"

The man wants to talk.

However, the fire has spread to the body.

When Lin Jian wanted to save him, he was already powerless.

Soon, the man was lost in the fire, leaving only a pile of bones...


Lin Jian also couldn't tell whether this person was killed by himself.

I can't even explain it clearly, and once I enter the yamen, I can't even argue with it!

Helpless, Lin Jian had no choice but to dig a hole, buried the other party's bones, and quietly returned to the street.

Long night.

Lin Jian stood in the cold wind, not knowing where to go.

At this time, an old man with the appearance of a housekeeper led a group of servants and walked towards him.

Seeing Lin Jian, the old butler hugged Lin Jian tightly, and said with tears, "Young Lord, this old servant finally found you!"

"Young Master?"

Lin Jian began to think that the other party admitted the wrong person.

But soon, he figured it out.

Young master, it should be the guy who was burned to death just now!
He looks exactly like himself!

Lin Jian's heart moved, and a bold idea popped up.

Young master, hey hey!

This identity is good!
I like!

At this moment.

The imperial palace, Qingxin Pavilion - the bedroom of Princess Lingnan.

A long-legged beauty in her early 20s was kneeling on the couch.

She has beautiful facial features and a slender figure, but her expression is extremely cold, and there is a trace of murderous intent all over her body.

A proper piece of Gao Leng Yujie!
This person is the owner of this place, Princess of Lingnan of the Tang Dynasty - Li Changning.

A group of forbidden soldiers entered with guns.

When they arrived in front of Li Changning, everyone turned over and knelt down: "My subordinates see the princess!"

Li Changning said, "How is the matter going?"

The leader of the forbidden army said: "Princess Hui, Lin Jian was stabbed eight times in the body, the sword was fatal, and he has returned to the west!"

"it is good!"

Li Changning's hanging heart finally let go, and he said to himself: "Father is so foolish, he actually let Lin Jian, that trash, be my husband! That little prince eats, drinks, gambles, and is full of five poisons. Chang'an City is known as a bitch; if I, Li Changning, marry into Lin Guofu, my life will be over!"

The old eunuch beside him said: "What the princess said is very true, but..."

Li Changning said impatiently: "If you fart, let it go!"

"Cough cough..."

The old eunuch said: "Your Majesty just identified Lin Jian as the son-in-law yesterday, but today he was assassinated. Will this...will arouse His Majesty's suspicion?"

Li Changning snorted coldly, raised his slender legs, and said, "Everyone is dead, I want to see what my father can do to me!"


Three days later.

Lin Guofu.

After a few days of insinuating, Lin Jian had almost inquired about the young master's affairs.

The other party is also called Lin Jian, not only has the same name and surname as himself, but also the same age, both are 19 years old.

His grandfather, Lin Chengfeng, was Li Longji's right-hand man back then; he made great contributions to Li Longji's successful ascension to the throne.

His father, Lin Yaoxian, was the Jiedushi in the pass, fought against the Turks for half his life, and unfortunately died on the battlefield in the end.

Li Longji sympathized with the Lin family, and made Lin Jian a Marquis when he was 13 years old!
However, this person's reputation is really not flattering.

When I was 11 years old, I got consecrated by a maid in the house.

Since then, it has been out of control!
Up to 99, down to just being able to walk, as long as it's a woman, there is nothing he doesn't like!

Because of him, countless families were separated from their wives and daughters.

The people in Chang'an City privately call him a "bitch"!
"No wonder it was chopped down in the grove!"

"You deserve it!"

The matter has come to this point, it is too late to regret.

The most urgent task now is to change the character image of the young master.

Otherwise, maybe one day, I will be hacked to death!

In addition to being the young master of Lin Guofu, Lin Jian continued to sign in for these three days.

As for the rewards...

Not much better than sanitary napkins!
A zippo lighter.

A Chinese cigarette.

A box of amoxicillin capsules.


early morning.

After breakfast, Lin Jian ordered a Huazi and entered the sign-in system.

【Ding! 】

[Today's sign-in has been opened! 】

[Sign-in location - Tai Chi Hall! 】

Lin Jian was slightly taken aback.

Tai Chi Hall, that is the place where the emperor discusses matters!

It is even more inaccessible than Concubine Yang's bedroom!

But that was before.

Now that he is the young master of Lin Guo Mansion anyway, it shouldn't be difficult to go to Tai Chi Hall.

The question is, what excuse?
"Have it!"

After smoking a cigarette, Lin Jian had a flash of inspiration.

Just the day before Xiao Hou Ye was chopped off, he was married by Li Longji.

The other party is Lingnan princess - Li Changning.

In online novels, if the male protagonist has a marriage contract, he will choose to divorce at the beginning of the game!
Why don't I get divorced too!

(End of this chapter)

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