Chapter 105 Moonlight Treasure Box
Taihua Princess Li Wan came here precisely for the marriage between Lin Jian and Lingnan Princess.

Seeing that Lin Jian was there, Li Wan was slightly taken aback and frowned secretly.

Li Xiaolu was young, so he didn't notice anything unusual about Lin Jian and Yang Yuhuan, but Li Wan was someone who had experienced it!
At this moment, Yang Yuhuan's beautiful eyes were full of spring, her complexion was rosy, and there was a faint smell of fishy smell floating in the room.

Looking at Lin Jian again, he is imposing and full of energy, just like a big rooster who has just won a battle!
This kind of demeanor is only available when a man conquers a woman!
Although Li Wan felt turmoil in his heart, his surface was as calm as a pool of water. After all, these were just his own conjectures...

But, the stakes are high!

If there is really something between Lin Jian and the imperial concubine, whether public or private, they must not be let go!

While Li Wan was talking to the two of them, he was thinking of an idea at the same time, thinking that he could come back to see the situation at night...

In order to avoid suspicion, Lin Jian exchanged some greetings and left first.

Thinking about marrying the long-legged beauty Lingnan Princess Li Changning soon, I feel very happy.

【Ding! 】

[Congratulations to the host, the task is completed! 】

[Bonus Skill - Moonlight Treasure Box! 】

Although Lin Jian did not catch Wu Zetian and Princess Taiping Li Lingyue, he had already found out the "demon cat case".

Once this case is found out, the system task will naturally be completed.

Same as guessed before.

The Moonlight Treasure Box is exactly a skill to travel through time and space!
However, since traveling through time and space requires too much energy to be mobilized, it is not unlimited.

Lin Jian only has three chances to use the Moonlight Box skill!

And you can only choose to travel between the past and the next three days.

Although there are many restrictions, Lin Jian is already very excited.

The previous "resurrection in situ" can only save one life.

And the Moonlight Treasure Box can be said to have three more lives!
And traveling through time and space, you can do more than just save your life!

Lin Jian happily left the palace.

Now that the reward is in hand, it doesn't matter if Wu Zetian's mother and daughter are caught or not.

However, Shen Yao should have met Li Longji now, I don't know how Li Longji will deal with this matter...

Because King Yong entered the capital, the city of Chang'an was more undercurrent than before.

At this moment, nearly half of the squares in Chang'an City have been controlled by Yongwang Li Phosphorus.

Among them was Lin Jian's Lin Guofu.

Lin Jian didn't want to be involved in the royal family's intrigue so early, so he didn't go back to Lin Guofu, hesitated for a moment, and headed towards Dali Temple.

After staying in Dali Temple for a long time, I went to see my clothing store and furniture city.

The clothing store is run really well by Barou, and its size has more than doubled from before!
In front of the servants, Ba Rou even pretends to be the proprietress!

He blew so much that he even started to believe it!
But when she saw Lin Jian, she softened immediately, and reported to Lin Jian cautiously with a servile look.

It was dark in a flash.

Lin Jian thought of the gentle hometown of Huaqing Palace, and couldn't wait to go to the palace.

From the clothing store to the palace, I happened to pass by the tea scriptures.

Walking to the door of the Tea Classics, Lin Jian subconsciously slowed down and couldn't help but take a few more glances.

At this moment, Wu Zetian and Li Lingyue were in the attic, watching Lin Jian secretly.

The two really wanted to kill Lin Jian, a confidant, but because of the monster-slaying sword on his back, they could only give up angrily.

Not a moment later, they came to Huaqing Palace.

Lin Jiangui was obsessed, and couldn't wait to enter the palace of longevity. He didn't notice at all that there was a beautiful figure in the garden and behind the rockery. It was Li Wan, Princess of Taihua who had doubts about the relationship between the two...

(End of this chapter)

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