Chapter 106 The Unseen Things

Lin Jian entered the Hall of Eternal Life.

As usual, the eunuchs and maids in the hall retreated tactfully when they saw Lin Jian coming alone.

Li Wan hid in the garden, seeing all this so clearly, he couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart!
But she didn't see it with her own eyes. She still held a trace of hope for luck. She hoped that she was thinking too much, thinking that after all the eunuchs and maids in the courtyard had left, she would find a chance to sneak in and find out...

"You are so bad!"

Yang Yuhuan looked shy, paused and said: "But I really like your badness!"

Lin Jian smiled "hehe" and said, "By the way, how did your talk with the eldest princess go today?"

Yang Yuhuan nodded and said, "The eldest princess said, I will congratulate you on marrying Lingnan princess in seven days!"

"so fast?"

Lin Jian was slightly surprised.

Yang Yuhuan said: "Why, you don't want to get married?"

Lin Jiandao: "I want to marry you!"

Hearing this, a look of loneliness suddenly appeared on Yang Yuhuan's face, and she said nothing.

Lin Jiandao: "What's wrong with you?"

Yang Yuhuan recalled the past, forced a smile and said, "It's nothing!"

At this time, the eunuchs and maids of Huaqing Palace all dispersed one after another.

According to experience, Master Lin will not leave until at least tomorrow morning, so there is no need to stay here.

As soon as these people left, Li Wan also came out of the garden.

Enter Huaqing Palace, push open the door of the Palace of Longevity...

Squeak... ah...

The door, which was originally quiet, seemed extremely harsh at this moment!
Hearing the movement, Yang Yuhuan was startled, and suddenly opened her beautiful eyes.

Lin Jian was unmoved, and said, "What's wrong?"

Yang Yuhuan pointed to the gate, her face turned pale with fright, and said, "It seems...someone is there!"

The two are in bed at the moment.

From the gate, one had to turn a corner and push the screen to see this place, so the two of them still did not see Li Wan.

Lin Jiandao: "There is no one, maybe it was blown by the wind!"

Yang Yuhuan made sense when he thought about it.

Even if there is someone, there is no reason to barge in without notifying, even if it is the emperor!

Thinking of this, Yang Yuhuan calmed down a little, wrapped his arms around Lin Jian's neck tightly, and said emotionally: "Lin Lang..."

After entering the door, Li Wan heard the conversation between the two clearly, and at the same time was trembling with anger.

She walked over step by step, and finally pushed the screen away.

Although he had already made mental preparations, Li Wan was still dumbfounded for a while.

I saw Lin Jian and Yang Yuhuan on the bed, completely naked...


Yang Yuhuan screamed, and pushed Lin Jian's chest hard with her small hands

Lin Jian sensed something was wrong, followed Yang Yuhuan's gaze, and then saw Li Wan.

"I go!"

Lin Jian was dumbfounded.

If you want to quibble, but the evidence is solid, there is no chance of quibbling at all!


With tears in his eyes, Li Wan said: "You two are doing this, you are not worthy of Brother Huang! I... I want to report you to Brother Huang!"

When you're done, turn around and leave.

Lin Jian was dumbfounded, not knowing what to do.

Yang Yuhuan said anxiously: "Stop her quickly, don't let her leave here!"

Only then did Lin Jian react.

The most urgent task now is to stop the eldest princess, otherwise both myself and Yang Yuhuan will be finished!

So, Lin Jian drew back and flew up behind Li Wan.

Li Wan wanted to run, but how could he run faster than Lin Jian!

Lin Jian grabbed Li Wan's wrist and said, "Princess, you misunderstood!"

Li Wan struggled fiercely, but couldn't break free, and said coldly: "The matter has come to this, what is there to explain! Let go of this palace, or you will be punished even more!"

[The new book has been released—Fantasy: Sign in from the Empress's bedroom, new pseudonym: Canopy Goudan]

(End of this chapter)

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