Chapter 11 Hot Pot
After the sisters washed and changed, they came to the yard.

A gust of wind came.

There was a strong smell of meat in the wind.

I can't tell what kind of meat it is, but it smells very tempting!

"Wow, it smells so good!"

Li Xiaolu took a deep breath, then rubbed his belly, looked at his sister, and said pitifully, "Sister, I'm hungry!"

Li Changning was not much better, swallowed secretly, and said, "Let's go and have a look."

The two sisters walked through the courtyard following the fragrance.

Soon, he saw Lin Jian.

I saw him squatting in front of a big pot, busy with work.

Li Xiaolu ran over quickly, stood on tiptoes, looked into the pot, and asked curiously, "Bitch, are you cooking?"


Lin Jian:? ? ?
Who the hell leaked my nickname!

Li Changning was shocked when he heard the words, quickly changed the subject, and said, "Mr. Lin, what are you busy with?"

Lin Jian waved his hands to wipe off his sweat, and said mysteriously, "You guys will find out later!"

Li Xiaolu swallowed his saliva so greedy, he said: "Hurry up, I don't need breakfast yet!"


Li Changning was speechless for a while, and said: "Mr. Lin, Sister She was kicked in the head by a donkey when she was a child, so she spoke some nonsense, don't take it to heart."

"it's okay no problem!"

Lin Jiandao: "I just like dealing with simple people, because I am also such a person!"

In order to prevent Li Xiaolu from showing her flaws again, Li Changning didn't give her a chance to speak, and chatted with Lin Jian without saying a word.

Li Xiaolu was so angry that he puffed his cheeks, and cursed in his heart: "Smelly sister, smelly Li Changning, you were kicked in the head by a donkey!"

Finally, the hot pot is ready.

Lin Jian pointed to the stool and said, "Both girls, sit down quickly, dinner is ready!"

Li Changning and Li Xiaolu looked at each other, confused.

The water in the pot was boiling, and the heat wave was boiling.

But the dishes, one hasn't been served yet!
Sliced ​​meat, vegetables, mushrooms...all the ingredients are placed aside, how can this be eaten!

Although there were doubts in their hearts, the two sisters sat down and looked at Lin Jian in unison.

Lin Jian picked up the chopsticks, picked up a piece of mutton, put it in the pot for a while, then dipped it in the seasoning, bit it down, and said beautifully: "It's delicious!"

Li Changning wondered: "Young master Lin, can you eat like this?"

"Of course!"

Lin Jiandao: "You two eat quickly too!"

Li Changning hesitated.

This bitch, isn't he teasing us?

However, Li Xiaolu couldn't help it.

Following Lin Jian's example, she picked up a piece of mutton and scalded it in a pot.

Lin Jian pointed to the seasoning and said, "Dip it, it will taste even more delicious!"

Li Xiaolu dipped in the seasoning as promised, opened his cherry mouth, and couldn't wait to bite it down!


Gravy splattered!


"good to eat!"


At this entrance, Li Xiaolu's eyes lit up!
The fragrant meat is entangled in the clove tongue.

The fresh and tender gravy splashed in the deepest part of the throat.

In the mouth, the honey juice is radiating, the fragrance is lingering, and it lasts for a long time!
Li Xiaolu swears that this is the best lamb he has ever eaten!
Li Changning asked suspiciously: "Sister, can I really eat it?"

Li Xiaolu didn't speak.

Because I really can't speak.

One mouthful after another, it’s tempting to eat and eat meat!
Ever since, Li Changning couldn't bear it anymore, and started eating like the two of them.

For a while, the two sisters fought over each other, eating so happily!
Lin Jian saw it in his eyes and was delighted in his heart.

If you want to conquer a woman's heart, you must first conquer her stomach.

Once the two sisters are tempted by their delicious food, they won't want to leave even if they are chased away in the future.

Lin Jian was in a good mood, went back to the house and got two bottles of Erguotou, and filled a glass for each of them.

"Girls, don't just focus on eating; take a break and drink some wine!"

The hot pot is enough to support the stomach.

The two sisters would not refuse anyone who came, and they drank their wine glasses in one gulp!


"so spicy!"

After drinking a glass of wine, both sisters changed their faces.

Especially Li Xiaolu!
Sticking out her little tongue, she said with resentment on her face, "Bitch, what kind of wine are you drinking? Why is it so hot?"

Lin Jian was speechless for a while, and said: "You have to drink this kind of wine in one sip, who told you to finish it all at once!"

Erguotou is no joke!

Soon, both sisters blushed and their eyes became blurred.

Li Changning obviously felt that he was drunk, and was afraid that his sister might say something wrong, so he got up and said, "Lu Lu, let's go back and rest."

"do not!"

Li Xiaolu said: "I'm not full yet!"

Li Changning couldn't help saying, immediately started, dragged Li Xiaolu up, and said: "Master Lin, thank you for your hospitality, my sister and I will go back to our room to rest first."


Lin Jiandao: "Do you want me to see you off?"

"Need not!"

As soon as the words fell, Li Changning staggered and almost fell down.


Lin Jian quickly supported the two sisters, and said, "Slow down, let me see you off!"


The palace, the imperial study.

Li Longji still had a splitting headache after drinking too much wine last night.

"Grandma's, Lin Jian's fairy wine is too strong!"

Li Longji cursed and said to the eunuch beside him: "Go, call Changning!"


Li Longji intends to talk to Li Changning about the specific date of engagement.

Soon, the eunuch came back and said that Princess Lingnan was not in Qingxin Pavilion.

Just at this time, Chen Xuanke asked to see him outside.

Li Longji said: "Xuan!"

As soon as he entered the door, Chen Xuanke knelt on the ground with a "boom", and said in a crying voice: "Your Majesty, I am guilty! You deserve death!"

Li Longji said: "What is the crime?"

Chen Xuanke said: "The minister's ineffective escort resulted in Princess Lingnan and Princess Xiangxiang being taken away by the gangsters! I implore Your Majesty to give me the death penalty!"


Li Longji was shocked, he stood up straight away, and said, "What's going on?"

Chen Xuanke was so frightened that he trembled, and roughly explained what happened last night.

Li Longji was very worried at first.

But when he heard that the villain was Lin Jian, he suddenly felt that there were many doubts in it.

Indeed, Lin Jian is a bit bold and often does some outrageous things.

But taking the two princesses away is not enough!
First, Chang Ning was going to marry him, so there was absolutely no need for him to make such a move!
Second, how could Lin Jian, a drunkard, be Chang Ning's opponent!
Unless, Chang Ning is willing!
Li Longji thought for a while, and said, "How are the two princesses doing now?"

Chen Xuanke said: "Back to the emperor, I have sent people to inquire, and the two princesses are temporarily staying in Lin Guofu."

Li Longji said: "You haven't been abused, have you?"

Facing the Nine-Five Supreme, Chen Xuanke didn't dare to lie, and said: "Not at the moment! But..."

Li Longji waved his hand, indicating that he didn't need to continue, and said: "In this way, you set up some secret sentries around Lin Guofu, don't act rashly, just report the situation to me in time!"


Although Chen Xuanke couldn't figure it out, he could only accept the order.

Watching Chen Xuanke leave, a smile appeared on Li Longji's face: "Changning, this girl, has a lot of tricks! Lin Jian, don't embarrass me, you must pass the test smoothly!"

(End of this chapter)

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