Chapter 12 Actors
Lin Jian originally planned to send the two beauties back to their respective rooms.

But as he was walking, he turned around and saw that the two beauties were already drunk and unconscious.

I can't wake up!

"This is fate!"

Lin Jian said with emotion, and took the two of them back to his room.

The light was dim last night, Lin Jian could only vaguely feel that the two girls were beautiful, but he didn't take a closer look.

And just eating hot pot, I was too embarrassed to keep staring at his face.

At this time, the two beauties were lying on the bed.

Lin Jian has enough time to appreciate everything about them!
The two of them, Yujie and Lolita, make it difficult for Lin Jian to ride a tiger, and he really doesn't know who to ride!

Only children make choices, I want them all!
Lin Jian took off his shoes, lay down between the two beauties, and held them tightly in his arms...

Soon, the faces and necks of Li Changning and Li Xiaolu were covered with Lin Jian's saliva.

And Lin Jian was a little tired from kissing, so he started to get started.

"It's so tender!"

Lin Jian leaned on Li Changning's thigh, pinched Li Xiaolu's chubby face, and felt that with a little more force, water would come out.

"Huh? What is this?"

When touching Li Xiaolu's arms, Lin Jian obviously felt something foreign.

When I took it out, it turned out to be a jade pendant.

The jade pendant is round, with a big "Li" character inlaid in gold in its center.

The ancients did not have ID cards, so they often used things like jade pendants to prove their identities.

Of course, this is limited to dignitaries and nobles.

Ordinary people certainly cannot afford such expensive things.

"By the way, look at my sister again!"

Lin Jian groped into Li Changning's arms, and sure enough, he found the same jade pendant.

Lin Jian looked at the two jade pendants, slightly lost in thought.

He always felt that the word "Li" looked familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.

But I can't remember it for a while!
Judging from the jade pendant, the families of the two beauties must be either rich or expensive.

Lin Jian was not too worried.

I am a dignified young master of Lin Guofu!

No matter how powerful your family is, can it compare to my Lin Guofu?
In other words, if I slept with you, it was your creation!

It is your blessing to marry you!
Lin Jian closed the doors and windows, ready to attack the sisters.

Just as he took off his clothes, a servant's voice suddenly came from outside: "Young Master, are you there?"

Lin Jian said impatiently: "Not here!"

The servant said: "It's such a young master, around our Lin's mansion, some strange people suddenly came, they seem to be sentry!"

Depend on!
Could it be that bitch Princess Lingnan who sent someone to assassinate me again?
Lin Jian quickly got up and asked, "When did you find out?"

The servant said: "Just now!"

Lin Jiandao: "Has this happened before?"

Jia Ding shook his head severely: "Never!"

Lin Jian fell into deep thought.

Take the binoculars to the Guanfeng Building.

Looking around the mansion, there are indeed many people squatting.

These people are all in their 30s and [-]s, all of them have naked eyes and vigorous postures, and they look like Lianjiazi at first glance!

Although wearing ordinary people's clothes, it is not natural at all, more like a well-trained officer and soldier!


"It has never appeared before, but it suddenly appeared today. What is the reason?"

"What is different today than in the past?"

Lin Jian was talking to himself for a moment, and suddenly he had a flash of inspiration!
Depend on!
Could it be because of those two beauties in the room?
What is their background?
Thinking of the two beauties, Lin Jian naturally thought of the two jade pendants.

"My surname is Li..."

"In addition to the royal family, what other famous families surnamed Li are there in Chang'an City?"

"Could it be Li Linfu's traitor?"

The more Lin Jian thought about it, the more frightened he became.

It felt like I was caught in a huge conspiracy.

He hurried downstairs, called the servant girl, and said, "Go to the city and find a painter, hurry up!"

The servant girl wobbled and didn't move.

Lin Jian said anxiously: "What are you doing in a daze, hurry up!"

The servant girl said: "Young Master, hiring a painter requires money!"

Lin Jian rummaged all over his body, found a small piece of broken silver, and said, "Go!"

This is the only money Lin Jian has.

Next month's salary is still far away!

"When you figure this out, you have to find a way to make money as soon as possible!"


Soon, the servant girl invited the painter.

Lin Jian led the painter into the room, and painted a portrait of the two beauties.Finished the picture scroll, handed it to the servant, and said: "Give it to the supervisor and censor, and ask him if he recognizes the two people in the picture."

The supervisory censor is Yang Guozhong.

Lin Jian thought, Yang Guozhong could get along well in Chang'an City, maybe he recognized these two beauties.

About half an hour passed.

Yang Guozhong came directly to the door.

Lin Jian rushed out to greet him, and said, "Brother, why did you come in person?"

Yang Guozhong looked shocked, looked around, and stammered: "Where are those two in the painting?"

Lin Jiandao: "I drank too much at noon, and I'm resting in my room now."

Hearing this, Yang Guozhong trembled and almost fell down!
Lin Jian quickly supported him and said, "Brother, what's the matter? Do you know them? Who are they?"

Yang Guozhong sighed and said: "My dear brother, brother Yu, I'm afraid I won't be able to save you this time!"


Lin Jiandao: "Is it so serious?"

Yang Guozhong said: "The one sleeping in your room right now is Princess Lingnan, and the other is His Majesty's most beloved Princess Xiangxiang!"

Lin Jian: "..."

Yang Guozhong patted Lin Jian on the shoulder, and said, "My dear brother, I came here to tell you for the sake of our acquaintance. This is the end of the matter, please ask for blessings!"

After speaking, run away quickly.


"No wonder those two jade pendants look familiar!"

"Li Longji has a piece on his waist!"

Lin Jian was also very scared at first, thinking that a catastrophe was imminent.

But if you think about it carefully, things don't seem to be that serious.

The two princesses were clearly sent to the door by themselves, and it was not kidnapped by Lao Tzu!

It's just... what is their motivation for coming here?
Princess Lingnan really wanted to kill herself.

But if you want to assassinate, there is no need to bring the burden of Princess Xiangxiang.

No, definitely not an assassination!

what is that?
Gather my incriminating evidence?

Then let the emperor cut off my head openly?

By the way, call off our engagement?
Not to mention, after Lin Jian's meticulous reasoning, he actually made a rough guess!

"Well, you Li Changning, you're playing tricks on me!"

"Since you like acting, then I will continue to act with you!"

"Let's see which of us has better acting skills!"


(End of this chapter)

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