Datang: Sign in from the imperial concubine's palace

Chapter 13 Personality is very important

Chapter 13 Personality is very important

Before the two princesses sobered up, Lin Jian hurriedly sent them back to their respective rooms.

Then, think about the next step.

This is a huge crisis!

There is danger, but at the same time there is opportunity!
For example, Princess Xiangxiang is by her side.

If you can win her heart during this period, you can turn things around in one fell swoop and complete the task issued by the system!
Before you know it, the sun sets.

In the compound of Lin Guofu, there was a sound of reading aloud.

Chen Wen:

The elder who seeks the tree will surely strengthen its root;
Those who want to flow far must dredge their springs;
Those who think about the safety of the country must accumulate virtue and righteousness.

If the source is not deep, look far away; if the root is not solid, seek the growth of the tree; if the virtue is not strong, think about the governance of the country;

Although the minister is a fool, he knows it is impossible, how much more wise and wise?


"Woo... so noisy!"

In the West Wing, Li Xiaolu frowned and turned over, muttering: "It's broad daylight, who is calling the ghost outside! Let no one sleep!"

Just finished speaking, the door opened.

Li Changning came in in a panic.

Li Xiaolu glanced up, then continued to fall asleep, and said vaguely: "Good morning, sister!"

"It's as early as you!"

Li Changning walked to the bed, pulled Li Xiaolu up, and said solemnly, "Xiaolu, are you... okay?"


Li Xiaolu tilted his head and said, "What do you mean?"

Li Changning said: "When you were sleeping just now, did you feel... being bullied?"

Li Xiaolu shook his head blankly: "No! What's the matter, sister?"

"never mind!"

Li Changning shook his head and left.

It turned out that after Li Changning woke up, he faintly felt as if someone was kissing and touching him in his sleep!

Especially my own legs, it seems that the other party has touched them all over!

That feeling is so real!
It is so real that after waking up, it still makes people blush and heartbeat.

However, the body and clothing were checked and found to be intact.

Li Changning secretly heaved a sigh of relief after getting his sister's confirmation, thinking maybe he was thinking too much.

After washing his face, he came to the courtyard.

Under the setting sun, I saw Lin Jianduan sitting on a chair, reciting "Remonstrance Taizong Shisishu".

Li Changning was slightly taken aback.

I thought the reciter was just more similar to Lin Jian's voice, but I didn't expect it to be him himself!

"Unexpectedly, this guy actually recited Wei Qing's article!"

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it even if I was killed!"

Lin Jian had spotted Li Changning early on, but deliberately pretended not to see him.

After memorizing "Admonishing Taizong Shi Sishu", I then recited Zhuge Liang's "List of Teachers", Wang Bo's "Preface to the Pavilion of the King of Teng", and Sima Xiangru's famous poem "Phoenix Seeking Phoenix"...

When Li Changning heard "Phoenix Seeking the Phoenix", Li Changning's heart moved.

Because this is exactly her favorite poem!
After Lin Jian finished reciting, Li Changning couldn't help but stepped forward and said, "My lord is so elegant!"

"Hey, the girl is awake!"

Lin Jian got up quickly, bent over and bowed like an upright gentleman, without looking sideways.

Li Changning said: "Master also likes Sima Changqing's "Phoenix Seeking the Phoenix"?"

Lin Jian nodded heavily, and then began to show off, talking eloquently: "Sima Xiangru, styled Changqing, is a famous Fu writer in the Western Han Dynasty, known as 'Fu Sheng' and 'Ci Zong'. Look at the article "Feng Qiuhuang" again." , the words are light and the meaning is deep, the syllables are clear, the emotions are passionate and unrestrained but deep and continuous, blending the charm of Chu Ci and Sao style, and the bright folk songs of the Han Dynasty. Such a beautiful prose, how can you not like it!"

When Lin Jian spoke, Li Changning kept nodding secretly, expressing deep agreement.

He wanted to interject to add a few words, but he couldn't intervene, and in the end, Lin Jian pretended it all by himself.

After chatting for a few more words, Li Xiaolu also got up and came over, saying: "Bitch, I'm hungry! I want to eat hot pot!"

This is my future daughter-in-law!

Lin Jian didn't dare to slack off in the slightest, so he had to offer the remaining hot pot bottom ingredients, and had another delicious meal with his sisters!
After eating and drinking enough, Lin Jian thought about how to continue to please Li Xiaolu.

His eyes unconsciously glanced at Li Xiaolu.

Li Xiaolu rubbed his belly, rolled his eyes at Lin Jian, and said, "Bitch, why are you peeking at me?"

"Cough cough..."

Lin Jian had an idea, and said: "Miss misunderstood! It's like this, the two girls don't know how long they are going to stay at the house, and it's okay if you don't have a change of clothes! Why don't you go down to the street to measure some cloth, and I'll take care of the two. clothes!"

Li Xiaolu said: "No need! Later, my sister and I will go to the palace..."

"deer deer!"

Li Changning was so frightened that he quickly interrupted her, and said to Lin Jian: "Then thank you, young master!"

After a short rest, the three of them set off.

Lin Jian led the two of them to the cloth shop and bought some cloth.

There are very few ancient clothing stores.

After buying the cloth, it has to be sent to the tailor shop to be tailored.

After leaving the gate of the cloth shop, an unkempt beggar stood in front of him, knelt on the ground and said, "Master, please give me something to eat! I haven't eaten for three days!"

Normally, Lin Jian wouldn't even glance at it.

Who knows if these beggars are real or not!

But now, in front of the two princesses, Lin Jian must create a "good guy" character!

So he reached into his bosom, touched two Kaiyuan Tongbao, and said, "Hurry up and buy some food!"

Seeing this scene, Li Changning's heart moved again.

Unexpectedly, this guy is not only talented, but also so caring!

Is this really the unlearned, incompetent, and evil-doing bitch that other people say?
Why is it completely different from what I imagined!

After dismissing the beggars, the three of them walked towards the tailor shop.

Unexpectedly, the scene of Lin Jian just now was seen by other beggars.

All of a sudden, more than a dozen beggars gathered around!
The crowd surrounded Lin Jian and the two princesses, knelt on the ground and shouted: "Master, two ladies, please enjoy your stuttering! Please! We haven't eaten for a long time!"

Hearing the word "madam", Li Changning blushed immediately.

Li Xiaolu was also very angry, and said: "Hey, don't talk nonsense! My sister and I are not his wife!"

Lin Jian secretly smiled in his heart.

He tried his best to suppress his smile, took out half a penny of copper coins, and said while distributing them: "Everyone don't kneel down, get up quickly! Go buy some food!"

Finally, more than a dozen beggars were sent away.

The three came to the tailor shop.

At this time, Lin Jian touched his chest, it was empty!

The only money I had on my body was sent to those beggars just now!

Li Xiaolu urged: "Bitch, hurry up and pay! I just saw how generous you are, so it doesn't feel bad now, does it?"

"Lulu, don't be rude!"

Li Changning gave Li Xiaolu a hard look, wondering if you, a brat, have any love!
Lin Jian was a little embarrassed, and said: "Girls, to tell you the truth, I am really not prepared for going out today; in fact, there is a tailor in my house, or..."

Li Changning hurriedly said: "Since that's the case, let's take it back and let the people in the house do it, there is no need to waste more money."


Back at Lin Guo Mansion, Lin Jian called a tailor to measure the figures of the two princesses, including height, shoulder circumference, bust circumference, waist circumference, hip circumference, and leg length, etc.

Lin Jian secretly glanced at the tailor's record, and found that Li Changning's leg length was actually close to three feet, that is, one meter!
Lin Jian had read a women's magazine before, saying that she was a girl with a height of 1.7 meters and a leg length of less than [-] centimeters.

And Li Changning's body proportions, tsk tsk...

Proper nine-headed body supermodel!


"I miss her long legs so much!"

"When can I touch it again!"


(End of this chapter)

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