Datang: Sign in from the imperial concubine's palace

Chapter 14 Pretending to be a monologue

Chapter 14 Pretending to be a monologue

At the beginning of Haishi, that is, in the early hours of nine o'clock in the evening.

The tailor in the house delivered the clothes to Lin Jian's room.

Two Liuxian skirts, two pairs of pockets, and two pairs of wrapped trousers.

Lin Jian unfolded it and looked at it, and it can only be regarded as ordinary.

After all, there are only so many styles of ancient clothes, and you can't play too many tricks!

After finishing two sets of clothes, there is still some fabric left.

Lin Jian thought to himself, this is all bought with money, why not do something else!
The rest of the fabric is small in size and has one piece on the left and one on the right.

Lin Jian stared at the fabric for a long time, and suddenly had a flash of inspiration!
"It's better to make it into a hood!"

Ancient underwear, the upper body has a belly, crotch, heart clothing and pockets, and the lower body has trousers.

The style of these underwear is traditional, it is also troublesome to put on and take off, and there is no ergonomics at all!

"Make it into a mask, maybe the two princesses will like it!"

"Yes, that's it!"

At this time the tailor had already left, and Lin Jian was too embarrassed to bother him.

Moreover, the tailor doesn't know what the cover is, so it's better to do it yourself!
Just do it!

Immediately, Lin Jian found tools such as scissors and a ruler, and started to work in the room by himself.

As the saying goes, if you have never eaten pork, you have seen pigs run.

Although Lin Jian has never worn a veil, he has seen women wear it, and even took it off for many women with his own hands!
In less than half an hour, two masks were made.


Lin Jian held the mask and looked left and right, with a smirk on his face, as if he had seen the charming appearance of the two princesses wearing the mask.

Lin Jian wrapped up the clothes and prepared to give them to the two princesses.

But before that, there is one more thing to do!
Lin Jian walked to the window, stretched himself, and took the binoculars.

Peeking for a quarter of an hour every night has become a fine tradition.

It seems that luck is not very good today!
After watching for a long time, I didn't see any daughter-in-law or girl taking a bath and changing clothes.

Lin Jian shook his head and sighed, ready to take back the telescope.

Right now!

In the camera, a familiar figure suddenly appeared!

"Princess Lingnan?"

Lin Jian was slightly surprised.

Wipe the lens and look carefully, yes, it is her, Li Changning!

I saw her wearing a black night clothes, wandering around the rooms of Lin Guofu, apparently looking for evidence of her crime!

I searched for several rooms, but all failed.

In the end, Li Changning actually walked towards his bedroom!
Lin Jian was shocked!

Quickly put away the binoculars, picked up a book, sat at the table and read aloud.


Let's say that Li Changning searched the Lin Guofu.

Neither the woman from a good family who was kidnapped by Lin Jian was found, nor any valuable stolen goods.

The suspicion towards Lin Jian in his heart became smaller and smaller.

In fact, it's not that Lin Guo's mansion has no stolen goods, but that the former young master was too prodigal!
This has created an illusion of "clear breeze in two sleeves and a family with empty walls".

However, the image of a "slutty boy" in other people's population is so vivid!
Li Changning felt that he might have missed something!
So, she ventured outside Lin Jian's bedroom, squatted under the window, eavesdropped and peeked...

In the bedroom, the familiar sound of reading can be heard.

Li Changning smiled knowingly.

[No matter what this guy's character is, he's talented and knowledgeable! 】

[Even if it's not a perfect eloquence, at least it's a brilliant literary talent! 】

[Others say that he is "ignorant and incompetent", which is really not true! 】

Lin Jian read two articles, stood up, and walked to the window.

Li Changning was so frightened that he quickly crawled down, not daring to take a breath.

Lin Jian pretended not to notice it.

Pushing open the window, I let out a long sigh of emotion against the moonlight.

Li Changning frowned secretly.

【It's so late at night, why is he sighing? 】

[Could it be that you are thinking badly about someone's girl? 】

I was doubting in my heart, only listening to Lin Jian "talking to himself": "The whole world is turbid and I am alone, and everyone is drunk and I am alone! It's sad, it's a pity!"

【Um? 】

[This sentence is nonsensical, where do you start? 】

Li Changning looked puzzled.

Before he could understand a word, Lin Jian uttered wild words again.

"Your Majesty, you are really confused!"

Hearing this, Li Changning was shocked!

[This Lin Jian, what's going on? 】

【How dare you speak falsely about your father! 】

【You don't want to live! 】

Lin Jian smiled wryly, and said: "Your Majesty, Princess Lingnan is a hero in both literary and martial arts! But you absolutely shouldn't, you shouldn't, you shouldn't have assigned us to get married!"

Li Changning was speechless for a while.

[You bastard, just sigh with emotion, why do you involve me! 】


[Wen Tao Wu Lue, heroine of women's high school, the description is quite pertinent! 】

Lin Jiandao: "A man was born in troubled times. He should carry a three-foot sword and make an indelible contribution! In today's world, the Turks are ferocious, and the tigers look at the north; the vassals and towns are divided, and internal friction is serious! Lin is not talented. He wanted to join the battlefield and serve his family and country. But why did you betroth the Lingnan Princess to me? Isn't this harming me!"

Hearing this, Li Changning became a little unhappy again.

【Having a family and serving the country don't seem to be in conflict, right? 】

【How did it hurt you? 】

Lin Jiandao: "I'm a law-abiding, strict self-discipline! But ever since your majesty proposed marriage, rumors about me have never stopped coming out! There are those who insult me ​​for being ignorant, those who despise me for being lazy, and even worse, Slandering me for robbing people's daughters and misbehavior! I can bear it, but can Lingnan Princess bear it? So many rumors, won't it reach her ears? God, God, can you open your eyes and help me bring A word to Princess Lingnan?"

The more Li Changning listened, the more shocked he became, and the more he listened, the more excited he became!
[Unexpectedly, the rumors about him in the market are all false! 】

[But, why? 】

【Why do so many people slander him? 】

[By the way, he also wanted Heaven to bring me a sentence. What kind of sentence is it? 】

[You said it! 】

[I really want to kill people! 】

Li Changning waited and waited, hoped and hoped.

But after waiting for a long time, Lin Jian still didn't say anything.

Li Changning was so anxious that he almost jumped out to question him!

In fact, it's not that Lin Jian is telling the story, but that it hasn't been edited yet!

Li Changning came too suddenly, Lin Jian could only take one step at a time!
at last!

Lin Jian was almost brewing, so he spoke again!
"Princess, princess, others have framed me and slandered me, but they just want His Majesty to cancel our engagement!"

"Because you are not only the princess, but also the prince's younger sister!"

"They want their own family to marry you and get close to the prince!"

"Such a good opportunity, how could it be cheap for me, a down-and-out little duke!"

Hearing this, Li Changning's tender body trembled, as if she had been enlightened!

At the same time, tears welled up in my eyes!
【Lin Jian! 】

【sorry! 】

【Chang Ning misunderstood you! 】

Lin Jian felt that the heat was almost ready.

I really can't write any more.

So close the window.

"The clothes are ready, it's time to send them to the two girls in the West Wing!"

"Speaking of which, the two sisters are really pitiful!"

"However, fortunately they met me, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous!"

Hearing this, Li Changning didn't dare to stay, wiped away his tears, and left...

(End of this chapter)

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