Chapter 15 Our Secret

Lin Jian took his clothes and went downstairs.

First came to Li Changning's bedroom, cleared his throat, knocked on the door and said, "Miss, are you asleep?"

At this time, Li Changning had just returned.

She calmed down a few words, tried her best to pretend to be very calm, and said, "My lord, what's the matter so late?"

Lin Jiandao: "It's like this. The tailor in the house has finished the clothes. I'll send them to you as soon as possible, so as not to delay changing them tomorrow."

Although Li Changning knew about it earlier, he was still moved and said, "The door is open, please come in, my lord."

Lin Jian pushed open the door, only to see Li Changning sitting on a chair practicing calligraphy, and said, "Miss is so elegant!"

Li Changning looked back and smiled, and said: "Write whatever you want, the young master will laugh at you!"

Lin Jian put the clothes on the bedside, and said, "Girl, try on the size and see if it fits. If something doesn't fit, I'll have the tailor change it tomorrow."

Li Changning was a little shy, and complained in his heart: "Mr. Lin is also true, you are here, how can a girl try it!"

Although complaining, it was a bit of sweet complaining.

Li Changning said: "The tailor has measured it three times, and I think it will definitely fit. Thank you for your trouble, my lord!"

Lin Jiandao: "That's fine, I won't bother you, you go to bed early."

"Young master, go slowly!"

Watching Lin Jian leave, Li Changning closed the door.

Picking up the clothes and looking at them, there are coats and underwear, very intimate.


and many more!

what is this?
Soon, Li Changning found the veil and held it in his hand, amazed.

Although it was the first time I saw this kind of clothes, a discerning person knew what was going on and how to wear it.

"There is such a pocket!"

Li Changning blushed instantly, and said in his heart: "It's so narrow, it's can't be covered by anything! Alas... It's all because Lin Guofu is too poor, and can't afford too much cloth, so it's the only way to do it. , Make the best use of everything!"

After delivering the first set of clothes, Lin Jian came to Li Xiaolu's bedroom.

There was a light on inside, but no one answered when I called twice.

It's strange.

Li Changning next door spoke, and said: "Sister She should be taking a bath, you can just send the maid to deliver the clothes."

"it is good!"

With such a beautiful job, Lin Jian naturally wouldn't bother the maid.

Come to the shower room in person.

Lin Guofu's shower room is certainly not as luxurious as that of Huaqing Palace.

A separate room with a large bathtub and some bath products, nothing more.

If so, this is already a distant dream for many families!

As soon as Lin Jian arrived at the door, a little maid came out with red eyes.

Lin Jian grabbed her and said, "What's going on?"

The little servant girl looked aggrieved, and choked up and said, "Young Master, the girl you brought too difficult to serve!"

After speaking, he ran away crying!

"This little princess must be savage and self-willed, making trouble for no reason!"

Lin Jian pushed open the door and walked in.

In the shower room, it was foggy.

In the air, there is a faint fragrance.

At this moment, Li Xiaolu was sitting in the big tub, shouting outside: "Hey, where is he? Serve girl is taking a bath!"


Standing in front of the tub, Lin Jian yelled weakly.

"Yeah, why are you?"

The surrounding fog was too thick, Li Xiaolu recognized Lin Jian for a long time.

Lin Jiandao: "The new clothes are ready, I'll send them to you."


Li Xiaolu said: "Put it there! By the way, help me call some more maids, why are all the maids in your house so stupid, they can't even help others take a bath!"

Lin Jian smiled and said, "How should I serve?"


Li Xiaolu couldn't answer.

Anyway, in the palace, she has someone to attend to her bathing, changing clothes, bathing, washing her hair... all in one process.

But now to tell the specific process, Li Xiaolu couldn't think of it for a while.

Lin Jiandao: "All the maids in the house have been scolded and ran away by you! How about...I'll call your sister?"

"do not!"

Hearing that Li Changning was going to be called, Li Xiaolu was quite frightened.

If my sister knew, she would definitely scold herself for being willful.

Maybe I will drive myself away!
Although life outside is a bit bitter, it is very free.

This is something Li Xiaolu has never experienced before!
Lin Jiandao: "This doesn't work, and that doesn't work, what do you think?"

Li Xiaolu stared wide-eyed, and said: "How serve me?"


Lin Jian's heart skipped a beat.

Currently, I have two important tasks on my body!

The first is to let Li Changning change his impression of himself and stop assassinating himself at will.

I believe that after these two days of my performance, and the "monologue" to the moon just now, it has already had a certain effect.

After that, you can continue to stabilize it, no problem!

The second is to capture the heart of the little princess!
Because getting engaged to the little princess is a task issued by the system!
Must be done!

Lin Jianben came in with the attitude of giving it a try.

Unexpectedly, Li Xiaolu actually asked him to help her take a bath!
This can undoubtedly shorten the distance between yourself and the other party and enhance your relationship!
In other words, when this girl was young, she was really kicked in the head by a donkey, right?

After saying that, Li Xiaolu himself felt a little ashamed.

But apart from Lin Jian, there is really no one else who can help him now!

"Whether it's okay or not, you have to say something!"

Li Xiaolu urged impatiently.

Lin Jiandao: "I'm sure it's fine, but... are you sure?"


Li Xiaolu said: "However, you must not tell my sister about this matter!"

"Do not worry!"

Naturally, Lin Jian couldn't ask for it, because he was also afraid that Li Changning would know.

Immediately, Lin Jian came to the bathtub.

Stretched out a pair of big hands, put them on Li Xiaolu's fragrant shoulders, said: "First wipe your back!"

It is said to wipe the back, but soon, it will not be limited to the back.

A pair of salty pig's hands, unknowingly transferred to other places, and started the Chinese massage of the 98 yuan package...

Li Xiaolu felt weird.

Especially when Lin Jian touched some private places, for some reason, he panicked for no reason!
In ancient times, there were many girls who married at the age of 15.

But Li Xiaolu, who has always lived in the harem, and is held in the palm of Li Longji's palm as the apple of his eye, no one really talks to her about these matters between men and women.

After wiping for a while, Lin Jian tentatively said: "Sitting inside like this, I can't wipe many places, or... I will go in too?"

"Tch, you think beautifully!"

After speaking, Li Xiaolu stood up and said, "That's all right!"

Lin Jian: "..."


Finally, Lin Jian wiped Li Xiaolu's whole body.

Apply fragrant soap all over her body, similar to the current soap, rinse it with water, and finally wipe it off with a towel.

Li Xiaolu just stood naked in front of Lin Jian, stretched out his arms, and said, "Change!"


Lin Jian took the mask and helped Li Xiaolu put it on.

Li Xiaolu looked down and asked in surprise, "What kind of clothes are these? Why are they so narrow?"

Lin Jiandao: "This is a hood, which can increase comfort and improve aesthetics. You will gradually know its benefits!"

Li Xiaolu said: "My sister also has it?"


Lin Jiandao: "Your sister's is bigger, it's called a C mask; yours's still very small, it's called an A mask! But after you wear it, it will look bigger!"

"That's it!"

Li Xiaolu praised: "Bitch, I didn't expect you to know a lot!"

After a while, the clothes were changed.

Li Xiaolu took a photo in front of the bronze mirror, was quite satisfied, and went out swaggeringly.

When she reached the door, she suddenly stopped, and turned her head and said, "Bitch, don't tell your sister about this! This is our little secret!"

"it is good!"

Lin Jian glanced in front of her, and said, "It was a little secret just now, but now that I put on the hood and squeeze it, it becomes a big secret!"



Li Xiaolu cursed, hummed a song, and left happily.

(End of this chapter)

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