Chapter 16 Lin Jian's Diary
The next morning.

Lin Jian woke up early and entered the system.

【Ding! 】

[Today's sign-in has been opened! 】

[Sign-in location - the intersection of the official road in the outer city! 】

"so far?"

Lin Jian was surprised.

Before signing in, they were all inside Chang'an City, but this time they went directly to the official road in the outer city!
It's dozens of miles away!

This time around, I'm afraid it will be noon.

Lin Jian washed up, had breakfast, and was ready to go.

Just about to leave, I suddenly remembered something!

Last night, Li Changning checked at the house.

Now that I have to travel far away, I am afraid that Li Changning will conduct a second review!

Especially her own bedroom, since she didn't come in last night, she definitely wouldn't let it go.

In the bedroom, there is nothing shady.

Even if Li Changning came in, he couldn't find his reasons.


This is a rare opportunity.

Why don't you take the opportunity to do something else!
Thinking of this, Lin Jian sat at the desk and prepared pens, inks, papers and inkstones.

After thinking for a while, I picked up a pen and wrote...



On the first day of July, it was sunny.

I have a dream: to establish a heart for the world, to establish a life for the people, to inherit the knowledge of the past, and to create peace for all generations!


On the second day of July, it was cloudy.

Today, I saw a staggering old woman on the street, and she was separated from her family while shopping. It was very pitiful.

I used a lot of manpower and material resources, and finally helped the old lady find her family when it was dark.

I am also very happy to see their family reunion!

On the third day of July, light rain.

Boring on a rainy day, write a poem:
The ancients have no stamina in their knowledge, and the young and the strong are the only ones who are old.

On paper, I feel shallow at the end, and I absolutely know that this matter has to be done!

On the fourth day of July, it rained lightly.

Write another poem:
Jinse has no end in fifty strings, a string of thoughts and a string of years.

Zhuang Shengxiao dreams of a butterfly, and Wang Dichun cares for the cuckoo.

There are tears in the pearl of the sea, and the blue sky is warm and the jade smokes.

This feeling can be treated as a recollection, but it was lost at the time.

I would like to use this poem to cherish the memory of Sima Xiangru and Zhuo Wenjun.


On the fifth day of July, it turned cloudy.

Assist the six doors and capture a flower picker!
In addition, seven girls were rescued from the den of the flower pickers!


On the sixth day of July, it was cloudy.

The emperor summoned me and said that he would marry Princess Lingnan to me, what should I do?

I heard that the Princess of Lingnan is both civil and military, beautiful and charming, and has countless suitors!
How can I, Lin Jian, have any virtue!
Retreat for a few days, cultivate your body and mind!



On the tenth day of July, it was sunny and cloudy.


Buy food and medicine, and condolences to the needy people nearby.


July eleventh, cloudy.

I feel that I am not worthy of Princess Lingnan, so I went to the palace to meet His Majesty and asked to withdraw my marriage!

His Majesty rejected me!


On the way home, I was hunted down by an assassin!
Some people say that the assassin was sent by Princess Lingnan!

How can it be!

I will never believe it!

July [-], sunny.

Retreat for a few days and meditate on your past!



July [-], cloudy.

A lot happened today.

Enter the palace again, meet His Majesty, and propose to withdraw from marriage!
In order to anger His Majesty, he even made a very absurd request - marry the little princess instead!

However, the emperor was drunk and did not punish me!


By the way, two guests came to the house today.

The two girls are very pitiful. They came to Chang'an City to find relatives, but they were targeted by gangsters!

I must protect them!
Let them believe that there is true love in the world and true love in the world!

July [-], cloudy.

Make hot pot for the two girls, and take them to the street to buy cloth and make clothes.

They thought that the clothes were made by the tailors in the house.

I actually made it myself!

I didn't tell them because I was afraid they would be shy, and even more afraid that they would misunderstand me and think I was an apprentice!

Because their underwear is also made by myself, I hope they like it!


Lin Jian's thoughts gushed like a spring.

One diary after another, I have to believe it myself.

After writing, put it on the window sill to dry and press it on the desk.

After finishing these, Lin Jian left Lin Guo Mansion contentedly, and went to sign in.


Not long after Lin Jian left, Li Changning woke up.

Before living in the palace, Li Changning practiced sword every morning.

It is not convenient to practice swords now, so I can only conduct running training in the mansion.

Li Changning looked while running, thinking he could see Lin Jian, but after a round, he didn't see Lin Jian's shadow.

For a moment, Li Changning felt a sense of loss in his heart.

"Sister, it's time to eat!"

While running, Li Xiaolu came over.


Li Changning slowed down and said casually, "Did you see Mr. Lin?"

"You call it a bitch!" Li Xiaolu shook his head and said, "I didn't see it, maybe he went out to do bad things!"

Li Changning thought to himself, what do you know, you little brat!
Mr. Lin will not do bad things!
In the past, we were blinded by bad guys and misunderstood them!
After walking a few steps, Li Changning suddenly felt that his sister was a little different today.

She grabbed Li Xiaolu, looked him up and down, and finally fixed her eyes on Li Xiaolu, and said in surprise: "Lu Lu, why... have you suddenly grown bigger?"


Li Xiaolu looked down and said, "You mean here?"

"Yeah!" Li Changning said curiously and amused, "Tell me the truth, did you secretly stuff something inside?"

"No!" Li Xiaolu said, "Maybe it's because of the hood, it looks bigger when you wear it!"

"Hood?" Li Changning was slightly taken aback.

Li Xiaolu explained: "It's that strange underwear! Sister, don't you have one?"

Li Changning didn't speak.

In my mind, the shape of that dress appeared...

After breakfast, Li Changning couldn't wait to go back to the bedroom and secretly put it on.

Looking at the bronze mirror, I immediately blushed.

Such shameful underwear!

But... it looks good!

Li Changning liked it more and more, so he put it on directly.

Women are the ones who please themselves!

After changing clothes, Li Changning returned to the courtyard, hoping to meet Lin Jian.

Unexpectedly, after inquiring with the servants, they found out that Lin Jian had gone out early in the morning.

Li Changning suddenly became bored.

After wandering around the mansion for a while, he came to the vicinity of Lin Jian's bedroom out of nowhere.

Li Changning stopped.

Looking up at the room on the second floor, he hesitated.

To enter, or not to enter?
For a moment, Li Changning seemed to have two villains arguing in his heart.

A villain said: "The bitch is not here, the opportunity is rare, we must go in and collect his criminal evidence!"

Another villain said: "Mr. Lin is so kind and talented, you can't doubt him anymore!"


After much deliberation, Li Changning decided to go in.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Lin!"

"I promise, this is the last time!"

"If I really misunderstood, I will use all I have to make up for the mistakes I made!"

Seeing that there was no one around, Li Changning kicked his feet and flew up to the second floor with a "whoosh".

Taking a deep breath, he pushed open the door of Lin Jian's room.

(End of this chapter)

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