Datang: Sign in from the imperial concubine's palace

Chapter 17 There will be a period later

Chapter 17 There will be a period later
The inside of the room is very shabby.

In addition to beds, chairs, and desks, there are piles of books of all kinds.

Even in the corner, you can still see some ancient bamboo slips.

In Li Changning's heart, he respected Lin Jian more and more...

Huh, what is this?
Suddenly, Li Changning found a book under the desk.

This book is not the same as other books, the cover has neither the title nor the author's signature; when I opened it, half of it was written, and the other half was still empty.

"Could it be that he wrote the book?"

"Is his talent and learning high enough to write books?"

Li Changning was so shocked, he felt bad all over!
In the hearts of the ancients, books are not something that any cat or dog can write casually.

To be eligible, one must be knowledgeable about the past and the present, possess both ability and political integrity!

Li Changning straightened his waist, sat on a chair, and opened this unfinished "book"...


After a glance, Li Changning realized that this is not a book in the traditional sense.

It's an Autobiography.

But in terms of essay quality, this "Autobiography" is comparable to any other book.

If you just cut out a sentence, it will be famous forever and cause a sensation in the academic world!

For example, this sentence: establish a heart for the world, establish a life for the people, inherit the knowledge of the past, and create peace for all generations!

What kind of mind and ambition do you have to say such deafening words!

Take these two poems again.

It is catchy and thought-provoking to read!
However, what Li Changning admired the most was not Lin Jian's literary talents.

It's about every seemingly insignificant thing he does every day.

Help the lost grandma to find her family, condolences to the needy people; also, take in two "homeless" girls.

Seeing the end, Li Changning's eyes became moist.


A teardrop fell on the paper.

Li Changning just woke up like a dream, and quickly wiped the corners of his eyes.

"Mr. Lin, I'm sorry!"

"Chang Ning misunderstood you!"

At this moment, Li Changning only had one thought in his mind!
back to the palace!

Because at this time, she no longer has the face to continue living here, let alone the courage to face Lin Jian!
Li Changning was about to leave when he suddenly felt something was wrong.

Just disappearing so rashly, will you think something happened to us when you come back?
After thinking for a while, Li Changning picked up the brush.

Turned "Autobiography" to a blank page, picked up a pen and started writing.

"The green mountains will not change, and the green water will flow forever; there will be a period in the future, and the future will be long."

After writing this sentence, Li Changning hurried downstairs.

Back in the west wing, he pulled his sister along and said, "Lulu, pack up, let's go!"


Li Xiaolu looked bewildered and asked, "Where are you going?"

Li Changning said: "Go back to the palace!"

"Is this back?"

Li Xiaolu looked excited, and said: "Have you found the evidence against the bitch?"

Hearing this, Li Changning's expression turned serious, and he said solemnly: "Lu Lu, I want to tell you something!"

"Well, tell me!"

Li Xiaolu nodded.

Li Changning said: "From now on, don't call Mr. Lin a 'slut' anymore, it's impolite and disrespectful to others!"

"Uh... what's the situation, what is this?"

Li Xiaolu still couldn't figure it out.

Li Changning said: "I already understand the situation, Mr. Lin is not the kind of person we imagined! So...we should go back too!"

Li Xiaolu didn't care whether Lin Jian was a good guy or a bad guy, and said: "But, I haven't had enough fun! Also, I want to eat hot pot every day!"

Li Changning no longer entangled with her.

He packed his luggage by himself, then hugged his sister in his arms forcibly, and fled over the wall.


Let's say that Lin Jian left Lin Guofu and went to the outer city.

As soon as he left the inner city, he suddenly found someone following him behind him.

Chen Xuanke!
And his four subordinates!

Lin Jian knew the details of Chen Xuanke.

This person is the younger brother of Chen Xuanli, the leader of the Forbidden Army. He was ordered by Li Longji to hide around the Lin Guo Mansion and was responsible for protecting the two princesses.


He was also the unlucky ghost who was knocked unconscious on the night he met the two princesses!
None of this.

The headache is that this person has a crush on Princess Lingnan and has always regarded himself as a rival in love!
This is where it gets tricky!
Lin Jian was in a bad mood, thinking that it would be good if he brought some dead men out.

Things have come to this point, it is definitely too late to look back.

Let's sign in first!
Lin Jian could only take one step at a time, and speed up his pace...

Chen Xuanke led four of his subordinates, and followed them in an unhurried manner.

After walking for two miles, one of his subordinates saw no one around, eager to try, "General, do you want to make a move?"

"hold on!"

Chen Xuanke said: "Let's see where this guy is going and what kind of conspiracy he is doing!"

The subordinate said: "Where does he go, kill him first!"

Chen Xuanke looked smug, and said: "These fields are vast, can he still escape!"

Seeing that Chen Xuanke was so determined, his subordinates stopped talking.


【Ding! 】

[It is detected that the host has entered the intersection of the official road in the outer city, do you want to sign in now? 】

"It's finally here!"

Lin Jian let out a long sigh of relief.

However, Chen Xuanke and the others have been following behind, and they may strike at any time!

How to do?
Regardless of them, sign in first and then talk!


[Congratulations to the host, you got a motorcycle! 】

In front of Lin Jian, a brand new motorcycle suddenly appeared.

Lin Jian opened the fuel tank and took a look.

Well, the oil is full!
At least enough to drive a few hundred kilometers!
With the motorcycle, Lin Jian didn't have to worry about being hunted down by Chen Xuanke.

I saw him turning over and riding on the motorcycle. After starting it, he turned the head of the motorcycle, looked at a patch of grass not far away, and said, "General Chen, don't come here!"


Chen Xuanke was a little embarrassed, and said: "It was discovered by this kid!"

One of his subordinates said: "So what if he finds out, he won't live long anyway!"

Another subordinate said: "However, what is he riding under? It looks so weird! It also makes strange roars!"

Chen Xuanke said: "Brothers, go directly! By the way, don't hack him to death! I want to spare his life and torture him!"

"As ordered!"

The four men jumped out of the bushes, holding knives and guns, and rushed towards Lin Jian.

Chen Xuanke put his hands behind his back, with a look of planning, thinking that today he can finally take revenge!

Seeing four people rushing forward.

Lin Jian twisted his right hand and stepped on the gas!

The motorcycle let out a roar, like a flash of lightning, and just passed through in front of several people!
The four subordinates looked at me and I looked at you, and thought they had seen a ghost!

Chen Xuanke was even more confused!
Lin Jian drove about [-] meters, stepped on the brakes, turned around and said, "General Chen, come and kill me!"

"Grass, it's too arrogant!"

"It is tolerable, what is unbearable!"

"Brothers, go ahead!"

Chen Xuanke rushed over first.

Four subordinates followed closely behind.

When the few people caught up quickly, Lin Jian stepped on the gas again, leaving the other party far behind.

Stop and go like this, dumped seven or eight times.

Chen Xuanke and the others were ashamed by the exhaust fumes from the motorcycle, like bereaved dogs!

(End of this chapter)

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