Chapter 18

It is noon.

Imperial Palace, Qingxin Pavilion.

"The Emperor is here!"

The voice of the eunuch came from afar.

Li Changning hurried out to greet him.

"Free gift!"

Li Longji smiled and seemed to be in a good mood.

Li Changning said: "Father, why are you here when you are free?"

Li Longji said: "Are you free, can't I come and see my daughter?"

Li Changning twitched, "My son didn't mean that!"

Li Longji sighed, and said: "My daughter is going to marry when she grows up! If I don't come to see you again, I'm afraid I won't see you in the future!"

Hearing this, Li Changning shy for a while, too frightened to speak.

After a while, Li Longji suddenly said: "Changning, now you have inspected it yourself, how do you feel?"


Li Changning blushed, faltering and saying: "Wh...what investigation? Father, what are you talking about, I don't understand!"

Li Longji said with a smile: "What do you have to say about the marriage I arranged for you?"

Li Changning lowered his head, bit his lips lightly, and said in a voice as thin as a mosquito: "It's all according to the emperor's order!"

Li Longji said: "On the first day of next month, I plan to hold the engagement ceremony between you and Lin Jian, what do you think?"

Li Changning said: "It's all according to the emperor's order!"

Girls are all shy.

To say "as commanded" actually means to agree.

Just at this time, Li Xiaolu came bouncing over.

Hearing the conversation between the two, Li Xiaolu said in surprise: "Sister, you don't really want to marry that bitch, do you?"

Li Changning gave her a hard look, and said, "If you don't speak, no one will think you are dumb!"

Li Xiaolu said: "But..."

"But what is it!" Li Changning said, "This is the order of the emperor! Do you want me to resist the order?"

Li Xiaolu was so overwhelmed that he couldn't speak.

Li Longji smiled for a while, and said: "On the first day of next month, the engagement ceremony will be held first; as for the formal marriage, I'm afraid it will have to wait until after the Qianqiu Festival."

As soon as Li Longji left, Li Xiaolu couldn't bear it anymore and said, "Sister, what's going on?"

Li Changning said with a guilty conscience, "What's going on?"

Li Xiaolu said: "Aren't we going to catch the bitch and punish him?"

Li Changning said: "So, have you found the evidence?"


Li Xiaolu was at a loss for words again.

Thinking back carefully, cheap man seems to be pretty good.

Not only caring, the most important thing is to cook hot pot!

Thinking of hot pot, Li Xiaolu was so greedy that he salivated, and said coquettishly: "Sister, when are we going to Lin Guofu again?"

Li Changning said solemnly: "Before passing the door, it is easy for a man and a woman not to meet each other! I'm going to learn from female celebrities, so I'm going to do it myself!"

After finishing speaking, he turned and went back to the room.


In the garden, only Li Xiaolu was left alone, messy in the wind.


Let's say that Lin Jian rode a motorcycle and returned to Lin Guofu.

The sparks and lightning along the way were extremely exciting, causing passers-by to look sideways.

I thought that after returning home, there would be a fierce conflict with Chen Xuanke's subordinates.

I didn't expect to go back and see that all the secret posts around Lin Guofu were all removed!

Lin Jian drove the motorcycle into the courtyard and shouted: "Lulu, let's see what delicious food I bought for you!"

Lin Jian bought some fruits on the way, ready to please the two princesses.

But when I went to the west courtyard, I saw that the courtyard was empty, and there were no shadows of the two princesses.

Just wondering, a servant girl came over and said, "My lord, those two girls seem to have left!"

"Gone?" Lin Jian said, "Where did you go?"

The servant girl said: "Shouldn't be staying here anymore, I've taken all my luggage away."

"Is that so..."

Lin Jian was silent.

The two princesses left, indicating that they dispelled their doubts about themselves.

This must be a good thing!
In this way, no one will come to assassinate him again!
However, why do you feel a little lost in your heart?
Lin Jian parked his motorcycle and went back to his bedroom on the second floor.

Taking a closer look, "Diary" has obviously been tampered with!
Open it and look again, there is an extra sentence in it: The green mountains will not change, and the green water will flow forever; there will be a period in the future, and the future will last forever.

"There will be a period of time in the future, and the future will be long..."

Lin Jian muttered a few words, and suddenly his expression changed!
"Hold the sun!"

"Li Changning is not in love with me and really wants to marry me, right?"

"Damn it! You've crossed the line with pretense!"

Lin Jian was very nervous at first.

But after thinking about it, marrying Li Changning will not cause me any loss!

This girl has a handsome appearance and a tall figure, and there is nothing to say!
Not only that, but they also know kung fu!
Presumably after my own guidance, my skills in that area will not be so bad!

Just... what about system tasks?
Is there any hope for me and the little princess?

Lin Jian lit a cigarette and fell into deep thought...


In the evening, the eunuch in the palace suddenly came and said that the emperor had summoned him.

Lin Jian hurriedly adjusted his clothes, went out and got on the motorcycle, saying, "My lord, get in the car!"

The eunuch looked confused.

Seeing that the other party didn't dare to go up, Lin Jian didn't force it, and set off first by himself.

Lin Jian rode a motorcycle and went straight into the palace.

The guards wanted to stop him, but Lin Jian broke in before he saw what was going on!
When the guards caught up, Lin Jian had already entered the Tai Chi Hall.

"Go down!"

Li Longji waved his dragon robe, signaling the guards to step back.

Then, he looked at Lin Jian with a strange face, and said, "I can't tell, you still have something!"

"Ah?" Lin Jian said, "Your Majesty, where do you start with this?"

"In front of me, you kid, stop pretending!"

With that said, Li Longji stretched out two fingers.

Lin Jianxin understood, and quickly handed over a Huazi.

Li Longji took a sharp breath and said, "You should have known the identities of the two 'girls' in the house, right?"


Lin Jian scratched his head, not knowing how to answer.

Li Longji said: "Don't worry, I will keep it secret for you, and I won't tell Changning."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Lin Jian secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Li Longji said: "It's like this, Chang Ning is very satisfied with you, so I plan to hold an engagement ceremony for you two on the first day of next month. Okay, that's it, go back!"

Lin Jian:? ? ?
Li Longji said: "Is there anything else?"

Lin Jiandao: "Your Majesty, are you discussing with me, or unilaterally notifying me?"

Li Longji smiled badly and said, "What do you think?"

Lin Jiandao: "It is Lin Jian's blessing to be favored by Lingnan Princess!"

"That's what it sounds like!"

Li Longji looked relieved.

Lin Jian then said: "Your Majesty, I would like to ask you one thing."

Li Longji said: "Say!"

Lin Jiandao: "In our Tang Dynasty, is there any precedent for a son-in-law marrying two princesses?"

Li Longji: "Get lost!"

Lin Jian: "Oh!"


Lin Jian left Tai Chi Hall in a daze.

My heart is mixed.

What makes me happy is my fiancée, Princess Lingnan, who is fair, beautiful and has long legs.

The worry is naturally still the little princess's business!

"Hey, bitch!"

Just as he was thinking, a familiar voice suddenly came from behind him.

little princess?
Lin Jian turned around, pretending to be surprised, and said, "Girl, you... why are you here? This is the imperial palace!"

(End of this chapter)

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