Datang: Sign in from the imperial concubine's palace

Chapter 19 Girls Should Take the Initiative 1 Point

Chapter 19 Girls should take the initiative

Seeing Lin Jian being so surprised, Li Xiaolu looked smug and said, "What's wrong with the palace? You can come, but I can't!"

"That's different!"

Lin Jiandao: "I am the young master conferred by the emperor!"

Li Xiaolu said: "Then guess what I am?"

"Ah... I see!"

Lin Jiandao: "Are you a court lady? Yes, it must be so, otherwise how would you appear in the palace!"

Li Xiaolu looked arrogant, and said: "I'm not a palace lady, my identity is a thousand times, ten thousand times more powerful than a palace lady! Guess again!"

Lin Jiandao: "Then you are a senior court lady?"

Li Xiaolu was anxious and angry, and said: "I said you, why are you so stupid! Are all the palace maids living in the palace? There are no other women?"

Lin Jian scratched his head pretendingly, and murmured: "Concubine? It doesn't look like her, she's so young! It's even more impossible to be the queen mother..."

Li Xiaolu was so angry that he was about to vomit blood.

Seeing that Lin Jian really couldn't guess, she couldn't help but said: "Bitch, let me tell you the truth, this girl is Princess Xiangxiang! Hee hee! Did I startle you?"


"Scared me!"

"How can you be a princess!"

Lin Jian had an exaggerated expression.

Li Xiaolu said: "This matter is a long story! Otherwise, let's go to your house and chat while eating hot pot!"

Good guy!
Just know to eat!

Lin Jian thought about the matter of getting engaged to the little princess, he had no good solution at present.

Why not start with the little princess!
Make an analogy!

Although I am engaged to Princess Lingnan, if the little princess wants to marry me wholeheartedly, what can the emperor do?

Yes, this is also a direction!

Thinking of this, Lin Jian quickly got on the motorcycle and said, "Little princess, get in the car!"

Li Xiaolu stared and said, "Bitch, what kind of carriage is this?"

Lin Jiandao: "This is not a carriage, this is a motorcycle, it runs really fast!"

Li Xiaolu was young and curious about new things, so he sat on it without the slightest hesitation.

Lin Jian grabbed her two little hands and said, "Hold me tight, let's start!"


As soon as the accelerator was fired, Li Xiaolu felt his body lighten.

She was quite relaxed at first, but now she was so frightened that she hugged Lin Jian tightly and pressed her body against Lin Jian's back.

At first Li Xiaolu was very scared.

But as time went by, she gradually felt the advantages of motorcycles.

Small size, run fast!
The most important thing is to pull the wind!
Sitting on the motorcycle, everyone looked at themselves enviously!

Li Xiaolu is very happy!

Soon, return to Lin Guofu.

The hot pot seasoning was used up, but Lin Jian still had the chilli that he had obtained from signing in earlier.

Cooking with chili oil, the taste is not covered.

Hearing that there is no hot pot to eat, Li Xiaolu was very angry at first.

But after taking a bite of the spicy chicken, she immediately beamed and gnawed on the chicken leg, saying, "Bitch, your chicken is delicious!"

"Hey, eat more if it tastes good!"

Lin Jian took another piece for her and said, "By the way, little princess, what's going on with you and your sister?"

Li Xiaolu said: "I am Princess Xiangxiang, and my elder sister is Princess Lingnan. The two of us...were actually visiting privately on Weibo, so we happened to meet you!"

Lin Jiandao: "It's really a fate!"


Li Xiaolu sucked his finger and said, "By the way, I'll tell you another surprise! Speaking of which, it's really cheap for you!"

Lin Jiandao: "What surprise?"

Li Xiaolu said: "My sister has promised to marry you! On the first day of next month, you two will be engaged!"

Lin Jian pretended to be very surprised, but felt a burst of emotion.

Li Xiaolu said: "It's good for my sister to marry you, then I can come to your house every day for dinner!"

Hearing this sentence, Lin Jian's heart moved, and he suddenly had an idea.

He cleared his throat and said, "Little princess, what you said is wrong!"

Li Xiaolu said: "Why, isn't it?"

Lin Jiandao: "On the contrary! When I marry your sister, you will never be able to come to Lin Guofu again!"


Li Xiaolu was dumbfounded, and stammered: "Why...why?"

Lin Jiandao: "I am a traditional man. Once I marry your sister, I plan to never see other women for the rest of my life!"

"do not!"

Li Xiaolu was quite frightened, and said: "I'm not an outsider, meet's okay!"

"That won't work!" Lin Jian said, "Manly man, if you say you don't see it, you won't see it!"

Li Xiaolu was so anxious that he was about to cry, hugged Lin Jian's arm and begged, "But, I still want to eat your chicken!"

Lin Jiandao: "Then you should eat more today, you may not have the chance in the future!"

Li Xiaolu puffed his cheeks angrily, trying to suppress his emotions.

However, in the end she still couldn't restrain herself, and burst into tears with a "wow".

That aggrieved appearance is really cute!
When she was almost crying, Lin Jian said: "If you want to eat chicken, it's not impossible!"

Hearing this, Li Xiaolu immediately stopped crying, wiped away his tears, and said, "Say it quickly, what can I do?"

Lin Jian looked hesitant to speak, and said, "No! It's not right! It's not fair to you two sisters!"

"Oh, it's okay, you should come and listen to it!"

Li Xiaolu was so anxious that his small body trembled.

"All right!"

Lin Jiandao: "It's like this, if you marry me with your sister, then we can be together every day?"


Hearing this, Li Xiaolu made a strange sound.

Lin Jian thought she was going to get mad, so he quickly explained: "That... I just said that casually!"

"Good way!"

Li Xiaolu was so excited that he jumped up directly, and said: "Smelly man, you have such a good idea, why didn't you tell me earlier! I was really anxious to death just now!"

Lin Jian: "..."

Li Xiaolu wiped his mouth and said: "This matter is settled! My sister and I will be engaged to you and marry you together!"

Lin Jian was happy in his heart, but his face was frowning, and he said: "But, you are not the only one who has the final say on this matter! Can the emperor agree? Can your sister agree?"

Li Xiaolu said: "Father and sister love me the most, so I must agree!"

Lin Jiandao: "What if you don't agree?"


Li Xiaolu really didn't think about it.

Lin Jian reminded her: "Little princess, even if the emperor and your sister don't agree, you can't let it go! You must not seek death or life in front of them!"


Li Xiaolu said: "If they don't agree, I... I will jump into the lake! Jump off a building! Until they agree!"

Lin Jian was overjoyed, and said: "You said these things, I didn't teach you!"

"Do not worry!"

Li Xiaolu stuffed a chicken wing into his mouth, and said vaguely: "You are my future husband-in-law, how could I harm you! These are all my own ideas, Yu Nu Wugua!"

(End of this chapter)

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