Chapter 21

After a while, Li Longji came in.

Seeing the half bottle of "immortal wine" on the table, Li Longji's eyes lit up, and he said, "You two brothers and sisters are so elegant, you don't even call me for drinking!"

Lin Jian and Yang Yuhuan glanced at each other secretly, with helpless expressions on their faces.

After three glasses of wine, Li Longji stretched out two fingers to Lin Jian.

Lin Jian quickly handed Hua Zi over.

Li Longji took a deep breath, squinted his eyes comfortably, and said, "Lin Jian, how many Huazi do you have?"

Lin Jiandao: "Not much, not much!"

Li Longji said: "It's strange to say that I don't smoke Huazi for the past day, and I always feel uncomfortable!"

When Lin Jian signed in at the time, there was only one Huazi in total.

During this period of time, I have sucked half of it, and shook my head fiercely: "Your Majesty, there are really not many more!"

Li Longji said: "Not much, how much?"

Lin Jian had no choice but to take out half a bag of Huazi on his body, and said: "That's all, it's gone after you smoke it!"

Like a thief, Li Longji quickly put half a bag of Huazi in his arms, and said, "By the way, what were you two talking about just now? Go on, I'll listen too!"

When Li Longji came, the two of them were in no mood.

Lin Jian was about to leave after finishing his business, and said, "Sister Guifei, I still have something to ask for!"

Yang Yuhuan said: "Brother, please tell me!"

Lin Jiandao: "I also ask my sister to help me promote these stockings in the harem; to be honest, I still have thousands of these stockings in my house!"

Yang Yuhuan suddenly understood, and said, "You want to sell ready-made clothes?"

Lin Jiandao: "It's almost the same meaning!"


Yang Yuhuan got up, grabbed a handful of golden beans from the drawer, and said, "Business requires capital, you take these."

Lin Jian's eyes lit up.

Such a small handful of golden beans can be converted into several hundred taels of silver!
However, women's money is not so easy to get!
Especially when her husband is on the sidelines!
Lin Jian wanted to decline, but he was really reluctant, and finally said: "Well, I will take the money and go to the street to find a store, and I will treat it as my sister's shareholding! If I make money, we brothers and sisters will share it equally!"


Yang Yuhuan was very interested, and said: "Then sister is waiting for the dividend!"

Hearing this, Li Longji was also very itchy, and said to the eunuch beside him: "Go, get a gold bar!"

After a while, the gold bars came.

Li Longji handed the gold bar to Lin Jian, and said, "Your Huazi, I won't draw for nothing! I will treat this money as if I have also invested in it, and everyone who has money can earn it together!"

Lin Jian was pleasantly surprised, and drank with Li Longji until he was very drunk.


The next morning, Lin Jian checked in at a cloth shop and got another ten pieces of Lycra cloth.

Getting ready to go home.

Suddenly, I found that there was a sign for sale at the door of this cloth shop.

Lin Jian was about to open a shop, and found that the location was not bad, so he walked in...

After half an hour.

The shop was sold at a price of 2000 taels of silver.

2000 taels of silver is not a small sum.

However, this is Zhuque Street, the most prosperous place in Chang'an City!
Here, there is even no shortage of seeing blonde Persians!

If it wasn't for the urgent need of money in the cloth shop owner's family, Lin Jian wouldn't have caught this leak!

Picking up leaks is picking up leaks, Lin Jian still feels distressed after spending so much money.

Because the money is almost enough for the gift money!
However, this is not the money of Lin Jian alone, but also the shares of Li Longji and Yang Yuhuan.

Take investors' money, always do something to show them.

This has been true since ancient times!

After simple decoration and layout, "Lin's Silk Stockings" opened for business.

Although the market is good, things like stockings are too novel.

Many women just came in out of curiosity to take a look, and then went out blushing quickly.

Before leaving, he would secretly curse: "Bah! Shameless!"

Two days passed in a flash.

Lin Jian signs in every day and continues to make stockings.

Unfortunately, the store did not sell a pair!
On the third day, things gradually improved; after one day, the number of transactions reached more than a dozen pairs!

It turned out that Yang Yuhuan's promotion in the harem had worked.

Some of the stockings that Lin Jian gave her before have entered the official's house.

The business is slowly picking up, but the speed is too slow!

Lin Jian needs to make quick money!

So, he moved all the modern shops that could be moved here!

As soon as you enter the store, you can see a row of models and props wearing various stockings, all of which have long legs, not to mention how seductive they are!

In addition, Lin Jian spent huge sums of money to invite a group of senior geisha from brothels.

These women wear silk stockings every day and play and sing at the door of the store to attract customers.

Not only that, but Lin Jian also launched a group buying policy, a single order mode, etc., and viral marketing swept Chang'an City in an instant.

The single-day turnover of Lin's stockings has finally reached the 100 mark!

However, Lin Jian was not satisfied with this.

How big the heart is, how big the stage is!
Lin Jian invited the theater troupe from Liyuan, and sang for three consecutive days, which was regarded as the opening ceremony.

On the third day, the popularity of Lin's stockings reached its peak.

Because, the imperial concubine who is the most crowned in the harem actually came!

Yang Yuhuan's visit to the platform was naturally invited by Lin Jian.

In modern times, it is equivalent to an image spokesperson.

Since then, Lin's stockings have made a lot of money every day, earning a lot of money!

Flash forward to the end of the month.

Lin Jian went to the cashier to check, and the family had already saved 7000 taels of silver!

It's more than enough to be engaged to two princesses!
Others need to use a considerable part of their income to buy goods when doing business; but for Lin Jian, all purchases depend on signing in.

Therefore, it is natural to earn fast!
The most important thing is that Lin's stockings cannot be imitated!
Lycra fabric is the core competitiveness of Lin's stockings!
Although other companies also follow suit and make silk stockings, they are far from Lin's silk stockings in terms of style and effect.

The dowry money is here.

But Lin Jian couldn't be happier.

It was almost the first day of August, and there was no movement from the little princess' side!


This morning, Lin Jian couldn't bear it anymore.

Ready to go to the palace to see the situation.

From a long distance away, I saw two rows of guards standing at the entrance of Tai Chi Hall, each of them looked nervous.

what's the situation?
Lin Jian wanted to get closer, but was ruthlessly stopped by the guards.

Helpless, they had to divert to Huaqing Palace.

At this time, the sun is already rising.

But the great beauty Yang Yuhuan is still lying on the bed.

"Sister, wake up!"

Lin Jian sat on the edge of the bed, poking his big hands into the quilt to feel the warmth inside.

Yang Yuhuan looked shy, opened her sleepy eyes, and said, "Good morning, brother!"

"It's early, the sun is shining on your ass!"

With that said, Lin Jian's pair of big hands moved to the corresponding place.

Yang Yuhuan stretched out her slender arms, hooked Lin Jian's neck, and said affectionately, "What's the matter?"

"It's okay!"

Lin Jiandao: "I wanted to talk to His Majesty about the little princess, but it seems that the Taiji Hall is busy, so I'll come and see you first."

"Little princess..."

Yang Yuhuan said: "Brother, I mentioned this matter to His Majesty, but now, you may not have a chance!"

"Ah?" Lin Jian was surprised, "Why?"

Yang Yuhuan said: "The envoy from the Tubo Kingdom has arrived today. I heard that they are here to make peace!"

"And dear..."

Lin Jian was shocked!

Among Tang Xuanzong's daughters, only Li Changning and Li Xiaolu are unmarried.

Li Changning is about to get engaged to himself.

and so……

There is only one Li Xiaolu left!

"You can't let the little princess marry these barbarians!"

Lin Jian immediately got up, rode a motorcycle, and headed towards the Tai Chi Hall to kill!
(End of this chapter)

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