Chapter 22 A Good Person Like Me
Same as just now.

Lin Jian wanted to enter the Tai Chi Hall, but was stopped by the guards again.

This time Lin Jian didn't agree, and with a "swipe", he took out the dagger that he got at the sign-in.

"Do you know who I am? It's the young master of Lin Guofu!"

"The imperial concubine is my sister, the emperor... the old man is my brother-in-law!"

"Princess Lingnan is my unmarried wife!"

"Those who stop me will die!"

Lin Jian brandished the dagger, glared at him, and spoke every word with a loud voice.

The guards were stunned by him, and they were really a little scared.

At this moment, Yang Guozhong came out from the hall.

It turned out that Lin Jian's yelling was so loud that even the people inside could vaguely hear it.

There are also envoys from the Tubo Kingdom in the hall!
Li Longji felt shameless, so he asked Yang Guozhong to come out to see the situation and deal with it.

When Yang Guozhong saw that it was Lin Jian, he hurried over and shouted at the guard: "Presumptuous! Open your dog eyes and look carefully, this is the young master of Lin Guofu! My brother, Lin Jian, is also !"

The guards were frightened and quickly stopped.

Yang Guozhong turned to look at Lin Jian, and said, "My dear brother, why are you here when you have time?"

Lin Jian pointed inside and said, "Is the envoy from Tubo Kingdom here?"

Yang Guozhong nodded.

Lin Jiandao: "Alright then, let's go in together!"

Yang Guozhong said: "My dear brother, is there something wrong with you?"

Lin Jian was afraid that Yang Guozhong would not dare to let him in after he said it, so he smiled and said: "It's okay, let's go in and see how you usually go to the court. I also want to be an official in the court, little brother."

"now it's right!"

Yang Guozhong was overjoyed, and said: "My dear brother, you should have thought so long ago!"


Inside the hall.

Emperor Li Longji sat high on the dragon couch.

Below, all civil and military officials are present.

In the Tang Dynasty, officials neither stood nor kneeled, and all had couches for kneeling.

Including the usual meetings, there is rarely a place to kneel down.

Therefore, the whole atmosphere seems to be quite relaxed.

Lin Jian glanced, and soon found those Tubo people.

Their service is quite different from that of Middle Earth, and their appearance is even more strange!

There are five people in the other party.

The leader was a dark and fat woman with a mouth full of big white teeth, black and white.

I don't know, I thought it was African refugees fleeing famine.

Seeing Lin Jian staring at the woman, Yang Guozhong introduced in a low voice: "This person is the younger sister of Tubo King Chisong Dezan, Princess Ayi Tubie, and she is also the leader of the team this time. Although she is not good-looking, she is extremely intelligent and resourceful. Don't underestimate it!"

Lin Jian nodded and said, "Which step are we talking about now?"

Yang Guozhong said: "Princess Tubo has already made a request for marriage, but His Majesty has not yet responded."

"That's good!"

Lin Jian secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

If you don't reply, it means you still have a chance.

And if you agree to the other party, then it's really game over!

Seeing Lin Jian coming in, Li Longji on the dragon bed frowned secretly.

"Why is this guy here!"

"Grandma has a leg, she won't make trouble for me!"


Seeing that Li Longji hadn't expressed his opinion for a long time, the five envoys from Tubo took turns to go to battle, and they talked endlessly.

In short, Tubo and Datang cannot continue to fight like this.

Both sides benefit from cooperation, and lose from confrontation.

When Li Longji was young, he was a model of Mingjun. He not only raised the national power and military power of the Tang Dynasty to a new level, but also defeated Tubo once.

But after getting older, Li Longji began to be lazy in politics.

Therefore, this time Tubo proposed a peace proposal, and Li Longji readily agreed.

However, Li Longji was not so cold about the marriage.

To be exact, it is disgusting!
In the early Tang Dynasty, Princess Wencheng and Princess Jincheng, who were married to each other, did not live very well, and their status in Tubo was not high.

But now, if he wanted to get married, he would have to marry his beloved little daughter!
This is my heart and soul!

Li Longji picked up a flower seed and fell into deep thought...

Li Longji was reluctant.

But the civil and military officials present didn't think so.

If the marriage of a princess can be exchanged for long-term peace between the two countries, why not do it?
Seeing that Li Longji was silent, Ayi Tubie took a step forward and said, "Dear Tang Emperor, marriage is a symbol of peace between the two countries. If Princess Xiangxiang cannot marry me to Tubo, peace will exist in name only! Please, Your Majesty." Think twice!"


Hearing this, Lin Jian couldn't help but speak.

When he opened his mouth, he really scared many people.

"Hey, isn't this the ignorant young master of Lin Guofu? Why is he here?"

"I heard that this guy is selling women's underwear recently. It's unsightly, unsightly!"

"Hush... Keep your voice down! He's about to become a son-in-law, don't offend him!"


Ayi Turtle looked shocked.

Looking at Lin Jian, he sneered and said, "Your Excellency, can you represent the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty?"

Lin Jiandao: "Don't worry about whether I can represent you or not, in short, Princess Xiangxiang cannot marry to Tubo!"


Ayi Turtle chased after him.


Lin Jiandao: "Because Princess Xiangxiang is my fiancee! On the first day of next month, we will be engaged!"

As soon as the voice fell, everyone was shocked.

Not only the Tubo envoys, but all the officials of the Tang Dynasty were dumbfounded.

Li Longji was also so angry that smoke was coming out of his nostrils, thinking that this guy really caused trouble!
But calm down and think about it, it's good for Lin Jian to make such a fuss.

All the guys in the audience hope that I will marry my daughter!

It's better to let Lin Jian come out to stir things up, maybe there will be a turning point!
Ayi Turtle was bewildered.

At this time, another messenger murmured a few words in her ear.

After listening, Ayi Tubie showed a smile and said: "Your Excellency is the young master of Lin Guofu, I'm sorry! But I heard that the one who is betrothed to you is Lingnan Princess, not Xiangxiang Princess!"


Lin Jiandao: "As the saying goes, those who can do more work! For a man as good as me, it is not enough to marry a princess! These two princesses will be engaged to me!"

Ayi Tubie said: "Unexpectedly, Your Excellency is so confident! I don't know if you marry the two princesses, will the Emperor Datang agree?"

After saying a word, everyone looked at Li Longji, thinking that he would be furious.

After all, what Lin Jian did was outrageous!

But the strange thing is that Li Longji is still expressionless, as if everything has nothing to do with him.

Seeing this, Ayi Turtle felt bad.

She never expected Lin Jian to be so favored!

Such nonsense in the court hall, the emperor of the Tang Dynasty didn't even chop off his head!

Lin Jian was also very scared at first, but when he saw that Li Longji didn't respond, he was secretly happy.

"It seems that the old emperor is also reluctant to let his daughter marry far away!"

"This move may be the right one!"

"Ha ha!"


(End of this chapter)

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