Datang: Sign in from the imperial concubine's palace

Chapter 23 Hurry up I'm in a hurry

Chapter 23 Hurry up I'm in a hurry
Naturally, Ayi Turtle refused to let it go.

She scratched her head, and said: "It turns out that there are such outstanding men in Tang Dynasty, so outstanding that they can marry two princesses, which is really unheard of before!"

Lin Jiandao: "There are still many things you don't know, so don't make a fuss!"

Ayi Tubie said: "We people in this small country are really ignorant and ignorant. I don't know what brilliant achievements the young master has made. Please tell me and listen, let me wait and see!"

Lin Jiandao: "Is it related to you?"


Ayi Turtle was depressed for a while.

Where did this Lin Jian come from? How could he be such a rascal!

No, today we must expose his true colors!
Ayi Tubie forced himself to calm down, and said, "Young Master, since you are so good, I wonder if you can help me answer the three questions?"

Lin Jian thought about it, he had blown out his criticism, and if he didn't show his hands, the other party would definitely not give up, so he said: "Let's talk about it, let me give you some pointers depending on my mood!"

Ayi Turtle was secretly happy.

Lin Jian, Lin Jian, after all, you are still sloppy!

These three questions have troubled me for 200 years in the Tubo Dynasty!

How can you answer it in a short time!

Looking at the situation in the field, Li Longji frowned secretly.

The three problems brought by Tubo must be as difficult as the sky!

If Lin Jian can't answer, not only will he be ashamed of himself, but my Tang Dynasty will also be ashamed!

The most important thing is, when the other party proposes a marriage, how can I refuse?Why refuse?
So, now comes the most critical moment.

If you can successfully answer the three questions, the marriage issue will be easily solved.

But if you can't solve it, you can only reluctantly part with it and watch your little daughter go away!
Thinking of this, Li Longji hurriedly said: "The questions brought by the Tubo envoys must be deafening! All loves, listen carefully!"

Li Longji said this very naturally.

But the implication is that everyone should work together to help Lin Jian.


Ayi Turtle walked up to Lin Jian, unwrapped the package, and took out a ball-shaped object, the size of a football, riddled with holes.

While showing it, Ayi Turtle said: "This object is called Linglong Ball. There are a thousand holes on the surface of the ball, some are virtual or solid, and the depths are different. But, only two of the holes are connected, and the rest are dead holes!"

Li Longji said: "And then?"

Ayi Tubie said: "My first question is how to find the only path without destroying the Linglong ball!"

As soon as the words fell, Li Longji frowned.

The civil and military officials also stared with wide eyes.

How did you find this!

Seeing the silence of the crowd, Ayi Turtle felt proud for a while, held the exquisite ball in both hands, brought it to Lin Jian, and said, "Young Master, do you study it first?"

"No need!"

Lin Jian waved his hand and said, "For Your Majesty and other adults to see first!"

Li Longji circulated it with all civil and military officials, and then, his brows became even tighter!

Unexpectedly, Tubo's first question was so difficult!
It seems that a marriage is imperative!

When it was circulated, everyone also discussed some methods, such as blowing air, pouring water, etc., but none of them worked!

Linglong passed the ball around, and finally came to Lin Jian's hands.

Ayi Tubie said: "I give the young master three days to answer this question, I wonder if the young master thinks it is enough?"

"Three days?"

Lin Jian smiled and said, "Turtle, what kind of international joke are you making?"

Ayi Turtle said: "Then... seven days?"

Lin Jian waved his hand and said, "I mean, it's been too long! I'm going to be engaged to the two princesses the day after tomorrow, how can I have so much time to play with you!"

After speaking, Lin Jian put the Linglong ball on the ground, turned around and walked out, saying: "Wait a moment, I will give you the answer now!"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, none of them knew what kind of medicine he was selling in the gourd.

Not a moment later, Lin Jian came back, holding a clay pot in his hand.

The clay pot was opened, and everyone couldn't help but watch.

It turned out to be an ant inside!
Lin Jian glued a thin thread to the ant's body, and said, "Turtle, your question can be answered by an ant in my Tang Dynasty!"

Said, put the ant on the Linglong ball.

I saw the ant turn around a few times, and finally entered a small hole.

After a while, it really crawled out from another small hole!
The only path was found just like that!
"it is good!"

Seeing that his brother had solved the problem, Yang Guozhong called out first.

Immediately afterwards, all civil and military officials applauded in unison!
Li Longji also nodded frequently, and once again ordered a Huazi...

On the other hand, Ayi Turtle had shock written all over his face!

She never imagined that Lin Jian could solve the first problem in such a short period of time!

The Great Tang Dynasty of China has indeed produced a large number of talents, which should not be underestimated!


Lin Jian tossed the Linglong ball casually, and said, "Turtle, I'm in a hurry, hurry up for the second question!"

When Lin Jian solved the first question, Ayi Tubie's heart was half cold.

Although she claimed to have three questions, the most difficult one was only the first one!
Although the latter two questions are also somewhat difficult, they cannot be compared with the first question at all!
"I hope his first question is just stupid!"

Ayi Tubie tried to calm himself down, and said: "My second question is related to the time!"

Said, took out two incense sticks.

"These two incense sticks are of different lengths and unevenly distributed, but it takes half an hour to burn each incense stick!"

"My question is, how to use these two incense sticks to determine the time for a quarter of an hour!"

Half an hour is the current hour, and a quarter of an hour is 15 minutes.

This question sounds a bit confusing!
Lin Jian was secretly delighted.

Fortunately, I used to read a lot of books!

Thank you for coming all the way to help me pretend!
After Ayi Turtle finished the topic, all the ministers whispered again.

To use incense to determine the time, the easiest way is naturally to cut the incense according to its length.

But, people said it again.

The length and texture of the incense, uneven distribution!

It can only be guaranteed that each incense stick will take half an hour to burn, but there is no guarantee that it will take a quarter of an hour to burn half of the incense!

This is the difficulty of this question!


Lin Jian took two incense sticks.

Light one of them at the same time.

Light the other one, only one end.

When the first stick of incense is burned, it takes exactly half an hour, that is, half an hour—three ten minutes!
And the other one, there are still 10 minutes left!

At this time, Lin Jian lit the other end of the second incense stick.

Therefore, from now on, until the second incense is burned, it is a very precise quarter of an hour!

"it is good!"

Yang Guozhong took the lead in applauding again, although he didn't understand it.

However, there were not a few people who understood it, and cheered for Lin Jian from the bottom of their hearts.

Li Longji also smiled with his beard, and secretly said: "This guy, he has two tricks!"

On the other hand, Ayi Turtle looks ashamed.

Lin Jiandao: "Continue, the third question!"

(End of this chapter)

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