Chapter 24 Last Question

Ayi Turtle is about to announce the third question.

But when the words came to her lips, she suddenly changed her mind.

"This abominable young master, the first two questions can't help him, and I'm afraid the third question will be the same!"

"Since this path doesn't work, it's better to change your mind!"

Thinking of this, Ayi Tubie praised: "Little Hou Ye is really smart, admirable!"

Speaking of this, she changed her voice and said: "Young Master can marry two princesses, I think he must have both civil and military skills! I just tried 'Wen'. For the third question, why not try 'Wu'!"



"The Tubo people are really shameless!"

As soon as Ayi Tubie finished speaking, the officials began to curse in a low voice.

Ayi Tubie pretended not to hear anything, looked at Lin Jiandao: "Young Master, what do you think?"

Lin Jian frowned secretly.

This soil turtle is quite insidious!
Lin Jian didn't directly agree, but he didn't refuse either, saying: "Keep talking!"

Ayi Tubie said: "I heard that the Tang Dynasty's horses are the most prosperous. Coincidentally, I also produce horses in Tubo. For the third question, let's test the young master's riding skills!"

Lin Jian felt a little apprehensive, and said, "Horse racing?"

Ayi Tubie said: "You can say that! But, if the young master is good at riding other things, such as pigs and donkeys, I will also warmly welcome you!"

After saying a word, the other envoys laughed wantonly, looking very happy.

However, Lin Jian was the happiest!

If it's purely horse racing, it's really not good at it!
But if you let go of the rules, you can ride anything, so you don't have to be afraid!

No matter how fast your horse is, it will only take you sixty kilometers per hour every day.

Can it be faster than a motorcycle?


Lin Jian was afraid that the other party would change his mind, so he quickly agreed and said, "Okay! If that's the case, I will teach you Tubo's riding skills!"

Seeing Lin Jian's promise, Li Longji and all the ministers sweated hard for him.

You know, Tubo is rich in hard-earned horses!

And it has been improved for many generations!
In terms of the number of horses, Tubo is definitely not as good as Datang.

But when it comes to the quality of the horses, Datang is really no match for Tubo!

Ayi Tubie said: "Young Master is really brave! Our horse is just outside the palace, your horse... or other mounts, are you ready?"

Lin Jian was about to speak.

At this time, Li Longji, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly spoke, saying: "Several envoys have come from afar, let's have lunch and rest first; for the horse race, it will be no later than the afternoon!"

When Li Longji spoke, the Tubo envoys dared not disobey.

Moreover, it's only a noon time, they can afford to wait!


Chang'an City is just that big.

After the dynasty was dispersed, the story of Lin Jianzhi fighting the Tubo envoy quickly spread throughout the streets and alleys.

And every time it is passed, the narrator will add more oil and vinegar, and add his own fantasy.

Gradually, Lin Jian became an omnipotent hero!

When the Tibetans saw him, it was like a mouse seeing a cat!
In the harem, about Lin Jian's heroic deeds are also widely circulated.

Who are the people living in the harem?

Empress dowager, concubine, princess, etc.

These women are lonely, and they haven't seen many men for many years!

The topic they talk about after dinner every day is nothing more than gossip about what happened in the court.

And when the protagonist of the gossip was a handsome young man, they chatted even more vigorously!

Qingxin Pavilion.

Listening to the maids in high spirits telling Lin Jian's story, Li Changning was both proud and shy.

After all, I didn't see the wrong person!
Mr. Lin was indeed framed before!

With his knowledge, he only needs one chance to stand out.

And now, the opportunity has come!

While doing embroidery, Li Changning eavesdropped on the palace maid's words, feeling extremely sweet in his heart.

At this time, Prince Li Heng came suddenly.

Li Changning put down his embroidery, stood up and said, "Sister Chen has seen Brother Prince!"

Li Heng looked down and said coldly: "Changning, when did you fall in love with female celebrities?"

Li Changning was a little flustered, and said intermittently: "Just... just do whatever you want!"

Li Heng said: "How is the recent assassination of Lin Jian going? The day after tomorrow will be your engagement day!"

Li Changning felt that it was necessary to explain this matter clearly to his brother, so he mustered up his courage and said, "Brother Prince, I... don't want to assassinate me anymore!"

Li Heng wasn't as angry as he imagined, instead he acted calmly, and said lightly, "I've seen it all these days!"

Li Changning said: "So... my brother also supports me, right?"

Li Hengdao: "I didn't support it at first, but now, there is a turning point!"

Li Changning said: "How do you say that?"

Li Hengdao: "I originally thought that Lin Jian was a complete waste! But I didn't expect that he actually has something! Since he is a talent, it would be a pity to kill him, why not use it for me!"

The more Li Changning listened, the more unhappy he became.

She vaguely guessed the purpose of the prince's coming to find her, and said, "And then?"

Li Hengdao: "After you marry Lin Jian, you must win him over and join our camp! If he hangs out with Yang Guozhong and others, he must not stay!"

Seeing the prince speak so arrogantly, Li Changning became angry, and said: "Lin Jian is my future husband, marry a chicken as a chicken, marry a dog as a dog, whichever camp he joins, I will be that camp! If you want to kill, even Let's kill my sister together!"

Seeing what Li Changning said, Li Heng immediately succumbed, and said with a smile on his face: "Brother just said something casually, and you still got anxious with me! That's right, it's too early to talk about it now, let's talk about it later; but Having said that, I am also doing this for your own good. Think about it, if my father dies and I ascend the throne, I can still treat you badly!"

Li Changning said: "Then let's talk about it later."

Before leaving, Li Heng suddenly said: "Oh, by the way, Lin Jian said that he wanted to marry you and Princess Xiangxiang together. You also know about this, right?"


Li Changning opened the door to see off the guests, and said: "His Royal Highness, Sister Shuchen will see you off soon!"

Of course, Li Changning heard about what Li Heng said.

It did feel a little awkward.

But thinking about it in his own shoes, Lin Jian had no choice but to be forced to say so!
Otherwise, the little princess will be married off to the Tubo Plateau as a tool for marriage.

Compared to marrying Tubo far away, Li Changning naturally hoped that his sister would stay in Chang'an City and by his side.

Even two sisters serve one husband together!
After thinking about it, it's not a big deal.

Leaving aside, didn't the three concubines, empresses and sisters marry the emperor together?
Their relationship is good!

After lunch, Li Longji called Yu Guan, the official responsible for the maintenance of war horses. He brought Lin Jian to the horse farm twenty miles north of the imperial palace.

Standing under the blue sky and white clouds, Li Longji felt lost for a while, as if thinking of his youthful years.

After a long time, Li Longji suddenly said, "Go, bring Zhen Feixue here!"

(End of this chapter)

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