Chapter 26
With his own strength, Lin Jian defeated the Tubo envoy!
Maintained the image of the Tang Dynasty, boosted the self-confidence of the people, and prevented the emperor's most beloved youngest daughter from marrying far away!

Li Longji Long Yan Joy!
In the evening, a banquet was held in Wenhua Hall.

This banquet was nominally to receive the Tubo envoys from afar.

But everyone was very clear in their hearts that it was actually Lin Jian's celebration banquet alone.

In order to appease the Tubo envoys and to show Tang's tolerance, Li Longji announced that a princess would be married to Tubo as a marriage.

Princess...then there are too many people!
He is a prince, and almost all their daughters are called princesses.

Unlike princesses, each of them deserves a name.

Therefore, as for the real identity of the relatives is the princess or the palace maid, there is no way to verify...

The Tubo envoy's face was dull, and after toasting a round of wine, he resigned first on the grounds that he was unwell.

The rest of the monarchs and ministers of the Tang Dynasty continued to revel in the Wenhua Palace.

After drinking, everyone was a little drunk.

Li Longji also lost the appearance of the Ninth Five-Year Supreme. He took the initiative to sit down beside Lin Jian and stretched out two fingers.

Lin Jian was so frightened that he shook his head fiercely: "Your Majesty, there are really no more! It's all gone! Didn't I give you the last half of the pack last time!"

Li Longji patted Lin Jian on the shoulder and said, "Brother, don't talk to me! During the game in the afternoon, you took out a whole bag. Don't think that my old eyes are so dim that I can't see anything!"

As he said that, he went straight to him and searched Lin Jian.


Lin Jian's heart ached to death, he watched a bag of Huazi being snatched by Li Longji, but there was nothing he could do.

Li Longji lit one himself, and gave Lin Jian another one.

After taking two puffs, he said to the eunuch next to him: "Go to Huaqing Palace, invite the imperial concubine and empress to cheer for me as a dancer!"

The court atmosphere of the Tang Dynasty was open.

It is common for the emperor to let his beloved concubines come out to dance.

Li Longji is not bad.

In history, there is an emperor who is even more wonderful!

He actually let his beloved concubine take off all her clothes at the banquet, and let everyone admire and eat while watching.

Not a moment later, Yang Guifei came.

Behind him were dozens of court ladies who accompanied the dancers, all of whom were young, beautiful and full of vigor.

When the musical instruments were played, Concubine Yang Guifei danced among the girls, her clothes fluttering, it was so beautiful that the eyes of all the ministers were about to fly out!

In a flash, it's midnight.

The ministers are almost gone.

Lin Jian also got dizzy from drinking for a while, and was about to get up to say goodbye.

Unexpectedly, Li Longji grabbed him, bit his tongue and said, "Lin Jian, sit... sit down!"

Lin Jiandao: "Your Majesty, it's getting late today, let's drink it another day!"

Li Longji said: "Don't...don't go! You have made great achievements today, I will reward you well..."

Lin Jiandao: "Let's talk about it tomorrow morning!"

Li Longji still refused to let go, and kept drinking with Lin Jian.

Lin Jian had no choice but to continue to sacrifice his life to accompany the gentleman.

In the end, both of them drank the broken pieces and fell together in a panic.

Yang Yuhuan also drank a lot of wine, but neither of them was so drunk.

Seeing that everyone had left, Yang Yuhuan called the maid and said, "Send Your Majesty and Young Master to Huaqing Palace."

"Yes, madam!"


Huaqing Palace.

Li Longji fell on the couch and was fast asleep.

But Lin Jian was lying on Concubine Yang's big bed.

Yang Yuhuan helped Lin Jian take off his clothes, and scrubbed his whole body with a hot towel. The more he watched, the more he fell in love with him!

In this era, Yang Yuhuan is 27 years old, and she is already very old.

It's a pity that Yang Yuhuan has no children under her knees!
This has always been her biggest regret!

Looking at the young and handsome Lin Jian with a wicked face, Yang Yuhuan's heart suddenly overflowed with maternal love.

She hugged Lin Jian's head, with a tender look on her face, and gently patted Lin Jian's dog's head...

The siblings remained intimate until midnight.

Yang Yuhuan was afraid that the emperor would see this scene when he woke up in the morning, so he had no choice but to bear the pain and help Lin Jian down, letting him sleep on the couch with Li Longji.


The sun rose high.

Lin Jian was still asleep.

Last night, it seemed like a dream.

In the dream, I slept with the great beauty Yang Yuhuan!
Not only that, but I... also did some very intimate and embarrassing things with her!

Sweet in the mouth, warm and soft!

Lin Jian was so happy in his heart that he subconsciously stretched out his arms and hugged him in front of him.

In this hug, I got a pair of thick, fluffy legs!

Next up!


A deafening fart pierced the sky!
A thick stench came inhumanely!

Lin Jian suddenly opened his eyes!
Suddenly trembling with anger!

I saw that what I was holding was not Yang Yuhuan, but Li Longji!
What's even more maddening is that this guy actually let out a super big fart on his extremely handsome face!

Lin Jian was smoked to death!
He got up immediately, and couldn't help but cursed: "Li Sanlang, I'm so stupid!"

Li Longji is the third son of Tang Ruizong, so he is also called Li Sanlang.

Lin Jian cursed too loudly!

Soon, Li Longji sat up.

He rubbed his drowsy head, looked at Lin Jian blankly, and said, "Stinky boy, what are you yelling at so early in the morning!"

After cursing a sentence, Lin Jian was scared to death!
Don't look at the great service I made yesterday, but if the other party wants to kill me, it's just a matter of one sentence.

This is the so-called companionship is like companionship with a tiger!
Lin Jian stumbled and said, "No... I didn't shout anything!"

"Still pretending to me!"

Li Longji glanced at him, and slowly put on a flower, and said: "By the way, what do you mean by Cao Nima?"

Lin Jian was taken aback for a moment, then secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

This is the Tang Dynasty!
People in the Tang Dynasty may not understand the meaning of this sentence at all!
Lin Jian said with a serious face: "Your Majesty fought against the Turks in the north and defended Tubo in the west. His achievements are unrivaled in the world! Cao Nima is a word of praise to describe your majesty's mother, who is the current queen mother, who is highly respected and has a high moral character." Long Wangzun, like the sun in the sky, can give birth to such a wise king as His Majesty!"

"It turned out to describe me and the Queen Mother!"

"No wonder this kid dares to call me by my baby name!"

Li Longji laughed loudly, patted Lin Jian on the shoulder and said: "I am old, this country will be up to you young people in the future!"

Saying that, he took Lin Jian and left Huaqing Palace together.

Tai Chi Temple.

Li Linfu, Yang Guozhong, Gao Lishi, Han Song and other ministers have already arrived, ready to participate in the early court.

Li Longji walked up to a few people, patted their shoulders one by one, and said with a smile while patting: "Grassy horse, grassy horse, grassy horse..."

Several people stared at each other, all confused.

In the end, Li Linfu couldn't bear it anymore, and said weakly: "Dare to ask Your Majesty, what does 'Grass Nima' mean?"

Li Longji held his head high and proudly said: "This is a compliment!"

Li Linfu and others were flattered immediately, and said in unison: "The emperor caress about Nima! The emperor cares about Nima!"

(End of this chapter)

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