Datang: Sign in from the imperial concubine's palace

Chapter 27 Trained by Professional Institutions

Chapter 27 Trained by Professional Institutions
Start early.

Not surprisingly, Lin Jian became an official.

In the past, he only had the title of marquis, and he had neither food nor official position.

But now, he transformed into Taishi Ling of Si Tiantai.

Si Tiantai is the place in charge of astronomy.

Tai Shiling is the highest official of Si Tiantai.

Although it is only a casual job from the fifth rank, but he is also in charge of a thousand people!
Lin Jian is quite satisfied with this position.

If you have money and leisure, no one will be offended!
As for the turbulent officialdom, Lin Jian didn't like it.

Life is full of joy, so that the gold is empty for the moon.

Human life is limited.

Now that there is no need to worry about food and clothing, why not enjoy life?
There is no need to spend energy on pointless infighting!

As powerful as an emperor, in the end, he couldn't hide from a pile of loess after all.

At least for now, Lin Jian thinks so.


The entry process is complicated.

On the side of the Ministry of Officials alone, it will take several days to complete the process!

Lin Jian is not in a hurry to join the job, because before that, there is one more important thing!
A lifetime event!

Flash forward to the first day of August, the day of engagement.

The spring breeze is proud of horseshoe disease, seeing Chang'an flowers in one day.

Using these words to describe Lin Jian at this moment couldn't be more appropriate.

Lin Jian had arranged the betrothal gift early on, invited Yang Guozhong and Pei Rou as matchmakers, and went to the palace with drums and gongs all the way.

Along the way, the people of Chang'an City stopped to watch one after another, seeing such a generous betrothal gift, they were all secretly dumbfounded.

"It's said that the Lin Guo Mansion has fallen, but I didn't expect this little duke to come back to life and revive him again!"

"It's really good!"

Lin Jian spent a full 9000 taels for the betrothal gift this time!

It is indeed a bit extravagant.

However, it is not unacceptable.

Lin's silk stockings are still making money every day, and are popular in Chang'an City!
The last time I gambled on a horse race, I won another nearly ten thousand!

Money is spent.

Put them there, they are just a pile of scrap metal; only when you spend them can you feel happy!

In the afternoon, Yang Guozhong and his wife returned with the reply.

Because the Li family is an imperial family, in addition to the ordinary replies and gifts, there is one more emperor's edict than the average family, which probably says "the two princesses will marry Lin Jian" or something like that.

In this way, the engagement ceremony completed the entire process.

As for meeting the two fiancées, that will have to wait until the moment when they actually marry and lift off the red hijab!

【Ding! 】

[Congratulations to the host, the task is completed! 】

[Bonus skill: Nanshan Shadowless Foot! 】

Lin Jian finally completed the first task released by the system!
For a moment, Lin Jian felt as if an invisible thing invaded his body, making him enlightened.

Nanshan Wuyingjiao's skills were just learned like this, as if she was born with it!
Lin Jian was ecstatic in his heart.

Because he discovered that Nanshan Wuying Foot can not only increase the speed and strength of the legs, but also have various weird and dazzling moves and footwork.

With this skill, if you fight with others in the future, fight if you can fight, and run if you can't!
What can you do to me!
【Ding! 】

[System tasks are being updated, please wait...]

"Good guy!"

"The new mission is updated?"

Lin Jian looked forward to it for a while.

But after waiting for a long time, the new task has not been updated for a long time, so I went to work on my own affairs first.


The lights are on.

Lin Guofu was decorated with lanterns and festoons, which was very festive.

Almost all the officials of Yang Guozhong's party came to congratulate him.

Even Li Linfu's party, who didn't get along well with Yang Guozhong, had many people here.

For a time, gifts from Lin Guofu piled up like a mountain!

The night is deep.

In the banquet hall, the guests had almost left, only Yang Guozhong was still holding Lin Jian and drinking non-stop.

Lin Jian was already tired after a busy day. Seeing that Yang Guozhong refused to leave, he had to take out his trump card - "immortal wine" Erguotou!

After drinking two cups of Erguotou, Yang Guozhong immediately fainted, and fell asleep on the wine table, unable to wake up no matter what!

Lin Jian was going to ask his servants to take him to the guest room.

At this time, Wu Nong's soft voice suddenly came from the door: "Young Master?"


What a crisp sound!
Lin Jian's goosebumps were about to come out.

Looking up, it was none other than Yang Guozhong's wife—Pei Rou.

Before Yang Guozhong gained power, he had a dream.

One day, marry the top card of Zuihualou in Chang'an City!
Later, relying on Yang Yuhuan's nepotism, he rose steadily in the officialdom and finally fulfilled his dream.

Pei Rou was originally the number one of Zuihualou, occupying the position of oiran for seven years!

Pei Rou entered the industry early. Although she has been married to Yang Guozhong for many years, she is only in her early thirties now. In addition, she is well-maintained. She is now in her mid-mature with a charming charm. She is at the age of a wolf and a tiger!

Lin Jian met Pei Rou once during the day, and felt that she was very energetic!
But in front of Yang Guozhong, he didn't have the nerve to look carefully.

Looking up now, I saw this woman with spring eyebrows, a willow waist like a snake, twisting and twisting as she walked!

Especially those peach blossom eyes, seem to be able to talk, very attractive!


"As expected of a woman trained by a professional organization!"

Lin Jian laughed and cursed to himself, stood up and greeted him, "Why is Mrs. Sister-in-law here?"

Pei Rou smiled and said: "I'm here to pick up my beloved, it's so late, I really bother you, young master!"

"Liangren" is what a wife called her husband in ancient times.

In the Tang Dynasty, husbands often called their wives this way.

Therefore, the Tang Dynasty was a very enlightened society, and the status of men and women was not as disparity as imagined.

"do not disturb!"

Lin Jiandao: "Is it convenient for Mrs. Sister-in-law? If it is not convenient, why don't Brother Yang stay in the humble house for one night!"

"Convenient, convenient!"

Pei Judao: "I have someone carry the sedan chair, it's just outside the gate!"

While speaking, Pei Rou walked closer.

Lin Jian only felt an intoxicating fragrance blowing towards his face, and he couldn't help being dazed.

Just as she was in a daze, she only heard Pei Ruanruan softly say: "Young Master, me!"

"Ah good!"

Lin Jian was like waking up from a dream, he quickly joined hands, he and Pei Rou supported Yang Guozhong, and walked outside.


A large sedan chair with eight carriages was parked at the door.

It took the two of them a lot of effort to get Yang Guozhong up, and they were so tired that they were out of breath.

Lin Jiandao: "Sister-in-law, please go slowly, I'll be back."


Pei Rou suddenly grabbed him.

Lin Jianqi said: "Sister-in-law, is there something else?"

Pei Rou looked hesitant to speak, pointed to the seat beside her, and said, "Sit down and talk, Young Master."


Lin Jian felt something was wrong.

Although Yang Guozhong was also present, he was already unconscious after all.

If there are any gossips spread between me and Pei Rou, it will be difficult to explain!
After all, this woman Pei Rou has a criminal record!

(End of this chapter)

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