Chapter 31
Seeing his mother coming, Xue Chong's expression changed drastically.

He was so frightened that he quickly turned around and said, "Lin Jian, help me block it! Don't let mother see me like this!"

"it is good!"

Lin Jian immediately moved his body to stand in front of Xue Chong.

Li Wan yelled a few words, but seeing that his son didn't respond, he had no choice but to come over.

Her figure is well maintained, and she walks gracefully, like a young girl.

Of course, she was not very old, but 29 years old.

Good-looking is good-looking.

The only fly in the ointment is that this woman seems to have some disabilities in her waist and legs. If you look closely, you will find that she is a little limping.

"it's a pity!"

Lin Jian sighed in his heart.

Soon, Li Wan came to him.

"I have seen the princess!"

Lin Jian didn't dare to look at her too much, he bowed to her without squinting.

In the Tang Dynasty, the emperor's daughter was called the princess, and the emperor's sister was called the eldest princess.

Li Wan nodded lightly, as a gift, and said: "Chong'er, go home for dinner."

Xue Chong turned his back to her and said, "I won't go back and eat!"

Li Wan frowned and said, "Where do you want to go if you don't go home?"

Xue Chong said: "This is not our home, it is the old emperor who pities us and puts us here. It's like being in prison!"


Li Wan was slightly sullen, and said: "He is your uncle, no matter how bad you are, you have to call him emperor, I think you are becoming more and more lawless!"

Xue Chong said: "What uncle, I hate him to death! If it weren't for him, my father would not have died on the battlefield!"


Li Wan was trembling with anger, and said: "Okay, go wherever you like, I don't have a son like you!"

After speaking, he limped back with red eyes.

Such a lovely appearance, I really feel sorry for him!
When Li Wan walked away, Lin Jian sighed: "You clearly love your mother in your heart, why did you deliberately say these words to anger her?"

Xue Chong said: "If I don't make her angry, I have to go back with her; in this way, she will see that I was beaten."

Hearing this, Lin Jian felt sad for a while.

This kid is too sensible!
While the two were talking, Li Tong came over, grabbed Xue Chong's clothes, and said viciously: "Xue Chong, steal your mother's trousers to me tonight!"

Xue Chong nodded and said, "Okay!"

Li Tong was slightly taken aback, as if he didn't expect him to agree so happily, thought for a while, and said: "I want the one just replaced, dirty and unwashed, do you hear me?"

"Okay!" Xue Chong said, "I'll give it to you at the star observatory tonight!"

Li Tongdao: "Why are you going there?"

Xue Chong said: "In Tianxin Pavilion, I am afraid of being seen by my mother, only the Observatory is empty at night."

Li Tongdao: "You're a smart kid! Remember, if you don't get your mother's fresh trousers tonight, you will die tomorrow!"

Xue Chong grinned and said, "Don't worry, I will definitely give it to you!"

Only then was Li Tong satisfied, waved his hand, and said, "Let's go, continue practicing in the afternoon!"

When Li Tong and the others walked away, Lin Jian tentatively asked, "These they often bully you?"

Xue Chong gave a "hmm".

After a moment of silence, he suddenly said, "Do you want to ask my mother about wrapping her trousers?"

Lin Jian didn't speak, it was a tacit agreement.

Xue Chong said: "Brother Lin, do you look down on me?"

"No no!"

What Lin Jian said was from his heart, but he felt that these two women were quite pitiful.

Xue Chong hesitated to speak, and said: "Actually... I'm not that stupid! Every time I give them the trousers, they belong to those old maids in Tianxin Pavilion!"


Lin Jian was speechless for a while.

The two looked at each other and laughed.

After a while, Lin Jian asked curiously: "By the way, you are so young, why do you have to participate in the Cuju competition?"

Xue Chong said: "I want to get No.1, to win over my mother!"

"it is good!"

Lin Jiandao: "Based on your words, I have to help you get No.1!"

"Thank you, Brother Lin!"

Xue Chong looked deeply at Lin Jian and said, "You are the first friend I met here!"

Lin Jiandao: "We are all brothers, don't say thank you!"

Xue Chong shook his head and said, "I thank you, not only for this!"

"Huh?" Lin Jian asked curiously, "Any other reasons?"

Xue Chong hesitated for a while, and said: "I have been paying attention to you just now, you are the first man who saw my mother without that kind of thing in his eyes!"

Hearing this, Lin Jian was ashamed for a while!
It's not that he doesn't have that kind of desire for Li Wan, but... the system task is in his body, so don't dare to think too much!
If you want to, it will take a month!

Lin Jian felt ashamed and felt embarrassed to continue this topic. He looked up at the sun and said, "Go, go to my house and treat you to dinner!"

"it is good!"


It was dark.

On the second floor of the Star Observation Building, there were two figures standing, one tall and one short, they were Lin Jian and Xue Chong.

Xue Chong looked down and said, "Brother Lin, is the second floor too short?"

Lin Jiandao: "It's enough to break his leg! If it's any taller and it really kills him, it's going to be troublesome!"


Just as he was talking, Li Tong came.

When I got to the star observatory, I saw him standing there, looking around from time to time.

Xue Chong walked to the fence made of bricks, and shouted below: "Hey, here!"

Li Tong looked up and said, "Come down!"

Xue Chong said: "You come up!"

"what the hell!"

Li Tong was cursing, but he still climbed up and asked, "Where's the thing?"

Xue Chong took out a pair of wrapped trousers from his body and put them on the guardrail.

Li Tong was overjoyed, walked quickly to the side of the guardrail, picked up the trousers, took a deep breath, and said intoxicated, "Xue Chong, your mother's trousers smell really good!"

Xue Chong laughed and said, "Then you should hear more about it!"

Sure enough, Li Tong sniffed a few more times, and said: "Xue Chong, your father died so early, does your mother often bring men back?"

Hearing this, Xue Chong clenched his fists tightly, and a glint of sternness flashed in his eyes.

Li Tong said again: "When will you take me there?"

Xue Chong sneered and said, "Okay!"

Li Tong was overjoyed and said, "When?"

Xue Chong said: "Kneel down now and call me Grandpa, I will take you there now!"


Li Tong suddenly changed his face, rolled up his sleeves and said, "Xiao Yezhong, you haven't been beaten enough at noon, have you?"

"and many more!"

Xue Chong signaled him to stop, stretched out his hand and pointed down, saying: "Look, my mother is here!"


Li Tong's eyes lit up, he leaned on the guardrail with both hands, and looked down.

Right now!

Lin Jian rushed out from behind the stone pillar and gave Li Tong a hard push on the back!
"Ah... help... help..."

There was a piercing cry from below.

Lin Jian and Xue Chong looked at each other and smiled.

it is more than words……

After all, Xue Chong was too young. After the joy, he was suddenly a little scared, and tremblingly said: "Brother Lin, we...will not be taken away by the Six Doors, right? This court belongs to their Li family!"

"Do not worry!"

Lin Jian patted him on the head, and said: "Li Tong did this kind of thing, he asked for it completely, he must have no face to say it!"

(End of this chapter)

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