Chapter 32

Not a moment later, the patrolling guards heard the sound.

Seeing that someone was injured, they didn't dare to act rashly, and hurriedly called the imperial doctor to avoid causing secondary harm to the injured.

After working for a long time, Li Tong was finally carried away.

The imperial doctor said that both of Li Tong's legs were broken, and he would have to lie in bed for at least three or four months!

Lin Jian guessed right.

Sure enough, Li Tong didn't dare to tell Xue Chong.

After all, the one who fell with him was a pair of women's wrapped trousers!

If this is brought to court, it will definitely not be clear!


The evening wind blows.

The neighborhoods in Chang'an City in the distance are brightly lit and prosperous.

There are still a few days until the Thousand Autumn Festival, and the representatives of various feudal towns have arrived in Chang'an City one after another, and the curfew is not so strict.

Lin Jian took out the binoculars and looked at the night scene.

After looking at it for a while, the camera was pointed at Tianxin Pavilion by accident.

Thinking of Li Wan's gentle, virtuous, and romantic appearance, Lin Jian's heart broke for a while.

It's a pity that this noble lady has bad legs and feet and a disability, which is really deplorable.

Xue Chong looked up at Lin Jian and asked curiously, "Brother, what is this?"

Lin Jiandao: "This is a telescope, it can see far away!"

"a place far away……"

Xue Chong's heart moved, and he said: "Can you see Tianxin Pavilion?"

"Of course!"

Without hesitation, Lin Jian thought about your brother, I was watching!
Xue Chong said: "Then help me see my mother!"

It's just a coincidence!

As soon as Xue Chong finished speaking, Li Wan appeared in the camera, probably because of the bond between mother and child.

I saw Li Wan limping to the gate, looking around, obviously looking forward to his son coming home.

Xue Chong said: "How about it, have you seen it?"

Lin Jian nodded, handed the telescope to Xue Chong, and said, "Look for yourself!"

Following Lin Jian's example, Xue Chong looked in the direction of Tianxin Pavilion and saw his mother.

Lin Jiandao: "You love your mother so much, you should go home early."

Xue Chong shook his head, and said, "My face hasn't gone swollen yet, so I have to go back later."

After finishing speaking, he suddenly put down the binoculars and pulled Lin Jiandao: "Brother, let's go!"

Lin Jiandao: "What's wrong?"

Xue Chong said: "My mother seems to be looking for this way!"


The two left the palace and came to the nearby Ping An Square.

When passing by a carpenter's workshop, Xue Chong stopped suddenly and said with a blushing face, "Brother, can you... lend me some money?"

Without further ado, Lin Jian gave him the broken silver on his body, and then asked, "Do you want to buy something?"

Xue Chong nodded, walked into the carpenter's workshop, and said: "My mother once worked as a female celebrity and accidentally fell off the chair. Now when it's cloudy and rainy, her butt hurts and she walks with a limp. "If you don't know, you think she has a disability!"

Lin Jian nodded, deeply agreeing.

I was still feeling emotional in the Star Observation Tower just now, thinking that Li Wan had a disability.

Xue Chong said again: "I want to buy her a better chair so that she can be more comfortable when she is a female celebrity."

As the saying goes, the speaker has no intention, but the listener has intention.

After Xue Chong finished speaking, Lin Jian suddenly had a flash of inspiration, smelling a business opportunity!
During the Tang Dynasty, chairs were just born and became popular.

The chairs at that time were inspired by the Hu bed, and they were mostly made of huanghuali, rosewood, gall wood, etc., without any fabric wrapping on the outside, which was bulky and hard, and extremely uncomfortable to sit on!
If it could be improved...

The more Lin Jian thought about it, the more excited he became!

The stockings market seems to be approaching saturation recently, and the ability to make money has reached the ceiling.

If the market for chairs can be developed again, the income can be doubled at least several times!
After all, the chair is a big piece, and it is many times more expensive than stockings!
No, the chairs are still cheap.

Directly in one step, make a sofa!
Xue Chong looked around, but couldn't find a suitable chair, finally shook his head and sighed, and returned the money to Lin Jian.


next morning.

Lin Jian called the carpenter in the mansion, and made the prototype of the sofa according to his own requirements.

This is a single sofa.

Slightly larger than a normal chair, but shorter.

After finishing, Lin Jian put the prepared pebbles and wood chips in.

Pebbles, can play a simple massage effect.

The wood chips can eliminate the noise generated by the friction between the pebbles.

Finally, lay a layer of waste cloth on top, and cotton; after compaction, fill again; compact again, fill again...

When the softness was almost reached, Lin Jian asked the tailor to wrap and sew the sofa as a whole.

A simple single sofa, just like this!

Lin Jian sat on it and tried it, not bad!
Although it is not as comfortable as sponge pads and silicone, it is many times stronger than current chairs!
After Lin Jian finished the test, he asked everyone in the house to try one by one.

However, these people have never sat on a sofa, and they don't know the criteria for judging, so they can only flatter them for a while.

Lin Jian thought, why not transport it to Tianxin Pavilion and let Li Wan try it!
She was not feeling well, and if she said yes, she must be right!

Thinking of this, Lin Jian tied the sofa to the back seat of the motorcycle and headed all the way to the palace...


National Supervisor.

Xue Chong is practicing Cuju with those dudes.

Seeing Lin Jian, he ran over quickly, wiped off his sweat, and said, "Brother, it's almost noon, why did you come here!"

Lin Jian patted the sofa behind and said, "Look, what is this!"

Xue Chong stared at it for a long time, and asked uncertainly, "Chair?"

Lin Jiandao: "It's almost the same, but this is called a sofa, and it's more comfortable to sit on! Didn't you find the right one last night, so I made one for you!"

Xue Chong was overjoyed and said: "Go, let my mother try!"

Lin Jian carried Xue Chong to Tianxin Pavilion.

At the door, park the motorcycle and carry the sofa into the courtyard.

Hearing the movement, Li Wan limped out, frowned and said, "Chong'er, you're being naughty again!"


Xue Chong pointed to the sofa and said, "Mother, look, this is a chair specially made for you by Brother Lin! Oh no, it's a sofa!"


Li Wan said, "What's the use of this?"

Lin Jian explained: "Princess Hui, this thing has the same purpose as a chair, but it is more comfortable to sit on. can try it."

Li Wan looked suspicious.

However, it has been cloudy recently, and my butt hurts too much!

In the end, she still couldn't resist the temptation and tried to sit down.


Sitting down, Li Wan let out a soft cry.

Because my butt sank deeply, I was so frightened that I quickly grabbed my sides with both hands!

The palace maids were also terrified, and stepped forward one after another to help her up.

At this time, Li Wan's brows suddenly relaxed, and he said, "Back off."

After finishing speaking, she supported her sides with both hands, sat down with a little force, and was quickly bounced up again.

After trying this for a while, Li Wan was pleasantly surprised!
This object is not only soft and elastic, but there seems to be a mystery at the bottom, as if a pair of invisible big hands are hidden, gently massaging his buttocks.

That taste is really embarrassing and beautiful, I feel my body is light and light, and I feel so comfortable that I am about to fly...

The more Li Wan tried it, the happier he became. He looked at Lin Jian and said, "This thing is called..."


Lin Jiandao: "Princess, how do you feel?"

Li Wan nodded deeply, and said: "With this sofa, it will be much easier to be a female celebrity in the future!"

Lin Jian and Xue Chong looked at each other and smiled knowingly.

(End of this chapter)

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