Chapter 33 Catch the Thief
Xue Chong said: "Mother, you sit on this sofa, Brother Lin and I are going to have a bow!"

"and many more!"

Li Wan got up quickly and said, "It's noon soon, let's go after dinner!"

Xue Chong didn't care about himself, and looked at Lin Jian.

Lin Jiandao: "Thank you for the kindness of the eldest princess, the Cuju competition will start in a few days, we have to step up our practice!"

Li Wan felt really sorry.

He gave him such a big gift, it would be shameful not to reward him.

However, his Tianxin Pavilion is not rich.

Nominally, she is the eldest princess, but after all, she is a "second entry into the palace", and her treatment cannot be compared with those concubines and princesses at all!
If not, I don't have to work hard every day to be a female celebrity.

How to do it?

Li Wan thought for a moment, then suddenly thought of something, and shouted: "Son, wait!"

Lin Jian remained unmoved and continued to walk outside.

Xue Chong grabbed him and said, "Brother, my mother called you!"


Only then did Lin Jian realize that Li Wan was calling him.

In other words, it's been a long time since anyone called himself that!
Li Wan turned around and went back to the room, and after a while, he came out with a copper ruler.

When she reached Lin Jian, she squatted down with her skirt on her arm, put the copper ruler at Lin Jian's feet, and measured it carefully.

After measuring, Li Wan stood up, looked at Lin Jian and said, "Son, what's your name?"

"Mother, my elder brother's name is Lin Jian!"

Xue Chong answered first.

"Lin Jian..."

Li Wan was slightly taken aback, and said to himself, "Why does it sound familiar?"

At this time, a court lady came over and whispered something in Li Wan's ear, whispering.

After listening, Li Wan's expression changed, and he said in a trembling voice: "Son, you are the young master of Lin Guofu, Lin Jian who defeated the Tubo envoy by himself?"

Lin Jian scratched his head and said embarrassedly: "It was passed on by others, but it's not that amazing!"

Li Wan felt emotional for a while, and said: "I thought Lin Jian must be a middle-aged man full of knowledge and skills, but unexpectedly he is a child!"

Still call me child?
Lin Jian was speechless for a while, thinking that after a month, I will take it out to scare you!
Li Wan took a deep breath, and suddenly pulled his son, bowed down to Lin Jian, and said seriously, "Mr. Lin, please accept the obeisance of the widow's mother and son!"

"Can't, can't!"

Lin Jian was so frightened that he quickly helped Li Wan up and said, "Eldest Princess, what are you doing! If this gets out, Your Majesty will have my head chopped off!"

Li Wan looked sad, and said: "My late husband, Xue Yao, died at the hands of the Tubo people! Your son defeated the Tubo envoy, and he is the benefactor of my Xue family!"

Lin Jian even said he didn't dare.

Li Wan looked at his son and said solemnly: "Chong'er, as the saying goes, elder brother is like father! Mr. Lin is your elder brother, you have to treat him like your father, do you hear me?"

"I heard it, mother!"

Xue Chong nodded sensibly.

Li Wan said: "Mr. Lin, Chong'er is young and has a bad temper. He often causes trouble outside. If he does something wrong, discipline him for me. Don't let him get used to it!"

Lin Jiandao: "Eldest princess is serious! Although Chong'er is young, he has a very mature heart, and we will get along well!"

"That's good!"

Li Wan looked relieved and said: "Okay, you two go to play! By the way, come over tonight!"


After leaving Tianxin Pavilion, Lin Jian went back to Lin Guofu first.

Order people to go to the street to buy a lot of wood, cobblestones, cotton and other things.

Urge the carpenter to rush to make the sofa, and tell the tailor and other servants the skills of filling and wrapping the sofa.

The servants were silently speechless after hearing this.

This young master is really a prodigal!
So much cotton has to be stuffed into the chair!
If you can't finish it, you will be punished!
I made some money selling stockings, I really don't know how high the sky is!

After the explanation, Lin Jian returned to the Imperial College again to practice with his teammates...

Before I knew it, it was already dark.

Lin Jian was sweating profusely from practicing, and was about to go back home.

At this time, Xue Chong suddenly called to him, saying: "Brother, my mother asked you to go there at night, did you forget?"

Only then did Lin Jian remember, and said: "Let's go, let's go to your house first!"

When they arrived at Tianxin Pavilion, Li Wan had already prepared the meals, looked at the two of them lovingly, and said, "Wash your hands and eat first!"

They come, the security.

You have to eat food wherever you go, so Lin Jian is not polite.

After eating and drinking enough, Lin Jian was ready to go back to see how the sofa was doing.

"Son, wait!"

Li Wan suddenly called him to stop.

Lin Jiandao: "What is the eldest princess' order?"

Li Wan took out a pair of shoes from the side room and said, "Try it, see if it fits you well!"

Lin Jian put on new shoes, took a few steps back and forth, and said, "Not fat or thin, just right!"

Li Wan smiled and said, "Just as long as it fits! I made this in a hurry this afternoon, it may be a bit rough, don't hold it against me!"

"how come!"

Lin Jian tried it again, it was very comfortable!
After walking a few steps, I raised my foot to see that there were still words embroidered on the sole of the shoe!
Among them, the word "Lin" is embroidered on the left foot, and the word "Sword" is embroidered on the right foot!

Lin Jian suddenly realized!

No wonder after measuring the length and width at noon, Li Wan asked his name again. It turned out that he wanted to embroider the name on the sole of the shoe!

Really caring!
Xue Chong was very happy for Lin Jian, but he said: "Mother, you are biased, you only do it for Brother Lin, not for me!"

Li Wan spat: "You'll do it tomorrow, you think your mother has three hands, you're so ignorant!"

Xue Chong said with a "hehe" smile: "My mother's ingenuity is so ingenious, it's not like three hands!"

After finishing speaking, he walked outside: "Mom, I'm going to take a bath first, you can see Brother Lin off for me!"

Li Wan nodded.

Lin Jian hurriedly said: "No need for the eldest princess, your legs and feet are not convenient, please stay!"

Li Wan said: "Sitting on the sofa all day today, I'm not tired at all, and my legs and feet feel much better!"

While speaking, Li Wan sent Lin Jian to the door.

Seeing Lin Jian holding the motorcycle, Li Wan said thoughtfully, "Mr. Lin, this is the magic bike you rode when you competed with the Tubo envoy that day, right?"

Divine car?

Lin Jian smiled and said, "Exactly!"

Li Wan said: "Mr. Lin is really capable! My Chong'er grows up, if I can be half as good as you, I will be satisfied as a mother!"

Lin Jiandao: "Chong'er is very smart, he will definitely be stronger than me in the future!"

Hearing this, Li Wan smiled for a while, wondering if you are a big kid yourself, and you still call Chong'er "children", making it seem like you are so old!
Lin Jian was about to say goodbye.

At this time, a palace maid suddenly ran over in a hurry, and said as she ran, "Princess, it's not good, something happened!"

Li Wan frowned and said, "Why are you so flustered?"

The palace lady said: "A thief entered the yard just now, after stealing things, he jumped over the wall and ran away!"

"Have you recruited a thief?"

Li Wan was shocked and asked, "What did you steal?"

The palace maid faltered and said: "It's true... there is nothing too valuable, but the clothes you just changed, princess, the slaves put them in the basin before they had time to wash them, so the snitch snatched them! "

(End of this chapter)

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